Yearly Archive: 2018

Women Slow Pitch Softball Honors and Awards Page

  • ASA All Time Teams
  • USSSA All Time Teams
  • Women Softball Hall of Fames
ASA Criteria
All-America Selection = 1 
MVP Selection +2
Outstanding Player (Def/Off), etc Award +1
Hall of Fame Induction = +3
ASA Team of Decade - 1960's (Co-Players of the Decade - Nancy Oldham and Ida Jean Hopkins)
(5)   P    - Dot Bailey (Dana Gardens 1962-P, 63-P, 64-P, 65-P, 66-P)
(4)   C    - Erma Richardson (Dana Gardens 1966-C, 67-C, Escue Pontiac 69-C, Riverside Ford 71-C)
(3)   1B   - Pete Brown (Hornets 65-1B, Fieldcrest Mills 66-1B, Steel Concrete 67-2B)
(2)   2B   - Marge Lynk (Art's Aces 65-2B, 66-2B)
(11)  3B   - Nancy Oldham (Hickory Grove 1962-SS, Hornets 65-SS, Comets 66-3B, 69-SS-MVP, 70-Util, 72-Util, Rockets 68-3B, HOF-99)
(11)  SS   - Ida Jean Hopkins (Cadillac 1964-OF, OH Furniture 65-OF, Ridge 67-SS-MVP, 68-SS-MVP, Raney Tire 70-SS-MVP, HOF-83)
(9)   OF   - Alberta Kohl Sims (Dana Gardens 1957-Outstanding Hitter, 1962-OF, 63-OF, 64-OF-MVP, HOF-74)
(6)   OF   - Norma Eschebrenner Ante, (Dana Gardens 1963-OF, 64-OF, 66-OF, HOF-1978)
(8)   OF   - Donna Wolfe (Dana Gardens 1965-LF, 66-LF, Escue 69-SS, Rutenschroer 71-SF, Sweeney 1973-2B, (HOF-79)
(3)   OF   - Jean Lenzer (Dairy Cottage 1961-OF, Rutenschroer 64-OF, 65-OF)
(3)   OF   - Carol Smith (Rutenschroer  1961-OF, Rutenschroer 64-OF, 65-OF)
(3)   Util - Peggy Carney (Escue Pontiac 1968-P, Rutenschroer 70-1B, 71-P)
(3)   Util - Susan Clark (Steel Concrete 1967-1B, NC Rockets 68-1B, Rubi-Otts 74-1B)
(3)   Util - Jan McCunn (Phil-Queens 1963-2B, Art's Aces 65-SS, 66-SS)
(3)   Util - Patricia Dixon (WFLI 1964-SS, 65-SS, 66-SS)
(3)   Util - Peggy Andrews (Glass Rockets 1960-MVP, Hornets 65-P)
(2)   Util - Nancy Conner (Dana Gardens 1957-MVP)
(2)   Util - Edith Carter Baum (Garvin's Grill 1958-MVP)
(2)   Util - Phyllis Wright (Glass Rockets 1959-MVP)
(2)   Util - Betty Hamlin (Dana Gardens 1957-Outstanding Player)
(2)   Util - Mary Rogers (Pearl Laundry 1958-Outstanding Hitter)
(2)   Util - Margaret Tunie Dooley (Pearl Laundry 1959-Outstanding Hitter)
(2)   Util - Betty Jean Bynum (Pharr Yarn 1962-1B, 63-C)
ASA Team of Decade - 1970's (Player of the Decade - Judy Hedgecock)
(11)  P    - Judy Hedgecock (Comets 1969-P, 70-P, 72-P, Dots 75-P-MVP, 76-P, 77-P, 78-P, HOF-82)
(6)   C    - Linda Ares (Dots 1973-OF, 74-C, 75-C, 76-C, 77-C, 78-C)
(5)   1B   - Princess Carpenter (Robinettes 1970-1B, 75-1B, Stroh's 71-1B, Sweeney 73-1B-MVP)
(3)   2B   - Deb Wohler (Gremlins 1975-2B, 77-2B, 79-2B)
(3)   3B   - Marilyn Boeher (Two Cousins 1970-3B, Sorrento's Pizza 79-Util, 82-Util)
(7)   SS   - Chris Padgett (Dots 1971-SS, 73-Util, 74-SS-MVP, 75-Util, 78-3B, 79-SS)
(6)   OF   - Marilyn Busse (Comets 1966-OF, Publix Tigers 67-CF, Robinettes 73-OF, Rubi-Otts 74-Util, 76-OF-MVP)
(4)   OF   - Kara Newman (Gators 1971-3B, Dots, 74-OF, 75-OF, 76-Util (2nd))
(4)   OF   - Ernestine Hamel (Dots 1971-OF, 75-Util, 78-OF, 79-OF)
(2)   OF   - Jan Dubois (Avantis 73-OF, 75-OF)
(6)   Util - Marsha Repogle Ehler (Rutenschroer 1970-P, Riverside 72-P, Sweeney 73-P, Sorrento's 76-1B, 77-Util, 80-Util)
(4)   Util - Lewanne Fenty (Dots 1970-Util, 73-2B, 74-1B, 75-3B)
(4)   Util - Judy Lockhart (Steel Concrete 1966-Util, Rubi-Otts 73-C, 74-C, 76-C)
(4)   Util - Jenny Johnson (Comets 1970-OF, 72-Util, Sweeney Chevrolet 73-SS, 74-SS)
(3)   Util - Sandy Patten (Dots 1973-1B, 74-P, 76-1B)
(3)   Util - Beverly Shue (Rockets 1970-2B, Rubiotts 74-Util, 76-Util)
(3)   Util - Bev Beck (Rutenschroer Florist 1970-2B, 71-2B, Sorrentos 80-P, UPI/Sorrento's 86-2B)
(3)   Util - Sue Malcolm (Riverside Ford 1972-SS-MVP, Sorrento's Pizza 76-SS)
ASA Team of Decade - 1980's (Player of the Decade - Brenda Smith Foster)
(5)   P   - Nancy Garbett (Spooks 83-P, 84-Util, 87-C, 88-P, Nancy Quarve 98-P-35+)
(7)   C   - Jen Harp Oliver (Frost Cutlery 1982-A-MVP, UPI 87-Util, 91-1B, 88-C, 93-C, 94-C) HOF
(3)  1B   - Brenda Pena (Mustangs 1987-1B, 88-1B, 93-Util))
(13) 2B   - Brenda Smith Foster (Stompers 1981-2B, 82-2B-MVP, 83-2B, 84-Util, 87-2B-A-MVP, UPI 89-2B, 93-2B, 94-2B) HOF-07
(6)  3B   - Lorraine Hudson (Mustangs 1984-P, 85-3B, 86-Util, 87-Util, 89-3B, 93-3B-A)
(6)  SS   - Trina Hertzog (Mustangs 1984-SS, 85-SS, 86-Util, 87-Util, 88-SS, 89-SS)
(10) OF   - Carol Bemis (Spooks 1981-OF, 83-OF, 84-OF-MVP, 1985-OF, 87-OF, 88-OF, HOF-94)
(8)  OF   - Kathy Riley (Hoffman 77-OF-A, Darke Merchants 78-OF-A, Cannan's  1983-OF, 84-OF, 85-OF, 86-OF, 89-OF-MVP)
(9)  OF   - Linda Garbett (Spooks 81-OF, 83, 84, 86-OF, 87-OF, 88-OF, 89-OF, 90-OF-MVP)
(5)  OF   - Myra Williams (Mustangs 1986-OF, 87-OF-MVP, 89-OF, UPI/Fraley's 90-OF)
(11) Util - Linda Polley (Avanatis 1972-SS, 75-Util, Spooks 83-OF-MVP, 85-Util, 87-Util, 88-Util-MVP, HOF-94)
(9)  Util - Sherri Pickard (Rubi-Otts 78-2B, 80-2B-MVP, ??, Cannon's Silver Streak 85-Util, 86-Util, HOF-94)         
(6)  Util - Theresa Held (Spooks 1986-Util, 87-C, 88-OF, 96-OF-MVP, 97-OF)
(5)  Util - Karen Baker (Atlanta Tramps 1987-Util, UPI 88-OF, 89-OF, 93-OF, 94-OF))
(4)  Util - Judy Knight (Spooks 1984-2B, 86-2B, 86-2B, 88-2B)
(4)  Util - Darby Cottle Veazey (Tomboys 1981-SS-MVP, 86-SS, 87-Util)
(4)  Util - Terry Donahue (Stompers 1982-OF, 1983-OF, 84-Util, 85-OF)
(3)  Util - Lisa Sanchez (Illusions 88-SS, Cannan's 89-Util, 91-SS)
(3)  Util - Anna Clements (Bay Brats 1987-OF, Steele's 88-OF, Shooters 00-A, 01-OF)
(3)  Util - Bev Lovitt (Class Act 1988-OF-A, Cannan's 89-OF, 91-Util)
(3)  Util - Mitzy Davis (Cannan's Silver Streak 1984-OF, 85-OF, Cannan's 91-Util)
(3)  Util - Charlotte Dent (UPI/Sorrento's 1986-OF, 88-Util, UPI 89-OF)
(3)  Util - Carol Moering (UPI/Sorrento's 1986-OF, UPI 87-OF, 88-OF)
(3)  Util - Cynthia Cooper (Illusions 1988-OF, Cannan's 89-OF, 91-OF)
ASA Team of Decade - 1990's (Player of the Decade - Sue Bupp Iyles) - not complete (no info after 2006)
(10)  P   - Charlotte Cates (Key Ford Mustangs 1985-P-MVP, 86-P, 87-P, 88-P, 89-P, UPI 91-P, 92-P, 93-P, 94-P)
(4)   C   - Carolyn Ford (Armed Forces 1994-Util, 95-C-MVP, 97-C)
(6)  1B   - Sherri Nidiffer (Fletch's 94-1B-A, 97-1B-A, Lakerettes 01-1B, 03-3B-35+, 04-1B-35+, deja vu 06-1b-35+)
(6)  1B   - Heather Carr (Armed Forces 99-1B-A, 00-1B-A, 01-1B-A, 02-1B-A, 06-1B-MVP-West)
(13) 2B   - Sue Bupp Iyles (Barbelletes 1976 Util, 79-SS, Pacers 86-SS, 93-Util, Lakerettes 94-2B, 95-Util, 96-2B, 98-2B-MVP,
            00-Util, 00-Util-35+, 01-1B-35+, 02-Util-35+)
(9)  SS   - Cheryl Trapnell (AF 88-SS-A, 89-SS-A, 94-Util, 97-SS, 98-Util, 01-SS-MVP-A, 02-SS-A), Yard Dawgs (07-2B-35+)
(7)  SS   - Tiffany Daniels (Gav's Girls 1988-SS-A, Shooters 94-SS-A, 00-SS-A-MVP, 01-SS-MVP, 02-Util, 03-SS-East, 05-Util-East)
(6)  3B   - Gina Green (Mustangs 1986-3B, 88-2B, UPI/Fraley's 90-2B, UPI 92-Util, 93-2B, 94-3B)
(12) OF   - Jody Trimmer (Crusaders 1984-1B, Pacers 86-Util, 87-OF, 89-Util, 90-Util, 92-OF, Lakerettes 98-OF, 00-OF,  
            Long Island Tides 05-OF-East, Lakerettes 00-OF-35+, 01-OF-35+, 03-OF-35+) 
(8)  OF   - Sherri Lynn France (Bally 89-OF-A, 90-OF, 91-OF, Kinder 01-OF, 09, Diamond Queens 02-OF, Enough Said 04-OF-East, 
	    Long Haul 06-OF-East
(7)  OF   - Diane Hatch (Armed Forces 88-OF-A, 89-OF-A, Shooters 94-OF-A, 01-OF, 02-OF, 03-OF-East, 04-OF-East, 05-OF-East)
(4)  OF   - Sonia Pez (Fletch's 1997-OF-A, Lakerettes 98-OF, 00-Util-MVP-35+)
(6)  Util - Sandy Edwards (McLaughlin Oil 1989-util, UPI 92-SS-MVP, 93-SS-MVP, 94-SS)
(4)  Util - Tracey Beasley (Destin Roofing 1991-MVP-A, 93-MVP-A)
(3)  Util - Jeanne Hart (Lakerettes 1990-SS, 93-OF, 94-OF)
ASA Team of Decade - 2000's (Player of the Decade - TBD) - not complete (no info after 2006)
(11) P    - Jennifer "Sis" Woods (Lakerettes 1998-Ut, 00-Ut, 00-P-35+, 01-P-35+, 02-Ut-35+, 03-P-35+, 04-P-35+,
            Long Island Tides 05-Util-East, deja vu 06-P-35+, 07-C-35+)
(4)  C    - Robin Berkowitz (Shooters 03-C-A-East, 03-MVP, 04-C-East)
(8)  1B   - Barb Balestrinos (Lakerettes 1993-1B, 94-Ut, 00-Ut-35+, 01-OF-35+, 02-Ut-35+, 03-1B-35+, 04-Ut-35+, 05-Ut-35+)
(4)  2B   - Cara Coughenour (Long Haul 06-2B-East, 06-2B-MVP, Long Haul 04-2B-35+)
(10) SS   - Carol Byrd Lewis (Bally's 88-SS-A, Fletch's 1994-SS-MVP-A, 97-SS-MVP-A, Lakerettes 00-Ut, 01-SS-35+, 
            02-Ut-35+, 05-2B-35+, deja vu 06-3B-35+)
(10) SS   - Carol Perroz (Lakertettes 1998-SS, 00-3B, 00-3B-35+, 01-2B-35+, 02-Ut-35+, 03-Ut-35+, 04-Ut-35+,
            05-SS-35+, deja vu 06-Ut-35+, Long Island Tides 05-SS-East)
(3)  3B   - Sirene Johnson (Diamond Queens 02-3B, Enough Said 04-3B-East, Enough Said 05-3B-East)
(5)  OF   - Lisa Lines (90-Vernon's-A, Shooters 01-OF, 03-OF-East, 04-OF-East, 05-OF-East)
(3)  OF   - Tonja Russell (Shooters 00-OF-A, 02-Util, Enough Said 04-Util-East)
(3)  OF   - Karla May (Lakerettes 01-OF-35+, 02-OF-35+, deja vu 06-OF-35+)
(3)  OF   - Buffy Arms (Diamond Queens 02-OF, Enough Said 04-OF-East, Long Haul 06-OF-East)
(4)  Util - Marie Pesch (Cannan's 89-Util, 91-C-MVP, Kinder Sharks 01-C)
(4)  Util - Jamie Sheriff (Shooters 01-Util, 02-2B, 03-1B-MVP-East)
(4)  Util - Tammy Baldwin (Armed Forces 03-3B-East, 04-SS-West, 05-MVP)
(3)  Util - Kim Dean (Shooters 01-2B, 03-2B-East, 04-2B-East)
(3)  Util - Mary Hoff (Diamond Queens 02-P, Enough Said 04-P-East, Long Haul 06-P-East)
(3)  Util - Stacey Symonds (Enough Said 04-Util-East)
(3)  Util - Sondra Landry (Enough Said 04-1B-East)
(3)  Util - Bev Reeves (Enough Said 04-OF-East)
(3)  Util - Shirley Simmons Snell (Kinder Sharks 01-3B)
(3)  Util - Kat Sherer (Ladies First 05-Util-West)
ASA Women's All Time Team (All Time MVP - Brenda Smith Foster) - not completed yet
P    - Judy Hedgecock (11)
P    - Charlotte Cates (10)
P    - Jennifer "Sis" Woods (10)
C    - Jen Harp Oliver (7)
1B   - Princess Carpenter (5)
2B   - Brenda Smith Foster (13)
3B   - Nancy Oldham (11)
SS   - Ida Jean Hopkins (11)
OF   - Carol Bemis (10)
OF   - Linda Garbett (9)
OF   - Donna Wolfe (8)
OF   - Alberta Kohl Sims (7)
OF   - Norma Eschebrenner Ante (6)
Util - Sue Bupp Iyles (12)
Util - Linda Polley (11)
Util - Carol Lewis (10)
Util - Carol Perroz (10)
Util - Jody Trimmer (10)
Util - Sherri Pickard (9)
Util - Cheryl Trapnell (9)
Honorable Mention:
Barb Balestrinos (8)
Kathy Riley (8)
Chris Padgett (7)
Sherri France (7)
Diane Hatch (7)
Marsha Repogle Ehler (6)
Marilyn Busse (6)
Trina Hertzog (6)
Linda Garbett (6)
Tiffany Daniels (7)
Sandy Edwards (6)
Heather Carr (6)
Sherri Nidiffer (6)
Gina Green (6)
Theresa Held (6)
Lorraine Hudson (6)
Dot Bailey (5)
Myra Williams (5)
Karen Baker (5)
Lisa Lines (5)
NOTE: Missing the COMPLETE ASA All-American Teams from 1980, 81, 82 & 96.
Will Update when received

USSSA Criteria
All-World Selection = 1 
MVP Selection = +1
Outstanding Offensive or Defensive Award = +1
Hall of Fame Induction = 3
USSSA Team of Decade - 1970's (Player of the Decade - Jenny Johnson)
(3)   P   - Luann Grymbowski (Stan's Auto Sales 72-P, 73-P, 74-P)		1+1+1
(5)   C   - Pat Schmitt (Muxworthy's Ski-Haus 72-C, Pace 77-C, HOF-82)		1+1+3
(2)   C   - Martha Jo Kidd (Enrico's 1975-C, Sorrento's Pizza ?) 
(1)  1B   - Veronica Vunera (Stan's Auto Sales 1973-1B)
(3)  2B   - Mary West (Stan's Auto Sales 1973-2B, 74-2B-MVP)			1+1+1
(3)  3B   - Terry Waters (Stan's Auto Sales 1973-3B-MVP, 74)			1+1+1
(13) SS   - Jenny Johnson (Sweeney's 76-SS-MVP, 77-SS, Tri-State ?, Famous ???, Empress Chili 86-1B, 88-3B, 89-1B, HOF-81) (9x) 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+3
(4)  OF   - Carmen King (R.E. Stingers 76-OF, 77-OF, Taylor Stingers ?, Little Caesars 83-OF)	1+1+1+1
(2)  OF   - Evelyn Abell (Loungettes 1973-OF, 75-Util)
(3)  OF   - Nancy Izzy Forrester (Little Caesars 1977-2B, 79-OF-MVP)
(11) OF   - Lynn Putnam Gendron (Real Estate One Stingers 1976-Util, Taylor's Sports Stingers 80-OF-MVP
            Little Caesars 82-OF, 83-OF, 84-OF, Steele's Sports ?, Canton Softball Club 89-1B, HOF-91)
(1)  Util - Pam Rendine (Little Caesars 1979-SS)
(6)  Util - Susan Reidel Mitchell (Real Estate One Stingers 1975-SS, ?, Taylor's Stingers 80-OF, HOF-89)
(5)  Util - Linda McCoy (Muxworthy's Ski-Haus 72?, Pace Electronics 77-C, 78?, HOF-87)
(3)  Util - Genny Belavia (Muxworthy's Ski-Haus 72-3B-MVP, Pace Electronics 75-3B)
(2)  Util - Bev Bunny Fejerski (Pittsburgh Orioles 73-SS, Stan's Auto Sales 76-OF)
(2)  Util - Bonnie Perella (East End Debs 70-1B, East End Debs 71-3B)
(2)  Util - Debbie Cecerie (Pittsburgh Orioles 70, 71-SS)
(2)  Util - Sue Stead (East End Debs 70-SS-MVP)
(2)  Util - Jeri Reidel (East End Debs 71-P-MVP)
USSSA Team of Decade - 1980's (Player of the Decade - Lynn Putham Gendron)
(19)  P   - Brenda Ryan (Northside Knights of Columbus 1985-P-MVP, ?, ?, Empress Chili 93-OF, 95-Util-ODP,
            98-NCSM-P-MVP-35+, 99-P-35+, Ty-1 On 01-P-MVP-35+, 03-P-35+, 04-P-35+ 05-P-35+, 07-B, HOF-02)
(7)   C   - Kay Gilbert (Virginia Belles ?, ?, ?, 89-A?, HOF-90)
(9)  1B   - Jackie Huggins (? 72?, Little Caesars 1983-1B, 84-1B, Taylor's Sports Stingers 79-1B, 80-IF, HOF-86)
(7)  2B   - Sharon Graham (Empress Chili 1983-2B, 88-2B, ?, ?, HOF-97)
(8)  3B   - Pam Patrus (Famous Recipe 83-3B, 84-UT, Empress Chili 88-P-MVP, 90-P, HOF-95)
(14) SS   - Sue Kozoil (Steele's Sports 1987-SS-MVP, 88-SS, Canton Softball Club 89-SS-MVP, Lady Blue 
            92-SS-MVP, 93-SS, 94-SS, UPI/Kinder 96-SS, Kinder Sharks 01-SS, HOF-01)
(11) OF   - Lynn Putnam Gendron (Real Estate One Stingers 1976-Util, Taylor's Sports Stingers 80-OF-MVP
            Little Caesars 82-OF, 83-OF, 84-OF, Steele's Sports ?, ?, Canton Softball Club 89-1B, HOF-91)
(9)  OF   - Dottie Davis (Little Caesars 1979-OF, 84-OF-MVP, Empress Chili 86-OF-ODP, Steele's 87-OF, HOF-85)
(6)  OF   - Tina May Tuck (Famous Recipe 1984-OF, Empress Chili 88-OF, 89-OF, 90-OF, 94-OF)
(6)  OF   - Velma Lehmann (Famous Recipe 1982-OF, Empress Chili 86-OF, 87-OF, HOF-92)
(13) Util - Jan Deters (Famous Recipe 1982-OF, 83-OF, 84-C, Empress Chili 86-C, 87-C, 88-C, ?, 
	    07-Ohio Cardinals-MVP, HOF-89) (8x)
(13) Util - Jenny Johnson (Sweeney's 1976-SS-MVP, 77-SS, Tri-State Auctions ?, Famous Recipe ???,
            Empress Chili 86-1B, 88-3B, 89-1B, HOF-81) (9x)
(6)  Util - Lyn Rose (Empress Chili 1987-OF, 89-OF, 90-OF, HOF-98)
(6)  Util - Joanne Van Vliet (Mr. A's Express 1988-SS, 89-SS, 90-SS, 90-ODPA, HOF-94)
(4)  Util - Linda Mueller McIntyre (Little Caesars 84-Util, HOF-84)
(3)  Util - Mary Strotman (Empress Chili 1986-OF-MVP, 89-EH)
(3)  Util - Patty Silya (Taylor Sports Stingers 1980-OF, Little Caesars 83-SS-MVP)
(3)  Util - Carol Byrd Lewis (Encore 80-SS-MVP-A)
(3)  Util - Laura Fillip (HOF-93)
	  - Mary Crechiolo
1990 Version USSSA Womens All Time Team -Pts
P - Pam Patrus Empress 7
C - Pat Schmitt Pace 5
1B -Jackie Huggins Lady Blue 7.5
2B -Mary West Stan's 4
3B-Sandy Mader Cannans 5
SS-Sue Koziol Steele's 13
OF-Lynn Gendron Little Caesars 11
OF-Dottie Davis Lady Blue 8
OF-Allison Cole Lady Blue 8
OF-Velma Lehman Empress 6

USSSA Team of Decade - 1990's (Player of the Decade - Mary Hoff)
(24) P    - Mary Hoff (Lady Comets 1984-1B, Canton Softball Club 89-P, Lady Blue 91-P-MVP, 92-P, 93-P, UPI-98-P, 
            Santa Monica Yankees 99-P-MVP, Armstrong Lady Rebels 03-P-MVP, ABP/Kinder 00-P, Long Haul/Enough Said 05-P-OOP,
            05-P-Black-MVP, 06-P-ODP, 07-P, 07-P-Black, HOF-05)
(12) C    - Marie Pesch (Cannan's Illusions 90-C, 92-C, 93-C, 95-C, 96-C, UPI 98-C, Kinder Sharks, 02-C, 04-C-OOP, HOF-08) 
(4) 1B    - Lori Erpenbeck (Aero Battery 1990-1B, Salem Hawks 92-1B, 93-1B, Lady Blue 94-1B)
(12) 2B   - Theresa Shephard (Empress Chili 1990-3B, 93-3B, 95-3B, Cannan's 96-2B, 97-2B, ABP/Kinder 00-3B, Kinder Sharks 02-2B, 
            04-2B-OOP, 08-2B ... 95-MVP-Black)
(7)  SS   - Lisa Sanchez (Cannan's 1990-SS, 96-SS-MVP, ABP/Kinder 00-SS-OOP, Kinder Sharks 01-SS-ODPA, 02-SS)
(15) 3B   - Sandy Mader (Cannan's Illusions 1993-3B, 94-3B-MVP, 95-3B, 96-3B, Aero Battery 94-3B-MVP-OOP-Black, 95-3B-OOP-Black 
            96-3B-MVP-Black, Sierra/Illusions 97-3B-Mixed, 98-3B-ODP, HOF-00)
(16) OF   - Bev Lovett (Cannan's Illusions 1990-OF-MVP, 94-OF, 96-OF-OOP, Aero Battery 94-OF-Black, 95-OF-Black, 
            Sierra/Illusions 97-OF-MVP-Mixed, 98, UPI 98-OF, Dynamite Sports 00-OF-Black, 01-OF-Black, 02-OF-Black, HOF-03)
(13) OF   - Allison Cole (Steele's Sports 1988-OF, Canton Softball Club 89-OF, Lady Blue 91-OF, 92-OF, 93-OF, 94-OF-OOP, 
            UPI/Kinder 97-OF, UPI 98-OF-MVP, HOF-96)
(13) OF   - Sherri Lynn France (Salem Hawks 1992-OF, 93-OF, UPI/TPS 95-OF-MVP, UPI/Kinder 96-OF, 97-OF, UPI 98-OF, 
            ABP/Kinder 00-OF-MVP, 01, Long Haul/Enough Said 05-OF-Black-OOP, 06-OF-Black)
(10) OF   - Kathy Riley (L&K Trophy 75-SS-B, Cannan's Illusions 1990-OF, 92-OF, 94-OF, UPI/Kinder 97-OF, UPI 98-OF, 
            Premier Motor Sports 00-OF, HOF-99
(9)  Util - Leslie Cantor (Steele's Sports 88-3B, Canton Softball Club 89-2B, HOF-07) 6x
(6)  Util - Mary Jane "MJ" Ranz (Empress Chili 95-OF, 96-OF, ABP/Kinder 00-OF, Kinder Sharks, 02-OF-MVP, Ty-1-On 03-35+)
(4)  Util - Michele Thompson (UPI/Kinder 96-OF-ODP, 97-OF-OOP)
(4)  Util - Cathy Bradley (Enough Said 06, 06-Black, 07-Black-OOP)
(3)  Util - Mitzi Davis (Cannan's Illusions 92-P, 93-P, 96-OF)
(3)  Util - Meme Vincl (Cannan's Illusions 92-OF, 93-OF-MVP)
(3)  Util - Patrice Detlie (Diamond Queens 98-ODP, ABP/Kinder 00)
(3)  Util - Shannon Ellingsworth (Cannan's Illusions 94-2B, ABP/Kinder 00-2B, Kinder Sharks 04-2B)
USSSA Team of Decade - 2000 (Player of the Decade - TBD) - not complete (no info after 2006)
(10) P    - Dena Stacks (Action Awards 97-Mixed-P, Yard Dawgs 05-A-P, 05-P-35+, 06-P-35+, 07-P-35+)
(5)  2B   - Jackie Watkins (Diamond Queens 98-2B, Snap, Krackle & Pop 99-2B-35+, HOF-04)
(5)  SS   - Shelly Cummins (Auto Body Panel 92-SS, Ty-1-On 03-SS-MVP-35+, 04-SS-35+, 05-SS-35+)
(9)  IF   - Sirene Johnson (Enough Said 05-IF, 05-IF-Black-MVP, 06-IF-Black-MVP, 07, 07-Black)
(9)  OF   - Theresa Hirschauer (Empress 93-OF, Kinder Sharks 02-OF, 03-OF, 04-OF, Ty-1-On 03-OF-ODP, 04-OF-MVP, 07-B)
(6)  OF   - Anna Clements (Shooters 00-OF, 01-OF-MVP, HOF-06)
(6)  Util - Rhonda Graham (Yard Dawgs 05-A, 05-MVP-35+, 07-B, 07-35+)
(11) Util - Stacie Symonds (Enough Said 05, 05-Black, 06, 06-Black-OOP, 07-MVP, 07-Black, Just Enough 06-Mixed)
(3)  Util - Buffy Arms (Diamond Queens 02, Armstrong Lady Rebels 03-ODP)

USSSA Women's All-Time Team  (All Time MVP - Mary Hoff)
P    - Mary Hoff (24)
P    - Brenda Ryan (19)
C    - Marie Pesch (12)
1B   - Jackie Huggins (9)
2B   - Theresa Shephard (12)
3B   - Sandy Mader (15)
SS   - Sue Kozoil (14)
OF   - Bev Lovett (16)
OF   - Allison Cole (13)
OF   - Sherri Lynn France (13)
OF   - Lynn Putnam Gendron (11)
OF   - Kathy Riley (10)
OF   - Dottie Davis (9)
Util - Jenny Johnson (13)
Util - Jan Deters (13)
Util - Stacie Symonds (11)
Util - Leslie Cantor (9)
Util - Sirene Johnson (9)
Util - Pam Patrus (8)
Util - Theresa Shephard (8)
Util - Theresa Hirschauer (8)
Util - Kay Gilbert (7)
Util - Lisa Sanchez (7)
Util - Sharon Graham (7)
Honorable Mention:
Susan Reidel Mitchell (6)
Tina May Tuck (6)
Velma Lehmann (6)
Lyn Rose (6)
Joanne Van Vliet (6)
Mary Jane "MJ" Ranz (6)
Anna Clements (6)
Rhonda Graham (6)
NOTE: Missing the COMPLETE USSSA All-World Teams from 1969, 72, 74, 78, 81, 91, 99 & 03.
NOTE: Special Mention for Senior Softball
(10 All Worlds, 4 MVPs) - Reenie Fitzgerald - She played with several legendary Greater Cincinnati teams during her early career, 
including Dairy Cottage (1964-1968), Escue Pontiac (1969), Tri-State Auction (1970) and Cincinnati Cardinals (1973-1975). 
But it wasn’t until Reenie began to play in the Masters and Senior program that she really hit her stride. In 1993, she joined 
Northern Cincinnati Sports Medicine, which captured the USSSA Women’s 35-Over World Tournament in Columbia, SC.
Reenie had finally won a World Tournament and was named to her first All-World team. Northern Cincinnati Sports Medicine went 
on to win two more 35-Over Worlds in 1998 and 1999, then she then joined the Ohio Cardinals in 1999. Over the next twelve years, 
the Cardinals won eight world titles. Reenie has been named to ten All-World teams, and earned four World Tournament MVP awards. 
Primarily a pitcher, her lifetime won-loss record is an incredible 345-92, and she is 56-9 in world tournament play.
Reenie boasts a career batting average of .620

1969 - Manager - Carol Ann Funk, Hi-Landers
1972 - Sharon Kowalski, Musworthy
1977 - Pitcher - Mary Ellen Ford, Pace
1978 - Catcher - Linda McCoy, Pace
1978 - SS - Carol Dwyer, Pace
1980 - Catcher - Linda McCoy, Pace
1980 - 1B - Biz Bush, Pace
1970 - Pitcher - Laura Roundtree, Jacksonville Pacers
1974 - Pitcher - Jami Friedman, Jacksonville Pacers
1975 - SS - Debbie McLane, Jacksonville Pacers
1975 - 1B - Laura Rountree, Jacksonville Pacers
1975 - OF - Bunny Riley, Jacksonville Pacers
1980 - Pitcher - Jami Friedman, Jacksonville Pacers
1980 - Catcher - Melinda Germain, Jacksonville Pacers
1980 - OF - Bunny Riley, Jacksonville Pacers
1981 - Manager - Shirley Jackson, Belles

Women’s Softball Hall of Fames

ASA Women's Slow Pitch Hall of Fame Members
(ASA All-America Teams and ASA National MVP's Listed)
1976 	(OF) Alberta Kohl Sims, Alexandria, KY  - (3 All Americans, 1 MVP)
1978 	(OF) Norma Eschebrenner Ante, Cincinnati, OH  - (3 All Americans)
1979 	(OF) Donna Wolfe, Covington, KY  - (5 All Americans)
*1982 	(P)  Judy Hedgecock, Satellite Beach, FL  - (7 All Americans, 1 MVP)
1983 	(SS) Ida Jean Hopkins, Cleveland, OH  - (5 All Americans, 3 MVPs)
1994 	(OF) Carol Bemis, Golden Valley, MN  - (6 All Americans, 1 MVP)
1994 	(2B) Sherri Pickard, Raleigh, NC  - (5 All Americans, 1 MVP)
1994 	(SS) Linda Polley, Champlin, MN  - (6 All Americans, 2 MVPs)
1999 	(3B) Nancy Oldham, Sanford, NC  - (7 All Americans, 1 MVP)
2007 	(2B) Brenda Smith Foster, Mechanicsville, VA  - (8 All Americans, 2 MVPs)
2008 	(C)  Jen Harp Oliver, Chattanooga, TN  - (5 All Americans, 1 MVP)

USSSA Women's Hall of Fame Members
(USSSA All-World Teams and USSSA National MVP's Listed)
1981	(SS) Jenny Johnson, Franklin, IN  - (9 All Worlds, 1 MVP)
1982	(C)  Pat Schmitt, Rochester, NY  - (2 All Worlds)
1984	(2B  Linda Mueller McIntyre, Royal Oak, MI  - (1 All World)
1985	(OF) Dottie Davis, Milan, MI  - (3 All Worlds, 1 MVP)
1986	(1B) Jackie Huggins, Detroit, MI  - (6 All Worlds)
1987	(OF) Linda McCoy, Rochester, NY  - (3 All Worlds)
1988	(C)  Jan Deters, Cincinnati, OH  - (7 All Worlds)
1989	(SS) Susan Riedel-Mitchell, Detroit, MI  - (3 All Worlds)
1990	(C)  Kaye Gilbert, South Boston, MA  - (4 All Worlds)
1991	(OF) Lynn Putham Gendron, Taylor, MI  - (8 All Worlds, 1 MVP)
1992	(OF) Velma Lehmann, Cincinnati, OH  - (3 All Worlds)
1993	(1B) Lauren Fillipp, Buffalo Grove, IL  - (0 All Worlds)
1994	(SS) Jo Ann van Vliet, Ceres, CA  - (3 All Worlds)
1995	(3B) Pam Patrus, Cincinnati, OH  - (4 All Worlds, 1 MVP)
1996	(OF) Allison Cole, Wyandotte, MI  - (8 All Worlds, 1 MVP)
1997	(2B) Sharon Graham, Cincinnati, OH  - (4 All Worlds)
1998	(OF) Lyn Rose, Cincinnati, OH  - (3 All Worlds)
1999	(OF) Kathy Riley, Farmville, VA  - (6 All Worlds)
2000	(3B) Sandy Mader, Clute, TX  - (8 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)
2001	(SS) Sue Kozoil, Cleveland, OH  - (8 All Worlds, 3 MVPs)
2002	(P)  Brenda Ryan, Cincinnati, OH  - (11 All Worlds, 3 MVPs)
2003	(OF) Beverly Lovett, Little Rock, AR - (11 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)
2004	(2B) Jackie Watkins, Nashville, TN - (2 All Worlds)
2005	(P)  Mary Hoff, Tallassee, FL - (11 All Worlds, 3 MVPs)
2006	(OF) Anna Clements, Florida - (2 All Worlds, 1 MVP)
2007	(2B) Leslie Cantor, Tampa, FL - (6 All Worlds)	
2008	(2B) Marie Pesch, Pflugerville, TX - (8 All Worlds)
2009 	(OF) Meme Vencl Thompson, Menor, OH - Lady Blue
2011 	(OF) Sherri Lynn France, Melbourne, FL - UPI, Kinder Sharks, Enough Said
2012 	Mary Crechiolo Papiersky, Westland, MI - Stingers, Little Caesars
2013 	(OF) Mary Jane “MJ” Ranz, Cincinnati, OH - Northside K of C, Kinder Sharks
2014	Tina May-Tuck, OH (6x)

NSA Women's Slow Pitch Hall of Fame Members
(NSA All-America Teams and NSA National MVP's Listed)
2003 	Shannon Simpson, Kissimmee, FL - (8 Youth World Series, Miss NSA-1999)

ISA Women's Slow Pitch Hall of Fame Members
(ISA All-America Teams and ISA National MVP's Listed)
None Selected

Women's Slow Pitch Hall of Fame Non-Playing Members
ASA Women Managers
1976 *	Commie Currens, Cincinnati, OH - Dana Gardens (Champs 57, 62, 63, 64, 66, 2nd 67)
1978	Duke Denson, Jacksonville, FL - Rebels (2nd 74, 75)
1978 *	Leroy Rutenschroer, Cincinnati, OH - Rutenschroer Florist (Champs 70, 2nd 62, 64)

ASA Women Sponsor Category
2002	Bill Fraley, Lexington, KY - Fraley's Wildcats Sponsor/Manager (2nd 90, 94-A, 98-A)

USSSA Women Managers
1980	Duane McCoy, Rochester, NY - Muxworthy's Ski Haus (Champs-72), Pace (Champs 76, 2nd 77)
1994 *	Allen Campbell, Plymouth, MI - Taylors (Champs 80), Little Caesars (Champs 83, 84), 
	Canton Softball Club (Champs 96), Lady Blue (Champs 91, 92, 93), Cannan's (Champs 96) 
2006 	Colleen Needham, Cincinnati, OH - Famous Recipe (2nd 82, 83), Empress Chili (Champs 86, 87, 88, 
	2nd 89, 90, 95), Ty-1-On (35+ Champs 01, 03, 04, 05), Ohio Cardinals (50+ Champs 00, 01, 02, 03)

USSSA Women Special Category
1988	Mildred Burrell, Chesterfield, VA - Virginia Belles Manager (Champs 81, 89-A)
2006 	Patrick Kehoe, Rochester, NY - Pace Electronics Sponsor (Champs 76, 2nd 77)
* Deceased

Women and Co-Ed Nationals

  • ASA Women’s World Series
  • USSSA Women’s World Series
  • ISA Women’s World Series
  • NSA Women’s World Series
  • SSAA Women’s World Series
  • WSL Women’s North American Championships
  • SSWC Women’s World Championships
  • ISSA Women’s World Championships
  • SSWS Women’s World Championships
  • SPA Women’s National Championships
  • ISF Women’s World Cup
  • HWSG Women’s World Senior Championships
  • NSGA National Senior Games Association (Senior Olympics)
  • USSSA Women’s Speciality World Series

ASA Women’s Class-A Slow Pitch National Champions (1973-2002)
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Batting Avg. Leader (if known)
	Home Run Leader (if known)
1973	Redford Stingers, Detroit, MI		Goodnough Plumbettes, Monroe, IL	
	MVP - No MVP awarded
	Batting Leader - no info
	Home Run Leader - no info
1974 	Seaman's IGA, Athens, OH		Patriots, Cincinnati, OH	
	MVP - Janeen Sands, Seaman's IGA (5-0 pitching, 1 shutout, 13 runs in 5 games, including a 7-6 final)
	Members of All Tournament Team from Seaman's IGA - Pam Burch, Sue Reed and Cinny Pettibone
	(not completed due to weather, Seaman's won WB final over Patriots, 2 other teams left in Losers Bracket)	
	MVP - No MVP awarded
	Batting Leader - no info  
	Home Run Leader - no info
1975 	Shamrocks, Winston-Salem, NC		Seaman's IGA, Athens, OH	
	MVP - No MVP awarded
	Batting Leader - no info
	Home Run Leader - Brenda Cough, Shamrocks - 3 HRs
1976 	Rustic Bar, Duluth, MN			Armed Forces, Indiantown Gap, PA	
	MVP - No MVP awarded
	Batting Leader - Fran Hershey, Hoffman Products (11-16) - .688
	Home Run Leader - no info
1977 	Cotter's Penn Hills, Verona, PA		Hoffman Products, York, PA	
	MVP - Cindy 'Duck" Dauer, Cotter's Village Lounge of Penn Hills
	Batting Leader - Laura Disney, Cincinnati Savings & Loan - .667
	Home Run Leader - Monica Pellman, Wheel Cafe - 3
1978 	Stillwater A's, Stillwater, OK		S&B Construction Raiders, Stockton, CA	
	MVP - Sadie Atad, S&B Construction Raiders
	Batting Leader - Terry Dickey, Darke County Merchants - .654
	Home Run Leader - no info
1979 	Northside K of C, Cincinnati, OH	Straight Arrow, Nashville, TN
	MVP - Missy Merroll, Northside Knights of Columbus
	Batting Leader - Missy Merroll, Knights of Columbus (18-22) - .818
	Home Run Leader - no info	
1980 	Encore, Prince George County, MD	Larry's Cabinets, Everette, WA
	MVP - Carol Byrd, Encore
	Batting Leader - Connie Culbreth, Spartansburg - .750	
	Home Run Leader - no info
1981 	Orlando Stars, Orlando, FL (50-15)	Nashville Express, Nashville, TN	
	MVP - Winnie Dodgion, Orlando Stars (7-1 pitching)
	Batting Leader - ?
	Home Run Leader - ?
1982 	Circle K Roadrunners, Tempe, AZ		Frost Cutlery, Chattanooga, TN
	MVP - Jennifer Oliver, Frost Cutlery (3 HRs)
	Outstanding Pitcher Award - Ruth Patterson, Frost Cutlery
	Outstanding Defensive Player - Cassandra Landers, Circle K
	Batting Leader - Judy Wrather, Stagg's Mustangs - .650
	Home Run Leader - Jennifer Oliver, Frost Cutlery - 3
1983 	Somerset, Sacramento, CA		Sonny's BBQ, Tallahassee, FL
	MVP - Shelly Van Drimmellen, Somerset
	Batting Leader - Cindy Simpkins, Barger Mattson Auto Salvage - .708
	Home Run Leader - Brenda LaBrum, Barger Mattson Auto Salvage
1984 	Mr A's Express, Sacramento, CA		Sonny's BBQ, Tallahassee, FL
	MVP - Pam Katros, Mr A's Express
	Batting Leader - Amy O'Conner, Bud Light - .714
	Home Run Leader - Rhonda Rassmussen, Caddy Shack - 4
1985 	Tuffie's, Bloomington, MN		Zapata, Muskogee, OK
	MVP - Lori McCracken, Tuffie's
	Batting Leaders - Lynn Anderson, Granite City Dental - .600
	Batting Leaders - Barbara Angy, Bally - .600
	Home Run Leader - Leslie McCarnie, Bally - 3
1986 	Comfort Inn, Raleigh, NC		Lotsa Hotsa Pizza, Salt Lake City, UT
	MVP - M. Sue Williams, Comfort Inn
	Batting Leader - Dee Odem, MPM - .882
	Home Run Leader - Coleen Lambert, Barger Mattson Auto Salvage - 2
1987 	Stompers, Richmond, VA			Lady Cougars, Orlando, FL
	MVP - Brenda Smith, Stompers
	Batting Leader - Jenny Vilderbill, Vernon's - .667
	Home Run Leaders - Brenda Smith, Stompers - 2 HRs
	Home Run Leaders - Barb Schaaf, Angels - 2 HRs
1988 	Bally's, Orlando, FL			Armed Forces, Nashville, TN
	MVP - Yvonne Devlin, Bally
	Batting Leader - Barb Angy, Bally's - .696
	Home Run Leader - Jamie Kuhn, Class Act - 3
1989 	Bally's, Orlando, FL			Armed Forces, Nashville, TN
	MVP - Sheree Patrick, Bally
	Batting Leader - Kim Hawkins, The Who - .682
	Home Run Leader - Regina Millines, Coors Silver Bullets - 2
1990 	Vernon's C&D, Jacksonville, FL		Armed Forces, Nashville, TN
	MVP - Jamie Friedman, Vernon's C&D
	Batting Leader - Ellen Colley, Destin Roofing- .700
	Home Run Leader - Marilynn Miles, Casa Nova's - 3
1991 	Destin Roofing, Destin, FL		Papa John's Rogues, Louisville, KY
	MVP - Tracy Beasley, Destin Roofing
	Batting Leader - Jamie Kuhn, Arkansas A's - .667
	Helen Kelcher, Destin and Cathy Bradley, Outburst - 2 HRs
1992 	Drug Free Stars, Millersville, MD	Anderson Auto, Norristown, PA
	MVP - Mary Beck, Drug Free Stars
	Batting Leader - Sally Maher, Bricker Restaurant - .800
	Home Run Leader - Mary Beck, Drug Free Stars - 5
1993 	Destin Roofing, Destin, FL		Jax Posse, Jacksonville, FL
	MVP - Tracy Beasley, Destin Roofing
	Batting Leader - Maria McMullen, Destin Roofing - .550
	Home Run Leader - Rachel Stone, Bandits - 2
1994 	Fletch's, Newark, DE			Fraley's Wildcats, Lexington, KY
	MVP - Carol Lewis, Fletch's
	Batting Leader - Kelli Edwards, Fraley's Wildcats- .813	
1995 	Doc's, Jacksonsville, FL		Perky Café, Norristown, PA
	MVP - Sue Widowson, Jacksonville Doc's
	Batting Leaders - Mary Gatlin, Doc's - .706
	Batting Leaders - Libby Parish, Lady Stings - .706
	Home Run Leader - Shirley Cummons, Orthopedic Institute - 2 HRs
1996 	Fletch's Softball Club, Newark, DE	Shooters, Orlando, FL
	MVP - Bev Jack, Fletch's
	Batting Leader - Lynda Spinazola, Casey's Shell - .575	
	Home Run Leader - ?
1997 	Fletch's Softball Club, Newark, DE	Shooters, Orlando, FL
	MVP - Carol Lewis, Fletch's
	Batting Leader - Kelli Edwards, Fraley's - .706	
	Home Run Leader - ?
1998	Orthopedic Institute, Dayton, OH	Fraley's Wildcats, Lexington, KY
	- MVP and leaders selected from combined "A" and Major classes 
	MVP - Sue Ilyes, Lakerettes (Major)
	Batting Leader - Michelle Harper, Personal Management (Class-A)- .750
	Home Run Leaders - Wanda Graham, Armed Forces (Major) - 5
	Home Run Leaders - Mandy van Dyke, Ortho. Inst. (Class-A) - 5
1999	Macken/Budweiser, Rochester, MN		Fox Force, Dothan, AL
	MVP - Patricia Etchason, Macken
	Batting Leader - Angel Floyd, MRC's Shiva - .750	
	Home Run Leader - ?
2000	Shooters/Miken, Orlando, FL		Armed Forces/Team USA, San Diego, CA	
	MVP - Tiffany Daniels, Shooters
	Batting Leader - Tonja Russell, Shooters - .769	
	Home Run Leader - ?	
2001	Armed Forces, Ft Indiantown Gap, PA	Reamstown AA, Reamstown, PA
	MVP - Cheryl Trapnell, Armed Forces
	Batting Leader - Connie Holifield, Cruisers
	Home Run Leaders - Heather Carr, Armed Forces
	Home Run Leaders - Abby Thompson, The Oath
2002	Armed Forces, Jacksonville, FL		Macken Plumbing, Rochester, MN
	MVP - No MVP awarded
	Batting Leader - Autumn Brown, Armed Forces - .727
	Home Run Leader - Heather Carr, Armed Forces - 1
2003	- Class-A Discontinued
	The Women's "A" Nationals along with the Major and "B" Nationals, merged into the "Open" East vs West National Championship Series in 2003
	ASA combined the Women's Class Major, Class- A and Class-B into the "Open' Class
ASA Women's Open Class National Championships

ASA Women's Class-B Slow Pitch National Champions (1988-2002)
Year	Champion					Runner-up
1987	- cancelled					N/A
1988	Simpson's NCR, Fairfax, VA			?
1989 	Nothing But The Truth, Virginia Beach, VA 	Spirits, Orlando, FL
1990 	Tenn Tom, Columbus, MS 				Tampa Renegades, Tampa, FL
1991 	Portland Reign, Portland, OR 			Travelers, Freeport, NY
1992 	San Antonio Cannan's, San Antonio, TX 		?
1993 	Hub Chrysler, South Evanston, IL 		?
1994 	Long Island Travelers, Baldwin, NY 		Case Construction Company, Seattle, WA 
1995 	Uniform Pro's Mice, Northport, NY 		?
1996	Lil Teche, Metaire, LA				Pirates, Rhonert Park, CA
1997	University Firestone, Jacksinville, FL		Uniform Pro's Mice, Northport, NY
1998	BAJB-Texas Heat, Austin, TX			Legends' Lighthouse/Glade Valley, Frederick, MD
1999	No Idea, San Antonio, TX			Ten 1/2 Maniacs, Redondo Beach, CA
2000	Stewart Glapat, Zanesville, OH			Lady Cruisers, Grenada, MS 
	The Women's Class-B Nationals went from one National Championship to the East vs West series format starting in 2001
2001	S&S/LeBleu/Lawrence, Belews Creek, NC (East)	Texas Heat, Austin, TX (West) 		- (3 games to 0)
2002	Max Magee's Pub, Boothwyn, PA (East)		Team Xtreme, Seattle, WA (West) 	- (3 games to 2)
2003	- Class-B Discontinued
	The Women's "B" Nationals along with the Major and "A" Nationals, merged into the "Open" East vs West National Championship Series in 2003
ASA Women's Open Class National Championships
ASA Women's Class-C Slow Pitch National Champions (1987- )
Year	Champion					Runner-up
1987 	Paul Brown/Pierce's Sport, Mt. Vernon, OH 	Jammers, Tuscaloosa, FL
1988 	Tri-City/Reliable, West, AZ 			Tucson Outlaws, Tucson, AZ
1989 	Tucson Outlaws, Tucson, AZ			Mavericks, Warner-Robbins, GA
1990 	Chicago Title Phillys, Hurst, TX		Leopold's Pony Express
1991 	San Antonio Cannans, San Antonio, TX		? 
1992 	Griffin, Pembroke Pines, FL			? 
1993 	Trailblazers, Sterling Heights, MI		? 
1994 	Sunbelt Plastics, Macon, GA			Aces, Florence, SC
1995 	Murphy's Law, Orlando, FL			? 
1996	Baytown Angels, Baytown, TX			R.I.P. Softball, Durham, NC
1997	San Antonio Magic, San Antonio, TX		Legend-Maryland, Frederick, MD
1998	Lyle's Wolfpack, Washington			Spectators, Action, ME
1999	Forsgren, Ft. Smith, AK				?
2000	Austin Thunder, Austin, TX			Lady Hurricans, Grand Bay, AL
	The Women's Class-C Nationals went from one National Championship to the East vs West series format starting in 2001
2001	Team Xtreme, Puyallup, WA (West)		Murphy's Law, Winter Park, FL (East) 		- (3 games to 2)
2002	WET/Miken Softball, Columbia, KY (East)		Minot Chiropractic, Minot, ND (West) 		- (3 games to 0)
2003	Traders, Collierville, TN (East)		Lugnuts, Columbia, MO (West) 			- (3 games to 1)
2004	Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA (East)			Chucky's Pride, San Francisco, CA (West) 	- (3 games to 2)
2005	C&C Knights, Adell, IA (West #2)		Travel America, Grenada, MS (East) 		- (3 games to 1)
2006	Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC (East)		ECI/SLI, Olathe, KS (West) 			- (3 games to 2)
2007	Bill Fraley's Wildcats, Lexington, KY (East)	WTS Softball Crew, Lancaster, CA (West) 	- (3 games to 1)
2008	Alex's Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA (East)		Lookouts, Houston, TX (West)			- (3 games to 1)
2009	Low Bob's, Harrodsburg, KY (East)		Springfield Crush, Springfield, MO (West)	- (3 games to 1)
The Women's "C" Nationals went from the East vs West series format to the 4 Corners format starting in 2010, BUT, no National Championship was held
2010	 - No Class-C National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
2011	 - No Class-C National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
2012	 - No Class-C National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
2013	 - No Class-C National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
	The Women's "C" Nationals went from the 4 Corners format back to just one Class-C National Championship Tournament
2014 	Devils, St. Paul, MN 				Moor Woble/Bill Long Trucking, Missoula, MT
2015 	- Cancelled					N/A
2016	- Cancelled					N/A
2017	- Cancelled					N/A

ASA Women's Slow Pitch Class-D National Champions (1991- )
Year	Champion					Runner-up
1991 	Rohnert Park Pirates, Rohnert Park, CA 		?
1992 	Lock-N-Load, Arroyo Grande, CA			? 
1993 	All Phase Plumbers, Gilroy, CA			? 
1994 	T's Gang, Fort Smith, AR 			Angle Inn Ultimate, Baltimore, MD
1995 	Happitime, Cedar Rapids, IA			?
1996	Shooters, Kent, WA				J&W Steel, Shreveport, LA
1997	Blockheads, Fairbanks, AK			Nill Brothers Sports/Robin Chiro., Overland Park, KS
1998	Forsgren, Ft. Smith, AR				?
1999	Drambuie Drillers, Ft. Smith, AR		W.E.T., Central, KY
2000	Stark's Holiday Bar, Warren, OH			Tailgaters, Oley, PA
	The Women's Class-D Nationals went from one National Championship to the East vs West series format starting in 2001
2001	Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC (East)		Tony's, Dallas, TX (West) 			- (3 games to 0)
2002	Get Dirty, Albuquerque, NM (West)		USA Team Sports, Severna Park, MD (East) 	- (3 games to 0)
2003	Carpet Specialists, Riverside, IA (West)	Senunas' Pub, Wilkes Barre, PA (East) 		- (3 games to 0)
2004	Stingers, Lexington, KY (East)			ECI, Topeka, KS (West) 				- (3 games to 2)
2005	Lady Outlaws, Jacksonville, FL (East)		D&A Trucking, Wichita, KS (West) 		- (3 games to 0)
2006	Springfield Crush, Springfield, MO (West)	Critter Getter, Tallahassee, FL (East) 		- (3 games to 2)
2007	Lady Blue Jays, San Antonio, TX (West)		Paver Pro Unlimted, Fort Myers, FL (East) 	- (3 games to 2)
2008	Elliott Communications, Olathe, KS (West)	Dynamic Duels, Winter Springs, FL (East)	- (3 games to 0)
2009	BW3/K&G, Warren, OH (East)			PDX Softball, Newberg, OR (West)		- (3 games to 0)
The Women's "D" Nationals went from the East vs West series format to the 4 Corners format starting in 2010, BUT, no National Championship was held
2010	 - No Class-D National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
2011	 - No Class-D National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
2012	 - No Class-D National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
2013	 - No Class-D National Championship held, just Regional 4 Corners were held with 4 separate national champions
	The Women's "D" Nationals went from the 4 Corners format back to just one Class-D National Championship Tournament
2014 	- Cancelled					N/A
2015 	Arc Angels, New Hampshire 			CSI, Glen Allen, VA
2016	CSI/Cole Insurance, Glen Allen, VA		Driftwood, North Dakota
2017	CSI/Sniper Sports/Cole Ins., Glen Allen, VA	Ocean Armory, East Hampton, NJ

Women's Class-B East vs West Championships (2001-2002)
Year Area   Champion					Runner-up
2001 East - S&S/Le Bleu/Lawrence Ptg, Belews Creek, NC 	-Jeneane's @ Pinebrook, Macon, GA 
2001 West - Texas Heat, Austin, TX 			-Texas Crush, Highlands, TX
2002 East - Max Magee's Pub, Boothwyn, PA 		-Made to Order, Chicago, IL 
2002 West - Team Xtreme, Seattle, WA 			-Elbowroom, Missoula, MT 
2003 -	    - Not Held - Class-B Discontinued
The Women's "B" Nationals along with the Major and "A" Nationals, merged into the "Open" East vs West National Championship Series in 2003

Women's Class-C East vs West Championships (2001-2009)
Year Area   Champion					Runner-up
2001 East - Murphy's Law, Winter Park, FL 		-Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA 
2001 West - Team X-Treme, Seattle, WA 			-DeCarlow Homes, Ashland, OR 
2002 East - WET/Miken, Columbia, KY 			-Coors Light, Random Lake, WI 
2002 West - Minot Chiropractic, Minot, ND 		-Big Red, Omaha, NE 
2003 East - Traders, Memphis, TN 			-Black Mountain Chevrolet, Fletcher, NC 
2003 West - Lugnuts, Columbia, MO 			-Nor-Cal Lights Out, Santa Rosa, CA 
2004 East - Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA 			-Pea Organizing Services, Pittsboro, NC 
2004 West - Chucky's Pride, San Francisco, CA 		-Sonoma Valley, Santa Rosa, CA 
2005 East - Travel America, Grenada, MS 		-Birmingham Xtreme, Birmingham, AL 
2005 West - KVB/Rusty's Last Chance, Oltahe, KS 	-C&C Knights, Adel, IA (see Note)
2006 East - Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC 		-Bill Fraley's Wildcats, Lexington, KY
2006 West - ECI/SLI, Olathe, KS 			-Victors Ideal Hitters, Clive, IA
2007 East - Bill Fraley's Wildcats, Lexington, KY	-Traders, Collier, TN
2007 West - WTS Softball Crew, Lancaster, CA 		-Softball Soul, Beaverton, OR
2008 East - Alex's Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA 		-Critter Getter, Tallahassee, FL
2008 West - Lookouts, Houston, TX			-Springfield Crush, Springfield, MO
2009 East - Low Bob's, Harrodsburg, KY 			-Lady Rebels, Gainesville, GA
2009 West - Springfield Crush, Springfield, MO		-Learning Curve, Urbandale, IA 
Note: KVB/Rusty's passed up the West bid, the West National Championship spot taken 2nd place C&C Knights
	The Women's Class-C Nationals went from East vs West to the 4 Corners format starting in 2010
2010 East - Long Island Tides, East Northport, NY	-K&G Softball, Warren, OH 
2010 North- Agassiz Underground, Fargo, ND 		-Moritz, Sport & Marine, Bismarck, ND
2010 South- Salon 312, Montgomery, AL 			-Kryptonite, Orlando, FL 
2010 West -  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2011 East -  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2011 North- Ideal Hitters/Denison, Urbandale, IA 	-Elsie's, Bloomington, MN 
2011 South-  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2011 West -  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2012 East -  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2012 North- Pizza Ranch Renegades, Nevada, IA 		-Knights, Urbandale, IA 
2012 South- Team Magic, Pittsboro, NC 			-Traders Reloaded, Collierville, TN 
2012 West - Shumuzu/AZ Border Co./Worth, Tucson, AZ 	-Dxtracted, Mesa, AZ
2013 East -  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2013 North-  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2013 South-  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2013 West -  - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
	The Women's Class-C Nationals went from the 4 Corners format to just a single National Championship starting in 2014

Women's Class-D East vs West Championships (2001-2009)
Year Area   Champion					Runner-up
2001 East - Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC 		-Mercer Springs, Trenton, NJ 
2001 West - Tony's, Dallas, TX 				-Merchant Express, Santa Rosa, CA 
2002 East - USA Team Sports, Severna Park, MD 		-Fieldcrest Inn Boyne City, MI 
2002 West - Get Dirty, Albuquerque, NM 			-Athletic Supply, Redmond, WA
2003 East - Senunas' Pub, Wilkes Barre, PA 		-Starks, Warren, OH 
2003 West - Carpet Specialists, Riverside, IA 		-Sonoma Valley, Santa Rosa, CA
2004 East - Stingers, Lexington, KY 			-B&R Mustangs, London, KY 
2004 West - ECI, Topeka, KS 				-PTK, Kansas City, MO
2005 East - Lady Outlaws, Jacksonville, FL 		-Fortin Transportation, Westbrook, ME 
2005 West - D&A Trucking, Wichita, KS 			-Rounding Third, Apple Valley, CA
2006 East - Critter Getter, Tallahassee, FL 		-Bart Company, Mitchell, IN
2006 West - Springfield Crush, Springfield, MO 		-DBC/Team Combat, Coleman, OK
2007 East - Paver Pro Unlimted, Fort Myers, FL 		-Lady Dyme, Tampa, FL 
2007 West - Lady Blue Jays, San Antonio, TX 		-Pro Moves, Fontana, CA
2008 East - Dynamic Duels, Winter Springs, FL 		-Edward Jones, Lexington, KY	
2008 West - Elliott Communications, Olathe, KS 		-Team Texas Blast, Lubbock, TX 
2009 East - BW3/K&G, Warren, OH 			-TM Force, Tampa, FL
2009 West - PDX Softball, Newberg, OR 			-Get Dirty, Albuquerque, NM
	The Women's Class-D Nationals went from East vs West to the 4 Corners format starting in 2010
2010 East - Passport Motors, Chapel Hill, NC 		-Twisted, Winter Springs, FL 
2010 North- The Saloon, Westonka, MN 			-Great Western Bank, Watertown, SD
2010 South- - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2010 West - - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2011 East - T-Time/Shelby/JoJo Beanz, Ellwood City, PA 	-Woody's, Ada, MI 
2011 North- Larry's Ladies Softball, Grand Rapids, MI 	- Dirty Diamonds, Rapid City, SD
2011 South- - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2011 West - The Cartel, Lake Stevens, WA 		-Team Alaska, Anchorage, AK
2012 East - K&G, Warren, OH 				-Up-A-Creek, Warren, OH
2012 North- Stix, Des Moines, IA 			-Fire & Ice, Salem, OR
2012 South- - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2012 West - So Cal Poison, West Covina, CA 		-More Play, Las Vegas, NV
2013 East - Bombshell Bombers, Somersworth, NH 		-A&B Drain Cleaning LLC, Piqua, OH
2013 North- Cheap Fast, Bloomington, MN 		-Silver Dollar Bar, Aberdeen, MN
2013 South- - Cancelled due to lack of teams		-N/A
2013 West - DBF, Atwater, CA 				-Incognito, Sacramento, CA 
	The Women's Class-D Nationals went from the 4 Corners format to just a single National Championship starting in 2014

ASA Women's Major/Class-A Industrial Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Class	Champion				Runner-up
1979 	Major	Phillip Morris, Richmond, VA 		Cannon Mills Cannonettes, Kannopolis, NC
1980 	Major	Provident Vets, Chattanooga, TN 	Omaha National Bank, Omaha, NE
1981 	Major	Provident Vets, Chattanooga, TN		Local #235 UAW, Detroit, MI
1982 	Major	Provident Vets, Chattanooga, TN		Cargill, Minnetonka, MN
1983 	Major	Provident Vets, Chattanooga, TN		Russell Athletic, Alexander City, AL
1984 	Major	Cargill Gold, Mound, MN			Americel Corp, Henderson, NC
1985 	Major	Sheriff's Stars, Pensacola, FL		Americel Corp, Henderson, NC
1986 	Major	Sheriff's Stars, Pensacola, FL		Russell Athletic, Alexander City, AL
1987 	Major	Provident Vets, Chattanooga, TN		3M Half Count, Apple Valley, MN
1988 	Major	Provident Vets, Chattanooga, TN		?
1989 	Major	Provident Vets, Chattanooga, TN		Shaw Industries, Dalton, GA
	A	Certainteed Ladies, Wichita Falls, TX	Pitney-Bowes, Stamford, CT
1990 	Major	Shaw Industries, Dalton, GA		Klaussner Furniture, Asheboro, NC
	A	Russell Athletic, Alexander, AL		Certainteed Lady A's, Wichita Falls, TX
1991 	Major	TI Express, Dallas, TX			?
	A	Springhill Heartbeats, Mobile, AL	?
1992 	Major	Provident, East Ridge, TN		?
	A	Fleet National Bank, Providence, RI	?
1993 	Major	Southern Lites, Birmingham, AL		?
	A	Hutcheson, Ft. Oglethorpe, GA		?
	Starting in 1994, when ASA discontined the Major Industrial National, these were just called the Industrial Nationals
1994	-	Russell Athletic, Alexander City, AL	Cross Fires, Birmingham, AL
1995 	-	Springhill Heartbeats, Mobile, AL	?
1996	-	Denso Manufacturing Maryville, TN	?
1997	-	Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL		Denso #1, Maryville, TN
1998	-	Russell Athletic, Alexander City, AL	Pitney Bowes, Stamford, CT
1999	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2000	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2001	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2002	-	Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL		Denso #1, Maryville, TN
2003	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2004	-	- ASA Women's Industrial Nationals discontinued

ASA Women's Major/Class-A Church Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Class	Champion				Runner-up
1979 	Major	Mt. Hermon Methodist, Graham, NC 	St. Patrick's Catholic, Oklahoma City, OK
1980 	Major	Rock Creek Methodist, Snow Camp, NC 	Cedar Grove Methodist, Chapel Hill, NC
1981 	Major	South Main Baptist, Houston, TX		Rock Creek United Methodist, Graham, NC 
1982 	Major	First Baptist Red, Tallahassee, FL	Rock Creek United Methodist, Graham, NC 
1983 	Major	First Baptist REd, Tallahassee, FL	Mt. Hermon Methodist, Graham, NC
1984 	Major	CME Crusherttes, Warner Robins, GA 	North Cleveland Church of God, Cleveland, OH
1985 	Major	Faith Baptist, Wichita Falls, TX 	CME Crusherttes, Warner Robins, GA
1986 	Major	Rock Creek, Graham, NC 			Ferris Hill Baptist, Milton, FL
1987 	Major	N. Cleveland Church Of God, Cleve., TN 	Ferris Hill Baptist, Milton, FL
1988 	Major	1st Baptist of  Houston, Houston, TX 	?
	A	1st Baptist, Muskogee, OK		?
1989 	Major	1st Baptist of  Houston, Houston, TX 	Park View Baptist, North Little Rock, AR
	A	1st Baptist Church, Muskogee, OK	St. Theresa's, Hutchinson, KS
1990 	Major	Westside Baptist, Jasper, AL		First Baptist, Houston, TX
	A	First Baptist, Muskogee, OK		First United Methodist, Lexington, KY
1991 	Major	1st Baptist Red, Milton, FL 		?
	A	Mount Olive, Cleveland, TN		Oak Grove Baptist, Athens, AR
1992 	Major	Immaculate Conception, Tyler, TX	? 
	A	Hillcrest, Jacksonville, FL		?
1993 	Major	Hillcrest, Jacksonville, FL		? 
	A	Sharon Baptist, Benton, AR		?
1994 	Major	Immaculate Conception, Tyler, TX	Life Line Baptist Ladies, Little Rock, AR 
	A	Our Lady Queen, Wichita Falls, TX	Sharon Baptist, Benton, AR
1995 	Major	Salem Baptist, Atlanta, GA 		?
	A	- Cancelled				N/A
1996	Major	N. Gadsden Church of God, Gadsden, AL	Ben Hill United Methodist, Atlanta, GA
	A	- Cancelled				N/A
	Starting in 1997, when ASA discontined the Class-A Church National, these were just called the Church Nationals
1997	-	N. Gadsden Church of God, Gadsden, AL	Mt. Carmel Baptist, Hattiesburg, MS
1998	-	Calvary Baptist, Augusta, GA		Immaculate Conception, Tyler, TX
1999	-	New Testament MBC, Columbus, GA		Calvary Baptist, Augusta, GA
2000	-	New Testament MBC, Columbus, GA		Calvary Baptist, Augusta, GA
2001	-	Ben Hill United Methodist, Atlanta, GA	Greater Beulah Baptist, Dothan, AL
2002	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2003	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2004	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2005	-	- Cancelled				N/A
2006	- ASA Women's Church Nationals discontinued

ASA Women's 35 and Over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion				Runnerup				MVP
1994 	Berg & Associates, Mobile, AL 		Old Bats, Tulsa, OK			Phyllis Hurst, Berg
1995 	Cal. Connection, Redwood City, CA	?					?
1996	Don's Softball Crew, Dothan, AL		Cal. Connection, Redwood City, CA	Eunice Wright, Don's
1997	AAA Lettering, Woodland, CA		Fuerza, Red Bluff, CA			?
1998	Quarve Contracting, Brooklyn Park, MN	Brakers, Mobile, AL			Shari Strommer, Quarve
1999	Lakerettes, Conneaut Lake, PA		?					?
2000	Lakerettes, Conneaut Lake, PA 		Brooklyn Ctr. Senior Ice, Seamless, MN	Sonia Pez, Lakerettes
2001	Lakerettes, Conneaut Lake, PA 		Sonoma Valley, Santa Rosa, CA		not awarded or no info
2002	Lakerettes, Conneaut Lake, PA 		Ringer Sports, Portland, OR		not awarded or no info
2003	Lakerettes, Conneaut Lake, PA 		Traders, Collierville, TN		not awarded or no info
2004	Lakerettes, Conneaut Lake, PA 		Sonoma Valley, Santa Rosa, CA		Carol Perroz, Lakerettes
2005	Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA 		Worth Taking it Home, San Lorenzo, CA	Rhonda Graham, Yard Dawgs
2006	Déjà vu, Sebring, OH 			Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA			not awarded or no info
2007	Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA 		Nor Cal I.C.E., Vacaville, CA		not awarded or no info
2008	Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA 		Kinder/Sharks, Cincinnati, OH		LeAnn Mitchell, Yard Dawgs
2009	Iowa Alliance, Urbandale, IA  		Lug Nuts, Columbia, MO			not awarded or no info
2010	Traders, Memphis, TN			Arkansas Synergy, Sheridian, AR		not awarded or no info
2011	Arkansas Synergy/Reebok, Sheridian, AR	H&S Resources, Dothan, AL		not awarded or no info
2012	- Cancelled				N/A					N/A
2013	- Cancelled				N/A					N/A
2014	- ASA Women's 35 & Over Masters Nationals discontinued

USSSA Women's Class-A National Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1988	Huntel Systems/TMI, Blair, NE		Construct Penguins, Plantation, FL
	MVP - no info
1989	Virginia Belles, Chesterfield, VA	Pursuit, Midland, TX
	MVP - no info
1990	Green Machine, Richmond, CA		Pro-Mac, Whittier, CA
	MVP - no info
1991	Vernon's, Jacksonville, FL		Pursuit/Coor's, Midland, TX
	MVP - no info
1992	Seattle Express, Renton, WA (38-5)	Lady Cougers, Orlando, FL
	MVP - Paula Christian, Seattle Express
	Defensive MVP - Deirdre O'Dom, Lady Cougars
	HR Leader - Charlotte Wiley, Fatal Attraction
1993	R&R Concrete, Atwater, CA		Team Sports, Downey, FL
	MVP - Wonnie Frazier, R&R Concrete
1994	Richmond Rallys, Chesterfield, VA	Connecticut Bombers, East Hartford, CT
	MVP - Denise Manual, Richmond Rallys
1995	Wild Thing, Covina, CA			Shooters/Dudley, Orlando, FL
	MVP - Joelle Wilkerson, Wild Thing
1996	Uniform Pro Mice, E. Northport, NY	Richmond Rallys, Chesterfield, VA
	MVP - Karen Celia, Uniform Pro Mice
1997	University Firestone, Jacksonville, FL	Kohler's Fair Warning, West Providence, RI
	MVP - Sue Leddy, University Firestone
1998	Breakout, Austin, TX			Armstrong Lady Rebels, Murpheesboro, TN
	MVP - ?
1999	Dynamite Sports, Dallas, TX		Paul Masses Commotion, Portsmouth, RI
	MVP - Deneen Wilson, Dynamite Sports
2000	NTL, Bakersfield, CA			Team Aloe/Cath's Choice, Orlando, FL
	MVP - Kay Roberts, NTL
2001	Varsity Graphics, Livonia, MI		Big Azz Girls, Torrance, CA
	MVP - Jonelle McKie, Big Azz Girls
2002	- Class-A Nationals eliminated
USSSA Women's Class-B Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1975	Virginia Belles, Richmond, VA		L&K Trophy, Murpheesboro, TN
1976	Al's Gals, Louisville, KY		Chevelles, Louisville, KY
1977	Northside K of C, Cincinnati, OH	Carlisle Construction, Covington, KY
1978	Pabst Blue Ribbon, Bellevue, KY		Rockettes, Cleveland, OH
1979	Green Machine, Oakland, CA		Tri-State Construction, Oak Creek, WI
1980	Tri-State Equipment, Oak Creek, CA	Jack Matthews Real Estate, Las Vegas, NV
1984-1996 - Regional Championships only from 1984-1996
1997	Breakout, Austin, TX			?
1998	Red Dogs, Inkster, MI			?
1999	Prog Ins./Lube Alley, Willoughby, OH	?
2000	Shiva, San Francisco, CA		?
2001	Case Construction, Seattle, WA		?
2002	Whites Service Station, Germantown, NC	Hawaiian Style, Downey, CA
2003	Hot Shots, Tampa, FL			Chata, Sylmar, CA
2004	White's Service Station, Germantown, NC	Competitive Edge, Smithfield, NC
2005	AC Auto Body/MTO, Racine, WI		Bags/JH Edwards Realty, Bonita Springs, FL
2006	Bags/JH Edwards Realty, Cape Coral, FL	Chata, Sylmar, CA
2007	Ty-1-On, Cincinnati, OH 		Yard Dawgs, Calhoun, GA
2008	Stage II, St. Louis, MO			Hafta Play, Laguna Hills, CA
2009 	Easton/Hooters/Rockets, Lil Canada, MN 	Top Guns, Gainesville, FL
2010 	Top Guns, Gainesville, FL 		Easton/Hooters/Rockets, Lil Canada, MN
2011 	Incognito, Detroit, MI 			Minnesota Ice, North Oaks, MN
2012 	Bullys, Olympia, WA 			Minnesota ThunderBoltz, Maplewood, MN
2013 	Twin Cities Combat, Burnsville, MN 	Minnesota North Stars, St. Paul, MN
2014 	Minnesota North Stars, St. Paul, MN 	Washington Worth, Olympia, WA
2015	Derby Girls/Combat, Kent, WA		Ladies Cuttin Up, Orlando, FL
2016	Bryant Express, Bryant, AR		OH Heating/Associates/Miken, Columbus, OH
2017	West Coast Lockdown/J&L, Portland, OR	Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC
2018	Lady SNI/ATWL, Orlando, FL		Hitters Inc./Easton, Richmond, VA

USSSA Women's Class-C Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	- Regional Championships only from 1984-1996
1997	Creative Design, Willoughby, OH		?
1998	Base Invaders, Gretna, LA		?
1999	Custom Truck, Las Vegas, NV		?
2000	D&A Trucking, Haven, KS			?
2001	Coors Light, Salina, KS			?
2002	Bring it On, Huntington Beach, NV	Lady Drillers, Shelby, NC
2003	Incognito, Detroit, MI			Big Apple/Mizuno, Euless, TX
2004	R&W Marine, Elizabethtown, KY		Team Texas Blast, Lubbock, TX
2005	5150/Worth, Vacaville, CA		Team A.S.S., Fremont, CA
2006	Team A.S.S., Fremont, CA		Angove Softball, Centralia, WA
2007	Easton/Hooters/Rocket, Lil Canada, MN 	Pitchers/DSS Bats, Fort Collins, CO
2008 	K&L Stompers, Great Falls, SC 		Wahl Optical/Mizuno, Omaha, NE
2009 	BMV/Line Drive, Sterling Hgts., MI 	NTL/Worth, Bakersfield, CA
2010 	SheBangs, Ellicott City, MD 		Lookouts/Mizuno, Deer Park, TX
2011 	Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC 		Pitchers/H&K Screen Printing, Fort Collins, CO
2012 	Team Dallas, Arlington, TX 		NTL/Worth, Bakersfield, CA
2013 	Deuces, Orlando, FL 			Sumuzu/Gator, Marana, AZ
2014 	SFK, Pomona, CA 			BSM Womens, Palm Beach, FL
2015	Bryant Express, Bryant, AR		Twisted Sistas, Leominster, MA
2016	ETH, Carmichael, CA			Jersey Chasers, Hendersonville, NV
2017	UHY, Royal Oak, MI			SSSSSO What, Worcester, MA
2018	Deuces, Orlando, FL			All Out Brats, Woodbridge, NJ

USSSA Women's Class-D Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1989-1996 - Regional Championships only were held from 1989-1996
1998	Big Y/Magnum/Just Roses, Richland, WA	?
1999	Landrover, Albuquerque, NM		?
2000	Allied Brake, Ft. Walton Beach, FL	The E Team, Pittsboro, NC
2001	Latin Soul, Fort Worth, TX		Stix, Lauren, SC
2002	Lady Bombers, West Helena, AR		USA Kid Etc. Majestic, Amarillo, TX
2003	Got Dirt, Spanaway, WA			TCB, North Augusta, NC
2004	-Lady Hurricanes, Mobile, AL and Shebangs, Ellicot City, MD (Co-champs)
2005	MS2, Oklahoma City, OK			ReMax Attack, Waterford, MI
2006	WTS Softball, Bakersfield, CA		Nick's 114 Cafe, New Cumberland, PA
2007	Metro Express, Morgantown, WV 		Up a Creek, Warren, OH
2008 	Dented Bats, Mooresville, IN 		Potomac Valley Brick, Silver Spring, MD
2009 	KC Addiction, Gardner, KS 		Metro Sports, Pittsburgh, PA
2010 	Dirty Girls, Palm Springs, CA 		Bounty Hunters, Lithia Springs, GA
2011 	CompSouth/Slip Slide, F.Lauderdale, FL 	Long Island Hurricanes, E. Northport, NY
2012 	Team DeMarini/Guinness, Gurnee, IL 	Team Satyagraha, Baltimore, MD
2013 	Fusion Softball, Charlottesville, VA 	Chill, Dundlak, MD
2014 	OH Heat/KMT/Associates, Columbus, OH 	Centerfield, Rock Hill, SC
2015	CSI, Glen Allen, VA			Julie's Pawn, Flint, MI
2016	TC Pitchers, Fort Collins, CO		Dream Team, Martinsville, IN
2017	All Out Brats, Woodbridge, NJ		MN Fatal, Minneapolis, MN
2018	LaFamiglia Ladies/DRMG, Pittsburgh, PA	ETC, Warren, MI
USSSA Women's Class-E Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion				Runner-up
2017	-NOTE: There were some "E" Nationals held, but not one "E" World
2018	-NOTE: There were some "E" Nationals held, but not one "E" World
	E West - Wicked, Aurora, CO DTP Girls, Chino, CA

USSSA Women's Corporate Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
1990	Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY
1991	Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY
1992	Fast Food Merchandisers, Forest City, NC
1993	Fast Food Merchandisers, Forest City, NC
1994	Fast Food Merchandisers, Forest City, NC
1995	Tyson Foods Sassy Chicks, Pine Bluff, AR
1996	Nas-Jax, Jacksonville, FL
1997	Kodak Office Imaging, Rochester, NY
1998	- Not Held or no info
1999	Local Union 249-10, St Louis, MO
2000	- Not Held or no info
2001	Corporate Scramblers, Springdale, AR
2002	Corporate Scramblers, Springdale, AR
2003	Corporate Divas, Springdale, AR
2004	- Not Held
2005	- Cancelled
2006	- Cancelled
2007	- Cancelled
2008	- Cancelled
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Corporate class Discontinued

USSSA Women's Church Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
1986	First Baptist of West Nashville, Nashville, TN
1987	First Baptist of West Nashville, Nashville, TN
1988	First Baptist of West Nashville, Nashville, TN
1989	CME Crushettes, Warner Robins, GA
1990	First Baptist, Houston, TX
1991	CME Crushettes, Warner Robins, GA
1992	Center View Baptist, Maiden, NC
1993	Stovall Baptist, Stovall, NC
1994	Stovall Baptist, Stovall, NC
1995	Stovall Baptist, Stovall, NC
1996	Social Circle 1st Baptist, Social Circle, GA
1997	Faith Fellowship, Griffin, GA
1998	Light of the World, Decatur, GA
1999	Calvary, Shelby, NC
2000	First Corinth, Douglassville, GA
2001	Ben Hill United Methodist Church, Austell, GA
2002	- Not held or no info
2003	Warren Baptist, Martinez, GA
2004	Global Ministries, Jacksonville, FL
2005	Higher Dimensions/Bodyworks, Collage Park, GA
2006	Pleasant Grove Baptist, Shelby, NC
2007 	Christian Fellowship, Greer, SC
2008	East - Cancelled
	West - Cancelled
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Cancelled
2013 	- Cancelled
2014 	- Cancelled
2015 	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A

USSSA Women's Black American World Series Champions
Year	Class	Champion
1993	Comp	Harambee, Detroit, MI
1994	Comp	Aero Battery, Cincinnati, OH (Sandy Mader-MVP)
1995	Comp	Aero Battery, Cincinnati, OH (Sandy Mader-MVP)
1996	Comp	Aero Battery, Cincinnati, OH
1997	Comp	Soops & Porter Insurance, Edwards, MS
1998	Comp	Lady Zapp, Atlanta, GA
1999	Comp	Soops & Porter Insurance, Edwards, MS
2000	Comp	Ladies First, Carson, CA
2001	Comp	Soops & Porter Insurance, Edwards, MS
2002	Comp	Dynamite Sports, Dallas, TX
2003	Comp	Enough Said/Black Magic/Miken, Tallahassee, FL
	Rec	Lady Titans, Carrollton, TX
2004	Comp	Enough Said/Black Magic/Miken, Tallahassee, FL		- Associates
	Rec	WLS, Roxboro, NC
2005	Comp	Long Haul/Enough Said, Tallahassee, FL			- Incognito, Detroit, MI
	Rec	Carolina Strokers, Raleigh, NC
2006	Comp	Long Haul/Enough Said, Tallahassee, FL			- Soops & Porter Insurance, Edwards, MS
	Rec	WPJM Allstars, Greer, SC 
2007 	Comp 	Enough Said, Tallahassee, FL
	Rec	Showstoppers Tri-City, MS 
2008 	Comp 	Enough Said, Tallahassee, FL
	Rec	Top Guns, FL
2009 	Comp 	Enough Said, Tallahassee, FL
	Rec	Nothin Nice, Miami, FL 
2010 	Comp 	Enough Said/Easton, Tallahassee, FL
	Rec	Incognito Softball, Detroit, MI 
2011 	Comp 	Enough Said/Easton, Tallahassee, FL 
	Rec	2 Tuff Softball, Columbus, GA 
2012 	Comp 	Enough Said/Easton, Tallahassee, FL 
	Rec	2 Tuff Softball, Columbus, GA 
2013 	Comp 	- Cancelled 
	Rec	LIA, Atlanta, GA
2014 	Comp 	- Cancelled 
	Rec	Lady Havoc, Riverdale, GA
2015 	Comp 	- Cancelled 
	Rec	Atlanta Money Takers, College Park, GA
2016	Rec	Newman's, Tallahassee, FL
2017		-N/A
2018		-N/A
USSSA Women's Hispanic World Series Champion
Year	Class	Champion
1998	-	B&N, San Antonio, TX
1999 	-	Southern California Rampage, California
2000	-	Unknowns, San Antonio, TX
2001	-	Unknowns, San Antonio, TX
2002	-	KMA, San Antonio, TX
2003	-	Unknown Carpet Masters, San Antonio, TX
2004	-	Carpet Masters Unknown, San Antonio, TX
2005	Comp	Carpet Masters Unknown, San Antonio, TX
	Rec	Just Us, El Paso, TX
2006	Comp	Floorworks Unknowns, San Antonio, TX 
	Rec	- Not held
2007 	Comp 	Floorworks Unknowns, San Antonio, TX
	Rec 	Just Us, El Paso, TX 
2008 	Comp 	Cascabels, Las Cruces, NM 
	Rec 	Tailgaters, Las Cruces, NM 
2009 	Comp 	Steel Unknowns, San Antonio, Texas 
	Rec 	- Not held- Rec class discontinued 
2010 	Comp 	Lady Outlaws, El Paso, TX 
2011 	Comp 	Fresh, Roy, UT
2012 	- 	- Not Held
2013 	- 	- Cancelled
2014 	-	- Cancelled
2015 	-	Lady MAJ, Goodyear, AZ
2016	-	Lady MAJ, Goodyear, AZ
2017	-	N/A
2018	-	N/A

USSSA Women's Native American World Series Champion
Year	Champion
2000	All Nations Natives, Tacoma, WA
2001	All Nations Natives, Salem, OR
2002	- Not Held
2003	- Not Held
2004	- Native American class Discontinued

USSSA Women's Armed Forces World Series Champion
Year	Champion
1995 	Islanders, NAS North Island, CA
1996 	Fort Gordon, Fort Gordon, GA
1997 	DM Mustangs TPs, DMAFB, Tuscon, AZ
1998 	NASNI Islanders NAS, North Island, CA
1999 	Forces XXI, Fort Lee, VA
2000 	NRSW, San Diego, CA
2001 	Fort Meade Lady Patriots, Fort Meade, MD
2002 	Fort Monroe Lady Generals, Fort Monroe, VA
2003 	Fort Myer Lady Patriots, Fort Myer, VA
2004 	Fort Myer Lady Patriots, Fort Myer, VA
2005 	DSCR Logistics Warriors, Richmond, VA
2006 	Fort Myer Lady Patriots, Fort Myer, VA
USSSA Women's 35 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
1994	Bret Givens Construction, Inman, KS
1995	Timex/TPS, Jacksonville, FL
1996	Bret Givens Construction, Hutchinson, KS
1997	Bret Givens/Wells Athletic, Hutchinson, KS
1998	NCSM, Cincinnati, OH
1999	- GNC/NCSM, Cincinnati, OH and Snap Krackle & Pop, Nashville, TN (Co-Champs)
2000	Rapture, Walterboro, SC
2001	Ty-1-On/AKP, Cincinnati, OH
2002	Rapture, Walterboro, SC
2003	Ty-1-On/AKP, Cincinnati, OH
2004	Ty-1-On/AKP, Cincinnati, OH
2005	Ty-1-On, Cincinnati, OH
2006	Butch's/WLD, Wixom, MI
2007	Seattle Hawks, Seattle, WA
2008	Team M.U.B., Renton, WA
2009	Team Combat/M.U.B., Seattle, WA
2010	North - Cancelled
	South - Showtime 35+, Snow Hill, NC
	West - Cancelled
2011	East - Showtime 35+, Snow Hill, NC
	West - Cancelled
2012	East - Mid-Atlantic Storm, Edgwater, MD
	West - KTI/Sniper Software, Seattle, WA
2013	East - Still Ballin, Baltimore, MD
	West - Cancelled
2014	Still Ballin, Baltimore, MD
2015	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A
USSSA Women's 40 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
2006	- Cancelled
2007	40+ Traders, Memphis, TN
2008	- Not held
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012	- Cancelled
2013	- Cancelled
2014	Angry Birds, Bakersfield, CA
2015	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A
USSSA Women's 45 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
2002	Golden Girls, Vienna, VA
2003	VA Golden Girls, Fairfax, VA
2004	Don's Fillies, Pekin, IN
2005	Ohio Redbirds, Cincinnati, OH
2006	Kentucky Fillies, Louisville, KY
2007	- Not held
2008	- Not held
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Cancelled
2013 	- Cancelled
2014 	- Cancelled
2015 	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A

USSSA Women's 50 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
1998	Tennessee Thunder, Kingsport, TN
1999	Golden Girls 50+, Burke, VA
2000	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
2001	Ohio Cardinals 50's, Cincinnati, OH
2002	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
2003	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
2004	Touch of Class, Portland, TN
2005	Maryland Roadrunners, MD
2006	Touch of Class, Portland, TN
2007	Town & Country Fillies, New Albany, TN
2008	- Not held
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Cancelled
2013 	- Cancelled
2014 	- Cancelled
2015 	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A

USSSA Women's 55 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
1998	Florida Spirit, Inverness, FL
1999	Florida Spirit, Inverness, FL
2000	Califirnia Spirit, Irvine, CA
2001	Ohio Cardinals 55's, Germantown, OH
2002	California Express, San Francisco, CA
2003	Michigan Medical Miracles, Royal Oak, MI
2004	California Spirit 55, Indio, CA
2005	Ohio Redbirds, Cincinnati, OH
2006	Missouri Flashback, Wright City, MO
2007	California Spirit 55+, Whittier, CA
2008	- Not held
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Cancelled
2013 	- Cancelled
2014 	- Cancelled
2015 	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A
USSSA Women's 60 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
1998	Golden Girls, Georgia
1999	Golden Girls 60+, Great Falls, VA
2000	Golden Girls 60+, Purcellville, VA
2001	Golden Girls, Vienna, VA
2002	Ohio Cardinals, Dayton, OH
2003	North Charleston Primetimers, Charleston, SC
2004	Suncoast Seniors, Largo, FL
2005	California Spirit, Indio, CA
2006	Suncoast Seniors, Clearwater, FL
2007	California Express, Half Moon Bay, CA
2008	- Not held
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Cancelled
2013 	- Cancelled
2014 	- Cancelled
2015 	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A
USSSA Women's 65 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
2000	Cajun Belles, Baton Rouge, LA
2001	Freedom Spirit of Florida, Largo, FL
2002	Senior Stars, Mt. Juliet, TN
2003	Tennessee Senior Stars, Mt. Juliet, TN
2004	Tennessee Senior Stars, Mt. Juliet, TN
2005	Tennessee Senior Stars, Mt. Juliet, TN
2006	Tennessee Senior Stars, Mt. Juliet, TN
2007	Spectacular Canada 65s, Fonthill, Ontario, Canada
2008	- Not held
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Cancelled
2013 	- Cancelled
2014 	- Cancelled
2015 	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A
USSSA Women's 70 and over Slow Pitch Champions
Year	Champion
2004	Tucson Rancherettes, Tucson, AZ
2005	Tucson Rancherettes, Tucson, AZ
2006	Tucson Rancherettes, Tucson, AZ
2007	Freedom Spirit of Florida 70s, St. Petersburg, FL
2008	- Not held
2009	- Cancelled
2010	- Cancelled
2011	- Cancelled
2012 	- Cancelled
2013 	- Cancelled
2014 	- Cancelled
2015 	- Cancelled
2016	-N/A
2017	-N/A
2018	-N/A

ISA Women's National Tournament Champions 
Year	Class	Champion
1991	AAA	Vernon's, Jacksonville, FL
	AA	Jammers, Tuscaloosa, FL
	A	Top Gun, Tamassee, SC
1992	A	?- no info available
1993	A	?- no info available
1994	A	?- no info available
1995	A	Doc's/TPS, Jacksonville, FL
1996	A	N/A
	B	Snuggery Bar & Grill, W. Palm Beach, FL		Sunbelt Belt, Centerville, GA
	C	Hank's, GA
	D	Top Gun, Tamassee, SC
1997	A	N/A
	B	Elite, Marietta, GA
	C	Hotshots, Tampa, FL
	D	Dockmasters, Orange Park, FL
1998	A/B	Armstrong Lady Rebels, Murphessboro, TN
	C	Stardust, Cummings, GA
	D	Top Gun, Tamassee, SC
1999	A	N/A
	B	Players						Armstrong, Murfreesboro, TN
	C	Lady Misfits					Rodeo
	D	Lady Cruisers, Granada, MS			Elite Express
2000	Major	Hot Shots, Tampa, FL				Uniform Pro Mice, NY
	Comp.	Lady Cruisers, Granada, MS			Arlo & Janis, AL
	Rec.	TSC/Farragot Eye, Lenoir City, TN		Shelbyville Pepsi, Shelbyville, TN
2001	Major	Brooks Bend, Springdale, AL			Birmingham Extreme, Birmingham, AL
	Comp.	Ondeo/Nalco, Brandon, MS			Trouble/WJRL, Auburn, AL
	Rec.	Team Xtreme, Dixon, TN				Jaycees/Ilene, Shelbyville, TN
2002	Major	Yard Dogs, Calhoun, GA				Arris, GA
	Comp.	Dixie Darlings, Fayetteville, GA		Delong/Cherokee Brick, GA
	Rec.	Lady Rebels, Macon, GA				Lady Roadrunners, GA
2003	Major	Armstrong Ceiling Lady Rebels, Murfreesboro,TN	Yard Dawgs, GA
	Comp.	Ondeo Nalco, Brandon, MS			Birmingham Xtreme, Birmingham, AL
	Rec.	Lady Thunder, White Bluff, TN			Nextel/Lady Misfits
2004	Major	N/A
	Comp.	Sports Med, Gurley, AL				Macken Plumbing, Rochester, MN
	Rec.	Georgia Peaches, Garden City, GA		Jaycees/A Plus, Shelbyville, TN
2005	Comp.	Long Haul/Enough Said, Tallahassee, FL 		Hot Shots, Tampa, FL
		MVP - Sondra Landry, Long Haul
	Rec.	Lady Thunder, White Bluff, TN			?
2006	Comp	Macken Plumbing Excel, Rochester, MN		Lady Rebels, Gainesville, GA 
		MVP-Maimi Stejskat, Macken Plumbing Excel
	Rec.	Cherokee Brick, Macon, GA			?
2007	Comp.	N/A
	Rec.	RDA Powerhouse, FL
2008	Comp	Fraley's/Low Bob, KY
	Rec.	Lady Thunder, TN
2009	Comp.	N/A
	Rec.	St. Marks Elite, TN
2010	Comp.	N/A
	Rec.	Solway Hardware, TN
2011	Comp.	Low Bobs/Miken, KY
	Rec.	?
2012	Upper 	Low Bob's, KY 
	Lower 	Total Chaos/3D, TN 
2013	Upper 	Solway Hardware, TN 
	Lower	?
2014	Upper 	? 
	Lower	?
2015	-	Bounty Hunters, GA				Team 615, AL

NSA Women's National Tournament Champions 
Year	Class	Champion
1987	-	Detroit Stingers, Detroit, MI
1988	-	?
1989	-	Whiz Kids, Belleview, IL
1990	B	PST (Physical Sports Therapy), Florissant, MO
1991	B	Jim's Barbeque
	C	Lady Spirits, NC
	D	Lady Bo Jacks
1992	-	CBS/Apple Sports, Coldwater, MI
1993	B	Sunline Wildcats
	C	Lady Mustangs, TN
	D	Don's, FL
1994	-	?
1995	-	?
1996	-	?
1997	-	?
1998	B	Soop's, Edwards, MS (South)
	C	Custom Truck, NV (West)
	D	Lady Cruisers (South)
	D	Angove CPA, WA (West)
	Rec.	Black Mountain Chevrolet, Black Mountain, NC (East)
1999	Comp.	Tequila Crème, Illinios (North)
	Comp.	Tom Boyz (East)
	Rec.	Clancy's Pub, Pittsburgh, PA (North)
	Rec.	Class Act (East)
	Rec.	Momentum (West)
2000	Open	Nice Carpet
	C	Tomboys, Birmingham, AL (East)
	D	Class Act, Birmingham, AL (East)
2001	Open	Awards & More
	Rec.	Momentum (West)
	B/C/D	Brooks (Southwest)
	C	Stewart Glapat, Zanesville, OH (North)
	C/D	Stray Cats (West)
	D	Med Plus (South)
	D	Hussey Copper, Kentucky (North)
	Rec.	Momentum (West)
2002	Open	Diamond Girls
	B/C	Panama City Hilton, Panama City, FL (East)
	C	R&W Marine, Paducah, KY (North)
	C	CAC/East Coast Angels (East)
	D	Bud Light, Carpentersville, IL (North)
	D	Lady Rebels (South)
	D	Carolina Cardinals (East)
2003	Comp.	Rapture, Walterboro, SC (East)
	Comp.	Silver Bullets (North)
	Rec.	Black Mountain Chevrolet, Black Mountain, NC (East)
	C	Shannon Fence, Mentor, OH (North)
	C	Bad Influence, AZ (West)
	D	Flyers, Ohio (North)
	D	Playaza Club, OR (West)
	E	Bab's, WA (West)
2004	Comp.	Competitive's Edge, Smithfield, NC (East)
	Rec.	Showtyme, Salem, VA (East)
	C	Lakers, Louisville, KY (North)
	C	Yard Dogs (South)
	C	Custom Truck, Las Vegas, NV (West)
	D	Ohio Northern Transit, Cleveland, OH (North)
	D	31 Club Street, George, UT (West)
	E	Bad Habits, Phoenix, AZ (West)
2005	A	St Louis Heat, St. Louis, MO (North)
	C	Buffalo Trace, Waddy, KY (North)
	C	Team WRV, Virginia Beach, VA (East)
	C	Angove Softball, Olympia, WA (West)
	D	A-1 Geneva Storage, Austinburg, OH (North)
	D	Double Play, Lakeview, NC (East)
	D	Team Innovative, Seattle, WA (West)
	E	The Chittakahs, Tucson, AZ (West)
2006	B	Low Bob's/Fraley's Wildcats, Lexington, KY (North/North Central)
	C	RMS Girls, Phoenix, AZ (West)
	D	Pic-Nic's, Parma, OH (North/North Central)
	D	Fury, Albuquerque, NM (West)
	E	Bells Construction, Aurora, OR (West) 
	A	Enough Said, , Tallahassee, FL (WINTER)
2007	C Upper	Honeypipes, Albemare, NC (East)
	C	Stage II Softball, St. Louis, MO (North/North Central)
	C Lower K&L Stompers, Charlotte, NC (East)
	D	St. Louis HummerZ, St. Louis, MO (North/North Central)
	D	Lady Merchants, Burlington, NC (East)
	D	Fury, Albuquerque, NM (West)
	-	Just Enough (WINTER)
2008 	C 	Passport Motors
	D 	Metro Sports
	-	Alibi Blaze (WINTER)
2009 	D 	Players Club
2010 Upper
2011 Upper 	Low Bob's/Miken
		- MVP-Terri Ellingsworth; All World - Shannon Ellingsworth, LeighAnn Bowen
2012 Upper 	Low Bob's/Miken
		- MVP-Shannon Ellingsworth; All World -  Terri Ellingsworth, Annie Rardin, LeighAnn Bowen
2013 Upper 	Low Bob's/Louisville Slugger/Kinder
		- MVP-Annie Rardin; All World - Terri Ellingsworth 
2014 Super 	Low Bob's/Louisville Slugger/Kinder
		- MVP-Teri Ellingsworth; All World - Ann Rardin, Shannon Elllingsworth 

SSAA Women's World Series
Year	Class	Champion
1985	-	Singer, Goldsboro, NC
1986	C	Butler's Heat & Air Conditioning, NC
	D	Jamestown, NC
1987	C	Rick's Restaurant, NC
	D	Eddie's A's, NC
1988	-	Not Held
1989	-	Not Held
1990	-	Not Held
1991	-	Not Held
1992	-	Not Held
1993	-	Not Held
1994	B	Johnson's Blazers, Johnson, SC
	C	On-Sat, Shelby, NC
1995	-	Not Held
1996	-	Not Held
1997	A	Satin Thrillers, Raleigh, NC
1998	D	Specialty, Knoxville, TN
	E	Lane's Excavating, Kodak, TN
1999	D	Hot Rod, Oak Ridge, TN
	E	Med Plus, Florence, AL
2000	D	Southern Stars, Soddy Daisy, TN
	E	Bob's Feed, Crossville, TN
2001	A	Ruff Riders, Greenville, NC
2002	C	Goldsboro Van & Storage, Goldsboro, NC
	D	Native Angels, Rowland, NC
2003	C	Powerade, Wilmington, NC
	D	Native Angels, Lumberton, NC
2004	Comp	Blankenship Electric, Linthieum, MD
	Rec	Universal PPH, Richmond, VA
2005	Comp	?
	Rec	?
2006	-	Avengers, Petersburg, VA 
2007	-	?
2008	-	?
2009	-	- Not Held
2010	-	DSCR/Lady Warriors, VA
2011	-	Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC
2012	-	Lady Code Red/Drash, Fayetteville, NC
2013	-	?
2014	-	Diamond Magic, Pittsboro, NC


WSL Women's North American Championships
Year	Class	Champion
2003 	-	Armstrong Rebels, Murfreesboro, TN
2004 	Upper	Da Mob, Grand Prairie, TX
 	Lower	Tharaldson Enterprises, Fargo, ND
2005 	Upper	Long Haul/Enough Said, Tallahassee, FL	Okaki, Santa Ana, CA		MVP-Sirene Johnson, Long Haul
 	Lower	Bryant Express, Bryant, AR
2006	Upper	Not Held
	Lower	Hilton of PCB, Panama City, FL 
2007	-	Team CIDRA, Brandon, MS 		O&S Cattle, Savage, MN		MVP-Sissy Hudson, CIDRA
2012	-	Low Bob’s
2013	-	Low Bobs/Kinder/Louisville
2014	-	
2005 WSL All World Team
MVP - Sirene Johnson, Long Haul/Enough Said
All World: 
Mary Hoff, Long Haul/Enough Said
Stacie Symonds, Long Haul/Enough Said
Cara Coughenour, Long Haul/Enough Said
Beverly Reeves, Long Haul/Enough Said


SSWC Women's Senior's National Tournament Champions 
Year	Class	Champion
1998	50+	2nd Wind, Costa Mesa, CA
1999	45+r	Capital Area Classics, Michigan
	54+	Queen Bees, Arizona
2000	45+	2nd Wind, Costa Mesa, CA
	55+	California Spirit Majors, Irvine, CA
2001	45+	Showtime 2000, San Pablo, CA
	50+	Michigan Medical Miracles, Royal Oak, MI
	55+	Silver Belles, Nevada
2002	40+	Showtime, San Pablo, CA
	45+	Tucson Classics, Tucson, AZ
	55+	Calif. Spirit Majors, Costa Mesa, CA
	60+	Queen Bees, Apache Junction, AZ
2003	40+	Showtime, San Pablo, CA
	50+	Tucson Classics, Tucson, AZ
	55+	Michigan Medical Miracles, Royal Oak, MI
2004	40+	Saints 40's, Arizona
	50+	Spirit, Costa Mesa, CA
	55+	Spirit, Costa Mesa, CA
2005	40+	Bad Catz, NV
	50+	Great Lakers, MI
	55+	Capital Area Classics, MI
	60+	Silver Gloves, NM
2006	40+	Team Works, VA
	50+	Ladies Choice, CA
	55+	Capital Area Classics, MI
	60+	Sportaculars Canada 60+, Fonhill, ON, Canada
	65+	Sportaculars Canada 65+, Fonhill, ON, Canada

ISSA Women's 50 /Older National Tournament Champions
Year	Champion
1995	Golden Girls, Burke, VA
1996	Golden Girls, Burke, VA
1997	Golden Girls, Burke, VA
1998	Golden Girls, Burke, VA
1999	Golden Girls, Burke, VA
2000	Golden Girls 50+, Annandale, VA
2001	Golden Girls 50+, Annandale, VA
2002	Golden Girls 50+, Annandale, VA
2003	Golden Girls 50+, Annandale, VA
2004	N/A
2005	N/A
2006	N/A

SSWS Women's Senior's National Tournament Champions 
Year	Class	Champion
1999	50+ Maj	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
	50+ Min	Capitol Area Classics, Michigan
	50+ Rec	Lady Texans, Texas
	55+	California Spirit Majors, Irvine CA
2000	45+	2nd Wind, Costa Mesa, CA
	55+	California Spirit Majors, Irvine, CA
2001	50+	?
2002	50+ Maj	West Michigan Storm, Michigan
	50+ AAA	2nd Wind, Costa Mesa, CA
	55+	Michigan Medical Miracles, Royal Oak, MI
2003	50+ Maj	West Michigan Storm, Michigan
	55+ Maj	California Spirit Majors, Irvine, CA
	55+ AAA	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
	60+ Maj	Queen Bees, Apache Junction, AZ
2004	50+	West Michigan Storm, Michigan
	55+ Maj	Silver Saints, Arizona
	55+ AAA	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
2005	50+	?
	55+ Maj	Ohio Red Birds, Cincinnati, OH
2006	50+	No Limits, NV
	55+	California Express, CA
	60+	Las Vegas Neons, NV

SPA Women's Senior's National Tournament Champions 
Year	Class	Champion
2002	50+	Tennessee Thunder, Kingsport, TN
	55+ 	Lady Texans, Texas
2003	50+	?
2004	50+	?
2005	50+	Golden Girls 50+, VA
	55+	Golden Girls 50+, Burke, VA
	60+	Golden Girls 50+, VA
	65+	Golden Girls 50+, VA
2006	-	?

ISF Women's Senior's World Cup 
Year	Class	Champion
2004	Open	Golden Girls 55, Annandale, VA
2005	40+/45+	Focus, Laurel, MD
	55+/60+	Golden Girls 55's, Burke, VA
2006	40+	Team Works, Manassas, VA
	55+	Capital Area Classic, Brighton, MI 
	60+	Suncoast Seniors, Clearwater, FL

HWSG Huntsmen Women's Senior's National Champions 
Year	Class		Champion
2001	50+		Great Lakers, Flint/Detroit, MI
	55+ Major	California Spirit Majors, Irvine, CA
	55+ Minor	Salt Chuckers, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2002	50+ Major	Renegades, Southern California
	50+ Minor	Vegas, Las Vegas NV
	55+		California Spirit Majors, Irvine CA
	60+		Queen Bees, Mesa AZ
2003	50+ Major	Renegades, Southern California
	50+ Minor	Kids @ Heart, Stockton, CA
	55+ Major	California Spirit, Irvine CA
	55+ Minor 	California Express, Irvine CA
	60+		Queen Bees, Mesa AZ
2004	50+ Major-A	California Spirit 50's, Los Angeles, CA
	50+ Minor-B	California Rockers, Oakland, CA	
	55+ Minor-A	Arizona Sunsets, Glendale, AZ	
	60+		Colorado Hot Flashes, Colorado Springs, CO
	65+		Sportaculars, Whitby, ON, Canada
	60+		Queen Bees, Mesa AZ
2005	50+ Major	Aches & Pains, Stockton, CA
	50+ Minor	Utaz BB, Provo, UT
	55+ Major	California Spirits, Orange County, CA
	55+ Minor	Sin City Diamond Divas, Las Vegas, NV
	60+ Major	Salt Chuckers, Vancouver, BC, Canada
	60+ Minor	Las Vegas Desert Neons, Las Vegas, NV
	65+ 		Sportaculars Canada 65’s, Fonthill, ON, Canada	
2006	50+ A		Maryland Road Runners, Rockville, MD
	50+ B		Loose Ends, Vancouver, BC, Canada
	55+ A		Kentucky Fillies 55+, Louisville, KY
	55+ B		Golden Girls 55+, Vienna, VA
	60+ A		Salt Chuckers, Vancouver, BC, Canada
	60+ B		Suncoast Seniors, Clearwater, FL
	65+		Sportaculars Canada 65+, Fonhill, ON, Canada

NSGA National Senior Games Association Women's Senior's Olympics 
Year	Class	Champions
1999	50+	California’s Most Wanted, California
	55+	American Legends, California
	60+	Golden Girls 60+, Vienna, VA
	65+	Colorado Peaches, Colorado
2001	50+	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
	55+	California Spirit Majors, Irvine, CA
	60+	Colorado Hot Flashes, Colorado
2003	50+	Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
	55+	California Spirit Majors, Irvine, CA
	60+	Golden Girls, Vienna, VA
	65+	Freedom Spirits of Florida, Largo, FL
	70+	Michigan Mavericks, Michigan
2005	50+	Road Runners, MD
	55+	California Spirit, Indio, CA
	60+	Arizona Rancherettes, AZ
	65+	N/A
	70+	N/A
2007		- no info	

LVSSA Las Vegas World Masters Championship Results
Year	Class		Champion
2003	50+		Tucson Classics, Tucson, AZ
	55+ 		Michigan Medical Miracles, Royal Oak, MI
2004	50+ 		Ohio Cardinals, Cincinnati, OH
	55+ 		Senior Unlimited, Michigan
	60+		California Spirit 60's, Irvine CA
	65+		Sportaculars CA 65, CA
2005	40+ 		Silver Foxes, CA
	50+ 		No Limits, NV
	55+ 		California Spirits, CA
	60+		Neons, NV
	65+		Sportaculars CA 65, CA
2006	40+		Tharaldson Enterprises, Fargo, ND
	50+		No Limits, NV
	55+		Cin-Day Cardinals
	60+		Salt Chuckers, Vancouver, BC, Canada
	65+		B.C. Swingers

Disbanded Tournament Classics

  • ASA Slow Pitch All Star Series (1968-77)
  • ASA Winston Cup All Star Challenge (1982-83)
  • Clarkins Cup World Series of Softball (1972)
  • North American Slow Pitch Championships (1976-77)
  • Town of Hempstead Rheingold Classic, Hempstead, NY (1970-82)
  • Hejaz Shriners Benefit, Spartenburg, SC (1977-84)
  • Ohio Valley Classic, Cincinnati, OH (1972-78)
  • Howard’s Furniture Classic, Denver, NC (1972-78)
  • Louisville Invitational – LIT, Louisville, KY (1962 – 94)
  • Bobby Fisher’s Hudepohl/Stroh’s Springfield Classic, Springfield, OH (1960-99)
  • Gateway Classic, St. Louis, MO (1967-2000)
  • Steele’s Classic, Cleveland, OH (1977-2000)
  • Circle City Classic, Indianapolis, IN (1996-2001)
  • Rock Hill NIT, Rock Hill, SC (1998-2001)
  • Flag City Shootout, Savannah/Macon, GA (1980-2004)
  • Memorial Day Classic, Alhambra/Lancaster, CA (1971-2000)
  • Worth NIT, Tullahoma, TN (1990-95)
  • Fun Valley Classic, Hutchinson, KS (1990-2001)
  • Dudley NIT, Petersburg/Salem, VA (1990-2002)
  • Space Coast Classic, Cocoa, FL (1990-2003)
  • Bayou Classic, Pasadena, TX (1996-2001)
  • Mike Coppinger Memorial, Plano, TX (2002-03)
  • ASA Super Qualifier, Sanford, FL
  • NSA NIT, Spartenburg, SC (2002-03)
  • Patriot’s Park Classic, Michigan City, IN (2002-04)
  • Dave Carroll’s Players Softball Association (PSA – 1997)
  • Coors Light National Championships (1996-97)
  • National Softball League (1983)
  • Capitol City Classic (1972-77)
  • Firecracker Classic, Cocoa, FL (1965-71)
  • Gulf Coast Invitational, Milton, FL (1966-70)
  • Azalea Invitational, Virginia Beach, VA (1970-72)
  • Soonerland (Nelson’s) Classic, Oklahoma City, OK (1977-78)
  • Howard & Carroll’s Round Robin, Sherrill’s Ford, NC (1977-80)
  • ASA-USSSA Lookout Sporting Goods Tournament of Champions, Chattanooga, TN (1976-77)
  • Home Run Derbys (George Taylor’s and USSSA Power Tour)
  • Town of Hempstead Rheingold Classic All Tournament Teams

ASA All-Star Series: (1968-1969)

Defending ASA Major Open division champions played ASA Major Open All-Stars in a series format

Year Winner Runner-up Result
1968 ASA Major Open All-Stars Little Caesars, Novi, MI Major All-Stars won the series  (3-1) –   Jim’s Sports Shop won the 1967 ASA Open and were scheduled to play the Major Open All-Stars in 1968, but they joined the USSSA organization. So the 1967 ASA Runners-up, Michael’s Lounge under new sponsership of Little Caesars played the All-Stars instead.
1969 County Sports, Levittown, NY ASA Major Open All-Stars County Sports swept the series  (4-0)  –  Bert Smith and Jim Galloway led County Sports to a 4 game sweep over the Major All-Stars led by H.T. Waller.

ASA All-Star Series: (1969-1977)

Defending ASA Major Open All-Stars played defending ASA Major Industrial All-Stars in a series format

Year Winner Runner-up Result
1970 Copper Hearth, Milwaukee, WI Avco-Lycoming, Stratford, CT Copper Hearth (Open) won the series 2-1  The remainder of the series was cancelled after Jim Dobbs of Lycoming was struck by lightening in the outfield and the rest of team walked off the field refusing to play.
1971 Little Caesars, Southgate, MI Pharr Yarn, McAdenville, NC Little Caesars (Open) swept series  4-0  – Tex Collins, Little Caesars – .500, 5 HRs Gary LaDue, Caesars – .857 (12-14, 2 HRs)
1972 Pile Drivers, VA Beach, VA Pharr Yarn, McAdenville, NC Pile Drivers (Open) won the series  3-1 – Bert Smith, VA Beach Piledrivers – 7 HRs;  H.T. Waller,Piledrivers – 6 HRs
1973 Jiffy’s Club, Louisville, KY Pharr Yarn, McAdenville, NC Jiffy’s Club (Open) won the series  3-1  –  Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club – 5 HRs
1974 Howard’s Furniture, Denver,NC Pabst Int. Harvester, Springfield, MO Howard’s Furniture (Open) won series  4-1 –  H.T. Waller (MVP), Howard’s(.625, 6 HRs);  Don Arndt, Howard’s Furniture –5 HRs; Stan Harvey, Howard’s – .631
1975 Howard’s Furniture, Denver,NC Aetna Life Insurance, Charlotte, NC Howard’s Furniture (Open) won series  4-1 – Bert Smith (MVP), Howard’s (9 HRs)
1976 Pyramid Café, Lakewood, OH Nassau County Police, Mineola, NY Pyramid Café (Open) won the series  5-0 – Jim Sibert, Pyramid Café  – .714 (10-14);  Steve Loya, Pyramid Café – 3 HRs
1977 Warren Motors, Jacksonville,FL Armco Triangles, Middletown, OH Warren Motors (Open) won the series  5-0 –Mickey McCarty, Warren’s (24-28, .857, 17 HRs, 30 RBIs); Ray Fleetwood, Warren’s (.792, 11 HRs);  Bob Disney, Warren’s (.824, 9 HRs)
1978 SERIES DISBANDED  (Open champs won all eight series events)

ASA Winston Cup All Star Challenge (1982)  

Defending ASA Super division champions played Super All-Stars in a series format

Final Standings Record 1. Howard’s/Western Steer 4-1 2. ASA Super All-Americans 1-4Game Scores: Howard’s/Western Steer 22, ASA All-Americans 19 Howard’s/Western Steer 23, ASA All-Americans 11 ASA All-Americans 23, Howard’s/Western Steer 21 Howard’s/Western Steer 16, ASA All-Americans 6 Howard’s/Western Steer 11, ASA All-Americans 7Howard’s/Western Steer (ASA Super Champs): Rick Scherr (17-20, .850, 9 HRs, 17 RBIs) Dick Bartel (10-14, .714, 6 HRs, 13 RBIs) Tom Beall (11-17, .647, 5 HRs, 13 RBIs) Mike Cellura (10-17, .583, 4 HRs, 10 RBIs) Stan Harvey (12-21, .571, 6 HRs, 13 RBIs) Other Howard’s Players: Don Arndt, Ed Roth, Steve Howard, Buddy Slater, Russell Bradley, Richard Wilborn and Dennis MyersASA Super All-Americans: Chic Downing (12-19, .632, 5 HR, 7 RBI) Harold Kelley (12-21, .571, 7 HR, 11 RBI) Curtis Williams (10-19, .526, 0 HR, 1 RBI) Herman Rathman (10-21, .500, 7 HR, 11 RBI) Bruce Meade (9-19, .474, 7 HR, 13 RBI) Other All-Americans: Dennis Punch, Sidney Cooper, Buck Hall, Rick Hollingsworth, Warren Scarbaugh, and Manager- Dennis Helmig

ASA Winston Cup All Star Series (1983)  

The ASA-Super All-Stars, the ASA-Major All-Stars, the defending ASA-Super division champion, Jerry’s Caterers and the ASA-Major division champion, Triangle Sports played each other in a round-robin series.

Final Standings Record 1. ASA Super Division All-Stars 2-0 2. Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL 1-1 2. ASA Major Division All-Stars 1-1 4. Triangle Sports, Minneapolis, MN 0-2Game Scores: Super All-Stars 28, Jerry’s Caterers 6 Major All-Stars 15, Triangle Sports 5 Super All-Stars 15, Major All-Stars 8 Jerry’s Caterers 16, Triangle Sports 9Super ASA All-Stars: Dennis Myers (7-9, .778, 3 HRs, 6 RBIs) Clyde Guy (7-9, .778, 0 HRs, 3 RBIs) Curtis Williams (6-8, .750, 0 HRs, 4 RBIs) Homer Salazar (5-8, .625, 1 HR, 4 RBIs) Tom Beall (5-9, .556, 0 HRs, 2 RBIs) Mike Parrott (5-9, .556, 2 HRs, 5 RBIs) Rick Scherr (5-10, .500, 2 HRs, 6 RBIs) Dick Bartel (5-10, .500, 0 HRs, 5 RBIs) Other All-Stars: Lacy Brumley, Richard Wilborn And Perry KenningtonJerry’s Caterers (ASA Super Champs): Mike Nye (4-5, .800, 0 HRs, 0 RBIs) Greg Fuhrman (5-7, .714, 1 HR, 3 RBIs) Bruce Meade (4-6, .667, 1 HR, 2 RBIs) Mike Bolen (3-7, .429, 1 HR, 5 RBIs) Other Jerry’s Players: Doug Brown, Denny Jones, Chic Downing, Mike Cellura, James Washington, Harold Kelley, Danny Basso, Dan Griffen and Bill MeyerMajor ASA All-Stars: Herman Rathman (5-6, .833, 3 HRs, 7 RBIs) Ron Wood (4-5, .800, 0 HRs, 2 RBIs) Mark Brown (4-7, .571, 1 HR, 5 RBIs) Other All-Stars: Mike Foote, Roger Wilt, Steve O’Neill, Mike Zadel, Gene White, Rick Flora, Ron Nordquist, John Magnan and Steve WileyTriangle Sports (ASA Major Champs): Jim Bowen (3-4, .750, 0 HRs, 2 RBIs) Mike Martin (4-6, .667, 0 HRs, 3 RBIs) Glenn Bourquin (4-7, .571, 0 HRs, 2 RBIs) Other Triangle Sports Players: Jim Kurkowski, Louis Boone, John Locke, Garry Morris, Gordy Handevidt, Mick Zigler, Ron Adams and Tim EldgridgeClarkins Cup World Series of Softball, Parma, OH (1972) 1- Little Caesars, Detroit, MI (Mike Gouin, Tex Collins, Bill Cole, Bob Auten, Mike Axelson, Gary LaDue, Jim Puckett, Bob Malicki, Joe Gauci and Tony Mazza)2- Empire County Sports, Levittown, NY (Jim Galloway, Mike Foley, Joe Konicki, Steve Sherina, Rick Leek, Glenn Dorsch, Chuck Forte, Bob Lombardi, Bob Schugman, Bill Molloy, Joe Petriello, Gary Richter, Lou Russo and Oscar Steadman)3- Sir Loin, Pittsburgh, PA (Paul Tomasovich, Lou Delmastro, Miller Adams, Mike Kovach, Ray Kruel and Red Kowalski)4- Champion Sports, Parma, OH (Steve Loya, Andy Loya, Bobby Reid, Jim Sibert and Dave Jakubs)North American Softball Championships (1976-77) 1976 1- Les Copain, Montreal, Canada 2- Poindexter Lumber, Winston-Salem, NC 3- Pyramid Café, Cleveland, OH 4- Hill Spring, Alberta, Canada MVP – Jean Pierre Paul, Les Copain (.577) 1977 1- Teamsters 293, Cleveland, OH 2- Warren Motors, Jacksonville, FL 3- Aldergrove Construction Royals, British Columbia, Canada 4- Merrifield, Windsor, Ontario, Canada MVP- Rich Amsden, Teamsters (.654, 2 HRs, 13 RBIs)) HR Leader – Ray Fleetwood, Warren’s (12 HRs, 25 RBIs, .821) 1978 Tournament DisbandedRheingold Classic (1970-72) – Baldwin, NY Town of Hempstead Tournament of Champions (1973-82) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1969 Hicksville Astros, Hicksville, NY 615 Club, York, PA Dan Miller, 615 Club 1970 County Sports, Levittown, NY Hicksville Astros, Hicksville, NY Bob Lombardi, County Sports Bill Molloy County Sports – 13 HRs 1971 County Sports, Levittown, NY Hicksville Astros, Hicksville, NY Jim Galloway, County Sports (24-28, .857, 12 HRs) Rick Leek, County Sports – .917 (11-12) 1972 Empire-County Sports, Levittown, NY Card’s Carpets, Chattanooga, TN Gary Richter, Empire Vending-County Sports (.789, 7 HRs, 15 RBIs) Jim Galloway, Empire Vending-County Sports – 12 HRs 1973 Empire County Astros, Levittown, NY Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Bert Smith, Howard’s Furniture (24-31 .774, 14 HRs) H.T. Waller, Howard’s Furniture – 15 HRs 1974 Empire County Astros, Levittown, NY Little Caesars, Southgate, MI Lou Russo, Empire County Astros (13-19 .684) Gary LaDue, Little Caesars – 10 HRs (23-41, .560, 25 RBIs) 1975 Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK Empire County Astros, Levittown, NY Gordon Wheeler, Nelson’s Painting Jim Galloway, Empire County Astros – 10 HRs 1976 Pepsico, Levittown, NY Levittown Legion, Levittown, NY Rick Leek, Pepsico Jim Galloway, Pepsico (HR Leader) Bob Schugman, Pepsico – .800 1977 Pepsico, Levittown, NY Gartenhaus Café, Plainville, CT John Davide, Pepsico 1978 County Sports, Levittown, NY Grumman Aircraft, Bethpage, NY John Davide, County Sports (16-20, ,800, 8 HRs) George Pajonas, County Sports – 9 HRs 1979 York Barbells, York, PA ? MVP – ? 1980 York Barbells, York, PA County Sports, Levittown, NY Rick Leek, York Barbell (.714) Bill Pollock and Larry Hutcherson, York Barbell – 10 HRs 1981 County Sports, Levittown, NY Hawkins & Spence, Ronkonkoma, NY Ernie Hicks, County Sports Kurt Brock, County Sports – HR Leader 1982 Hawkins & Spence, Ronkonkoma, NY County Sports, Levittown, NY Tony Musso, Hawkins & Spence 1983 Tournament disbanded (See some of the old all-tournament teams at the bottom of this page)Hejaz Shriners Benefit, Spartensburg, SC (1977-85) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1977 Howard & Carroll, Sherrills Ford, NC Ken Sander’s Ford, Phoenix City, AL James Boyett, Howard & Carroll (42-52, .807, 26 HRs) 1978 Ken Sander’s Ford, Phoenix City, AL Howard & Carroll, Sherrills Ford, NC David Beaird, Ken Sander’s Ford (31 HRs) 1979 Dave Carroll’s, Sherrills Ford, NC Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Gene Jones, Dave Carroll (41-53, .774, 23 HRs) James Boyett, Ken Sander’s (57 RBIs) – 28 HRs 1980 Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Harold Kelley, Jerry’s Caterers (.652, 11 HRs) Ed Roth, Howard’s/Western Steer – 26 HRs 1981 Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA Tom Beall, Howard’s/Western Steer (27 HRs) 1982 Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC York Barbell/Ken Sander’s, York, PA Tom Beall, Howard’s/Western Steer (28-41, .683, 21 HRs) 1983 Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC Fred Trice, Elite (.761, 21 HRs) Craig Elliott, Elite – 23 HRs 1984 Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH Charles Wright, Elite Craig Elliott, Elite – 15 HRs 1984 No other information availableOhio Valley Classic, Cincinnati, OH (1972-1978) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1972 Jiffy Club, Louisville, KY Hauck’s Cafe, Cincinnati, OH Joe Sims, Jiffy Club Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club and Jerome Youngblood, Hyde Park Clothes – 5 HRs Jim Scaggs, Ringside Bar – .737 1973 Hutchinson Trucking, Goshen, OH Jiffy Club, Louisville, KY Lytle Brown, Hutchinson Trucking Steve Coffman, Jiffy Club – 7 HRs Bob Kerley, Simpson’s Café – .694 1974 Carlisle Construction, Covington, KY ? Greg Sandee, Carlisle Construction Tom Kasee, Dase’s Place and Bill Ervin, Artichoke Joe’s – 5 HRs John DeVos, Artichoke Joe’s – .667 1975 Foxy Lady Lounge, Cincinnati, OH Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Jerome Youngblood, Foxy Lady Lounge Bert Smith, Steve Howard and Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture – 10 HRs Ted Keyser, Lima Steeles – .862 1976 Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Armco Steel, Middletown, OH Manny Crespo, Jerry’s Caterers Don Arndt, Howard’s Furniture – 8 HRs Marty Monterosso, Savannah Cafe – .722 1977 Ken Sander’s Ford, Phoenix City, AL Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL David Beaird, Ken Sanders H.T. Waller, Howard’s – 19 HRs Craig Elliott, Ken Sanders – .750 1978 Stroh’s, Cincinnati, OH LaRosa’s Greater Cincinnati Sports, Cincinnati, OH Ron Jones, Stroh’s Rick Hasty, Steele’s Sports and Jerry King, Dubose Chemical – HR Leaders Rick Hasty, Steele’s Sports – .824 1979 No other information availableHoward’s Furniture Classic, Denver, NC (1971-78) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1971 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC ? 1972 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Card’s Carpets, Chattanooga, TN Bob Bates, Howard’s Furniture (11-15, .733, 5 HRs) 1973 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC ? Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture 1974 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC ? Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture – HR Leader 1975 Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK Duggan & Duggan, Chattanooga, TN Mike Nye, Nelson’s Painting Frank Sorrell’s, Nelson’s – 9 HRs 1976 Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC James Washington, Jerry’s (17 HRs) 1977 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Howard & Carroll, Sherrill’s Ford, NC Steve Howard, Howard’s Furniture HT Waller, Howard’s Furniture – 20 HRs 1978 Howard & Carroll, Sherrill’s Ford, NC Ken Sander’s Ford, Phoenix City, AL MVP – ? 1979 No other information availableLouisville Invitational Tournament (LIT), Louisville, KY (1962-?) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1962 Jiffy Club, Louisville, KY ? 1963 Gatliff Auto Sales, Newport, KY ? 1964 Gatliff Auto Sales, Newport, KY ? 1965 Musicaro’s Foods, Massapequa, NY ? 1966 Tirabassi Excavating, Milwaukee, WI ? 1967 Surfside Restaurant, Fairfield, CT Inner Circle, Cincinnati, OH Don Hansen, Surfside Restaurant (MVP & HR Leader, 17 RBIs) 1968 ? ? MVP – ? 1969 Avco-Lycoming, Stradford, CT ? MVP – ? 1970 Stroh’s Beer, Springfield, OH Seymour Merchants, Seymour, IN Dave Evilsizer, Stroh’s 1971 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Hike’s Point, Louisville, KY MVP – ? 1972 Dante’s Restaurant, Cincinnati, OH Stroh’s Beer, Springfield, OH Bob Willett, Dante’s Mike Appling, Stroh’s – 12 HRs 1973 Century Tire, Cincinnati, OH Jiffy Club, Louisville, KY Phil Schroer, Jiffy Club 1974 Jiffy Club, Louisville, KY Easy Shop, Louisville, KY MVP – ? 1975 Sports World, Lexington, KY ? MVP – ? 1976 Jiffy Club, Louisville, KY Napholtz Construction, Milwaukee, WI Gary Rice, Jiffy Club Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club (HR Leader) 1977 Paul Johnson, Indianapolis, IN Armco Steel, Middletown, OH Jim Anthony, Paul Johnson Jim Gomia, Armco Steel – 10 HRs 1978 Dan’s Sports, Tampa, FL Jack’s No. 9, Louisville, KY MVP – ? 1979 Batters Brothers, Lexington, KY ? MVP – ? 1980 T&K, Lexington, KY Le-Al-Co, Lebanon, TN Kenneth Dean, T&K 1981 Southside Automotive, Louisville, KY Apple Realty, Dayton, OH Dave Elder & Don Rardin, Southside 1982 Doublemont Chevrolet. Lexington, KY C&L Carpet, London, KY MVP – ? 1983 T&K/Bassett Products, Lexington, KY Bill Clark A.C., Louisville, KY Kenny Rideout, Bassett (9 HRs) 1984 Bassett Products, Lexington, KY Dan’s Sports, Tampa, FL MVP – ? 1985 Bill Clark A.C., Louisville, KY Southside Sports, Louisville, KY Mark Heirlmeier, Dan’s (6 HRs) and Tom Everette, Le-Al-Co (6 HRs) 1986 Starpath, Monticello, KY Le-Al-Co, Lebanon, TN Gary Jones, Starpath (MVP & HR Leader) 1987 Starpath, Monticello, KY Booher Paving, Dayton, OH MVP – ? 1988 Starpath, Monticello, KY New Construction, Shelbyville, IN MVP – ? 1989 ? ? MVP – ? 1990 R&D, Lima, OH Riverside, Louisville, KY No MVP Awarded Randy Kortokrax, R&D – 8 HRs Randy Kortokrax, R&D – .750 1991 Riverside Paving, Louisville, KY RAM Engineering, Louisville, KY MVP – ? 1992 ? ? MVP – ? 1993 BC/Papa John’s ? MVP – ? 1994 No other information availableBobby Fisher’s/Hudepohl/Stroh’s Invitational, Springfield, OH (1960-99) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1960 Miamisburg Moose, Dayton, OH ? MVP – ? 1961 Gatliff Auto Sales, Newport, KY ? Ray “Whitey” Brown, Gatliff Auto Sales 1962 Carlisle Construction, Newport, KY Gatliff Auto Sales, Newport, KY Al Rinehard, Carlisle Construction Bob Harrison, Gatliff’s and Steve Illes, Carlisle Construction – 5 HRs 1963 East Side Sporting Goods, Detroit, MI Grande-Leah, New Kensington, PA MVP – ? Ron Engler, Grande-Leah – 4 HRs 1964 Tom Sweeney, Cincinnati, OH Gatliff Auto Sales, Newport, KY MVP – ? 1965 Schott-Lipert Buick, Cincinnati, OH Pabst International, Springfield, OH Walt Roeckers, Schott-Lipert Buick Don Arndt, Pharr Yarn and Bill Powell, Sheffield Bronze – 7 HRs 1966 Michael’s Lounge, Detroit, MI Jake Sweeney, Cincinnati, OH Bill Goedde, Jake Sweeney Tex Collins, Michael’s Lounge – 8 HRs 1967 Wilsman’s Trucking, Hamilton, OH Michael’s Lounge, Detroit, MI Don Nuxhall, Wilsman Trucking (.640) Mike Axelson, Michael’s Lounge – 9 HRs 1968 Little Ceasar’s, Southgate, MI Gatliff Auto Sales, Newport, KY Tom Taylor, Gatliff Auto Sales Sonny Rider, Gatliff Auto Sales – 7 HRs 1969 Little Ceasar’s, Southgate, MI Duff’s Inn, Minneapolis, MN Dennis Wrzos, Duff’s Inn (8 HRs) 1970 Little Ceasar’s, Southgate, MI Non-Ferrous Metals, Cleveland, OH Phil Schroer, Seymour Merchants (17-20, .850, 5 HRs) Bill Silvers and ? Kruglucki, Non-Ferrous – 5 HRs 1971 Little Ceasar’s, Southgate, MI Tennessee Trailways, Knoxville, TN Bill Cole, Little Caesars (11 HRs) 1972 Little Ceasar’s, Southgate, MI Piledrivers, Virginia Beach, VA Bob Auten, Little Caesars (.609) Tom Taylor, Century Tire – 11 HRs Steve Massong, Century Tire – .935 (43-46) 1973 Little Ceasar’s, Southgate, MI Duggan & Duggan, Chattanooga, TN Jim Puckett, Caesars (20-22, .909, 7 HRs) & David Brown, Duggan (7 HRs) Don Arndt, Howard’s Furniture – 14 HRs 1974 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Little Ceasar’s, Southgate, MI Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture (.595, 13 HRs) HT Waller, Howard’s Furniture – 15 HRs 1975 Empire County Astros, Levittown, NY Bert’s Blackhorse Saloon, Detroit, MI Mike Foley, Empire County Astros (.740, 6 HRs) Ed Corum, Augusta, GA – 6 HRs 1976 Pepsico, Levittown, NY Dubose Chemical, Columbus, OH Larry Chiapetta, Pepsico (.615) Ben Hogan, Le-Al-Co – 13 HRs 1977 Duggan & Duggan, Chattanooga, TN Howard & Carroll, Sherrills Ford, NC Mark Mastison, Duggan & Duggan (.736) Denny Jones, Howard & Carroll – 14 HRs 1978 Howard & Carroll, Sherrills Ford, NC Cincinnati Strohs, Cincinnati, OH Don Clatterbaugh, Howard & Carroll James Boyette, Howard & Carroll – 19 HRs 1979 Nelson”s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK ? Bruce Meade, Nelson’s Painting 1980 Hillcrest Tavern, Cleveland, OH & G.B. Wilcher Seymour, IN (Co-champs – rain) Steve Blanchette, Hillcrest (.650) Junior Beasley, T&K – 8 HRs 1981 Steele’s Sports, Lima, OH Bushleman’s, Cincinnati, OH Larry Garrard, Steele’s Al White, Steele’s – 10 HRs Steve Hicks, Birmingham – .683 (28-41) 1982 Snyder’s (Miller Auto), Detroit, MI Cline Brothers, Archbold, OH Denny Poppenger, Miller Auto Parts (15-20, .750) Roger Wilt, Teamsters 293 – 7 HRs 1983 T&K/Basset Products, Lexington, KY Southwestern Fabricators, Detroit, MI Jeff Stamps, T&K 1984 Southwestern Fabricators, Detroit, MI Miller Auto Parts, Detroit, MI Bob Louria, Southwestern Fabricators Mark Kerrigan, Miller’s Auto – 7 HRs 1985 M.W. Tribble, Cincinnati, OH Gregg Security, Pittsburgh, PA Jack Collins, M.W. Tribble 1986 Starpath Systems, Monticello, KY Lansing Glasss, Hammond, IN Jeff Stamps, Starpath Systems (.650) 1987 Starpath Systems, Monticello, KY Stroh’s, Springfield, OH Dave Johnson, Starpath Systems 1988 Maroadi Transport, Jeannette, PA Stewart’s Lounge, Pittsburgh, PA Denny Brown, Maroadi Transport (.625) Dave Jett, Stewart’s Lounge – 10 HRs 1989 VIP/ETC, Cincinnati, OH Bunca Car Wash, Kalamazoo, MI Ken Ewald, VIP/ETC Homer Ruth, Weber Farms – 5 HRs 1990 Stewart’s Lounge, Pittsburgh, PA Bunca Car Wash, Kalamazoo, MI Denny Brown, Stewart’s Lounge Mike Zadel, Cayagan – 8 HRs 1991 Bunca Car WashKalamazoo, MI Jay’s/Hague, Cincinnati, OH Chuck Maiorana, Bunca Brian Ward, Bunca – 4 HRs Bob Cameron, Bunca – .700 1992 Pace/Worth, Rochester, NY Bunca Car Wash, Kalamazoo, MI Steve Huston, Pace/Worth Dewayne Nevitt, New Construction – 6 HRs 1993 Bunca/Worth, Kalamazoo, MI Pace/Worth, Rochester, NY Brian Ward, Bunca/Worth (.647, 9 HRs, 19 RBIs) Scott McDaniel, Bunca – .773 1994 Bunca/Worth, Kalamazoo, MI Jay’s/Hague, Cincinnati, OH Brian Ward, Bunca/Worth Mark Cobb, Jay’s – 12 HRs Steve Dickinson, Jay’s – .741 1995 Hague/R&D/Ohio/TPS, Columbus, OH Pace/Leisure, Rochester, NY Brian Jeffers, Hague (19-21, .905, 10 HRS, 24 RBIs) Scott McDaniel, Joe Blacks (17-30, .567, 23 RBIs) – 14 HRs 1996 Belcher Construction, Manteno, IL Sportsworld/Reece/Worth, Lebanon, TN Jeff Ott, Belcher Construction (15-19, .789, 11 HRs, 26 RBIs) Cecil Hicks, Sportsworld (17-24, .708, 26 RBIs) and Jeff Ott, Belcher – 11 HRs Howie Krause, Hague/Ohio Transport/Wessel (10-12) – .833 1997 Tournament Rained Out 1998 Journeyman/Fry/Sports, Westland, MI Wessell/Hague/SoJern, Cincinnati, OH Kevin Birkofer, Journyman/Fry (15-24, .625, 3 HRs) Howie Krause, Wessell (25-36, .694) – 12 HRs 1999 Journeyman/Varsity, Westland, MI Aftershock/DTS/Rendall, Fairfield, CA Dave Dohonas, Journeyman – (10-17, .588, 6 HRs) Tommy Dodd, Aftershock – (27-32, .844, 31 RBIs) 2000 Tournament disbandedJohn Massud Gateway Classic, St. Louis, MO (1967-2000) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1967 ? ? 1968 ? ? 1969 ? ? 1970 Copper Hearth, Milwaukee, WI ? 1971 ? ? 1972 Triton Oil, Wichita, KS ? 1973 Smith Plumbing, Ft. Walton Beach, FL ? 1974 ? ? 1975 Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK ? Mike Nye, Nelson’s Painting 1976 Taylor Brothers, Corpus Christi, TX Crother Roofing, Joliet, IL Mickey McCarty, Taylor Brothers Rick Scherr, Taylor Brothers (HR Leader) 1977 Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK Mi Pueblito, St. Louis, MO MVP – ? 1978 Port City Ford, Houston, TX Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC MVP – ? 1979 Campbell’s Carpets, Concord, CA Capitol Insulation, N. Hollywood, CA Dick Bartel and Denny Jones, Campbell’s Don Arndt, Howard’s – 14 HRs 1980 Campbell’s Carpets, Concord, CA Glenn Brothers, Little Rock, AR Dick Bartell, Campbell’s (.800, 14 HRs) 1981 St. Louis Merchants, St. Louis, MO Groovin-II, Milwaukee, WI Ken Parker, Groovin-II (.714, 6 HRs) 1982 Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA Bushelman, Cincinnati, OH No MVP named, tournament shortened due to rain 1983 Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA Triangle Sports, Minneapolis, MN MVP – ? 1984 Steele’s Sports, Grafton OH ? Mike Macenko, Steele’s (.833, 13 HRs, 35 RBIs) 1985 Steele’s Sports, Grafton OH Lilly Air, Chicago, IL Mike Macenko, Steele’s (.769, 14 HRs, 32 RBIs) 1986 Connover Moore, St. Louis MO Glass Wholesalers, Hammond, IN Rich Ducharme, Connover Moore Batting Leader – Bill Dean, Connover Moore 1987 St. Louis Merchants, St. Louis MO ? Curt Dusek, St. Louis Merchants 1988 Starpath, Monticello, KY Superior-Spalding, Windsor Locks, CT Dave Elder, Starpath Scott Jones, Starpath – 15 HRs 1989 Lighthouse, Stone Mountain GA New Construction, Indianapolis, IN Carl Rose, Lighthouse Batting Leader – Don Holder, Lighthouse 1990 Steele’s Silver Bullets, Grafton OH Starpath, Monticello, KY Scott Virkus, Steele’s(17-19, .895, 8 HRs) Dale Mayo, Starpath (.821), Ron Parnell, Superior-Apollo (.800) and Carl Rose, Lighthouse (.724) – 13 HRs 1991 Starpath/LeAlCo, Monticello, KY Lighthouse/Sunbelt, Stone Mountain GA Gary Jones, Starpath (.800, 17 HRs) Mike Macenko, Lighthouse/Sunbelt – 20 HRs 1992 Ritch’s-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks CT Starpath, Monticello, KY Dirk Androff, Ritch’s-Superior (.741, 9 HRs) Jim Fuller, Ritch’s-Superior (.786) – 12 HRs 1993 Ritch’s-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks CT Bell Corp., Tampa, FL MVP – ? 1994 Bell Corp. Tampa FL DJ’s/TPS, Atchinson, KS Mark Martin, Bell (21-24, .875, 11 HRs) JC Phelps (32-36, .889), Ricky Huggins (.758) and Shawn Keane (.743), DJ’s – 19 HRs Robbie Ergle, DJ’s (32-34, 17 HRs) – .941 1995 Superior/Southland, Gainesville, GA Tri-Gems/Easton, Cedarbrook, NJ Phil Jobe, Superior/Southland (31-34, .912, 8 HRs, 25 RBIs) Bill Jerrick, Tri-Gems/Eastons (27-33, .818) – 16 HRs 1996 Steele’s/Sunbelt Hit Men, Grafton OH Dan Smith Plastering, San Jose, CA Mike Macenko, Steele’s (32-36, .889, 14 HRs, 35 RBIs) 1997 R&D/Grover, Lima OH Branden/Dudley, Raleigh, NC Bob Van Erem, R&D/Grover (24-27, .889, 11 HRs) Mark Weaver, Branden/Dudley – 21 HRs (.744) 1998 Sierra/TPS, Reno, NV Steele’s/R&D/Reda, Brook Park, OH Darrell Beeler, Sierra/TPS (26-28, .929, 17 HRs) 1999 Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH R&D/Easton, Lima, OH Judson Jackson, Hague (.739, 4 HRs) Lonnie Fox, R&D (19-29, .655) – 17 HRs Dennis Turner, Hague – .818 2000 Sunbelt Platics, Centerville, GA Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN Jimmy Powers, Sunbelt (20-22, .909, 16 HRs) and Derrick Oliver, Sunbelt (20-20, 1.000, 16 HRS) 2001 Tournament disbandedCoors Light/Coca-Cola/Cleveland/Steele’s NIT, Cleveland, OH (1977-2000) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1977 Miracle Tree, Richmond, IN Rudolph Libbe, Toledo, OH Jim Miller, Miracle Tree Tom Fullenkamp, Filburns (HR Leader) 1978 B.B.L., Columbus, OH Hillcrest Tavern, Cleveland, OH Jeff Swanner, B.B.L. (.800, 6 HRs, 10 RBIs) 1979 Hillcrest Tavern, Cleveland, OH Garrett Builders, Elyria, OH Mike Macenko, Hillcrest Tavern (.625, 12 HRs, 22 RBIs) 1980 Knits-Full Service, Cleveland, OH Hans Hanson, Toledo, OH Jerry Wujcik, Knits (29-33, .879, 11 RBIs) Lynn Navare, Hans Hanson – 14 HRs (22-30, .733, 27 RBIs) 1981 Teamsters 293, Cleveland, OH Tuff-Kote, Parma, OH Jerry Petkoff, Teamsters Bill Kloczko, Teamsters – 5 1982 Lee Supply, Pittsburgh, PA Tuff-Kote, Parma, OH MVP – ? 1983 Teamsters 293, Cleveland, OH McPhones, Parma, OH Ron Wood, Teamsters 293 Lynn Navarre, Miller, Rick Amsden, Mike Zadel and Mark Brown, Teamsters 293 – 6 HRs 1984 Teamsters 293, Cleveland, OH ? MVP – ? 1985 Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH Gregg Security, Pittsburgh, PA Mike Macanko, Steele’s (.759, 14 HRs, 36 RBIs) Dennis Graser, Steele’s – .889 (16-18) 1986 Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH Gregg Security, Pittsburgh, PA Mike Macanko, Steele’s Sports 1987 Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH Maroadi Transfer, Pittsburgh, PA Craig Elliott, Steele’s (19 HRs) 1988 Maroadi Transfer, Pittsburgh, PA Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH Cliff Carpenter, Maroadi Transfer (20 HRs) 1989 Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH Ritch’s Salvage, Harrisburg, NC Ron Parnell, Steele’s Sports 1990 Steele’s, Brook Park, OH VIP/Express, Cincinnati, OH Mike Macenko, Steele’s (20-27, .741, 12 HRs, 26 RBIs) Scott Virkus, Steele’s – .750 (15-20, 7 HRs, 16 RBIs) 1991 Bell Corp., Tampa, FL Gooslin Construction, Columbus, OH Joe Foley, Gooslin (14-18, .778, 5 HRs) Dave Johnson, Bell Corp. – 7 HRs 1992 Pace/Worth, Rochester, NY Steele’s/Sunbelt, Brook Park, OH Rich Kolmetz, Pace/Worth Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. – 18 HRs Tot Powers, Steele’s/Sunbelt – .700 1993 Bell Corp., Tampa, FL Steele’s/Sunbelt, Brook Park, OH Kerry Everett, Bell Corp. (.900) 1994 Bell Corp., Tampa, FL Bunca/Worth, Kalamazoo, MI Hank Garris, Bell (20-23, .869, 12 HRs, 29 RBIs) Tommy Thompson, Jay’s – 15 HRs (18-28, .643) Tom White, Charlie’s Tuna – .882 (15-17) 1995 Hague/Ohio Tran./R&D, Columbus, OH Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA Tim Linson, Hague/Ohio Transport/R&D/TPS (16-20, .800, 6 HRs, 17 RBIs) Doug Burns, Herrin/Power Flite (18-25, .720, 27 RBIs) – 13 HRs JC Phelps, Shen Valley (14-16, 11 HRs, 17 RBIs) – .875 1996 Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA Bell II/Robert’s/Easton, Tampa, FL Al Davis, Shen Valley (26-28, .929, 16 HRs, 26 RBIs) Robin Higginbothom, Bell II (22-28, .786, 39 RBIs) – 18 HRs Doug Kissane, Steele’s (21-21, 9 HRs) – 1.000 1997 Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Al Davis, Shen Valley (23-27, .852, 15 HRs) Carl Rose, Lighthouse – 24 Bob Fisher, SoJern/Specialty Tank (22-25, 16 HRs) – .880 1998 Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Steele’s/R&D/Reda, Brook Park, OH Al Davis, Lighthouse (20-21, .952, 9 HRs) Howie Krause, Wessell/Hague/So Jern (24-35, .686) – 20 HRs 1999 Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH Paramount/ BuildersTPS, Clemmons, NC Tim Cocco, Hague – (20-24, .833, 5 HRs) KC Gillum, Planet/Easton and Tim Larsen, Hague – 12 HRs Randy Lucas, Creative Stucco – .833 (15-18) 2000 Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN Maroadi Transfer/Nike, Pittsburgh, PA Jeff Ott, Long Haul (20-30, .667, 13 HRs, 22 RBIs) 2001 Tournament disbandedCircle City Classic, Indianapolis, IN (1996-2001) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1996 Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA Dave Steffen, Sunbelt (17-19, .895, 13 HRs, 20 RBIs) Dewayne Frizzell, Shen Valley (21-26, .808, 23 RBIs) – 15 HRs Scott Flood, Long Haul (12-13) – .923 1997 Sunbelt/Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA Martin/Mizuno/Bike/Demarini, Seymour, IN Todd Joerling, Sunbelt (11 HRs) Jeff Ross (16-16, 9 HRs) and Jack Ragon, Martin/Mizuno (17-17, 6 HRs) and John McCraw, Sunbelt (11-11, 6 HRs) – 1.000 1998 Steele’s/R&D/Reda, Brook Park, OH Gasoline Heaven, Commack, NY Randy Kortokrax, Steele’s (23-24, .958, 15 HRs) Jimmy Devine, Steele’s (24-28, .857) – 18 HRs 1999 Team TPS, Louisville, KY R&D/Nike, Lima, OH Todd Martin, Team TPS (29-36, .806, 14 HRs) Hank Garris, Team TPS (34-38, .895, 45 RBIs) and Dewayne Nevitt, Team TPS (30-35, 857, 43 RBIs) – 23 HRs 2000 Team TPS, Louisville, KY Sunbelt Plastics, Centerville, GA Dennis Mendoza, Sunbelt (45-57, .789, 32 HRs, 54 RBIs) and Hank Garris, Team TPS (.854, 23 HRs) Shane Dubose, R&D – .892 (33-37, 11 HRs, 26 RBIs) 2001 Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN Reece/Roosters, Canal Winchester, OH Andy Purcell, Long Haul/TPS (27-36, .750, 15 HRs, 27 RBIs) Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS (36-41, .881, 42 RBIs) – 23 HRs 2002 Tournament disbandedNSA NIT, Rock Hill, SC (1998-2001) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1998 Team TPS, Louisville, KY Leading Edge/Major League, Atlanta, GA John Mello (13-16, .813) and Rick Weiterman (15-19, .789), Team TPS Corky Pellien, Leading Edge/Major League – 9 HRs 1999 R&D/Nike, Lima, OH Chase/Easton, Wilmington, NC Keith Brockman, R&D/Nike (24-26, .923, 17 HRs) David Hood, R&D/Nike (27-31, .871, 39 RBIs) and Lonnie Fox, R&D/Nike (31-32, .969, 32 RBIs) – 22 HRs 2000 Team TPS, Louisville, KY P&D/Easton, Somers, CT Todd Martin, Team TPS (28-29, .966, 14 HRs) Jeff Wallace, Team TPS – 21 2001 Smokes/ABS/TPS, Ellicott, MD POV’s/Walser/TPS, St. Paul, MN Jimmy Rogers, Smokes/ABS/TPS 2002 Tournament disbandedFlag City Shootout, Savannah, GA (1980-2004) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1980 Ken Sanders Subaru, Phoenix City, AL Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, Fl Ronnie Ford, Ken Sanders (.783, 8 HRs) George Schnorr, DM Racing – 14 1981 York Barbell/Ken Sanders, York, PA Green Machine, Starke, FL Craig Elliott, York-Sanders (.769) Fred Winston, Green Machine – 10 HRs 1982 Elite Coatings, Gordan, GA Tigers, Savannah, GA MVP – ? 1984 Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA ? Mike Macenko, Elite (.810) 1985 ? ? MVP – ? 1986 Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH ? Joe Young, Steele’s Sports 1987 ? ? MVP – ? 1988 ? ? MVP – ? 1989 ? ? MVP – ? 1990 Instant Landscaping, Loxahatchee, FL Neuse Sand & Gravel, LaGrange, NC Ernie Toth, Instant Landscape (17-21, .810, 11 HRs) Jimmy Powers, Neuse Sand & Gravel – 18 1991 Neuse Sand & Gravel, LaGrange, NC Boys of Summer, Miami, FL Tot Powers, Neuse Sand & Gravel HR Leader – Jimmy Powers, Neuse Sand & Gravel 1992 Converters Unlimited, LaGrange, NC Alford’s/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Tot Powers, Converters Unlimited (.773, 12 HRs) 1993 Converters Unlimited, LaGrange, NC Alford’s, Stone Mountain, GA MVP – ? 1994 Lighthouse/Alford’s, Stone Mt., GA Converters Unlimited/TPS, Kinston, NC Curtis Williams, Lighthouse (.783, 6 HRs) Jimmy Powers, Converters Unlimited (22-28, .786)- 13 HRs 1995 Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Superior-Southland, Gainesville, GA Dirk Androff, Ritch’s-Superior (17-19, .855, 10 HRs) Dewayne Frizzell, Superior-Southland (31-44, .705, 38 RBIs) – 18 HRs 1996 Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Shen Valley/Taylor, Bridgewater, VA Britt Hightower, Ritch’s-Superior (32-38, .842, 18 HRs, 29 RBIs) Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley – 27 (38-48, .792, 43 RBIs) 1997 Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Doug Kissane, Ritch’s-Superior (17-20, .850, 10 HRs, 19 RBIs) Dal Beggs, Long Haul/TPS – (32-40, .800) – 18 HRs Jeff Ross, Martin/Mizuno – .1.000 (15-15) 1998 Backstop/Easton/Bike, Aurora, IN Team TPS, Louisville, KY David Crawley, Backstop/Easton (22-28, .786, 13 HRs) Carl Rose, Lighthouse – 16 HRs (18-25, .720) Jeff Wallace, Team TPS – .917 (22-24) 1999 Team TPS, Louisville, KY R&D/Nike, Lima, OH Todd Martin, Team TPS – (23-27, .852, 11 HRs) Rod Hughes, R&D/Nike (28-34, .823, 25 RBIs) and Lonnie Fox, R&D/Nike (22-33, .667, 32 RBIs) – 16 HRs Derek Oliver, Paramount/TPS – .909 (20-22, 10 HRs) 2000 Team TPS, Louisville, KY R&D/Easton, Lima, OH Phil Jobe, Team TPS Wendall Rickard, Dan Smith & Dewayne Nevitt (15-21, .714, 21 RBIs) – 11 HRs 2001 L&L Painting/TPS, Prattville, AL Team Mizuno, Fort Pierce, FL MVP – ? 2002 Ladies Choice/Worth, Sumter, SC Cherokee Brick/Bank’s Oil, Fort Valley, GA Class-B event 2003 Kent Mitsubishi, Byron, GA Love’s Jeweler’s/Tanel 360, Columbus, GA Class-B event 2004 Aubrey’s/TPS, Savannah, GA Gulf Coast/Easton, Sarasota, FL Mike Thomas, Aubrey’s/TPS Tracy Watson, Aubrey’s/TPS (HR Leader) 2005 Major NIT disbanded, tournament still run as a Class-B/C eventMemorial Day Classic, Lancaster (formerly Alhambra), CA (1971-2000) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1971 Bit of Italy, Huntington Park, CA Glenwood Motors, Glenwood, CA 1972 Burbank A.C., Burbank, CA Kerr’s Sporting Goods, Phoenix, AZ Lyoyd Messino, Burbank A.C. 1973 CBAC, San Gabriel Valley, CA Bay Area Merchants, Richmond, CA Jim Heflin, CBAC (.610, 5 HRs) 1974 American Title-Kerr’s, Phoenix, AZ Bay Area Merchants, Richmond, CA Roy Muller, American Title-Kerr’s 1975 Bemco, Industry, CA Foothill Dairy, Southern California Leonard Bowen, Bemco 1976 ? ? 1977 ? ? 1978 C.C. Brick, Corpus Cristi, TX Campbell’s Carpets, Concord, CA Bill Ferguson, C.C. Brick (.609) Denny Jones, Campbell’s Carpets – 16 HRs David Harrison, C.C. Brick (.737) 1979 Campbell’s Carpets, Concord, CA Looking Glass, Van Nuys, CA Dick Bartel, Campbell’s Carpets (20-24, .833, 10 HRs) 1980 Campbell’s Carpets, Concord, CA Looking Glass, Van Nuys, CA MVP – ? 1981 Capitol Insulation, N. Hollywood, CA Dedrick, Los Angeles, CA Gordon Wheeler, Capitol Insulation (.681, 9 HRs) Denny Jones, Dedrick – 15 HRs Rick Palley, Capitol – .778 1982 Class Act, Whittier, CA Fontanatti’s, San Jose, CA MVP – ? 1983 Capitol Insulation, N. Hollywood, CA Class Act, Whittier, CA Cruz Martinez, Capitol (.714, 12 HRs, 26 RBIs) Rick Wheeler, Capitol – 14 HRs (.828, 30 runs scored, 40 RBIs) 1984 Stone City Stars,San Antonio, TX ? MVP – ? 1985 Capitol Softball Club, N. Hollywood, CA ? MVP – ? 1986 Capitol Softball Club, N. Hollywood, CA ? MVP – ? 1987 Capitol Softball Club, N. Hollywood, CA ? MVP – ? 1988 Broken Drum Insulation, Northridge, CA ? MVP – ? 1989 Budweiser, San Francisco, CA ? MVP – ? 1990 Las Vegas Aces, Las Vegas, NV Dynasty, Downy, CA John Huntington, Aces (12-16, .750, 7 HRs) 1991 Dan Smith Plastering, San Jose, CA Dynasty, Downy, CA Jeff Petersen, Dan Smith – 9 1992 Dan Smith Plastering, San Jose, CA DJ’s, Hutchinson, KS Mike Rodriguez, Dan Smith (.792, 11 HRs) Tony Van Gytenboek, Sonny’s/Bud – 11 HRs 1993 Dan Smith Plastering, San Jose, CA FMG/Worth, San Leandro, CA Jeff Petersen, Dan Smith (12-16, .750, 8 HRs) 1994 Herb’s/TPS, San Diego, CA D’s/Dynasty, San Diego, CA Brian Hausner, Herb’s (.722, 4 HRs) Doug Johnson, Herb’s – 5 HRs 1995 Herb’s/TPS, San Diego, CA D’s/Dynasty, San Diego, CA Rick Wheeler, Herb’s/TPS (27-31, .871, 16 HRs, 38 RBIs) 1996 Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Brad Stiles, Lighthouse (23-27, .852, 8 HRs) Wendall Rickard, Lighthouse – 15 HRs (21-28, .750,) 1997 Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Sunbelt/Dan Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA Carl Rose, Lighthouse (28 HRs) Robbie Ergle, Lighthouse – .854 (35-41, 19 HRs) 1998 Team TPS, Louisville, KY O&S/TPS, South St. Paul, MN Todd Martin, TPS (26-27, .963, 15 HRs, 33 RBIs) 1999 Team TPS, Louisville, KY Charlie Rose/Easton, San Jose, CA Jeff Wallace, Team TPS – (21 HRs) Larry Carter, JMW/Herbs – 22 HRs Eric Peyton, Charlie Rose/Easton (15-15) – 1.000 2000 Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA Sunbelt Plastics, Centerville, GA Greg Harding, Dan Smith (.778) Lonnie Fox, R&D/Easton – 17 HRs (.861) Rod Hughes, Long Haul (7 HRs) and Robbie Ergle, Dan Smith – .944 (both 16-17) 2001 Major NIT disbanded, tournament still run as a Class-B/C eventWorth Classic, Tullahoma, TN (1990-1995) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1989 no info available before 1990 1990 Williams/Thompson’s, Houston, TX AJD/Moody’s/Russell, Richmond, VA Kim Seaman, Williams/Thomnpson’s (16-19, 10 HRs) Carl Rose, Williams/Thompson’s – 15 HRs 1991 ? ? 1992 Williams/Worth, Spring, TX Starpath, Monticello, KY Carl Rose, Williams/Worth (25-32, .781, 19 HRs) Don Rardin, Starpath (29-36) – .806 1993 Converter’s/TPS, Kinston, NC St. Louis/Worth, St, Louis, MO MVP – ? 1994 Ritch’s-Superios, Windsor Locks, CT Converters/Vernon/TPS, Kingston, NC Britt Hightower, Ritch’s-Superior (18-21, .857, 14 HRs) Jimmy Powers, Converters Unlimited – 17 HRs 1995 Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA MVP – ? 1996 Tournament disbanded Fun Valley Classic, Hutchinson, KS (1990-2001) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1989 no info available before 1990 1990 Steeles Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH Premier Sports, Tempe, AZ Dirk Androff, Steele’s Sports (21-23, .913, 8 HRs, 17 RBIs) Mike Macenko, Steele’s Sports (18-26, .692, 23 RBIs) – 13 HRs 1991 ? ? 1992 ? Datom-Argus, Lebanon, TN MVP – ? 1993 ? DJ’s Sports/TPS, Atchison, KS MVP – ? 1994 Spectrum/Easton, Golden Valley, MN Bee Motors/Reebok, Grand Prairie, TX Tim Mahner, Spectrum/Easton (18-21, .857, 5 HRs) 1995 Bell Corp./Sunbelt/Easton, Tampa, FL ? MVP – ? 1996 Ritch’s-Superios, Windsor Locks, CT Franklin/Grover, Los Angeles, CA Darrell Beeler, Ritch’s-Superior (12-17, .706, 7 HRs) Phil White, Sunbelt/Easton (.769) – 10 HRs Kevin Birkofer, Franklin/Grover (18-23) – .783 1997 Sunbelt/Dan Smith, Centerville, GA Sierra/TPS, Reno, NV Dan Schuck, Sunbelt/Easton (4 HRs) Dale Walters (16-21, .762) and Kerry Everett (17-23, .739) – 8 HRs Todd Joerling (Sunbelt/Easton (15-19, 5 HRs) – .789 1998 Sierra/TPS, Reno, NV Long Haul/Grover, Albertville, MN Greg Cannedy, Sierra/TPS (11-14, .786) Darrell Beeler, Larry Fredieu and Jason Kendrick, Sierra/TPS – 3 HRs 1999 Hendu’s/Long Haul, Albertville, MN Gary’s Snacks/Easton, Kansas Alex Lavorico, Hendu’s/Long Haul (13-15, .846, 7 HRs) 2000 Kevitt/J&H/Easton, Maplewood, MN RSH/Worth, Jackson, MS MVP – ? 2001 Hooters/B&B/Easton, Overland Park, KS Doc’s/Easton, Sioux City, IA MVP – ? 2002 Tournament disbanded Dudley Classic, Petersburg/Salem, VA (1987-2002) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1986 no info available before 1987 1987 Steeles Sports, Grafton, OH ? Mike Macenko, Steele’s 1988 ? ? 1989 Superior-Apollo, Windsor Locks, CT ? Jim Fuller, Superior-Apollo (37-42, .881, 24 HRs) 1990 Steeles Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH AJD/Russell, Richmond, VA Monty Tucker, Steele’s 17-20, .850, 12 HRs) Dirk Androff, Steele’s (.680) – 13 HRs 1991 ? ? 1992 ? Steele’s/Sunbelt, Brooke Park, OH MVP – ? 1993 Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Bell Corp., Tampa, FL Doug Roberson, Ritch’s-Superior (22-28, .786, 14 HRs) Dan Schuck, Bell Corp (32-35, .914) – 21 HRs 1994 Ritch’s-Superios, Windsor Locks, CT Converters/Vernon/TPS, Kingston, NC Britt Hightower, Ritch’s-Superior 42-49, .857, 32 HRs) Todd Joerling, Bell Corp (39-43, 25 HRs) – .907 1995 Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Bell Corp./Sunbelt/Easton, Tampa, FL MVP – ? 1996 ? ? 1997 Shen Valley, Bridgewater, VA Harrison/Steele’s, Postsmouth, VA Dewyne Frizzel, Shen Valley (28-33, .848, 18 HRs) Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth (25-46, .761) – 29 HRs Kirk Stafford, So Jern/Specialty Tank (13-15) – .863 1998 Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Team TPS, Louisville, KY MVP – ? 1999 ? ? 2000 Team TPS, Louisville, KY Sea Lane Express, Goldsboro, NC Jim Devine, Team TPS Hank Garris, Team TPS (HR Leader) 2001 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH MVP – ? 2002 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Hague/Resmondo/Walser, Columbus, OH Dewayne Nevitt, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse (.800) 2003 Tournament disbanded Space Coast Classic, Cocoa, FL (1990-2004) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1990 Ritch’s/Kirk’s, Harrisburg, NC Superior-Apollo, Windsor Locks, CT Cecil Whitehead, Ritch’s/Kirk’s (.700) Jim Fuller, Superior-Apollo – 16 HRs 1991 Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Starpath/LeAlCo, Monticello, KY Paul Drilling, Ritch’s-Superior (8-12, .667) Dave Allen, Starpath/LeAlCo – 7 HRs Dirk Androff, Ritch’s-Superior – .750 1992 Vernon’s, Jacksonville, FL Bell Corp., Tampa, FL Mike Jacobs, Vernon’s (21-23, .913) Ricky Huggins, Vernon’s -11 HRs 1993 Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Bell Corp., Tampa, FL Ron Parnell, Ritch’s-Superior (.818) Kerry Everett, Bell Corp. (HR leader) 1994 DJ’s/TPS, Atchinson, KS Superior Softball/Steele’s, Miami, FL Jason Kendrick, DJ’s (.683) Dave Steffen, Ritch’s-Superior – 4 HRs JC Batista, Superior (18-23) – .789 1995 Bell Corp./Sunbelt, Tampa, FL Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Greg Cannedy, Bell Corp. (8-13, .615, 1 HR, 4 RBIs) Ken Carver, Lighthouse (13-18, .722, 29 RBIs) – 12 HRs Keith Messer, Herrin/Easton (10-10) – 1.000 1996 Ritch’s-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA Britt Hightower, Ritch’s-Superior (16-20, .800, 6 HRs) Hank Garris, Lighthouse – 17 HRs (31 RBIs) Brad Stiles, Lighthouse – 1.000 (16-16) 1997 Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA Long Haul/TPS, Minneapolis, MN Randall Boone, Shen Valley (12-15, 800, 7 HRs) Dave Boisvert, Roberts/Easton (22-29, .759) – 12 HRs Mark Martin, Long Haul/TPS – .864 (19-22, 7 HRs) 1998 Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Backstop/Easton/Bike, Aurora, IN Robbin Higgenbothem, Lighthouse (17-21, .810 10 HRs) and Scott Striebal, Lighthouse (17-21, .810, 9 HRs) David Burch, Backstop/Easton (23-28, 821) – 17 HRs Al Davis, Lighthouse/Worth (17-19, 12 HRs) – .895 1999 Team TPS, Louisville, KY Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA Randall Boone, Team TPS (22-25, .880, 16 HRs) Hank Garris, Team TPS – 19 HRs Al Davis, Dan Smith – .882 (15-17) 2000 Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN Jeff Hall, (.826, 8 HRs) & Dal Beggs, Dan Smith/Worth Rod Hughes, Long Haul 16-25, .640, 13 HRs, 26 RBIs) & Johnny McCraw, Long Haul (21-24, .875, 28 RBIs) – 13 HRs 2001 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH Greg Harding, Dan Smith/Easton (10-13, .769) Rusty Bungardner, Long Haul/TPS (12-20, .600, 13 RBIs) – 6 HRs Dewayne Nevitt, Dan Smith/Easton (10-11, 3 HRs) – .909 2002 Team Mizuno, Fort Pierce, FL Hooters/Mizuno, Overland Park, KS Roy Epply, Team Mizuno 2003 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Doc’s/Easton, So. Sioux City, NE MVP – ? 2004 Hardin Chiropractic, Shelby, NC Chuck’s Nat. Food Marketplace, Tampa, FL (Class-D Event, no Major/AA/A teams entered) 2005 Tournament disbanded – Major NIT moved to KissimmeeBayou Classic, Pasadena, TX (1996-2004) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1996 Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA Shen Valley/Taylor/TPS, Bridgewater, VA Dave Steffen, Sunbelt/Easton 17-19, .895, 13 HRs, 20 RBIs) Dewayne Frizzel, Shen Valley (21-26, .808, 23 RBIs) – 15 HRs 1997 ? ? 1998 ? ? 1999 Dan Smith/Wessel/Worth, San Jose, CA Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH Greg Cannedy (14-17, .824) and Wendall Rickard (24-29, .828, 14 HRs, 25 RBIs), Dan Smith Marc Schobel, AJA/JDS (21-24) – .875 2000 Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA P&D/Easton, Sommers, CT MVP – Alex Lavorico, Long Haul (27-40, .675, 31 RBIs) – 18 HRs 2001 Long Haul/Taylor/TPS, Albertville, MN Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton, San Jose, CA John Mello , Long Haul (17-20, .850, 7 HRs, 23 RBIs) Hank Garris, Long Haul (26-34, .765, 35 RBIs) – 17 HRs 2002 no information available 2003 no information available 2004 Bell Corp/Doc’s/Easton, Tampa, FL Chappell & Sons, Clinton, MS MVP – 2005 Tournament disbanded Mike Coppinger Memorial, Plano, TX (2002-03) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 2002 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Budweiser/Absolute/Worth, College Station, TX Jason Kendrick, Dan Smith (20-23, .870, 4 HRs) 2003 Quick Roofing, Euless, TX Budweiser/Sunnyvale/Worth, Kent, WA Chris Duda, Quick Roofing Ronnie James, U.S. Vinyl (34-40, .860) – 16 HRs 2004 Tournament disbandedASA Super Qualifier, Sanford, FL (2002-04) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 2002 Hague/Resmondo/Walser, Columbus, OH Team Mizuno, Fort Pierce, FL Dal Beggs, Hague/Resmondo Paul Brannon, Hague/Resmondo – 5 HRs 2003 US Vinyl/Miken, Chattanooga, TN Hague/Resmondo/Taylor/Worth, Columbus, OH Kelly Hartman, US Vinyl (14-18, .778, 8 HRs) Kelly Hartman, US Vinly and Bryson Baker, Hague/Resmondo (27 RBIs) – 8 HRs Brian Rainwater, Hague/Resmondo – .824 2004 Team Synergy By Easton, Orlando, FL Bell Corp/Doc’s/Easton, Tampa, FL Rich Goulash, Team Synergy By Easton (10 HRs) Chris Hickman, Westshore Pizza/Mizuno – .789 2005 Tournament disbandedNSA NIT, Spartenburg, SC (2002-03) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 2002 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Holland’s/Terry’s/Mizuno, North Wilkesboro, NC Scott Brown, Dan Smith (18-22, .818, 7 HRs) Jeff Hall, Dan Smith (15-20, .750) – 9 HRs Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul (18-21, 7 HRs, 18 RBIs) – .857 2003 Alesium/Easton, Las Vegas, NV Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose, San Jose, CA Keith Brockman, Alesium/Chase/Reece/Roosters/Easton (.737, 9 HRs, 22 RBIs) 2004 Tournament disbandedPatriot’s Park Classic, Michigan City, IN (2002-04) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 2002 Backman/Easton, San Jose, CA Hague/Resmondo/Worth, Columbus, OH Todd Joerling, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton (26-30, .867, 14 HRs) JC Phelps, New Construction (30-34, .882) – 25 HRs 2003 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Mountain Top/TPS, Brighton, MI MVP – ? 2004 Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA Resmondo/Taylor Brothers/K&H, Columbus, OH Brent Helmer, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton (20-24, .833, 8 HRs) JC Phelps, Snap On/B&J Logging – 10 HRs 2005 Tournament disbanded Dave Carroll’s Players Softball Association – PSA (1997) Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1997 Chase, Wilmington, NC Alford’s/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA Ed Hicks, Chase (15-17, .882, 8 HRs) John Sylvia, Alford’s/Worth – 11 HRs 1998 Tournament disbanded Coors Light (ASA) National Championship Series (1996-97) Year Champion Runner-up MVP 1996 Paradise Christian School, Hialeah, FL Astoria, Woburn, MA Ray Glisson, Paradise Christian (8-11, .727, 2 HRs, 8 RBIs) 1997 Maximun Softball, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Beloli/Five Star, Boston, MA Rob Love, Maximum Softball (.808) 1998 Tournament disbandedCapitol City Classic (1972-77) Year Champion Runner-up 1972 Southern Fastener, Mobile, AL Jo-Smith, Ft. Walton Beach, FL 1973 Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Southern Fastener, Mobile, AL 1974 Buddy’s, Tallahassee, FL Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL 1975 ? 1976 ? 1977 State Mutual Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL 1978 No info available after 1977National Softball League (1983) Event First Place Second Place Third Place Fourth Place #1 1-Stat Medical, Indianapolis, IN 2-Bushelman’s Construction, Cincinnati, OH 3-Southside Sports, Louisville, KY 4-Bud Light #2 1-Bushelman’s, Cincinnati, OH 2-Bud Light 3-Kenmore NY Eastern, Akron, OH 4-Southside Sports, Louisville, KY #3 1-Bushelman’s, Cincinnati, OH 2-Southside Sports, Louisville, KY 3-Jay’s Cincinnati, OH 4-Bud Light FINAL STANDINGS Record 1- Bushelman’s, Cincinnati, OH 14-4 2- Southside Sports, Louisville, KY 11-7 3- Bud Light 10-8Firecracker Classic, Cocoa, FL Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1965 No info available 1966 Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Dixie Electric, Cocoa, FL 1967 No info available 1968 Kobax, Chattanooga, TN Perry Sportcraft, FL 1969 Kobax, Chattanooga, TN Loggia Lounge, FL Chuck Peat, Kobax (37-43, .860) 1970 Warren Motors, Jacksonville, FL Grandpa’s Bakery, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Hal Halverson, Grandpa’s Micky Morrison & Corky Rogers, Warren Motors – 9 HRs Mike Nye, Warren Motors (23-32) – .774 1971 Kobax, Chattanooga, TN Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Joe Schmidt, Jerry’s Caterers 1972 Warren Motors, Jacksonville, FL Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Mike Nye, Warren Motors 1973 Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL King Oil, FL MVP – ? 1974 ? ? MVP – ? 1975 ? ? MVP – ? 1976 ? ? MVP – ? 1977 Green Machine, Starke, FL Bigham, Miami, FL MVP – ? Max Reed, Jerry’s Caterers – 20 HRs 1978 Thompson Sports, Savannah, GA Collin’s Irrigation, Miami, FL MVP – ? 1979 Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL Thompson Sports, Savannah, GA MVP – ? 1980 Collin’s Irrigation, Miami, FL Senne Lumber Sonny Poe, Collin’s Irrigation (12-15, .800, 11 HRs) 1981 Ride Motors, Cocoa, FL Lawson’s Leo Weitzel, Ride Motors 1982 Tournament disbanded and later reformed as the Space Coast Classic, Cocco, FLGulf Coast Invitational, Milton, FL Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1966 Jo’s Pizza, Milton, FL Pascagoula’s VFW Post, Pascagoula, MS Chester Dungan, Jo’s Pizza George Norton, Jo’s and Bill Tolbert, Crestview – 6 HRs 1967 No info available 1968 No info available 1969 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC ? 1970 Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC ? 1971 No other information availableAzalea Invitational, Virginia Beach, VA Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1970 Pharr Yarn, McAdenville, NC Labor & Industry, Massillion, OH 1971 No info available 1972 County Sports, Levittown, NY Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC Jim Galloway, County Sports (11 HRs, .708) 1973 No other information availableSoonerland (Nelson’s) Classic, Oklahoma City, OK Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1977 Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK Ray Carpenter’s, San Antonio, TX Terry Perryman, Nelson’s (.786, 9 HRs) Joe Young and Bruce Meade, Nelson’s – 14 HRs 1978 Capital insulation, N. Hollywood, CA Campbell’s Carpets, Concord, CA Frank Rodriguez, Capital (.727, 5 HRs) Gene Jones, Campbell’s – 14 HRs 1979 No other information availableHoward & Carroll’s Round Robin, Sherrill’s Ford, NC Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1977 Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC No MVP named 1978 Ken Sander’s Ford, Phoenix City, AL Howard & Carroll, Sherrill’s Ford, NC Ray Fleetwood, Ken Sander’s (16-26, .615, 12 HRs) James Boyett, Ken Sander’s – 14 HRs 1979 ? ? MVP – ? 1980 Dave Carroll’s, Sherrill’s Ford, NC Poindexter Lumber, Winston-Salem, NC Mike Parrott, Dave Carroll’s Sports (9 HRs) Dan Matthews, Poindexter Lumber – 9 HRs 1981 No other information availableLookout Sporting Goods Tournament of Champions, Chattanooga, TN Year Champion Runner-up MVP Leaders (if available) 1976 Synder’s Softball Club, Novi, MI Duggan & Duggan, Chattanooga, TN DOug Gerdes, Snyder’s 1978 Ken Sander’s Ford, Phoenix City, AL Burnett & Associates, Chattanooga, TN Roger Mayo, Ken Sander’s Ford 1979 No other information availableGeorge Taylor’s HR Contest Champions (@Corpus Christi, TX) 1975- Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture 1976- Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture 1977- Mike Cellura, Capitol Insulation 1978- Bruce Meade, Nelson’s Painting 1979- event rained-out and never re-scheduled 1980- Dick Bartel, Howard’s/Western Steer 1981- Dick Bartel, Howard’s/Western Steer 1982- No other information available Power Tour Home Run Derby Champion Champions (@USSSA World Series) 1988- Doug Brown, AJD 1994- Brian Greer, Dan Smith Plastering 1995- Hank Garris, Sunbelt/Worth 1996- Hank Garris, Sunbelt/Worth 1997- Hank Garris, Sunbelt/Dan Smith/Easton 1998- Doug Kissane, Team TPS 1999- Cancelled (Hurricane Floyd) 2000- No other information availableRheingold Classic/Town of Hempstead All Tournament Teams1970 – 1st County Sports, Levittown, NY 2nd Hicksville Astros, Hicksville, NY 3rd Indian Lakes Pile Drivers, Virginia Beach, VA 4th Jo’s Pizza, Milton, FL All-Tournament team: Bob Lombardi-MVP County Sports Jim Galloway County Sports Bert Smith County Sports Charley Forte County Sports Bill Molloy County Sports Glenn Dorsch County Sports Mike Foley Hicksville Astros Oscar Steadman Hicksville Astros J.R. Elio Hicksville Astros Tom Croci Hicksville Astros Nick Sessoms Virginia Beach Pile Drivers Johnny Dollar Virginia Beach Pile Drivers Bucky Dennis Virginia Beach Pile Drivers Gary Jordan Virginia Beach Pile Drivers Bill Motte Taylor Construction1971 – 1st County Sports, Levittown, NY 2nd Hicksville Astros, Hicksville, NY 3rd Palozzo’s, New Jersey 4th Indian Lakes Pile Drivers, Virginia Beach, VA 5th Jo’s Pizza, Milton, FL 5th Taylor Construction, Cranston, RI All-Tournament team: Jim Galloway-MVP County Sports Bill Molloy County Sports Bob Shugman County Sports Bill Luft County Sports Glenn Dorsch County Sports Lou Russo Hicksville Astros (14-18 .778) Larry Lembo Hicksville Astros Steve Shurina Hicksville Astros Joe Konicki Hicksville Astros Mike Foley Hicksville Astros Bud Edlow Palozzo’a Ron Kasa Palozzo’s Linwood Strickland VA Beach Piledrivers Mike Copire Taylor Construction1972 – 1st Empire Vending-County Sports, Levittown, NY (63 HRs in 5 games) 2nd Chattanooga Cardinals, Chattanooga, TN 3rd Trenton Capitols, Trenton, NJ 4th Pinter Trucking-NY Nets, Uniondale, NY All-Tournament team: Gary Richter-MVP Empire Vending-County Sports Jim Galloway Empire Vending-County Sports Steve Shurina Empire Vending-County Sports Mike Foley Empire Vending-County Sports Charley Forte Empire Vending-County Sports John Dunne Pinter Trucking-NY Nets (No more information was printed)1973 – 1st Empire County Astros, Levittown, NY 2nd Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC (#1 ranked team in the country) All-Tournament team: Bert Smith-MVP Howard’s Furniture Jim Galloway Empire County Astros Mike Foley Empire County Astros Bill Molloy Empire County Astros Larry Chiapetta Empire County Astros Doug Hommell Empire County Astros H.T. Waller Howard’s Furniture Denny Hogan Howard’s Furniture Don Arndt Howard’s Furniture Stan Harvey Howard’s Furniture (No more information was printed)1974 – 1st Empire County Astros, Levittown, NY 2nd Little Caesars, Southgate, MI All-Tournament team: Lou Russo-MVP Empire County Astros Gary DaDue Little Caesars (23-41, .560, 10 HRs, 25 RBIs) Mike Gouin Little Caesars (20-39, .513, 6 HRs, 11 RBIs) Mike Axelson Little Caesars (21-38, 553, 8 HRs, 18 RBIs) Bob Auten Little Caesars (20-30, .667, 9 HRs, 19 RBIs) (No more information was printed)1975 – 1st Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK 2nd Empire County Astros, Levittown, NY All-Tournament team: Gorden Wheeler-MVP Nelson’s Painting Mike Nye Nelson’s Painting Ray Fleetwood Nelson’s Painting (No more information was printed)1976 – 1st Pepsico, Levittown, NY 2nd Levittown American Legion, Levittown, NY All-Tournament team: Rick Leek-MVP Pepsico Larry Chiapetta Pepsico Jim Galloway Pepsico Bob Schugman Pepsico (No more information was printed)1977 – 1980 Only the 1st Place and 2nd Place teams are available 1981 – 1st County Sports, Levittown, NY 2nd Hawkins & Spence, Ronkonkoma, NY 3rd Bob Hoffman Blue, York, PA 4th DG Mechanical, MassachusettsNASSAU COUNTY SOFTBALL PLAYERS OF THE YEAR: 1971 – Jim Galloway, County Sports 1972 – Bill Molloy, Empire Vending-County Sports 1973 – Mike Foley, Empire County Astros 1974 – Lou Russo, Empire County Astros 1975- No other information available

Classic National Invitational Tournaments

  • Southeastern Classic, Panama City, FL
  • Billy Bowlegs Invitational, Fort Walton Beach, FL
  • Mullet Classic, Niceville, FL
  • Pick ‘O’ Dixie, Chattanooga, TN
  • Thoroughbred Classic, Lexington, KY
  • Yvon ‘PIF’ Depatie, Fleurimont, Quebec, Canada
  • Richmond Round Robin, Richmond, VA
  • Beast of the East Classic, Rochmond/Petersburg, VA
  • Trentonian, Trenton, NJ
  • TAC Spectacular/Dover Firecracker, New Castle/Dover, DE
  • Belmar/Wall Classic. Belmar, NJ
  • Cape May Classic, Cape May, NJ
  • Budweiser Memorial Weekend Classic, Somerville, NJ
  • Sunfest, Ocean City , MD
  • Worth Memorial Day Spectacular, Ocean City, MD
  • Hooters Mid-Summer Classic, Ocean City, MD
Southeastern Classic, Panama City, FL
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1964	Buddy's, Tallahassee, FL		Independents, Panama City, FL
1965	Commander's, Panama City, FL		Buddy's, Tallahassee, FL	
1966	Buddy's, Tallahassee, FL		Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL
1967	Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL			Kobax, Chattanooga, TN	
1968	Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL			Emory's, Knoxville, TN	
1969	Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL			Barwick's, Panecea, FL
	H.T. Waller, Jo's Pizza (12 HRs)
1970	Valley Merchants, Lanett, AL		Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL
	H.T. Waller, Jo's Pizza (16 HRs)
	Chester Dungan (7 HRs in a 1 game)
1971	Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL			Valley Merchants, Lanett, AL
	MVP - ?
1972	Warren Motors, Jacksonville, FL		Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL	
	MVP - ?
1973	Southern Fastener, Mobile, AL		Buddy's, Tallahassee, FL
	MVP - ?
1974	Howard's Furniture, Denver, N.C		Southern Fastener, Mobile, AL
	MVP - ?
1975	Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL			Hammon's, Tallahasee, FL
	MVP - ?
1976	Tom's Foods, Columbus, GA		Reed's Nuts, Macon, GA
	David Beard, Tom's (17 HRs)
	Tom Beall, Reed's Nuts - 18 HRs
1977	Ken Sanders, Phenix City, AL		Buddy's, Tallahassee, FL
	James Abercrombie, Ken Sanders (16 HRs)
1978	Ken Sanders, Phenix City, AL		Alco Roofing, Lanette, AL
	MVP - ?
1979	Barbeque Kitchen, Atlanta, GA		St. Andrew Baptist, Panama City, FL
	Warren Scarborough, BBQ Kitchen (30 HRs)
1980	Action South, Nashville, TN		Dubose Insurance, Pensacola, FL
	Doug Broxson, Dubose (17 HRs)
	Pat McClennen - .800
1981	Ken Sanders, Augusta, GA		Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA
	Craig Elliott, Elite (18 HRs, .818)
1982	American Amicable, Crestview, FL	Bobby's Softball, Chester, GA
	Mike Cobb & Frank Sorrells, American Amicable
1983	Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA		Miller Lite, Chattanooga, TN
	Craig Elliott, Elite (31-33, .939, 29 HRs)
1984	Sollie's, Panama City, FL		Barrington Ford, Columbus, GA
	Kevin Balcerak, Sollie's		
1985	Newman's 76ers, Tallahassee, FL		McGill Chevrolet, Birmingham, AL
	MVP - ?
1986	Newman's 76ers, Tallahassee, FL		McGill Chevrolet, Birmingham, AL
	MVP - ?
1987	C&M Sports, Dothan, AL			Fire & Safety, Columbus, GA
	MVP - ?
1988	Don's, Birmingham,AL			Back Porch, Destin, FL
	MVP - ?
1989	Back Porch, Destin, FL			C&M Sports, Dothan, AL	
	MVP - ?
1990	Cannon Roofing, Savannah, GA		Rick Downs, Pensacola, FL
	Dennis Nelson, Cannon		
1991	C&M Sports, Dothan, AL			H&H, Panama City, FL	
	MVP - ?
1992	Back Porch, Destin, FL			Gentry's, Columbus, GA	
	MVP - ?
1993	Rusty Faulk, Luverne, AL		Southland, Gainesville, GA
	MVP - ?
1994	Back Porch, Destin, FL			Deep South, Jackson, MS
	Parrish Barwick & Kevin Eldridge, Back Porch (11 HRs)
	Keith Baker, Back Porch - .792
1995	JB's, Gainesville, GA			Abbott's, Crawfordville, FL
	Rob Darhower, JB's (25-28, .893, 13 HRs)
	Sylvin Little, JB's (.788) - 18 HRs
1996	Memory Lane, Columbus, GA		TNT, Pensacola, FL
	Phil White, Memory  Lane (51-56, .911, 20 HRs)
	Kenny Carver, Memory Lane - 28 HRs
1997	Metro Merchants, Atlanta, GA		Hudson's-Comerford, Panama City, FL
	Charles Wright, Memory Lane (20 HRs)
1998	Knoxville Billiard, Knoxville, TN	Horsemen, Panama City, FL
	Russ Earnest, Horsemen  (21 HRs)
1999	W.E.T./Easton, Niceville, FL		Team Reece, Knoxville, TN
	Mike Stanley, W.E.T. - (30-37, .811, 20 HRs)
	Ernie Montgomery & Larry Sauceman, Team Reece (44-51, .862) - 29 HRs
	Ernie Montgomery, Reece - .922  (47-51)
2000	Craig's Hitmen/Nike, Wadley, AL		Gas Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY
	Danny Sanford, Craig's Hitmen  (24-27, .889, 17 HRs)
	John Elliott, Craig's Hitmen (20-27, .740) - 17 HRs
2001	Lighthouse/Mizuno, Chattanooga, TN 	C&M Sporting Goods/TPS, Dotham, AL
	MVP - ?
2002	Lighthouse Baptist, Chattanooga, TN	C&M/Tommy Curid/Worth, Dotham, AL
	JD Genter, Lighthouse/Sportsworld/Easton (16-20, .800, 12 HRs)
2003	C&M Sporting Goods/TPS, Dothan, AL	Big Fogg/Mizuno, Tallahassee, FL
	MVP - ?
2004	Class-C Event, no info available
	MVP - 
2005	Wakulla Bank, Crawfordville, FL		?
	Kevin Nelson, Wakulla Bank/American Travel/I (14-18, .778)
2006	Hardwood, Pensacola, FL			Team Evans, Dothan, AL
	Les Barnes, Hardwood  (Class-D event)
Billy Bowlegs Classic, Fort Walton Beach, FL
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1965	Buddy's, Tallahassee, FL		?
1966	Panama City, FL				?
1967	Valley Merchants, Phoenix City, AL	?
1968	Valley Merchants, Phoenix City, AL	?
1969	Valley Merchants, Phoenix City, AL	?
1970	Valley Merchants, Phoenix City, AL	?
1971	Valley Merchants, Phoenix City, AL	?
1972	Jo's Pizza, Milton, FL			?
1973	Commanders, Panama City, FL		?
1974	Tom's, Phoenix City, AL			?
1975	Walker Cabinets, Biloxi, MS		?
1976	Tom's Foods, Phoenix City, AL		Walker's Pescagoula, FL
	Craig Elliott, Tom's Foods	
1977	Ken Sander's Ford, Phoenix City, AL	Buddy's Sporting Goods, Tallahassee, FL
	Charles Wright, Ken Sanders (26-29, .897, 13 HRs)
1978	Ken Sander's Ford, Phoenix City, AL	Dubose Insurance, Pensacola, FL
	Roger Mayo, Ken Sanders (16 HRs)
1979	Frierson Building Supply, Jackson, MS	?
	MVP - ?
1980	Dubose Insurance, Pensacola, FL		Southern Fasteners, Mobile, AL
	Johnny Rodgers, Dubose (12 HRs)		
1981	York Barbells/Ken Sander's, York, PA	Fred Weber's, St. Louis, MO
	Curtis Williams, Ken Sander's (.810)
	Larry Mohme, Fred Weber's - 10 HRs  (.676)
1982	American Amicable, Crestview, FL	Cupps & Cupps, Guntersville, AL
	Frank Sorrells, Amer. Amicable		
1983	Goodyear/Western Steer, Niceville, FL	Bryan Tours, Brandon, MS
	Frank Sorrells, Goodyear/Western-Steer
	Calvin Davidson, Bryan Tours - 9 HRs (17-26, .654)	
1984	Athletic Shop, Hammond, LA		Commerford Apts, Panama City, FL
	Gerald Courville, Athletic Shoppe (19-34, .559)		
1985	Ray's Metal Works, Alachua, FL		Athletic Shop, Hammond, LA
	Mike Lewis, Athletic Shoppe		
1986	Great South Reality, Atlanta, GA	Boyett's, Pensacola, FL
	Mike Langford, Boyett's		
1987	St. Louis Merchants, St. Louis, MO	Burger King, Montgomery, AL
	Joey Meyer, St. Louis Merchants		
1988	Burger King, Montgomery, AL		Magill Chevrolet, Birmingham, AL
	Mark Cauley, Burger King		
1989	Sunbelt Plastics, Centerville, GA 	Medicine Shoppe, Jackson, MS
	Sylvin Little, Sunbelt Plastics		
1990	Williams Softball, Spring, TX		Destin Back Porch, Destin, FL
	Sterlin Ibrom, Williams  (20-27, .741, 8 HRs)
	Cleveland Dortsch, Timeout - 10 HRs (.708)	
1991	Datom-Argus/Moulton, Lebanon, TN	Vernon's, Jacksonville, FL
	Gary Whitefield, Datom-Argus		
1992	Moulton Furniture, Moulton, AL		Timeout Sports, Jackson, MS
	David Phillips, Moulton Furniture		
1993	Deep South/Worth, Jackson, MS		Alford/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA
	Tim Williamson, Deep South		
1994	Lighthouse, Stone Mountain, GA		Moulton Furniture, Moulton, AL
	Derek Jones, Lighthouse (.840)
	Dave Johnson, Lighthouse - 18 HRs
1995	Superior/Southland, Gainesville, GA	Back Porch/Moulton, Destin, FL
	Dewayne Frizzell, Superior/Southland (19-24, .792, 10 HRs)
	John Hicks (31-36, .861) and Parrish Barwick (.763), Back Porch/Moulton - 16 HRs
1996	Herrin/Dudley, Savannah, GA		Destin Back Porch, Destin, FL
	Mike Mincey, Herrin/Dudley (42-52, .808, 27 HRs, 56 RBIs)
1997	Robert's/Easton, Orlando, FL		Adams/Worth, Jackson, MS
	Chris Gambrill, Roberts/Easton (25-29, .862, 19 HRs)
1998	Resmondo, Lake Wales, FL		Adams/Worth, Terry, MS
	MVP - Team Resmondo
	Danny Rogers, Resmondo (26-31, .839, 14 HRs)
1999	W.E.T./Easton, Niceville, FL		L&L Painting/TPS, Montgomery, AL
	Mike Stanley (23-30, .767) and Rob Darhower (21-30, .700), W.E.T.
	Shane Frederick, L&L (.781)  - 18 HRs
	Craig Upton, L&L - .861  (31-36, 12 HRs)
2000	L&L Painting/TPS, Montgomery, AL	LA Bag, Crowley, LA
	Will Watson, L&L Painting
2001	L&L Painting/TPS, Montgomery, AL	FRS/Easton, Wellington, CO
	Dewayne Frizzell, L&L Painting (17-23, .739, 12 HRs)
	Ed Hicks, L&L Painting (20-24, .833, 11 HRs)
2002	WW Gay/Aubrey's/TPS, Gainesville, FL	Suncoast/Nike, Sarasota, FL
	Shawn Snow, WW Gay/Aubrey's
2003	Aubrey's/TPS, Savannah, GA		C&M Sporting Goods/TPS, Dotham, AL
	Nate Johnson, Aubrey's/TPS
2004	Aubrey's/TPS, Savannah, GA		Master Electric, Marshall County, AL
	MVP - ?
2005	Emerald Coast Connection, Destin, FL	For Him Ministries, Mathis, TX
	MVP - ? (Class-D event)
2006	Run-N-Gun, Panama City, FL		ECC/Hit-N-Run, Fort Walton Beach, FL
	MVP - ? (Class-D event)
Mullett Classic, Niceville, FL
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1976	?					?
1977	?					?
1978	?					?
1979	?					?
1980	?					?
1981	?					?
1982	?					?
1983	?					?
1984	?					?
1985	Barry Pegram, Montgomery, AL		Plymart, Atlanta, GA
	Scott Elliott, Barry Pegram		
1986	Lighthouse, Atlanta, GA			Travelers, Panama City, FL
	Brian Cornett, Lighthouse		
1987	Powell Agency, Niceville, FL		Travelers, Panama City, FL
	Frank Sorrells, Powell Agency		
1988	Destin Back Porch, Destin, FL		Lighthouse, Atlanta, GA
	Rob Darhower, Back Porch		
1989	Destin Back Porch, Destin, FL		C&M Sporting Goods, Dothan, AL
	Snappy Brunson, Destin Back Porch		
1990	Lighthouse, Atlanta, GA			Chem-Clean, Macon, GA
	Gary Whitefield, Lighthouse (22-24, .917, 12 HRs)
1991	Destin Back Porch, Destin, FL		Datom-Argus/Moulton, Lebanon, TN
	Parish Barwick and Rob Darhower, Back Porch		
1992	Century Chevrolet, Birmingham, AL	Alford's, Stone Mountain, GA
	Jimbo Fisher, Century Chevrolet		
1993	Alford's, Stone Mountain, GA		Century Chevrolet, Birmingham, AL
	Kenny Carver, Alford's		
1994	Tournament Cancelled with 6  teams left - (Hurrican Alberto)
1995	Destin Back Porch, Destin, FL		Doc's, Jacksonville, FL
	Keith Eldridge, Destin Back Porch		
1996	RHS, Jackson, MS			Team Fast Eddie, Terry, MS
	Reuben Tatum, RHS		
1997	Robert's/Easton, Orlando, FL		Newman's, Tallahassee, FL
	Bob O'Brien, Robert's/Easton (37-49, .755, 15 HRs)
	Ross Urshan, Robert's/Easton - 24 HRs
	Charlie Miller, Robert's/Easton (38-48, 17 HRs) - .792
1998	Woerner/Hudson's/TPS, Elberta, FL	Valparaiso Matador, Valparaiso, FL
	Earl Patrick, Woerner Sports (23-27, .852, 14 HRs)
	Carl Rose, Valparaiso - 24 HRs
	Scott Ulrich, Woerner Sports (25-28, 11 HRs) - .893
1999	W.E.T./Easton, Niceville, FL		Southern Turf/Hudson, Samson, AL
	John Hicks, W.E.T. - (.889, 8 HRs)
	Jerry Reynolds, (.820) and Scott Ulrich (.743), Southern Turf - 17 HRs
2000	L&L Painting/TPS, Montgomery, AL	Suncoast/Dudley, Sarasota, FL
	Kevin Gillot, L&L Painting
2001	Team Georgia/Mizuno, Macon, GA		L&L Painting/TPS, Montgomery, AL
	Bobby Fisher, Team Georgia
2002	Twin States/Worth, Jackson, MS		C&M/Tommy Curid/Worth, Dotham, AL
	Scott Summerlin and Ed Hicks, Twin States/Worth
2003	C&M Sporting Goods/TPS, Dothan, AL	T&R Stucco/Easton, Polk City, FL
	Ed Hicks, C&M Sporting Goods/TPS
	Keith Martin, C&M Sporting Goods/TPS (33-37, .892) - 17 HRs
2004	L&L Painting, Prattville, AL		Matador, Valparaiso, FL
	Scott Kirby, L&L Painting
	Dwayne Frizzell, L&L Painting (Batting Leader)
2005	Kirby Investments, Destin, FL		Big Pain Softball
	Scott Kirby, Kirby Investments (12-15, .800, 9 HRs)
	Phil White, Big Pain (28-38, .737) - 19 HRs
2006	Personal Touch Carwash, Acworth, GA	Kirby/Higgs/Easton, Destin, FL 
	Jamie Nelson, Personal Touch/Easton
	Shane Frederick, Kirby/Higgs/Easton (19-21, 7 HRs) - .905
Pick 'O' Dixie Invitational, Chattanooga, TN
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1971	Card's Carpets, Chattanooga, TN		Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC
1972	Card's Carpets, Chattanooga, TN		VA Beach Piledrivers, Virginia Beach, VA
	Stan Harvey, Card's Carpets
	Ron Patterson, Card's Carpets - 8 HRs
1973	Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC		Smith Plumbing, Ft. Walton Beach, FL
	Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture (31-36, .861, 27 HRs)
1974	Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC		?
	Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture
	Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture - HR Leader
1975	Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC		?
	MVP - ?
1976	Tournament Rained Out
1977	Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC		Howard & Carroll, Sherrills Ford, NC
	Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture (24 HRs)
1978	Ken Sander's Ford, Phoenix City, AL	Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC
	Tom Beall, Howard & Carroll - 19 HRs
1979	Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC		Dave Carroll's, Sherrills Ford, NC
	Steve Howard, Howard's (25-33, .758)
	Roger Mayo, Ken Sander's Ford - 16 HRs
1980	Dave Carroll's, Sherrill's Ford, NC	Ken Sander's, Phoenix City, AL
	Doug Brown, Dave Carroll
	Ron Ford, Ken Sanders - 25 HRs
1981	York Barbell/Ken Sanders, York, PA	Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA
	Ron Ford, York-Sanders  (.722, 15 HRs)
	Ricky Huggins, Elite - 20 HRs
	Mike Nye, York-Sanders - .778
1982	York Barbell/Ken Sanders, York, PA	Rochelle's, Gallatin, TN
	Craig Elliott, York Barbell/Ken Sanders (42-48, .875, 28 HRs)
	Clyde Guy, York Barbell/Ken Sanders (34-44, .773) - 28 HRs
1983	Action South, Nashville, TN		Dave Carroll's, Birmingham, AL
	Wayne Hester, Action South (41-50, .820, 26 HRs)
1984	Barrington Klen-Tex, Columbus, GA	Great South Reality, Atlanta, GA
	Rex German, Barrington  (.824, 9 HRs)
	Chip Sheffield, Great South - 13 HRs
1985	Barry Pegram, Montgomery, AL		Great South Reality, Atlanta, GA
1986	Ardis Roofing, Greenville, SC		Great South Reality, Atlanta, GA
	Ralph Coleman, Ardis Roofing
1987	?					?
	MVP - ?
1988	?					?
	MVP - ?
1989	?					?
	MVP - ?
1990	Lighthouse/Sunbelt, Stone Mt., GA	Chem Clean, Lebanon, TN
	Steve Craven, Lighthouse (32-41, .780, 25 HRs)
1991	?					?
	MVP - ?
1992	?					?
	MVP - ?
1993	Alford's/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA	Moulton Furniture, Moulton, AL
	MVP - ?
1994	Back Porch/Worth, Destin, FL		?
	MVP - ?
1995	Action Athletics, Kingsport, TN 	Chips, Nashville, TN
	MVP - ?
	Kinny Hooper, Chips - 12 HRs
1996	Sports World/Worth, Lebanon, TN		Reece/TPS, Louisville, KY
	Chris Graves, Converters - 32 HRs
1997	Alford's/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA & Chase, Wilmington, NC  (Co-champs - rain) 
	Ed Hicks, Chase (.880, 27 HRs)
1998	Woerner Sports/Hudson's, Elba, AL	Team Miken, Chattanooga, TN
	MVP - ?
1999	Team Reece, Maryville, TN		L&L Painting/TPS, Montgomery, AL
	Derek Jones, Team Reece -  (27-29, .931,  9 HRs)
	Scott Wiggins, Herrin/TPS (40-47, .851) - 28 HRs
	Ron Wilson, P&D - .938 (30-32, 19 HRs)
2000	L&L Painting/TPS, Montgomery, AL	Paramount Builders, VA Beach, VA
	Scott Summerlin, L&L Painting (.869, 17 HRs)
	Ed Hicks, L&L Painting (.861) - 17 HRs
	Lee Trotter, Suncoast/Dudley - (33-36, 10 HRs) - .917
2001	Aubrey's/TPS, Savannah, GA		Lighthouse/Mizuno, Chattanooga, TN
	MVP - ?
2002	Twin States/Worth, Montgomery, AL	Lighthouse/Sportsworld/Mizuno, Chattanooga, TN
	George Brown, Twin States/Worth
	Brian Justice, Lighthouse Baptist (35-45, .778) - 12 HRs 
	Earl Bryant, Lighthouse Baptist (34-43, 9 HRS) - .791
2003	C&M Sporting Goods/TPS, Dothan, AL	Jonesboro/TPS, Mt. Carmel, TN
	MVP - ?
2004	Not held
2005	Jean Shoppe/Worth, McKenzie, TN		Primetime, Buford, GA
	MVP - none named
	Duke Donaldson, Jean Shoppe ( 21-25, .840, 21 RBIs) - 7 HRs
2006	Herrin/M.I.T., Savannah, FL		PrimeTime/MOS/RAL/Easton, Newnan, GA
	MVP - ?  (ESA Event)
Thoroughbred Classic, Lexington, KY
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1969-2000	no info available
2001	Gasoline Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY	K&G/Mercer/TPS, North Vernon, IN
	Dave Kosar, Gasoline Heaven
2002	Central Paving/TPS, Indianapolis, IN	New Construction, Shelbyville, IN
	MVP- ?
2003	B&J Logging/Snap-On, Sandoval, IL	Sports Den/New/Tanel/Miken Somerset, KY
	MVP - ?
2004	B&J Logging/Snap-on, Sandoval, IL & Creative Stucco/TPS, Reynoldsburg, OH (Co-champs - rain)
	Denny Crine, B&J Logging (8-9, .889, 7 HRs)
2005	Quick Roofing/Al. Brick, Dallas, TX	Team Stucco/TPS, Cincinnati, OH 
	MVP - ?	
2006	Specialty Tank/Worth, Columbus, OH	Spitz Seeds/TPS, Louisville, KY
	Greg Cannell, Speciality Tank/Creative/Worth (35-41, .854, 11 HRs)
	J.C. Phelps, Speciality Tank/Creative/Worth - 13 HRs
	Greg Cannell, Speciality Tank/Creative/Worth - .854
Yvon 'PIF' Depatie Invitational, Fleurimont, Quebec, Canada
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1976	Jr Beaudoin, Fleurimont			Brasserie Le Dauphin, Sherbrooke
	Pierre Viens, Brasserie le Dauphin
1977	Lino Poseur, Longueuil	 		Golden Lion Pub, Lennoxville
	Roger Patenaude, Lino Poseur
1978	Les Copains de Montreal, Montreal	Le Vieux St. Antoine, St-Hyacinthe
	Steve Ponte, Arnold's Shoes
1979	Le Vieux St. Antoine, St-Hyacinthe	Les Copains de Montreal, Montreal
	Michel Belanger, Le Vieux St-Hyacinthe
1980	Brasserie Le Canoe, Montreal		Le Vieux St. Antoine, St-Hyacinthe
	Richard Lamontagne, Le Vieux St-Hyacinthe
1981	Chisholm Sports, Massachusetts 		Island Merchants, Rhode Island
	Chris Serino, Chisholm Sports
1982	Muchmmore Restaurant, Rhode Island 	Poplalini, Rhode Island
	Kip Fuller, Muchmmore Restaurant
1983	Gartenhaus Café, Connecticut 		Marino Legere, Massachusetts
	Tom Lynch, Gartenhaus Café
1984	Beloli Heating, Massachusetts 		Chisholm Sport, Massachusetts
	Brian Clemmy, Beloli Heating
1985	Elite Coating, Georgia			County/Imlay/Bombats, New York
	Fred Stahlman, County Sports
	Bruce Meade, Elite - .706
1986	Gregg Security, Pennsylvania		Blanton's, North Carolina
	Bob Mangum, Blanton's
1987	Superior Bombat, Connecticut		Taverne Du Boulevard, St-Hyacinthe
	Steve Riley, Superior Bombat
1988	Taverne Du Boulevard, St-Hyacinthe 	Superior Bombat, Connecticut	
	Simon Desautels, Tavern Du Boulevard
1989	Superior-Apollo, Connecticut		MVP Grannam, Massachusetts
	Jim Fuller, Superior-Apollo (16 HRs)
	Rich Plante, Superior Apollo - 16 HRs
1990	Stewart's Lounge, Pennsylvania		Sikorsky, Connecticut
	Craig Elliott, Stewart's Lounge (16-31, .516, 7 HRs)
	Ed Berg, Stewart's Lounge - 8 HRs
	Mike Cohen, Stewart's Lounge (10-12) - .833
1991	Ritch's-Superior, Connecticut		Worth/Sunbelt, Georgia
	Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior
1992	Vernon's, Florida			Labtec Enterprise, Washington
	Ricky Huggins, Vernon's (.738, 8 HRs)
1993	Vernon's, Florida			L'Action/Michael Sports, Montreal
	Jacques Millier, L'Action/Michael Sports (20-27, .741, 10 HRs, 24 RBIs)
	Rick Wheeler, Vernon's (17-24, .706, 23 RBIs) - 13 HRs
1994	Riverside/Ram/Taylor/TPS, Kentucky 	Reece/Astros/TPS, Kentucky
	Dave Crawley, Riverside/RAM (17-24, .706, 3 HRs)
	John Adams, Reece - 12 HRs
1995	Beloli Softball, Massachusetts		L'Action/Michael Sports, Montreal
	Darrell Beeler, Beloli Softball (19-21, .905)
	Mike McColeman, L'Action (18-24, .750, 22 RBIs) - 9 HRs and
	Joe Rabbit, Demolition/TPS (15-26, .577, 22 RBIs) - 9 HRs
1996	Beloli Softball, Massachusetts		Checking/Brian Oil/Midas Touch, Connecticut
	Darrell Beeler, Beloli Softball (25-35, .657, 14 HRs, 30 RBIs)
	Chris Santucci, Checking/Brian Oil/Midas Touch (23-28, .841) - 14 HRs
1997	Beloli Softball, Massachusetts		Checking/Brian Oil/Midas Touch, Connecticut
	Rick Weiterman, Beloli Softball (13-18, .722)
	Kris O'Hara, Checking/Brian Oil/Midas Touch (24-41, .774, 26 RBIs) - 9 HRs
1998	Smokes/Harrison's/TPS, Maryland		AJA/TPS, Texas
	Steve Helewicz, Smokes (16-20, .800, 7 HRs)
	Sterlin Ibrom, AJA - 12 HRs
	Mike McColeman, Tiger/Chec King/Air Transit - .944 (17-18)
1999	Beloli/Taylor Bros., Massachusetts	P&D/Tri-Gems/Tiger/Easton, Connecticut
	Brett Helmer, P&D - (19-26, .731, 14 HRs, 28 RBIs)
2000	Beloli/Universal/Taylor's, Mass.	New York Connection/Nike, New York
	Randy Noe, Beloli (12-16, .750)
	Jeff Wallace, NY Connection  - 4 HRs (15-20, .750, 18 RBIs)
	Alain Blais, B.R. Orioles (16-21) - .762
2001	Beloli/Air Transat, Massachusetts	Lloyd's Boys, London, Ontario
	Tim Bentley, Lloyd's Boys (13-18, .722)
2002	Long Haul/TPS, Minnesota		Lloyd's Boys, London, Ontario
	Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul/TPS (27-31, .871, 15 HRs, 36 RBIs)
2003	Alesium/Easton, Nevada			Life Scan Vacances/Air Transat, Quebec
	Alex Lavarico, Alesium/Chase/Reece (15-19, .789, 7 HRs, 16 RBIs)
	Ski Zabb, National Gold/Demarini (12-15) - .800
2004	S.L.E./Katama Airfield, Connecticut	Life Scan Vacances/Air Transat, Quebec
	Ryan Thibodeau, S.L.E. KATAMA (15-20, .750)
	Jason Vanderberg, National Chain - 8 HRs
2005	Pro Cam Orioles, Toronto, Canada	Checking/Hit 'n Run, Connecticut
	Shawn Derosiers, Pro Cam Orioles (13-23, .570, 3 HRs, 15 RBIs)
	Francois Henry, Life Scan/Vacances Air Transat - 4 HRs
2006	Long Haul Trucking, Minnesota		Life Scan Vacances/Air Transat, Quebec, Canada 
	Gene Buck, Long Haul Trucking (11-21, .520, 2 HRs, 12 RBIs)
	Coderre Benoit et Ghislan, Huppe Refrigeration - 5 HRs
Richmond Round Robin (World's Largest), Richmond, VA
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1970	Andy's Auto Paints, Richmond, VA	Village Inn Pizza, Columbus, OH
1971	Pile Drivers, Virginia Beach, VA	Virginia Door, Chesapeake, VA
1972	Richmond Athletics, Richmond, VA	South Shore Outdoor, Long Islland, NY
1973	Poindexter Lumber, Winston-Salem, NC	Virginia Door, Chesapeake, VA
1974	Dulles Construction, Vienna, VA		Jarrell's Truck Plaza, Richmond, VA
1975	G.L. Howard, Richmond, VA		Zinn's Diner, Denver, PA
1976	Jarrell's Truck Plaza, Richmond, VA	Evan's Bar, Manheim, PA
1977	Trainham Chevrolet, Richmond, VA	R&T Mobil Homes, Ephrata, PA
1978	Poindexter Lumber, Winston-Salem, NC	Trainham Chevrolet, Richmond, VA
1979	Disco Sports, Richmond, VA		Carolina A's, Shelby, NC
1980	Steele's Sports, Lima, OH		Joe Theisman's, Falls Church, VA
1981	Bradley, Inc., Richmond, VA		Williams Paint, Vinton, VA
1982	Lawson Auto Parts, Orlando, FL		Howard & Carroll Sports, Sherrill's Ford, NC
1983	Lawson Auto Parts, Orlando, FL		B.F. Goodrich, Richmond, VA
1984	Larry's Painting, Virginia Beach, VA	Fabmasters, Lexington, NC
1985	Blanton's, Fayetteville, NC		Imlay/Bombats, Bordentown, NJ
1986	Blanton's, Fayetteville, NC		Tire Center, Richmond, VA
1987	Kirk's/Blanton's, Fayetteville, NC	Imlay/Bombats, Bordentown, NJ
1988	Adams Floor Sanding, Lynchburg, VA	K.V. Sports, Hampsted, MD
1989	Adams Floor/Kings Auto, Lynchburg, VA	Neuse Sand & Gravel, Kinston, NC
1990	Larry's Paint, Virginia Beach, VA	David's Body Shop, Laurel Hill, NC
1991	Converters Unlimited, Kinston, NC	Hanover/Oscar Fields, Richmond, VA
1992	Hanover/Oscar Fields, Richmond, VA	Pierce Const., Windsor Locks, CT
1993	Capriotti's/Steele's, Wilmington, DE	Lee Roy's/Worth, Claremont, NC
1994	Schweizers/Worth, New Castle, DE	Techniques/RKE, Oceanport, NJ
1995	Air Transat/Worth, Montreal, Canada	L&B/Steele's, Beaverdam, VA
1996	Harrison's, Portsmouth, VA		Midas Touch Jewelers, Fairfield, CT
1997	Smokes/Harrison/TPS, Ellicott, MD	Eagle Group/Easton, Dover, DE
1998	Smokes/ABS/Harrison/TPS, Ellicott, MD	Coffee Cup/Demarini, St. Paul, MN
1999	Thomas Bait & Tackle, Sanford, NC	Smokes/ABS/TPS, Ellicott, MD
2000	Smokes/ABS/Harrison, Ellicott, MD & Paramount Builders, VA Beach, VA (Co-champs - rain) 
2001	Smokes/ABS/Joe Corbi's, Ellicott, MD	Paramount Builders/Worth, VA Beach, VA
2002	Cardinal Lawn/Gamecocks, Medford, NJ	Showtime/PTS, Easton, PA (Class-C/D Event, no A/B teams entered)
2003	Rained-Out
2004	Russell's Paint/Mizuno, Orlando, FL	Rudd Realty/Mizuno, King William, VA 	(Class-C/D Event)
2005	Dinwiddie Eagles, Richmond, VA		Wine Trucking, Marshall, VA   		(Class-C/D Event)
2006	All In/Dinwiddie Eagles, Richmond, VA	Russell's Paint & Body, Longwood, FL	(Class-C/D Event)
Round Robin Notes:
1980	Joe Young, Steele's Sports  (26 Home Runs in 13 games)
1981	Monty Tucker, Williams Paint  (27 Home Runs in 12 games)
Beast of the East Classic, Richmond, VA
Year	Champion				Runner-up
2002, Richmond, VA	Wine Trucking, Richmond, VA (Class-B Event, no A teams entered)
2003		Class A/B Event rained-out
2004	Meek's Disposal/Miken, Portsmouth, VA	Crossfire Ministries, Asheville, NC  	(Class-A Event)
2005	Taylormade/Easton, Williamsburg, VA	Coastal Masonry, Chesapeake, VA		(Class-B Event)
2006	Sears/Miken, Elizabeth City, NC		TaylorMade/Titan/Easton, Norfolk, VA	(Class-B Event)
Trentonian, Trenton, NJ  (Class-A and Open)
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Third Place
1989	A-1 Limousine,  Lower Bucks, PA		Peter's Place, Trenton, NJ
	Nassau Courier, Montgomery, NJ
1990 	Amark/Debacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ	PPL, Lower Bucks, PA
	Holiday Jack's, Lancaster, PA
1991 	Alvin's Bar/Tri-Gem's, Bristol, PA	Coors Beer, Trenton, NJ
	Farrell's-Holiday Jacks, Lancaster, PA
1992 	Bank of New York, West Chester, NY	WSBA Sports Talk, York, PA
	Coors Beer, Trenton, NJ
1993	Coors Beer, Trenton, NJ			WSBA Sports Talk, York, PA
	Seltman, Cobb & Bryant, Brookhaven, NJ
1994	Gulf/deBeer/Gas Heaven, Commack, NY	Techniques/RKE, Oceanport, NJ
	Schweizers/Maddy's, New Castle, DE
1995 	Flex Gym, Mt. Holly, NJ			Pete's Mobil, Poughkeepsie, NY
	So Jern Travel, Cedarbrook, NJ
1996 	So Jern/Speciality, Cedar Brook, NJ	Catapult, Eatontown, PA
	Gasoline Heaven, Commack, NY
1997	Gasoline Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY	Eagle Group/Easton, Dover, DE
	A-1 Terminators, Stratford, NJ
1998	Smokes/ABS/Harrison/TPS, Ellicott, MD	Conn. Sports Plex, Fairchild, CT
1999	Eagle Group/Al's/TPS, Dover, DE & Gas Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY (Co-champs - rain)
2000	Gas Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY 		SCB, Brookhaven, NY (Rain Shortened)
2001	Class-A/Open Not Held
2002	Class-A/Open Disbanded
Trentonian, Trenton, NJ  (Class-B)
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1989	New Height's Inn, Bordentown, NJ	Bob's Auto Parts, Hamilton, NJ
1990 	Marconi Lodge, Florence, NJ		Sports World, Trenton, NJ
1991 	Hinkson's Stationary, Princeton, NJ	Rayco Auto Body, Hamilton, NJ
1992 	Dadz, Mt. Holly, NJ			New Hanover, Trenton, NJ
1993	All Star Trophy, Collingwood, NJ	Hunter's View, Readington, NJ
1994	Lititz American Legion, Lititz, PA	Reggie's/All Star Trophy, Collingwood, NJ
1995 	USGH Softball, Carlisle, PA		Lititz American Legion, Lititz, PA
1996 	Deluxe Bakery, Belmar, NJ		Minutemen/Satellite's, Baldwin, NY
1997	Images, Huntington, NY			All Army, USA
1998	Premier Management, Ephrata, PA		Barchells's Fellas, Bedford, NY
1999	Risk it All, Hackensack, NJ		ROK/O'Hara Limo, Trenton, NJ
2000	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY		DSM/Prime, Vineland, NJ
2001	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY		PTS/Showtime/Flip It, Easton, PA
2002	Batter's Choice/Mizuno, Richmond, VA	Deluxe Bakery, Belmar, NJ
2003	Lookers/Lotierzo/Showtime, E-beth, NJ	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY
2004	Class-B Not Held
2005	Class-B Disbanded
Trentonian, Trenton, NJ  (Class-C)
Year	Champion
1989	Andy's Tavern, Pensauken, NJ
1990	Maaco Auto Painting, Ewing, NJ
1991	Dewey's Upholstry, Montgomery, NJ
1992	B-Dry/Villecco, Mt. Holly, NJ
1993	Post 194, Florence, NJ
1994	Saluga's Auto Body, Mt. Holly, NJ
1995	Some Crew/John's Drywall, Point Pleasant, NJ
1996	DePonte Softball, Wall, NJ
1997	Altimore Concrete, Trenton, NJ
1998	Diamond State Masonry, Vineland, NJ
1999	Diamond State Masonry, Vineland, NJ
2000	Clark's/Lotierzo's, Trenton, NJ
2001	J&B Advertising, Medford, NJ
2002	Looker's/Lotierzo's, Elizabeth, NJ
2003	Gamecocks, Cookstown, NJ 
2004	Santino’s Bistro, Runnemede, NJ
2005	Santino's Bistro, Runnemede, NJ
2006	Class-C Not Held
Trentonian, Trenton, NJ  (Class-D/Super-D)
Year	Champion
1991	Windsor Moving, Twin Rivers, NJ
1992	Century Homes, New Egypt, NJ
1993	Mohawk Chemical, Brunswick, NJ
1994	Beacon Auto Body, Barrington, NJ
1995	All Star Trophies, Colingswood, NJ
1996	Everlast/Monarch, Mt. Olive, NJ
1997	Lotierzo's Villecco, Medford, NJ
1998	IVM, Medford, NJ
1999	Valentino's, Princeton, NJ
2000	Ervin & Pope, Ewing, NJ
2001	Mel's Pub, Norristown, PA
2002	Coor's Light, Parsippany, NJ
2003	Cobra Construction, Medford, NJ
2004	Dugout Softball, South Amboy, NJ
2005	Quad/Cobra Construction, Medford, NJ
2006	Gashouse, Toms River, NJ
TAC Spectacular (1972-2000)/Dover Firecracker (2001-), New Castle/Dover, DE
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1972	Labor Lyceum, Wilmington, DE		Arena News, York, PA
1973	Trenton Capitols, Trenton, NJ		Avenue Exxon, Wilmington, DE
1974		Tournament rained-out and never played
1975	Long Island Braves, Long Island, NY	?
1976	Great Eastern Textile, Syosset, NY	Conti Brothers, Providence, RI
1977	Trenton Capitols, Trenton, NJ		Riccio's, Wilmington, DE
1978	Disco Sports, Richmond, VA		Trainham Chevrolet, Richmond, VA
1979	Crosby Homes, Bristol, MD		?
1980	Brothers A.C., Yonkers, NY		Hoffman Blue, York, PA
1981	Christy's Cleaners, White Plains, NY	Revere Travel, Levittown, PA
1982	Quick Ten, Baltimore, MD		Wilkins House, Baltimore, MD
1983	Corner Distributors, Bronx, NY		Delran Diamonds, Delran, NJ
1984	Dean Concrete, Elkton, MD		Christy's Cleaners, White Plains, NY
1985	Dean Concrete, Elkton, MD		Tech Softball Club, Wilmington, DE
1986	Imlay/Bombats, Bordertown, NJ		Pete's Mobile Car Wash, Poughkeepsie, NY
1987	Imlay/Bombats, Bordertown, NJ		McMahon's Mill, Williamsport, MD
1988	DeBacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ	Juan's Refrigeration, Poughkeepsie, NY
1989	Taylor Brothers, Providence, RI		DeBacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ
1990	DeBacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ	County Sport Blues, Levittown, NY
1991	Amark/DeBacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ	Klecko's Gold Gym, Wilmington, DE
1992	Taylor Brothers, Providence, RI		Techniques, Oceanport, NJ
1993	Maddy's/Schweizers, New Castle, DE	Caprotti/Steele's, Wilmington, DE
1994	Schweizers Madmen, New Castle, DE	M&W Sports World, Newark, DE
1995	Chaney Enterprises, Baltimore, MD	Statewide Glass, Plainfield, NJ
1996	Ashley Const./TAC, New Castle, DE	John Steele Roofing, New Castle, DE
1997	SCB/Easton, Brookhaven, NY		Midas Touch Jeweler, Fairfield, CT
1998	Ashley's/Eagle Group/Al's, Dover, DE	Gas Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY
1999	Eagle Group/Al's/TPS, Dover, DE		SCB/Easton, Brookhaven, NY
2000	Eagle Group/Al's/Buckeye, Dover, DE	McLean Insurance, Poughkeepsie, NY
2001	Paramount Builder/Worth, Va Beach, VA	Buckeye/Eagle Group/Al's/TPS, Dover, DE
2002	Benfield Electric/Easton, Fairfax, VA	Warthen Fuel/TPS, Dover, DE
2003	Taylors, Edgewater, MD			Viggiani Plumbing, Toms River, NJ
2004	Warthen Fuel/TPS, Baltimore, MD		Scene/Hit n Run, Deer Park, NY
2005	Cancelled
Note: The Terrace Athletic Club (TAC) disbanded the tournament after 2000, Mike Dill of 
Eagle Group and later Warthen Fuel took over running this event and changed it's name
and location to the USSSA Dover Firecracker Classic in 2001. The Dover Days Classic was
held there in 1999 and 2000, here are the results of that tournament:

Belmar/Wall Classic, Belmar, NJ (A-Flight)
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Third Place
1974	Red Door Saints, Somerville, NJ		Red House
	Tropical Pub, Belmar, NJ
1975	Infinity, Neptune, NJ			Lane Drugs, Neptune, NJ
1976	Tournament rained out
1977	Oil Delivery, Inc., Wall, NJ		Redmond's
	CQAC, Metuchen, NJ
1978	Oil Delivery, Inc., Wall, NJ		Lion's Den, Elizabeth, NJ
	Empire Bar
1979	Lobster Shanty, Point Pleasant, NJ	Empire Bar
	Oil Delivery, Inc., Wall, NJ
1980	RKE Jaxx, Asbury Park, NJ		Lobster Shanty, Point Pleasant, NJ
	Lion's Den, Elizabeth, NJ
1981	RKE Jaxx, Asbury Park, NJ		Wizards
	Country Liners
1982	Time-Out Brothers, Yonkers, NY		RKE Jaxx, Asbury Park, NJ
	Century AC
1983	Time-Out Brothers, Yonkers, NY		FVT Trucking, Hammonton, NJ
	Tips Hardware, West Creek, NJ
1984	Imlay, Bordentown, NJ, Hoffman Blue, York, PA, RKE Jaxx, Asbury Park, NJ
	and Sherry Brody (4 way tie, rain shortened tournament)
1985	DeBacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ	Prestige Metals
	Imlay Real Estate, Bordentown, NJ
1986	Time-Out Brothers, Yonkers, NY		RKE Jaxx, Asbury Park, NJ
	Taylor Brothers, Providence, RI
1987	A Flight not held
1988	DeBacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ	Richard's Oil, Somerville, NJ
	Red Door, Somerville
1989	DeBacco Brothers, Belleville, NJ	Coors Beer, Trenton, NJ
	RKE Athletic, Belmar, NJ
1990 	RKE Athletic, Belmar, NJ		K&R Paving
	Techniques, Oceanport, NJ
1991 	RKE Athletic, Belmar, NJ &  SCB, Bayshore, NY  (Co-champs, rain)
	no info on third place team
1992 	RKE Athletic, Belmar, NJ		SCB, Bayshore, NY
	Bank of New York, West Chester, NY
1993	WSBA Sports Talk, York, PA		Bank of New York, West Chester, NY
	no info on third place team
1994	M&W Sports World, Newark, DE		Tri-Gem Builders, Cedar Brook, NJ
	Techniques, Oceanport, NJ
1995 	Gulf/deBeer/Gas Heaven, Commack, NY	Pete's Mobil, Poughkeepsie, NY
	Dalton Chiropractic, Ocean, NJ
1996 	Hit and Run/Garafolo, Smithtown, NY	Gasoline Heaven, Commack, NY
	SCB, Bayshore, NY
1997	Gasoline Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY	Dalton Chiropractic, Ocean, NJ
	Smoke's/Harrison's/TPS, Ellicott, MD
1998	Smoke's/Harrison's/TPS, Ellicott, MD	Deluxe Bakery, Belmar, NJ
	SCB/Easton, Brookhaven, NY
1999	SCB/Easton, Brookhaven, NY		Dalton Chiropractic, Ocean, NJ
	no info on third place team
2000	Gasoline Heaven/Worth, Commack, NY	Deluxe Bakery, Belmar, NJ
	no info on third place team
2001	Gamecocks/CLS, Medford, NJ		Three Cars/Coors, New Jersey
	SCB/Denelex, Smithtown, NY
2002	SCB/Denelex, Smithtown, NY		Gamecocks/Cardinal Lawn Service, Medford, NJ
	Minuteman Press, Baldwin, NY
2003	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY		Deluxe Bakery, Belmar, NJ (Called the B-Flight)
	Lookers/Lotierzo's/Showtime (LLS), Elizabeth, NJ
2004	Hit and Run/The Scene, Deer Park, NY	United Rentals, Rye, NY	  (Called the B-Flight)
	Gamecocks/AA, Cookestown, NJ
2005	Cancelled
2006	Blue Martini/Team LTP, Freehold, NJ	Team EFX/RKE/Wagner Farms, Bethlehem, PA
Belmar/Wall Classic, Belmar, NJ (B-Flight)
Year 	Champion                                                  
1984	Brielle Cleaners, NJ, Mike Czok's Café, 430 Club & Del's (4-way tie)
1985	Briar AC, Yonkers, NY
1986	County Sports, Levittown, NY
1987	Hit Men, Clifton, NJ
1988	Decenzo Builders, Little Silver, NJ
1989	Peterson's Riviera Inn, Brick, NJ
1990	CQAC, Metuchen, NJ
1991	CQAC, Metuchen, NJ
1992	Cattano's/Petey's, Somerville, NJ
1993	Triple Crown Sports, Old Bridge, NJ
1994	QT Thunder, Bethpage, NY
1995	Barchella's Fellas, Bedford, NY
1996	Level Line/Mystery Men, Rutherford, NJ
1997	Hit and Run Softball Club, Smithtown, NY
1998	DePonte Construction, Trenton, NJ
1999	Weinstock Chiropractic, Baldwin, NY
2000	DePonte Construction, Trenton, NJ
2001	Hit and Run Softball, Deer Park, NY
2002	TD Waterhouse/Tanel 360, Middle Village, NY
2003	LTP/Viggiani Plumbing, Toms River, NJ (Called the C-Flight)
2004	?
2005	Cancelled
2006	EFX2, West Patterson, NJ
Cape May Classic, Cape May, NJ
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1994 - earlier	?
1995	Pete's Mobile, Poughkeepsie, NY		Flex Gym, Mt. Holly, NJ
1996	So Jern Travel, Cedarbrook, NJ		Reggie's Cafe, Blackwood, NJ
1997	Eagle Group/Easton, Dover, DE		Dalton Chiropractic, Ocean, NJ 
1998	?					?
1999	?					?
2000	SCB, Brookhaven, NY			Drain King, Bridgewater, NJ
2001	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY		Q-T Sports, West Babylon, NY
2002 	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY		Saluga Auto, Mt. Laurel, NJ
2003	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY		Angle Inn/AR Crowell/Vinci, Baltimore, MD
2004	Gamecocks/Alt. Air, Cookestown, NJ	Scene/Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY
2005	West End Softball, Parsippany, NJ	Hutson Trucking, Wrightstown, NJ
2006	The Scene, Medford, NY			Team EFX/Wagner Farms, Bethlehem, PA
Budweiser Memorial Weekend Classic, Somerville, NJ
Year	Champion				Runner-up
1971	Trenton Capitols, Trenton, NJ		Sandusky's, Somerville, NJ
1971-1981	no information available
1982	Brothers AC, Yonkers, NY		Red Door Tavern, Somerville, NJ
1983-1987	no information available
1988	Clubhouse, Somerville, NJ		Coors, Trenton, NJ
1989-1996	no information available
1997	Rained out with 4 teams remaining (A1 Terminators, ??, ??, ??)
1998	?					?
1999	SCB/Easton, Brookhaven, NY		Beacon Auto, Pennsauken, NJ
2000 	Hit and Run, Deer Park, NY		Q-T Sports, West Babylon, NY
2001 	Rained out
2002 	Deluxe Bakery, Belmar, NJ		National Gold/Demarini, Warwick, RI
2003	Lookers/Lotierzo/Showtime, E-beth, NJ	MMP/Iron Horse, Baldwin, NY and SCB/Giant, Smithtown, NY
2004	SCB/Denelex/Giant, Middle Island, NY	ChecKing, New Haven, CT
2005	Irondale, Ironia, NJ			M&N Sports/Gills Automotive, Manchester, NH
2006	The Scene, Medford, NY			Hutson Trucking Wrightstown, NJ
USSSA Class-Open Sunfest, Ocean City, MD
Year 	Champion 				Runner-up
1978	Channing's Way Pub			?
1979	Bob Bell Ford, Glen Burnie, MD		?
1980	Gordon Miller Music			?
1981	Joe Theisman's Restaurant, Fairfax, VA	?
1982	Purple Moose Saloon, Ocean City, MD	?
1983	Purple Moose Saloon, Ocean City, MD	?
1984	Ocean Deli				?
1985	Charlie's Tuna, Ocean City, MD		?
1986	Car Center, Baltimore, MD		?
1987	The Bull North, Ocean City, MD		?
1988	The Bull North, Ocean City, MD		?
1989	First Choice				?
1990	BJ's/Charlie's Tuna, Ocean City, MD	?
1991	BJ's/Charlie's Tuna, Ocean City, MD	?
1992	Charlie's Tuna, Ocean City, MD		?
1993	Rx Podiatry Lab/Tri Gem, Trenton, NJ	?
1994	Charlie's Tuna, Ocean City, MD		?
1995	Sterling Radiator/Schweizer, Newark, DE	?
1996	Charlie's Tuna, Ocean City, MD		?
1997	Charlie's Tuna, Ocean City, MD		?
1998	Charlie's/Nick Idoni's, Ocean City, MD	?
1999	Charlie's/Nick Idoni's, Ocean City, MD	?
2000 	Krupnick/Warthen Fuel, Hanover, MD	?
2001 	Smokes/ABS/Corbi's, Ellicott City, MD 	TJ Lite, Dunkirk, MD
2002 	Krupnick Brothers, Hanover, MD 		TJ Lite, Dunkirk, MD
2003 	Blue Martini, Freehold, NJ		Warthen Fuel/ABS/TPS, Baltimore, MD
2004 	Warthen Fuel/ABS/TPS, Baltimore, MD 	Limits, Glen Burnie, MD
2005	Blue Martini/Team LTP, Freehold, NJ	Sunrise Pools, Baltimore, MD
2006	ABS/Team LTP/Easton, Baltimore, MD	ChecKing/Hit N Run/Worth, New Haven, CT

USSSA Worth Memorial Day Spectacular, Ocean City, MD
Year 	Champion (Class-C)			Runner-up
2001 	no info available before 2002
2002 	Delarva Auto Glass, Salisbury, MD 	Sports Outlet/Worth, Runnemede, NJ
2003 	Trojans/Limits, Glen Burnie, MD 	Gigilos, Odento, MD
2004 	Sunrise Pools, Baltimore, MD 		Limits, Glen Burnie, MD
2005 	Bestrans, Northeast, MD 		Santino's Bistro, Runnemede, NJ
2006 	Cornerstone Contractors, Norwalk, CT	Timbuktu/Miken, Glen Burnie, MD

USSSA Hooters Mid-Summer Classic, Ocean City, MD
Year 	Champion (Class-C)			Runner-up
1999 	no info available before 2000
2000 	Taylor/Balt. Galv., Edgewater, MD 	CB Owls/Casner/Beacon, Reading, PA
2001 	Casner/Moore Excavating, Reading, PA 	Brothers Beverage Exchange, Balcamp, MD
2002 	The Angle/Worth, Baltimore, MD 		Casner Equipment, Reading, PA
2003 	Bell Motors/Bud Lite, Leonardtown, MD 	Canby/Barnes, Westminster, MD
2004 	Limits, Glen Burnie, MD 		Bestrans, Northeast, MD
2005 	Craig's Bullshippers, Chambersburg, PA 	Bestrans, Northeast, MD
2006 	Timbuktu/Miken, Glen Burnie, MD		J. Culver Construction, Bridgeville, DE

Major National Invitational Tournaments

  • Conway Twitty Classic, Hendersonville, TN  (1981 – )
  • Dudley Minnesota Classic, Brooklyn Center, MN  (1983 – )
  • Cajun Classic, Carencro, LA  (1971 – )
  • Busch/Coke Classic, Little Rock, AR  (1980 – )
  • Old Time Classic/City of Festivals Milwaukee, WI  (1978 – )
  • Chaney Enterprises NIT, Kettering, MD (1990 – )
  • Michigan ‘Last Chance’ NIT, Sterling Heights, MI  (1990 – )
  • Spring Open, Maryville, TN  (1970 – )
  • Mike Davis Memorial, Concord, CA  (1989 – )
  • Cincinnati Major NIT, Cincinnati, OH  (2000 – )
  • Spring Training Classic, Kissimmee/Daytona Beach, FL (2001-)
  • Texas Legends Classic, Euless, TX  (2001 – )
  • Federal Way Classic, Seattle, WA  (2002 – )
  • NSA NIT, Columbus, OH  (2001 – )
Conway Twitty Classic, Hendersonville, TN (NSA Music Worth Classic in 2006)
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1981	Howard's/Western Steer,  Denver NC	Jerry's Caterers, Miami, FL
	Craig Elliott, York/Sanders (9 HRs, 20 RBIs)
	Maxie Garrett, LeAlCo - .857 (18-21)
1982	Howard's/Western Steer,  Denver NC	Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA
	Don Arndt, Howard's/Western Steer
1983	Howard's/Western Steer,  Denver NC	Elite Coatings, Gordon ,GA
	Clyde Guy, Howard's (.696, 11 HRs)
	Craig Elliott, Elite - 23 HRs
	Dana Andry, Steele's- .840 (15 HRs, 28 RBIs)
1984	Elite Coatings, Gordon GA		Jerry's Caterers, Miami, FL
	Steve Williams, Elite Coatings
	Fred Trice, Elite and Dick Bartel, Howard's - 6 HRs
1985	Elite Coatings, Gordon GA		Howard's/Western Steer, Denver NC
	Rick Wheeler, Elite Coatings (.724, 13 HRs, 28 RBIs)
1986	Smythe Sox, Houston,TX			?	
	MVP - ?
1987	Smythe Sox, Houston,TX			Howard's/Western Steer, Denver NC
	MVP - ?
1988	Marlton Trucking, Portland, OR		Smythe Sox, Houston TX
	Bill Gatti, Marlton (.857, 8 HRs, 19 RBIs)
	Jim Fuller, Smythe Sox -12 HRs
1989	Superior/Apollo, Windsor Locks,  CT	Steele's Silver Bulletts, Grafton OH
	Doug Roberson, Superior- Apollo
	Bruce Rains, Starpath/Kirk's - 15 HRs
1990	Bell Corp., Tampa, FL			Starpath, Monticello, KY
	Mark Baker, Bell Corp (17-20, .850, 1 HR)
	Kim Seaman, Williams/ Thompson - 15 HRs, 1.000 (23-23)
1991	Ritch's-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks, CT	Starpath/LeAlCo, Monticello,  KY
	Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior (29-33, .879, 12 HRs)
	Charles Wright (28-34, .824) and Jim Fuller (.794), Ritch's/Superior - 14 HRs
1992	Williams/Worth, Houston, TX		Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT
	Carl Rose, Williams/Worth
1993	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Vernon's/TPS, Jacksonville, FL
	Paul Drilling, Ritch's-Superior (.857)
	Scott Elliott, Vernon's - 17 HRs
1994	Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain,  GA	DJ's/TPS, Atchinson, KS
	Steve Craven, Lighthouse (21-26;  .808, 7 HRs)
	Ricky Huggins, DJ's (40 RBIs) - 17 HRs
	Randall Boone, DJ's - .846
1995	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Bell/Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA
	Paul Drilling, Ritch's-Superior (31-38, .838, 21 HRs, 32 RBIs)
	Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior (35-44, .795, 37 RBIs) - 24 HRs
1996	Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA		Herrin/Dudley, Savannah, GA
	Butch Ovens, Sunbelt - (17-21; .810)
	Jason Fleming, Sunbelt - 14 HRS (25-29, .862, 33 RBIs)
1997	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA
	Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior (22-25, .880, 7 HRs)
	Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse (.767) and Rik Lucas, Harbour Docks/Grover - 15 HRs
	Brad Stiles, Lighthouse/Worth - .905
1998	Sierra/TPS, Reno,  NV			Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA
	MVP - ?
	Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth - 18 HRS
	Britt Hightower-Sunbelt - .905 (19-21)
1999	Team TPS, Louisville, KY		Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA
	Hank Garris, Team TPS (18-21, .857, 11 HRs)
	Jeff Hall, Chase/Easton - (.786) - 15 HRs
	Keith Brady, Creative Stucco - .941  (14-15)
2000	Team TPS, Louisville, KY		Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA
	Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS (20-24, .833, 11 HRS, 15 RBIs)
	Jeff Wallace (18-27, .667, 25 RBIs) & Hank Garris (16-24, .667, 27 RBIs),
	Team TPS and Randy Kortokrax, R&D/Easton (16-27, .593)  - 12 HRs
2001	Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN		Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA
	Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS (11-14, .786, 7 HRs, 14 RBIs)
	Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS (14-17, .824, 14 RBIs) - 9 HRs
2002	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		K&G/Phonemasters/TPS, N. Vernon, IN
	Brett Helmer, Dan Smith (19-23, .826, 9 HRs)
2003	Sports Den/New/Miken, Somerset, KY	Jean Shoppe, Parrish, TN
	Dennis Pierce, Sports Den/New Construction/Miken/Tanel
2004	B&J Logging/Mizuno, Sandoval, IL	US Vinyl/Z-Wear/Meridian, Lafayette, GA
	Jeff Ott, B&J Logging
	JC Phelps, B&J Logging - 7 HRs
2005	Beradi's/Team LTP/TPS, Lexington, KY	Quick Roofing/AL Brick, S. Sioux City, NE
	Justin "Mooch" Mucciarelli, Beradi's/Team LTP/TPS
2006	Jean Shoppe/Worth, McKenzie, TN		Kirby/Higgs/Easton, Destin, FL
	Justin "Mooch" Mucciarelli, Jean Shoppe/Worth (23-32, 
      .719, 7 HRs, 11 RBIs)
	Jaime Wise, Jean Shoppe/Worth (24-35, .686, 32 RBIs) - 13 HRs
	Shawn Ballard, Jean Shoppe/Worth (29-37, 11 HRs, 33 RBIs) 
      - .784
Dudley Classic, Brooklyn Center, MN
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1983	Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA		Howard's/Western Steer,  Denver NC	
	Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings
	Rick Scherr, Howard's - 10 HRs
	Ed Roth, Howard's - .739
1984	Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA		?		
	MVP - ?
1985	Steele's Sports, Grafton, OH		Howard's/Western Steer,  Denver NC
	Mike Nye, Steele's (.739)
	Craig Elliott (.810, 30 RBIs) and MikeMacenko (.760) - 9 HRs
1986	Steele's Sports, Grafton, OH		?
	Craig Elliott, Steeles 		
1987	Smythe Sox, Houston, TX			Steele's Sports, Grafton, OH	
	Bill Gatti, Smythe Sox (20-25, .800)
	Mike Macenko, Steele's  - 24 HRs
1988	Superior/Apollo, Windsor Locks, CT	Starpath, Monticello, KY
	Greg Fuhrman, Superior/Apollo
1989	Superior/Apollo, Windsor Locks, CT	Steele's Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH
	Rick Scherr, Superior/Apollo (.829, 16 HRs, 39 RBIs)
1990	Superior/Apollo, Windsor Locks, CT	Starpath, Monticello, KY
	Clyde Guy, Superior-Apollo (20-23; .870)
	Dave Johnson, Starpath - 17 HRs (24-29, .828)
1991	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Bell Corp., Tampa, FL
	Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior (19-22, .864, 14 HRs)
	Monty Tucker, Sunbelt/Worth and Dan Schuck, Bell - 15 HRs
1992	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Bell Corp., Tampa, FL
	Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior (29-32, .906, 20 HRs, 39 RBIs)
	Ernie Montgomery, Steele's/Sunblet - 23 HRs
	Greg Schulte, Williams/Worth - .913
1993	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Bell Corp., Tampa, FL
	Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior (28-31, .903, 20 HRs, 30 RBIs)
	Ricky Huggins, Vernon's - 21 HRs
1994	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Converters Unlimited/TPS, Kinston, NC
	Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior - (31-33; .939, 22 HRs, 36 RBIs) 
	Dave Steffen, Shen Valley - 30 HRs (39-46, .848)
1995	Bell Corp./Easton, Tampa, FL		Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA
	Greg Cannedy, Bell Corp./Sunbelt (26-33, .788, 8 HRs)
	Todd Joerling, Bell Corp./Sunbelt (30-39, .789) - 17 HRs
	David Crawley, Riverside (12-14) and John McCraw, Harrison/Power Flite (12-14) - .857
1996	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT & Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA (Co-champs - rain)
	Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior (.15-18, .833, 11 HRs, 24 RBIs)
	Jeff Vargo, Whips/Instant Landscaping -13 HRs (27 RBIs)
	Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley - .923 (12-13, 7 HRs, 14 RBIs)
1997	Shen Valley/Taylor, Bridgewater, VA	Ritch's-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks, CT
	Randall Boone, Shen Valley (35-38, .923, 24 HRs, 51 RBIs)
	Randall Boone, Shen Valley  and Dewayne Nevitt Ritch's (34-40, .850, 42 RBIs) - 24 HRs
	Kenny Carver, Sunbelt/Easton - .933 (28-30, 15 HRs)
1998	Sunbelt/Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA	Team TPS, Louisville, KY
	Jeff Hall, Sunbelt  (35-37; .946, 17 HRs)
	Bobby Gilbert, Sunbelt (30-34, .882, 35 RBIs) and Doug Roberson, TPS (49 RBIs) - 24 HRs
1999	Hendu's/Long Haul, Albertville, MN	Sunnyvale Valve/TPS, Sunnyvale, CA
	Todd Volkers, Hendu's (20-25, .800, 11 HRs)
	Dewayne Nevitt, (.750, 40 RBIs) and Jeff Wallace (.868), Team TPS - 20 HRs
	Dennis Rulli, JMW/Herbs (27-30, 9 HRs) and John McCraw, Chase (27-30, 19 HRs) - .900
2000	Team TPS, Louisville, KY		R&D/Easton, Lima, OH
	Jeff Wallace, Team TPS (31-35, .885, 18 HRs)
	Dewayne Nevitt, R&D/Easton - 21 HRs (.816)
2001	Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN		Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA
	Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS (30-38, .804, 19 HRs, 49 RBIs)
2002	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN
	Dewayne Nevitt, Dan Smith/Easton (12 HRs)
	Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS (29-35, .857, 37 RBIs) - 16 HRs
	Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul/TPS (23-34, .676, 30 RBIs) - 16 HRs
	Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS - .857
2003	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		Alesium/Chase/Reece, Las Vegas, NV
	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton (29-31, .935, 12 HRs)
	Howie Krause, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt/Miken - 16
2004	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		Resmondo/Taylor's/K&H, Columbus, OH
	Scott Nastally, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton
	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton - HR leader
2005	Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor, Tampa, FL	Resmondo/Smith/Menosse, San Jose, CA
	Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton (30-35, .857, 13 HRs, 24 RBIs)
2006	Bell Corp/Taylor Bros, Tampa, FL 	Resmondo - KME, Winter Haven, FL
	Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Taylor/Belcher/Easton (32-37 .865, 8 HRs, 
      22 RBIs)
	Jimmy Devine, Resmondo - KME Softball (25-31, .806, 27 RBIs) - 
      13 HRs
	Marty Malloy, SpecialtyTank/ Stucco/K&G /Worth 
      (21-23, 1 HR) - .913
Cajun Classic, Carencro, LA
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1971	?					?	
1972	?					?
1973	?					?
1974	?					?
1975	?					?
1976	?					?
1977	?					?
1978	Port City Ford, Houston, TX		Nelson's Painting, Oklahoma City, OK
1979	B&W Sports, Shreveport, LA		?
1980	Frierson Building Supply, Jackson, MS	B&W Sports, Shreveport, LA
1981	Pierson's Sports, Houston, TX		?	
1982	Garrett & Houck, Oklahoma City, OK	Lufkin Raiders, Lufkin, TX
	Tom Alloway, Garrett & Houck (.706, 16 HRs)
	Carroll Bonneau, Garrett & Houck (HR Leader)
1983	Timothy's Runners, Houston, TX		Garrett's Raiders, Lufkin, TX
	Craig Schraub, Timothy's 		
1984	Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA		?
	Cecil Whitehead, Elite Coatings		
1985	Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA		Smythe Sox, Houston, TX		
	MVP - ?
1986	Smythe Sox, Houston, TX			Steele's Sports, Grafton, OH
	MVP - ?
1987	Smythe Sox, Houston, TX			?
	Bill Gatti, Smythe Sox		
1988	Smythe Sox, Houston, TX			Steele's Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH
	Larry Fredieu, Smythe Sox (.818, 15 Hrs)
1989	Superior-Apollo, Windsor Locks, CT	Ken Michael's, Rockville, MD
	Jim Fuller, Superior-Apollo (19-19, 1.000, 12 HRs)
1990	Houston Softball Club, Houston, TX	Williams/Thompson, Houston, TX
	Mike Parrott, HSC (.784, 13 HRs)
	Myles Schexnaydre, HSC (.743) - 17 HRs
1991	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Larry's Texas Capitols, Grand Prairie, TX
	Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior (.20-22, .909, 16 HRs)
1992	Williams/Worth, Spring, TX		Stottler-Stagg, Cocoa, FL
	Carl Rose, Williams/Worth		
1993	Vernon's/TPS, Jacksonville, FL		Moulton Furniture, Moulton, AL
	Scott Elliott and Dewayne Frizzell, Vernon's/TPS		
1994	Williams/Worth, Spring, TX		RSH/Deep South/Worth, Ridgeland, MS
	Carl Rose, Williams/Worth
	Rick Beck, RSH/Deep South - 13 HRs
	Jim Fuller- Williams - .875
1995	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Superior/Southland, Gainesville, FL
	Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior (22-26, .846, 19 HRs, 29 RBIs)
	Dewayne Frizzell, Superior/Southland (33-38, .868, 44 RBIs) - 24 HRs
	Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior (21-23, 16 HRs, 24 RBIs)	- .913
1996	Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA		Ritch's-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks, CT
	Dave Steffen, Sunbelt (31-41; .756; 23 HRs, 42 RBIs)
	Marty Lenoux, Kelly's/TPS -.864 (19-22)
1997	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA.
	Hank Garris, Ritch's-Superior (20-22, .909, 14 HRs)
	Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley (25-31, .806, 19 HRs)
1998	Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA		Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA
	Tot Powers, Sunbelt (16-22), .727, 13 HRs	
	Kenny Carver, Chase/Worth - 14 HRs (19-22), .864
	Larry White, Chase/Worth  .944 (17-18)
1999	R&D/Nike, Lima, OH			Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA
	Lonnie Fox (14-19, .737, 8 HRs, 15 RBIs) & 
	Billy Byrd (11-16, .688, 6 HRs), R&D/Nike
	Ronnie James, KCS - 14 HRs
	Jeff Hall, Chase/Easton - .889  (24-27, 13 HRs)
2000	R&D/Easton, Lima, OH			Team TPS, Louisville, KY
	Shane Dubose, R&D/Easton (20-26, .769, 8 HRs, 15 RBIs)
	Hank Garris, Team TPS - 27 HRs (34-38, .895, 49 RBIs)
2001	Budweiser/Easton, College Station, TX	Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH
	Scott King, Budweiser (19-24, .792, 11 HRs)
	Jerold Smith, Budweiser (19-23, 5 HRs) - .826
2002	Twin States/Worth, Jackson, MS		Budweiser/Worth, College Station, TX
	Ed Hicks, Twin States/Worth
	Derrick Williams, Budweiser - 17 (30-41, .732)
	Carl Rose, Hague/Resmondo - .792 (19-24, 10 HRs)
2003	Mountain Top/USA/TPS, Brighton, MI	Benfield Electric/Worth, Fairfield, VA
	Don DeDonatis, Mountain Top/TPS (18-23, .783)
	Brandon Murray, US Vinyl (21-22, .954) - 12 HRs
2004	Resmondo/Taylor/K&H, Columbus, OH	Benfield/Alesium/Easton, Fairfield, VA
	MVP - ?
2005	Barnes Logging/Worth, West Helena, AR	Aubrey's/Resmondo/3n2/TPS, Savannah, GA
	Jimmy Grambling, Barnes Logging/Worth (.895)
2006	Team Arkansas/Barnes, Ft Smith, AR	Cash Plus Pawn, Euless, TX
	Tim Howard, Team Arkansas/Barnes Logging/FBI/Miken (15-23, 
      .652, 7 HRs, 15 RBIs)
	Steve Taylor, Cash Plus Pawn (24-30, .800, 33 RBIs) - 13 HRs
	Troy Nance, Team Worth/Florida (18-20, 6 HRs, 21 RBIs) - .900
Busch/Coke/Worth Classic, Little Rock, AR
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1980	Glen Brothers, Little Rock, AR 		?
1981	Wilkerson, Little Rock, AR		?
1982	Houston Brass, Houston, TX		?
1983	Bryan Tours, Jackson, MS		Custers, Springfield, MO
	Mike Pyson, Bryan Tours 	
1984	Bryan Tours, Jackson, MS		Athletic Shop, Hammond, IN
1985	Athletic Shop, Hammond, LA		?
1986	Athletic Shop, Hammond, LA		Jim Bottins, St. Louis, MO
	Mike Lewis, Athletic Shop (6 HRs)		
1987	St. Louis Merchants, St. Louis, MO	?
1988	Parker Breland, Jackson, MS		?
1989	Medicine Shop, Jackson, MS		?
1990	Century Concrete, St. Louis, MO		Williams/Thompson's, Houston, TX
	Bubba Defer, Century (6 HRs)		
1991	Williams/Finke, Spring, TX		Bell Corp., Tampa, FL
	MVP - ?
1992	Bell Corp., Tampa, FL			?
	MVP - ?
1993	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Williams/Worth, Houston, TX
	MVP - ?
	Charles Wright, Ritch-s-Superior (25-36, .694, 25 RBIs) - 19 HRs
	Rick Weiterman, Ritch's Superior (16-19, 1 HR, 2 RBIs) - .842
1994	Williams/Worth, Houston, TX		Bell Corp./Easton, Tampa, FL
	Ken Pruitt, Williams/Worth (16-18, .889)
	Jeff Arnold, Bell Corp. (27-37, .730) - 21
	Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. (30-34, .19 HRs) - .882
1995	Bell Corp./Sunbelt, Tampa FL		Williams/Dudley, Spring, TX
	Dave Steffen, Bell/Sunbelt (21-24, .875, 15 HRs)
	Curtis Williams, Lighthouse/Worth (24-27) & Phil White, Bell/Sunbelt (16-18) - .889
1996	Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA 	Bell II, Tampa, FL
	JC Phelps, Shen Valley (22-23, .957, 12 HRs)
	Tot Powers, Shen Valley - 14 HRs
1997	Sunbelt/Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA	Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN
	MVP - ?
	Dennis Pierce, Long Haul/TPS - 16 HRs
	Rusty Bumgardner, Sierra/TPS (22-25) - .880
1998	Sunbelt/Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA	Reece/Sports World/Easton, Lebanon, TN
	Greg Harding, Sunbelt (22-26, .846, 11 HRs)
	Tom White, Wessell/Hague/SoJern (34-28, .895) - 18 HRs
	Jimmy Powers, Sunbelt (27-29, 10 HRs) - .931
1999	Team TPS, Louisville, KY		JMW/Herb's, San Diego, CA
	Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS (21-21, 1.000, 10 HRs)
	Dewayne Nevitt, Team TPS (17-21, .810) - 14
2000	Sunbelt Plastics, Centerville, GA	R&D/Easton, Lima, OH
	John McCraw, Sunbelt Plastics (20-22, .913, 13 HRs)
	Larry Carter, Budweiser - 15 HRs
2001	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		Budweiser/Easton, College Station, TX
	Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Easton (19-22, .864)
2002	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		Budweiser/Worth, College Station, TX
	Demond Thomas, Dan Smith/Easton (18-18, 1.000, 5 HRs)
	Derrick Williams, Budweiser/Worth (23-31, .742) - 18 HRs
2003	Resmondo/Miken, Columbus, OH		US Vinyl/Miken, Chattanooga, TN
	JC Phelps, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt/Miken
2004	B&J Logging/Snap-on, Sandoval, IL	US Vinyl/Z-Wear/Meridian, Lafayette, GA
	Rob Hawkins, B&J Logging
2005	Long Haul/Miken, Albertville, MN	Aubrey’s/Resmondo/3N2/TPS, Savannah, GA
	Greg Flees, Long Haul/Miken
2006	Bell Corp/Taylor Bros, Tampa, FL 	Resmondo - KME, Winter Haven, FL
	Scott Nastally, Bell Corp/Taylor/Belcher/Easton (13-15, .867, 3 
      HRs,18 RBIs)
	Jeff Hall, SpecialtyTank/ Stucco/K&G /Worth (22-31, .710) - 12 HRs
	Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Taylor/Belcher/Easton (16-19, 5 HRs, 20 RBIs) - 
Pabst/deBeer/Old Style/Dan Smith/City of Festivals, Milwaukee, WI
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1978	Softball City, Detroit, MI 		Rockford Stars, Rockford, IL
	MVP - ?
1979	Nelson's Painting, Oklahoma City, OK 	Howard's Furniture, Denver, NC
	Donnie Woods, Nelson's (21-27, .778, 15 HRs, 27 RBIs)
1980	Jerry's Catering, Miami, FL		Newport Lounge, Milwaukee, WI
	Earl Chambers, Jerry's (11-13, .846)
	Craig Elliott, Jerry's - 8
1981	Miller Auto Parts, Redford, MI		Lilly Air Systems, Chicago, IL
	Danny Parker, Miller (MVP and Batting Leader)
1982	Lilly Air Systems, Chicago, IL		Bunca-Frey, Kalamazoo, MI
	Ron Funderburg, Lilly Air Systems (.600, 4 HRs, 11 RBIs)
1983	Steele's Sports, Grafton, OH		Miller High Life, Detroit, MI
	Steve Blanchette, Steele's Sports (23-32, .719, 13 HRs)
1984	Miller High Life, Detroit, MI		Lilly Air Systems, Chicago, IL
	MVP - ?
1985	Steele's Sports, Grafton, OH		Southwestern Fabricators, Detroit, MI
	Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports (.581, 14 HRs, 36 RBIs)		
1986	?					?			
	MVP - ?
1987	Steele's Sports, Grafton, OH		Glass, Hammond, IN
	Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports		
1988	?					?		
	MVP - ?
1989	Steele's Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH	People's Choice/Glass, Champaign, IL
	Cecil Whitehead, Steele's
	Monty Tucker, Steele's - 12 HRs (.655, 19 RBIs)	
1990	Steele's Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH	Sunset, Warren, MI
	Rick Weiterman, Steele's  (21-24, .875, 1 HR, 6 RBIs)
	Billy Blake, Steele's - 14 HRs (22-26, .846, 28 RBIs)
1991	Bunca Car Wash, Kalamazoo, MI		Sports Hero's Athletics, Egan, MN
	Brian Ward, Bunca (23-30, .767, 8 HRs, 17 RBIs)
	Rob Oleath, Skyhawk Roofing - 11 HRs
1992	Bunca Car Wash, Kalamazoo, MI		Steele's/Sunbelt, Brook Park, OH
	Mike Devota, Bunca (22-25, .880, 11 HRs, 29 RBIs)
	Steve Craven, Steele's/Sunbelt - 17 HRs
1993	Bunca Car Wash, Kalamazoo, MI		Jimmies, Kalamazoo, MI
	Scott McDaniel, Bunca
	Doug Berfeldt, Spectrum - 14 HRs
	Bruce Wood, Bunca Car Wash (Batting leader)
1994	Labtec/Demarini, Portland, OR		Jimmies/Easton, Kalamazoo, MI
	Gordie Johnson, Labtec (.762, 5 HRs)
	Fred Carter and Larry Carter, Labtec - 9 HRs
1995	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	D&D Thoroughbreds/Demarini, Portland, OR
	Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior (24-30, .800, 14 HRs, 22 RBIs)
	Larry Fredisu, Ritch's-Superior (19-21, .905, 24 RBIs) - 15 HRs
1996	Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA		AJ's/Worth, Richmond, VA
	Hank Garris, Sunbelt/Easton (16-19, .842, 11 HRs)
	Jason Fleming, Herrin/Dudley (29-34, .853) - 17 HRs
	John McCraw, Sunbelt/Easton (14-16) - .875
1997	Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA	Hague/Ohio Transport/Wessel, Columbus, OH
	Dennis Mendoza, Lighthouse/Worth (15-18, .833)
	Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth (36 RBIs) - 15 HRs
1998	Sierra/TPS, Reno, NV			Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA
	Dale Walters, Sierra/TPS (16-18, .889, 10 HRs)
	Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth (21-23, .913) - 15 HRs
1999	Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA		Chase/Easton, Wilmington, NC
	Carl Rose, Dan Smith (19-25, .760, 10 HRs)
	Dan Schuck, Chase/Easton (18-24, .750) - 12 HRs
	Jeff Hall, Chase-Easton - .905 (19-21, 8 HRs)
2000	Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA		RSH/Worth, Jackson, MS
	Doug Kissane, Dan Smith/Worth
2001	Tournament not held
2002	Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN		Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA
	Bryan King, Long Haul/TPS (21-27, .778)
	HR Leaders - Brett Helmer (29-33, .879), Dewayne Nevitt (28-33, .848) &
	Jeff Hall (24-29, .828), Dan Smith/Easton - 12	
	Randall Boone, Long Haul/TPS - .955 (21-22, 7 HRS, 25 RBIs)
2003	Resmondo/Miken, Columbus, OH		Mountain Top/USA/TPS, Brighton, MI
	Todd Martin, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt/Miken (22-24, .917, 3 HRs)
	Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt/Miken (21-28, .750) - 10 HRs
2004	Resmondo/Taylor/K&H, Columbus, OH	B&J Logging/Snap-on, Sandoval, IL
	MVP -
2005	Quick Roofing/AL Brick, S. Sioux, NE	Quick Roofing/Promed/Cash Plus, Euliss, TX
	Greg Hartwick, Quick Roofing/Alabama Brick/Easton
2006	Damage Control/TPS, Sullivan, WI	Watanabe/Katt/TTP/B&A/Sup/TPS, Cincinnati, OH
	Ron Vogedes, Damage Control/TPS (15-22, .682)
	Tommy Thompson, Watanabe/Katt/TTP/B&A/Sup/TPS (33-40, .825) - 17 HRs
	Jim Burbrink, Watanabe/Katt/TTP/B&A/Sup/TPS (15-18, 2 HRs) - .833
Chaney Enterprises USSSA NIT, Kettering, MD
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1990	Steele's Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH	Stewart's Lounge, Pittsburgh, PA
	Dan Schuck, Steele's (21-24, .875, 12 HRs, 25 RBIs)
	Dirk Androff, Steele's (20-28, .714, 28 RBIs) and Tim Linson, NOSI - 14 HRs
1991	?					?
	MVP - ?
1992	?					?
	MVP - ?
1993	Taylor Brothers/TPS, Providence, RI 	Steele's/XLT, Lynchburg, VA
	Greg Harding, Taylor Brothers (MVP and HR Leader)
1994	Converters Unlimited/TPS, Kinston, NC 	Steele's/Sunbelt Hit Men, Brook Park, OH
	Derek Oliver, Converters Unlimited (18-21, .857)
	Jimmy Powers, Converters Unlimited (14-22, .636) and 
	Rich Plante, Vernon's/Power-Flite (17-26, .654) - 11 HRs
1995	Spectrum/Easton, Plymouth, MN;  Steele's Hitmen, Brook Park, OH; 
	Dudley/Mizuno, Ft. Pierce, FL; and Professional Choice/TPS, San Diego, CA all tied
	(Rain halted play with these four teams still undefeated) 
	Mike Stanley, Superior/Southland/TPS (17-21, .810, 24 RBIs) - 13 HRs 
	Eric Moore, Riverside (17 RBIs) and Steve Gilbert, Harrison's (15-17, 7 HRs) - .882
1996	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Steele's Silver Bullets Hitmen, Brook Park, OH
	Paul Drilling, Ritch's-Superior (10-11, .909)
	Larry Fredieu & Darrell Beeler, R-S; Jon Meyers & Jacques Miller, Steele's and
	Rod Hughes, Franklin/Grover (all tied) - 6 HRs 
1997	Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT
	Robbie Ergle (.700, 9 HRs) and Larry Sauceman (5 HRs), Lighthouse/Worth
	Derek Jones, Lighthouse/Worth (24-29, .865) - 9 HRs
1998	Team TPS, Louisville, KY 		Backstop/Easton/Bike, Aurora, IN
	Phil Jobe, Team TPS
	Jeff Wallace, Team TPS (7-18, .389) & Nelson Potter, Tiger/Checking - 4 HRs
	Mike Shenk, Team TPS (Batting leader)
1999	Chase/Easton, WIlmington, NC 		Team TPS, Louisville, KY
	JC Phelps, Chase/Easton (.853, 14 HRs)
	Dewayne Nevitt, Team TPS (29-33, .879) - 19 HRs
	Brett Helmer, Chase/Easton (Batting leader)
2000	Sunbelt Plastics, Centerville, GA	Long Haul/TPS, ALbertville, M			
	MVP - ?
	Kent Johnson, Long Haul (20-26, .769) - 14 HRs
2001	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		POVs/Walser/Reebok/TPS, St. Paul, MN
	Todd Joerling, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton
	Alex Lavorico, Pov’s/Walser/Reebok/TPS - 12 HRs
	Todd Volkers, Pov’s/Walser/Reebok/TPS (Batting leader)
2002	Chase/Reece/Roosters. Wilmington, NC	RPM/DTS/TPS, Orinda, CA 	
	Jeff Lanning, Chase/Reece/Roosters
	Brian May, Chase/Reece/Roosters (HR leader)
2003	Mountain Top/USA/TPS, Brighton, MI	Aftershock/TPS, Concord, CA
	Don DeDonatis, Mountain Top (18-23, .783)
	Cory Krueger, Mountain Top (15-19, .789) - 6 HRs
2004	Benfield/Alesium/Easton, Fairfield, VA	Taylor's/Worth, Edgewater, MD
	Ed Hicks, Benfield/Alesium/Reece/Easton (16-20, .800 6 HRs, 15 RBIs)
2005	Quick Roofing/AL Brick, S. Sioux, NE	Team Stucco/TPS, Cincinnati, OH
	Chris Chilton, Quick Roofing/Alabama Brick/Easton
	Shane Buteaux, Quick Roofing/Alabama Brick/Easton (Batting Leader)
2006	Benfield/AM Las Vegas, Vienna, VA	Aubrey's/MIT/Worth, Savannah, GA
	Shane Buteaux, AM Las Vegas/Benfield (29-35, .829, 7 HRs, 35 RBIs)
	Brian Justice, AM Las Vegas (19-35, .528, 29 RBIs) - 10 HRs
	Mark Webber, AM Las Vegas/Benfield (19-22, 4 HRs, 18 RBIs) - .864
Michigan 'Last Chance' USSSA NIT, Sterling Heights, MI
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1990	Steele's Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH	Bell Corp., Tampa, FL
	Todd Joerling, Steele's (26-33, .788, 11 HRs, 28 RBIs)
	Dirk Androff, Steele's (25-35, .714, 27 RBIs) - 11 HRs
	Monty Tucker, Steele's (23-28, 9 HRs, 20 RBIs) - .821
1991	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Starpath/Le-Al-Co, Monticello, KY
	Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior (17-25, .680, 12 HRs)
	Rick Wheeler, Starpath/Le-Al-Co (25-31, .806) - 19 HRs
	Bruce Tomlin, AJD - .850 (17-20)
1992	Steele's/Sunbelt, Brook Park, OH		Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT
	Jimmy Powers, Steele's/Sunbelt (25-31, .806, 15 HRs)
1993	Bell Corp., Tampa, FL			Steele's/Sunbelt, Brook Park, OH
	Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. (17-23, .739, 13 HRs)
	Randy Kortokrax, Steele's/Sunbelt (23-33, .697) - 16 HRs
	Mike Macenko, Steele's/Sunbelt (24-25, 14 HRs) - .960
1994	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Converters Unlimited/TPS, Kinston, NC
	Rick Weiterman, Ritch's-Superior (.750, 5 HRs, 11 RBIs)
	Jimmy Powers, Converters (32-40, .800, 42 RBIs) and Dan Schuck (.773, 36 RBIs) - 22 HRs
	Scott Elliott, Converters (18 HRs, 34 RBIs) and Darrell Beeler, Ritch's (14 HRs) - .833
1995	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA
	Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior (22-26, .846, 15 HRs, 23 RBIs)
	Dewayne Frizzell, Superior/Southland (30-45, .667, 34 RBIs) and
	Tim Williamson,  Superior/Southland (29-43, .674, 38 RBIs) - 21 HRs
1996	Ritch's-Superior, Windsor Locks, CT	Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA
	Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior (22-24, .917, 15 HRs, 25 RBIs)
	Al Davis, Shen Valley (38-51, .745, 45 RBIs) - 24 HRs
1997	Sunbelt/Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA	Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA
	Johnny McCraw, Sunbelt/Dan Smith/Easton (23-27, .852, 16 HRs)
	Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth (32-44, .727) - 25 HRs
	Jason Riggs, Jimmies/Easton (17-19) - .895
1998	Steele's/R&D/Reda, Brook Park, OH	Sunbelt/Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA
	Keith Brockman, Steele's/R&D/Reda (37-44, .841, 20 HRs)
	Brett Helmer, Wessell/Hague/SoJern - .857 (24-28)
1999	Team TPS, Louisville, KY		?
	MVP - ?
2000	Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA		Team TPS, Louisville, KY
	Wendall Rickard, Dan Smith
2001	Maroadi/Frank n Stein, Jeannette, PA	LDJ/Varsity/Easton, Detroit, MI
	MVP - Steve Dickinson, Maroadi's
2002	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA and Mountain Top/USA/TPS, Brighton, MI	(Declared Co-champs)
	Shaun Robinson, Mountain Top (17-21, .810)
2003	NW Pipe/Bud Light/3N2, Westland, MI	POV'S/O&S Cattle/Easton, Savage, MN
	MVP - Bill Barrett, Northwest Pipe
2004	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA		Resmondo/Taylor's/K&H, Columbus, OH
	MVP -
2005	NW Pipe/Bud Light/3n2, Brighton, MI	Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse, San Jose, CA
	Jamie Gordon, Northwest Pipe/Bud Light/3n2/Easton
	Scott Hille, Northwest Pipe/Bud Light/3n2/Easton (Batting Leader)
2006	Resmondo - KME, Winter Haven, FL	NW Pipe/Bud Light/3N2/Easton, Westland, MI 
	Howie Krause, Resmondo-KME Softball (21-26, .808, 10 HRs, 25 
	Dal Beggs, Resmondo-KME Softball (29-39, .744, 35 RBIs) and 
	Jeff Wallace, Resmondo-KME Softball (31-40, .775, 28 RBIs) - 12 HRs
	Kenny Briggs, Team Combat (21-23, 10 HRs, 20 RBIs) - .913
Mike Davis Memorial USSSA NIT, Concord, CA
Year 	Champion 				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1989 	? 					?
1990 	? 					?
1991 	? 					?
1992 	? 					?
1993 	? 					?
1994 	? 					?
1995 	? 					?
1996 	D's Dynasty/Easton, Valley Center, CA 	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA
	Mike Cellura, D's Dynasty (.667, 9 HRs)
1997 	?					?
1998 	Sierra/TPS, Reno, NV 			Sunbelt/Dan Smith/Easton, Centerville, GA
	Dale Walters, Sunbelt/Dan Smith (22-25, .880, 11 HRs)
	Kerry Everett, Sunbelt/Dan Smith (23-31, .742) - 15 HRS
1999 	Team TPS. Louisville, KY 		Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA
	Jeff Wallace, Team TPs (19-25, .760, 13 HRs)
	Hank Garris, Team TPS (17-24, .708) - 13 HRs
	Phil Jobe, Team TPS (18-21) - .857
2000 	Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA 		Aftershock/Easton, Alameda, CA
	Dennis Rulli, Dan Smith/Worth
2001 	Smith/Backman/Menosse, San Jose, CA 	Budweiser/Summerlein, College Station, TX
	Dennis Rulli, Dan Smith
2002 	Smith/Backman/Menosse, San Jose, CA 	Sunnyvale V&F/Easton, Sunnyvale, CA
	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse (11-12, .917, 4 HRs)
	Brett Helmer, Dan Smith (12-16, .750) - 8 HRs
2003 	Smith/Backman/Mennose, San Jose, CA 	Budweiser/Sunnyvale/Worth, Kent, WA
	Scott Brown, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse (15-20, .750, 2 HRs)
	Jeff Hall (21-22, .955) and Brett Helmer (17-21, .810), Dan Smith - 6 HRs 
2004 	Smith/Backman/Mennose, San Jose, CA 	Smith Softball, San Jose, CA
	Scott Nastally, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose (13-17, .722)
	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith (21-30, .700) - 12 HRs
	Rick Baker, Dan Smith (25-29, 4 HRs) - .862
2005 	Resmondo/Smith/Menosse, San Jose, CA	Tacoma Dodge/Easton, Puyallup, WA
	Bryson Baker and Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Smith/Menosse (Co-MVPs)
2006 	Team Combat, Kent, WA			K&C/TAI/Elite/G23/Easton, Cameron Park, CA
	No MVP Named
	Brian Higginbotham, Team Combat (11-15, .733, 13 RBIs) - 7 HRs
	Alex Lavorico, 
      K&C/TAI/Elite/G23/Easton (16-19, 6 HRs, 25 RBIs) 
      - .842

East Tennessee Sports Spring Open, Maryville, TN
Year 	Champion 				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
1970-83	no information available
1984 	T&K/Bassett Products, Lexington, KY 	?
1985 	? 					?
1986 	Starpath, Monticello, KY 		?
1987 	Starpath, Monticello, KY 		?
1988 	Starpath, Monticello, KY 		?
1989 	Starpath/Kirk's Glass, Monticello, KY 	?
1990 	Instant Landscape, Loxahatchee, FL 	Starpath, Monticello, KY
	Mike Jacobs, Instant Landscape (.787, 7 HRs, 25 RBIs)
1991 	Datom-Argus, Lebanon, TN 		Merchants, Washington County, KY
	Wendell Rickard, Datom-Argus (.739, 8 HRs)
1992 	Datom-Argus, Lebanon, TN 		Johnson Builders, Hilton Head, SC
	Steve Sharp, Datom-Argus (.740 10 HRs, 21 RBIs)
1993 	Worth Astros, Indianapolis, IN 		New/TPS, Shelbyville, IN
	Monty McCrory, Worth Astros
1994 	Moulton Furniture, Moulton, AL 		Jonesboro Merchants, Jonesboro, TN
	Gary Whitefield, Moulton Furniture (.773, 7 HRs)
1995 	Reece Astros, Lebanon, TN		Chip's, Maryville, TN
	Jeff Stamps, Reece Astros (.762, 6 HRs)
1996 	Chip's/Easton, Maryville, TN 		Southland/TPS. Gainesville, FL
	PJ Jones, Chip's/Easton (.808)
	Curt Gleaton, Chip's/Easton (.769) - 11 HRs
1997 	Sports World/Worth, Lebanon, TN 	Allison/TPS, North Carloina
	PJ Jones, Sports World (17-20, .850)
	Billy Byrd, SPorts World (16-20, .800) - 6 HRs
1998 	Reece/Sports World/TPS, Lebanon, TN 	Planet/New/TPS, Lexington, KY
	Ron Wilson, Reece (16-19, .842, 6 HRs, 20 RBIs)
	Derek Oliver, Reece (.762) - 7 HRs
1999 	Team Reece, Knoxville, TN 		Southern Turf/Hudson, Samson, AL
	Ernie Montgomery, Team Reece (17-22, .773, 8 HRs)
2000 	L&L Painting/TPS, Prattville, AL 	Reece, Lebanon, TN
	MVP - ?
2001 	L&L Painting/TPS, Prattville, AL 	Reece's/Roosters/Easton, Lebanon, TN
	Dewayne Frizzel, L&L Painting/TPS
2002 	Lighthouse Baptist, Chattanooga, TN	New Construction, Shelbyville, IN
	MVP - ?
2003 	Sports Den/New/Miken, Somerset, KY 	Jonesboro/TPS, Mt. Carmel, TN
	MVP - ?
2004 	Terry's/TPS, North Wilkesboro, NC 	Watanabe/K&G/New, Cincinnati, OH
	Shane McCollough, Terry's/TPS (20-24, .833, 11 HRs)
2005 	McNair Sports/New/TPS, Cadiz, KY 	Watanabe/Alpine/Kattus/TPS, Cincinnati, OH
	Vern Hensley, McNair/New (.667)
	JC Phelps, McNair/New (25-31, 6 HRs) - .805
2006 	Watanabe/TPS, Cincinnati, OH		D&D Select, Johnson City, TN
	Jimmy Burbrink, Watanabe/Tiny Town Pizza/TPS (12-14, .857)
	Jeff Edington, Watanabe/Tiny Town Pizza/TPS (.783) - 8 HRs
	Jason Roesch, Watanabe/Tiny Town Pizza/TPS (18-19, .947)
Cincinnati Major USSSA NIT, Cincinnati, OH
Year 	Champion 				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
2000 	Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA 		Long Haul Trucking/TPS, Albertville, MN
	Greg Harding, Dan Smith/Worth
	Jeff Ott, Long Haul (38-45, .844, 54 RBIs) - 23 HRs
2001 	Long Haul/Taylor/TPS, Albertville, MN 	Hague /Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH
	Robin Higginbotham, Long Haul (13-16, .813, 7 HRs, 19 RBIs)
	Hank Garris, Long Haul (22-26, .846, 23 RBIs) - 11 HRs
	Jimmy Powers, Long Haul (15-17, 3 HRs, 13 RBIs) - .882
2002 	Florida Heat/Worth, Ft. Pierce, FL 	Creative Stucco/Easton, Columbus, OH
	Joe Povenski, Fla. Heat (19-20, .950, 7 HRs)
2003 	Mountain Top/TPS, Brighton, MI 		US Vinyl/Z-Wear/Anaconda, Chattanooga, TN 
	MVP - ?
2004 	Dan Smith/Easton, San Jose, CA 		Benfield/Alesium/Easton, Fairfield, VA
	Don DeDonatis Jr, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton (18-23, .783, 1 HR)
	Randy Kortokrax, Benfield/Alesium/Reece/Shade/Easton - 14 HRs
2005 	Resmondo/Smith/Menosse, San Jose, CA	Quick Roofing/Alabama Brick, S. Sioux City, NE
	Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Smith/Menosse
2006 	Benfield/AM Las Vegas, Vienna, VA	Bell Corp/Taylor/Belcher/Easton, Tampa, FL
	Mark Webber, Benfield/AM Las Vegas 
      (19-25, .760, 8 HRs, 21 RBIs)
	Shane Spicer, Watanabe/Katt/TTP/B&A/Sup/TPS (26-34, .765, 24 RBIs) and
	Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Taylor/Belcher/Easton (31-35, .886, 22 RBIs) - 10 HRs
	Tom Thompson, Watanabe/Tiny Town Pizza/Superior/R&A/TPS (20-20, 8 HRs, 13 RBIs) - 1.000
Spring/Hall of Fame Classic, Kissimmee/Daytona Beach, FL
Year	Champion				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
2001	Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN		Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH
	Mike Shenk, Long Haul (24-28, .857, 12 HRs)
	Wendall Rickard, Hague - 20 HRs
2002	Long Haul/TPS, Albertville, MN		Hague/Resmondo/Worth, Columbus, OH
	Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul (33-43, .767, 16 HRs, 30 RBIs)
2003	Hague/Resmondo/Taylor, Columbus, OH	Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse, San Jose, CA
	Andy Purcell, Hague/Resmondo (18-23, .783)
	Bryson Baker, Hague/Resmondo (25-31, .806, 25 RBIs) - 8 HRs
2004	Dan Smith/Backman, San Jose, CA 	Team Synergy by Easton, Orlando, FL
	Rick Baker, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton (21-27, 778, 3 HRs)
	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton (23-31, .742) - 10 HRs
	Chris Boutchie, Team Synergy by Easton (18-20, 4 HRs) - .900
2005	Resmondo/Smith, San Jose, CA 		Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton, Tampa, FL 
	Bryson Baker, Smith/Resmondo/Mennose
2006	Bell Corp/Taylor Bros, Tampa, FL	Benfield/AM Las Vegas, Vienna, VA
	Vince Bisbee, Bell Corp (19-24, .792, 5 HRs, 17 RBIs) and
	Scott Kirby, Bell Corp (18-23, .783, 6 HRs, 18 RBIs)
	Denny Crine, AM Las Vegas (30-41, .732, 27 RBIs) and
	JC Phelps, Specialty Tank 
      (16-19, .842, 15 RBIs) - 9 HRs
	David Soult, Suncoast (14-15, 6 RBIs) - .933

Texas Legends USSSA NIT Classic, Euless, TX
Year 	Champion Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
2001 	Mississippi/Worth, Jackson, MS 		KCS/BEP/JDS/TPS, Pasadena, TX
	MVP - ?
2002 	Hooters/B&B, Overland Park, KS 		Twin States/Worth, Jackson, MS
	Brent Wilheim, Hooters/Mizuno
2003 	Mountain Top/TPS, Brighton, MI 		T&R Stucco/Easton, Polk City, FL
	Sean McDonald, Mountain Top/TPS (18-21, .857, 5 HRs)
2004 	Team Synergy, Orlando, FL 		Bell Corp/Doc's/Easton, Tampa, FL
	Johnny Dykes, Team Synergy
2005 	Resmondo/Smith/Menosse, San Jose, CA	Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton, Tampa, FL
	Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Smith/Menosse
2006 	Resmondo - KME, Winter Haven, FL	Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Easton, Tampa, FL 
	Brian Rainwater, Resmondo - KME Softball (16-24, .667, 7 HRs, 16 
	Jeff Wallace, Resmondo - KME Softball (19-28, .679, 27 RBIs) - 
      14 HRs
	Jaime Wise, Jean Shoppe/Team Mayhem/Worth (20-20, 9 HRs, 19 RBIs) and
	JC Phelps, Specialty Tank/Worth (15-15, 8 HRs, 14 RBIs) - 1.000

Federal Way USSSA NIT Classic, Seattle, WA
Year 	Champion 				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
2000	Kevitt/J&H/Easton, Maple Grove, MN	Sunnyvale Pipe & Fitting/Easton, Saratoga, CA
	MVP - ?
2001	not held
2002 	Team AH/TPS, Dayton, OH 		Sunnyvale V&F/Easton, Sunnyvale, CA
	Zach Keene, Team AH/TPS (23-28, .821, 4 HRs)
2003 	Perkins Roofing, Cincinnati, OH 	K&C Drywall, Cameron Park, CA 
	MVP - ?
2004 	Sunnyvale/Easton, Grants Pass, CA 	Gatorline/Dobbs & Fox/NW Climiate, Kent, WA
	Jared Snyder, Sunnyvale/New Freedom/Easton
2005 	Team Combat/Kluever Snap-On, Kent, WA	Tacoma Dodge/Easton, Puyallup, WA
	MVP - ?
2006 	Team Combat, Kent, WA			K&C/TAI/Elite/G23/Easton, Cameron Park, CA
	Johnny McCraw, Team Combat (33-37, .892, 14 HRs, 17 RBIs) and
	Mike Messinger, K&C/TAI/Elite/G23/Easton (20-27, .741, 6 HRs, 
      17 RBIs) (CO-MVPs)
	Johnny McCraw, Team Combat (33-37, .892, 17 RBIs) - 14 HRs
	Johnny McCraw, Team Combat (33-37, 14 HRs, 17 RBIs) - 
NSA NIT, Columbus, OH
Year 	Champion 				Runner-up
	Leaders (if available)
2001 	Long Haul/Taylor/TPS, Albertville, MN 	Hague /Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, OH
	Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul (27-34, .794, 11 HRs, 20 RBIs)
	Hank Garris, Long Haul (22-35, .629, 35 RBIs) - 14 HRs
	Howie Krause, Hague (30-34, 11 HRs) - .882
2002 	Long Haul/Taylor/TPS, Albertville, MN 	Hague/Resmondo/Worth, Columbus, OH
	Andy Purcell, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS (15-25, .600, 6 HRs, 15 RBIs)
	Randy Kortokrax, Hague/Resmonso/Walser Chevy/Worth (HR Leader)
2003 	Resmondo/Hague/Taylor, Columbus, OH 	Alesium/Chase/Easton, Las Vegas, NV
	Jimmy Devine, Resmondo/Hague (15-17, .882, 5 HRs)
	JC Phelps, Resmondo/Hague (17-21, .810) - 8 HRs
2004 	Resmondo/Taylor/K&H, Columbus, OH 	US Vinyl/Z-Wear/Meridian, Lafayette, GA
	Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Taylor Brothers/K&H Investments (14-15, .933, 10 HRs)
2005 	Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor, Tampa, FL	AM Las Vegas/Benfield, Manassas, VA
	Todd Joerling, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton
	Scott Brown, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton - 11 HRs
2006 	Specialty Tank/Worth, Columbus, OH	Watanabe/TTP/Superior/R&A/TPS, Cincinnati, OH
	Brian Blount, Specialty Tank/Creative Stucco/K&G Sports/Worth (17-23, 7 RBIs)
	Jeff Hall, Specialty Tank/Creative Stucco/K&G Sports/Worth (24-29, .828, 24 RBIs) - 10 HRs
	J.C. Phelps, Specialty Tank/Creative Stucco/K&G Sports/Worth (27-27, 9 HRs, 26 RBIs) - 1.000

Smoky Mountain Classic



  • Champion – Eastern State, Knoxville, TN
  • Runner Up – Ralph’s Donut Shop, Cookesville, TN
  • MVP – No info or not awarded
  • HR Leader – no info available
  • Batting Leader – no info available


  • Champion – Tennessee Trailways, Knoxville, TN
  • Runner Up – Golden Gallons, Chattanooga, TN
  • MVP – No info or not awarded
  • HR Leader – no info available
  • Batting Leader – no info available


  • Champion – Scott County Merchants, Stamping Ground, KY
  • Runner Up – McBrayer Drywall, Chattanooga, TN
  • MVP – Ron Ritter, Scott County
  • HR Leader – Ron Ritter, Scott County – 8
  • Batting Leader – Ron Ritter, Scott County – 23 hits


  • Champion – Cards Carpets, Chattanooga, TN
  • Runner Up – Duggan & Duggan, Chattanooga, TN
  • MVP – Bob Wells, Cards Carpets
  • HR Leader – Bob Wells, Card’s Carpets – 13
  • Batting Leader – N/A


  • Champion – Rudder Construction, Knoxville, TN
  • Runner Up – Scott County Merchants, Stamping Ground, KY
  • Co-MVP – David Lane, Rudder Construction (36-45, .800, 14 HR)
  • Co-MVP – Tommy Everett, Rudder Construction (39-46, .848, 12 HR, 24 straight hits)
  • HR Leader – David Lane, Rudder Construction – 14
  • Batting Leader – Tommy Everett, Rudder Construction – .848


  • Champion – Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC
  • Runner Up – Duggan & Duggan, Chattanooga, TN
  • MVP – Gene Fisher, Howard’s Furniture
  • HR Leader – Gene Fisher, Howard’s Furniture
  • Batting Leader – N/A


  • Champion – Nelson’s Painting, Oklahoma City, OK
  • Runner Up – Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC
  • Co-MVP – Ray Fleetwood, Nelson’s Painting
  • Co-MVP – Bert Smith, Howard’s (17 HR, 8 in final 3 games)
  • HR Leader – Bert Smith, Howard’s Furniture – 17
  • Batting Leader – N/A


  • Champion – Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC
  • Runner Up – Pepsico, Levittown, NY
  • Co-MVP – Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture
  • Co-MVP – Gary Richter, Pepsico (4 HR, in the championship game)
  • HR Leader – Stan Harvey, Howard’s Furniture – 17
  • Batting Leader – N/A


  • Champion – Howard’s Furniture, Denver, NC
  • Runner Up – Howard & Carroll Sports, Sherrills Ford, NC
  • Co-MVP – Steve Howard, Howard’s Furniture
  • Co-MVP – Denny Jones, Howard & Carroll
  • HR Leader – Herman Rathman, Nelson’s Painting – 19
  • HR Leader – James Boyett, Howard & Carroll – 19
  • Batting Leader – Joey Raby, Howard & Carroll Sports

NOTE: 1431 HR were hit in this year’s classic, breaking the old record of 556 in 1976. Howard & Carroll hit 39 in one game.


  • Champion – Howard & Carroll Sports, Sherrills Ford, NC
  • Runner Up – Ken Sander’s Ford, Birmingham, AL
  • Co-MVP – Gene Jones, Howard & Carroll
  • Co-MVP – Roger Mayo, Ken Sanders Ford
  • HR Leader – Herman Rathman, Nelson’s (18-30, .600, only 1 of his 18 hits was not a HR) – 17
  • Batting Leader – N/A


  • Champion – Campbell’s Carpet, Concord, CA
  • Runner Up – B&S Construction, Rome, GA
  • MVP – Greg Fuhrman, Campbell’s Carpets (Grand Slam won the championship game 17-16)
  • HR Leader – Craig Elliott, Ken Sanders Ford – 10
  • Batting Leader – N/A


  • Champion – Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL
  • Runner Up – Campbell’s Carpet, Concord, CA
  • MVP – Craig Elliott, Jerry’s Caterers (24-32, .750, 15 HR)
  • HR Leader – Walter “Junebug” Wright, Le-Al-Co – 16
  • Batting Leader – Craig Elliott, Jerry’s Caterers – .750


  • Champion – Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC
  • Runner Up – York Barbell/Ken Sanders, York, PA
  • MVP – Craig Elliott, York Barbell/Sanders (31-39, .795, 26 HR, 48 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Craig Elliott, York Barbell/Ken Sanders – 26
  • Batting Leader – Craig Elliott, York Barbell/Ken Sanders – .795


  • Champion – York Barbell/Ken Sanders, York, PA
  • Runner Up – Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC
  • MVP – Curtis Williams, York/Sanders (20-25, .800)
  • HR Leader – Bruce Meade, Jerry’s Caterers – 14
  • Batting Leader – Curtis Williams, York Barbell/Sanders – .800

NOTE: Rick Scherr had 13 HR for Howard’s as the fences were moved back to 310 feet.


  • Champion – Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA
  • Runner Up – Jerry’s Caterers, Miami, FL
  • MVP – Craig Elliott, Elite (28-34, .823, 22 HR)
  • HR Leader – Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings – 22
  • Batting Leader – Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings – .823


  • Champion – Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA
  • Runner Up – Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC
  • MVP – Ron Ford, Elite Coatings (19-33, .575, 11 HR)
  • HR Leader – Craig Elliott, Elite – 17
  • Batting Leader – Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings (29-39, .730) – .730


  • Champion – Elite Coatings, Gordon, GA
  • Runner Up – Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC
  • MVP – Bruce Meade, Elite Coatings (25-30, .833, 12 HR, 28 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Charles Wright, Elite Coatings (19-27, .704, 22 RBI) – 15
  • Batting Leader – Bruce Meade, Elite Coatings – .833


  • Champion – Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH
  • Runner Up – Smythe Sox, Houston, TX
  • MVP – Mike Macenko, Steele’s Sports (22-31, .710, 11 HR, 20 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Rick Wheeler, Smythe Sox (34 RBI) – 18
  • HR Leader – Bill Gatti, Smythe Sox – 18
  • Batting Leader – Ken Loeri, Steele’s Sports (19-23, 12 HR, 21 RBI) .823


  • Champion – Steele’s Sports, Grafton, OH
  • Runner Up – Howard’s/Western Steer, Denver, NC
  • MVP – Mike Macenko, Steele’s Sports (29-34, .853, 21 HR, 39 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Freddie Trice, Steele’s Sports – 21
  • HR Leader – Mike Macenko, Steele’s Sports – 21
  • HR Leader – Rick Scherr, Howard’s/Western Steer – 21
  • HR Leader – Tim Reinhardt, Howard’s/Western Steer – 21
  • Batting Leader – Mike Macenko, Steele’s Sports – .853


  • Champion – Starpath, Monticello, KY
  • Runner Up – Marlton Trucking, Portland, OR
  • MVP – Dave Elder, Starpath (.788, 11 HR, 23 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Bill Gatti, Marlton (35-44, .795, 46 RBI) 24
  • Batting Leader – Jim Fuller, Marlton (37-42, 23 HR, 43 RBI) – .881


  • Champion – Superior/Apollo, Windsor Locks, CT
  • Runner Up – Steele’s Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH
  • MVP – Rick Scherr, Superior/Apollo (24-28, .857, 14 HR, 29 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Cliff Carpenter, Bell Corp – 15
  • Batting Leader – Rick Scherr, Superior/Apollo -.857


  • Champion – Steele’s Silver Bullets, Grafton, OH
  • Runner Up – Ritch’s/Kirk’s, Harrisburg, NC
  • MVP – Scott Virkus, Steele’s (22-26. .846, 13 HR, 25 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Britt Hightower, Ritch’s/Kirks – 19
  • Batting Leader – Danny Williams, Steele’s (21-24) – .857
  • Defensive MVP – Todd Joerling, Steele’s


  • Champion – Bell Corp, Tampa, FL
  • Runner Up – Starpath/Le-Al-Co, Lebanon, TN
  • MVP – Mark Martin, Bell Corp (23-28, .821, 10 HR, 20 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Carl Rose, Lighthouse – 17
  • Batting Leader – Mark Martin, Bell Corp. – .821


  • Champion – Bell Corp, Tampa, FL
  • Runner Up – Steele’s/Sunbelt, Brook Park, OH
  • MVP – Andy Cook, Bell Corp. (17-23, .739; 4-5 with 3-Run HR in final)
  • HR Leader – Mike Macenko, Steele’s (33 RBI) – 17
  • Batting Leader – Danny Williams, Steele’s/Sunbelt (28 hits)


  • Champion – Ritch’s-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks, CT
  • Runner Up – Williams/Worth, Houston, TX
  • MVP – Darrell Beeler, Ritch’s- Superior (20-24, .833, 13 HR)
  • HR Leader – Carl Rose, Williams – 17
  • Batting Leader – Derek Oliver, Steele’s (19-21) – .905


  • Champion – Ritch’s-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks, CT
  • Runner Up – Williams/Worth, Houston, TX
  • MVP – Britt Hightower, Ritch’s-Superior (28-31, .903, 19 HR, 35 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Doug Roberson, Ritch’s-Superior (22-28, .786, 35 RBI) 20
  • Batting Leader – Britt Hightower, Ritch’s-Superior -.903


  • Champion – Ritch’s-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks, CT
  • Runner Up – Bell/Sunbelt/Easton, Tampa, FL
  • MVP – Dirk Androff, Ritch’s-Superior (28-35, .800, 15 HR, 44 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. (23-33, .697, 40 RBI) – 18
  • Batting Leader – Greg Harding, Bell/Sunbelt (26-29, 13 HR, 30 RBI) – .897


  • Champion – Sunbelt/Easton, Centerville, GA
  • Runner Up – Lighthouse/Worth, Stone Mountain, GA
  • MVP – Greg Harding, Sunbelt/Easton (27-32, .843, 14 HR, 18 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Larry Fredieu, Ritch’s-Superior (29-42, .690, 46 RBI) – 22
  • Batting Leader – Albert Davis, Shen Valley (20-22, 11 HR, 19 RBI) – .909


  • Champion – Ritch’s-Superior/TPS, Windsor Locks, CT
  • Runner Up – Shen Valley/Taylor Brothers/TPS, Bridgewater, VA
  • MVP – Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley (46-53, .868, 30 HR, 54 RBI, had 32 straight hits, including 22 HR at one point)
  • MVP – Dewayne Nevitt, Ritch’s-Superior (23-29, .793, 15 HR, 28 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley – 30
  • Batting Leader – Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley – .868


  • Champion – Sierra/TPS, Reno, NV
  • Runner Up – Team TPS, Louisville, KY
  • MVP – Ron Parnell, Sierra/TPS (42-48, .875, 21 HR, 56 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Hank Garris, Sierra/TPS (46-56, .821, 49 RBI) – 26
  • HR Leader – Larry Fredieu, Sierra/TPS (41-53, .774, 37 RBI) – 26
  • Batting Leader – Scott Elliott, Lighthouse (26-29, 10 HR) – .897


  • Champion – Team TPS, Louisville, KY
  • Runner Up – Dan Smith/Wessell/Backstop/Worth, San Jose, CA
  • MVP – Randall Boone, Team TPS (22-25, .880, 14 HR)
  • HR Leader – Brett Helmer, P&D (30-32, .938) – 15
  • HR Leader – Jimmy Powers, Paramount/TPS (28-37, .757) – 15
  • Batting Leader – Brett Helmer, P&D/Tri-Gems/ Tiger/Easton – .938


  • Champion – Team TPS, Louisville, KY
  • Runner Up – Dan Smith/Worth, San Jose, CA
  • MVP – Jeff Wallace, Team TPS (22-27, .815, 14 HR)
  • HR Leader – Carl Rose, Dan Smith (20-23, .719, 30 RBI) – 20
  • Batting Leader – Britt Hightower, Sunbelt (26-29, 9 HR) – .897


  • Champion – Long Haul/Taylor Brothers/Shen Corp/TPS, Albertville, MN
  • Runner Up – Dan Smith/ Backman/Menosse/Easton, San Jose, CA
  • MVP – Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS (20-25, .800, 11 HR, 20 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Chris Chilton, Reece/Roosters – 19
  • HR Leader – Jeff Eddington, Reece/Roosters – 19
  • Batting Leader – Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS – .800


  • Champion – Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton, San Jose, CA
  • Runner Up – Budweiser/Summerlin/Team Experts/Worth, College Station, TX
  • MVP – Brett Helmer, Dan Smith (23-28, .821, 9 HR)
  • HR Leader – Brian Goins, New Construction (.854) – 19
  • Batting Leader – Bryson Baker, Hague/Resmondo (20-22, 13 HR) – .909


  • Champion – Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt/Miken, Columbus, OH
  • Runner Up – US Vinyl/Z-Wear/Anaconda/Miken, Chattanooga, TN
  • MVP – Todd Martin, Resmondo/Hague (30-33, .909, 19 HR)
  • HR Leader – Johnny McCraw US Vinyl (32-39, .821) – 20
  • Batting Leader – Todd Martin, Resmondo/Hague – .909


  • Champion – Resmondo/Taylor Brothers/K&H Investments, Columbus, OH
  • Runner Up – Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton, San Jose, CA
  • MVP – Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Taylor (.880, 12 HR, 28 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Hank Garris, Dan Smith (32-40, .800) – 21
  • Batting Leader – Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Taylor – .880


  • Champion – Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton, Tampa, FL
  • Runner Up – Resmondo/Smith/Menosse, San Jose, CA
  • MVP – Scott Brown, Bell Corp (22-28, .786, 11 HR, 15 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Tim Cocco, Bell Corp (21-28, .750, 31 RBI) – 17
  • Batting Leader – Scott Brown, Bell Corp – .786


  • Champion – Resmondo/KME Softball Club, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – Benfield/Reece/Shade on the Canal/Easton/AM Las Vegas, Vienna, VA
  • MVP – Jeff Wallace, Resmondo (28-34, .824, 16 HR, 25 RBI)
  • HR Leader – J.C. Phelps, Specialty Tank – (34-38, .895, 38 RBI) – 23
  • Batting Leader – Tom Thompson, Watanabe (15-15, 10 HR, 13 RBI) – 1.000

After 2006, the Smoky Mountain Classic changed national affiliation from ASA to USSSA.


  • Champion – Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/Backman, Tampa, FL
  • Runner Up – Resmondo, Winter Haven, FL
  • MVP – Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/ Backman (24-30, .800, 15 HR, 27 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Bryson Baker, Resmondo (33-40, .825, 41 RBI) – 21
  • Batting Leader – Bryson Baker, Resmondo (33-40, 21 HR, 41 RBI) – .825
  • Offensive MVP – Todd Joerling, Bell Corp (16-22, .727, 9 HR, 17 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Brian Rainwater, Resmondo


  • Champion – Dan Smith/Menosse/Combat, San Jose, CA
  • Runner Up – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • MVP – Andy Purcell, Resmondo (13-14, .929, 4 HR, 9 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Denny Crine, Long Haul/Miken (24-33, .727, 25 RBI) – 17
  • Batting Leader – Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth – .929
  • Offensive MVP – Brian Wegman, Dan Smith/Menosse/Combat (12-14, .857, 2 HR, 7 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Don Dedonatis, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth


  • Champion – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – Long Haul/Miken/Phonemasters, Albertville, MN
  • Co-MVP – Jeff Wallace, Resmondo (20-25, .800, 9 HR, 29 RBI)
  • Co-MVP – Greg Connell, Resmondo (20-26, .769, 15 HR, 34 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Greg Connell, Resmondo – 15
  • Batting Leader – Lee Trotter, Suncoast/Quick Roofing (18-20, 11 HR, 18 RBI) – .900
  • Offensive MVP – Matt King, Long Haul/Miken (19-22, .864, 5 HR, 16 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Don Dedonatis, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth


  • Champion – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Phonemasters/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – Dan Smith/Menosse, San Jose, CA
  • MVP – Bobby Hughes, Resmondo, (22-24, .917, 6 HR, 16 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Greg Connell, Resmondo (22-27, .815, 31 RBI) – 16
  • Batting Leader – Bobby Hughes, Resmondo – .917
  • Offensive MVP – Brian Wegman, Dan Smith/Menosse (22-29, .759, 11 HR, 19 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Don Dedonatis, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Phonemasters/Worth


  • Champion – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – GTL Cartel/Demarini, Othello, WA
  • MVP – Greg Connell, Resmondo (18-23, .783, 11 HR, 20 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Jonathan Scott, Down2EarthSports (26-30, . 867, 25 RBI) – 17
  • Batting Leader – Jonathan Scott, Down2EarthSports – .867
  • Offensive MVP – Kevin Filby, GTL Cartel/Demarini (18-24, .750, 12 HR, 19 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Don Dedonatis, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth


  • Champion – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – LaserVision/Anni/Supr/D2/Easton, Cicero, NY
  • MVP – Jeff Hall, Resmondo (27-33, .818, 8 HR, 23 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Greg Connell, Resmondo (23-31, .742, 35 RBI) – 18
  • Batting Leader – Shannon Smith, SBS/CSC/Combat (14-15, 9 HR, 12 RBI) – .933
  • Offensive MVP – Bryson Baker, Laservision (17-25, .680, 17 HR, 28 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Don Dedonatis, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth


  • Champion – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – LaserVision/DesertFalls/Boombah/Easton, Cicero, NY
  • Co-MVP – Andy Purcell, Resmondo (25-31, .806, 15 HR, 28 RBI)
  • Co-MVP – Nicolas Santana, Resmondo (25-27, .926, 8 HR, 18 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Chad Durick, LaserVision (20-23, .870, 27 RBI) – 16
  • Batting Leader – Robert Blackburn, Shoppe (28-30, 13 HR, 29 RBI)- .933
  • Offensive Co-MVP – Chad Durick, Laservision (20-23, .870, 11 HR, 15 RBI)
  • Offensive Co-MVP – Scott Kirby, Laservision (22-25, .880, 12 HR, 21 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Jeremy Yates, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth


  • Champion – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – LaserVision/H.Auto/JJ’s/Easton, Cicero, NY
  • MVP – Dennis Rulli, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth (36-40, .900, 12 HR, 15 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Bryson Baker, Laservision/H.Auto/JJ’s/Easton (42-51, .824, 52 RBI) – 29
  • Batting Leader – Buddy Wolf, Red’s Astros (24-26, 16 HR, 22 RBI) – .923
  • Offensive MVP – Scott Kirby, Laservision/H.Auto/JJ’s/Easton (46-50, .920, 25 HR, 52 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Greg Connell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth


  • Champion – Smash it Sports/Compound Athletics, Cicero, NY
  • Runner Up – Precision/Easton/DO, Chicago, IL
  • MVP – Bryson Baker, Smash it Sports (30-33, .909, 23 HR, 38 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Bryson Baker, Smash it Sports – 23
  • Batting Leader – Jimmy Salas, Resmondo (25-26, 16 HR, 27 RBI) – .962
  • Offensive Co-MVP – Andrew Vitcak, Precision (28-36, .778, 12 HR, 22 RBI)
  • Offensive Co-MVP – Davis Bilardello, Precision (32-40, .800, 18 HR, 35 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Ryan Parfitt, Smash it Sports/Compound Athletics


  • Champion – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – Backman/Louisville Slugger, Aurora, IN
  • MVP – Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth (29-32, .906, 23 HR, 34 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Jeremy Yates, Backman/Louisville Slugger – 24
  • Batting Leader – Jon Jamison, TG/Red’s Astros (24-26, 13 HR, 25 RBI) – .923
  • Offensive MVP – Jeremy Yates, Backman/Louisville Slugger (32-38, .842, 24 HR, 42 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Don Dedonatis, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth


  • Champion – Smash It/Scene/TDB/Miken/Worth, Rochester, NY
  • Runner Up – Resmondo/OA Apparel/H. Auto/Specialty Tank, Winter Haven, FL
  • MVP – Ryan Harvey, Smash it (33-37, .892, 23 HR, 39 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Bryson Baker, Resmondo/OA Apparel/H. Auto/Specialty Tank – 27
  • Batting Leader – Timothy Mickey, Bad Draw (22-23, 20 HR, 24 RBI) – .957
  • Offensive MVP – Bryson Baker, Resmondo/OA Apparel/H. Auto/Specialty Tank (33-38, .868, 27 HR, 46 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Don Dedonatis, Resmondo/OA Apparel/H. Auto/Specialty Tank


  • Champion – Resmondo/RDD/H. Auto/All In/Sprizzi, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – Smash It/Thunder/Backman/TDB/Miken, Rochester, NY
  • MVP – Greg Connell, Resmondo/RDD/H. Auto/All In/Sprizzi (30-31, .968, 16 HR, 24 RBI)
  • HR Leader – Kyle Pearson, Smash It/Thunder/Backman/TDB/Miken – 23
  • Batting Leader – Kyle Pearson, Smash It/Thunder/Backman/TDB/Miken – .973
  • Offensive MVP – Kyle Pearson, Smash It/Thunder/Backman/TDB/Miken (36-37, .973, 23 HR, 41 RBI)
  • Defensive MVP – Brett Rettenmeier, Resmondo/RDD/H. Auto/All In/Sprizzi


  • Champion – Resmondo/RDD/H. Auto/All In, Winter Haven, FL
  • Runner Up – TDB/Racks/Athlon, Charlotte, NC
  • MVP – Brian Wegman, Resmondo/SIS/Thunder/H. Auto (26-30, .867, 12 HR, 22 RBI, 25 Runs)
  • HR Leader – Argen Dodds, Dan Smith/Menosse (32-41, .780, 45 RBI, 30 Runs) – 26
  • Batting Leader – Chris Larsen, Classic Glass (18-19, 10 HR, 21 RBI, 18 Runs) – .947
  • Offensive MVP – Bryson Baker, TDB/Racks/Athlon (31-38, .816, 19 HR, 44 RBI, 29 Runs)
  • Defensive MVP – Travis Clark, Resmondo/SIS/Thunder/H. Auto


  • Champion – Dan Smith/Menosse/Steven Smith/FAI, San Jose, CA
  • Runner Up – Anarchy/MPT Rentals, Manahawkin, NJ
  • MVP – Bradley Jones, Dan Smith/Menosse/Steven Smith/FAI
  • HR Leader – N/A
  • Batting Leader – N/A
  • Offensive MVP – Johnathon Williams, Anarchy/MPT Rentals
  • Defensive MVP – Benjamin Dunn, Dan Smith/Menosse/Steven Smith/FAI


  • Champion – Smash It Sports/Newbreed/TDB/RF/BD/T3, Greenville, NC
  • Runner Up – Resmondo/Smash It/Menosse/Thunder, Winter Haven, FL
  • MVP – Tyler Marshburn, Smash It Sports/Newbreed/TDB/RF/BD/T3
  • HR Leader – Andrew Collins, Dan Smith – 24
  • Batting Leader – Bradley Jones, Dan Smith (13 HR) – .854
  • Offensive MVP – Bubba Mack, Resmondo/Smash It/Menosse/Thunder
  • Defensive MVP – Andy Purcell, Smash It Sports/Newbreed/TDB/RF/BD/T3



2017 – 1810 total


1997 – Mike Gunnels, K.C. Services, Houston, TX – 10
1999 – Spec Echols, K.C. Services, Houston, TX – 10


1997 – Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA – 183


1997 – Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA – 46


1997 Cecil Hicks, Sportsworld/Worth – 7
2017 Bryson Baker, Resmondo – 7


1997 – Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA – 386


1974 – All Sports, Franklin, OH – 1


1997 – Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/TPS, Bridgewater, VA – 30
2014 – Bryson Baker, Laservision/H Auto/JJ’s – 30


2017 – 158 – Smash-It, Rochester, NY (86) Resmondo, Winter Haven, FL (72)


1998 – 56 – Ron Parnell, Sierra/TPS, Reno, NV


2003 – 52 – U.S. Vinyl, Lafayette, GA


1991 – 24,500

Slow Pitch Softball Legends & Statistics

Mike Macenko is the greatest home run hitter of all-time, he has hit over 6179 in his storied career. He started out his career in Cleveland, OH playing for such teams as Hillcrest Tavern and Nationwide Advertising Services before going to the Pro League for a year and then onto Steele’s Sports. He played for Sunbelt for a year and Ritch’s-Superior for two years before coming back to Steele’s. Macenko retired in 1998, but decided to make a comeback in 1999 playing for R&D/Nike. He has to his credit, the two greatest single seasons in history (1987 and 1988). These records may never be approached again. He has been a 5-time national championship MVP award winner (2 ASA’s, 2 NSA’s and an ISA). To give you an example of how good this man was, here are some seasonal stats of his career. H was named to the All-World teams an incredible 32 times in his career. He is also a member of 4 of the softball association’s Hall of Fames. He was elected in the ISA Hall of Fame in 1997, the NSA Hall of Fame in 1998, the USSSA Hall of Fame in 1999 and the ASA Hall of Fame in 2006. He along with Don Arndt are the only two players in Softball History to hit over 6000 Home Runs.

Year	Gms	ABs	Hits	HRs	RBIs	Avg.	Ratio	Team 
1975								Pesano's Restaurant
1976		128	70	 14	 51	.546	9.14	Hillcrest Tavern (League Only)
1977		162	84	 16	 74	.519	9.95	Hillcrest Tavern (League Only)
1978		127	69	 21	 61	.543	6.05	Hillcrest Tavern (League Only, 116 Total HRs)
1979		105	56	 21	 62	.533	5.00	Hillcrest Tavern-Fashion Rite (League Only, 102 Total HRs)
1980				 				Hillcrest Tavern-Fashion Rite
1981	52	197	102	 46	 94	.518	4.28	NSPC-Nationwide Advertising (Regular Season only)
1982	63	250	110	 63	140	.440	3.97	UPSL (PRO) Cleveland Competitors (Regular Season only)
1983	98	455	290	157	319	.637	2.89	Steele's Sports
1984	118	584	368	202	435	.652	2.79	Steele's Sports
1985	186	898	583	315	566	.649	2.85	Steele's Sports
1986	219	1121	798	410	739	.712	2.73	Steele's Sports
1987	350	1940	1444	844	1534	.744	2.30	Steele's Sports
1988	365	2012	1498	830	1667	.745	2.42	Steele's Silver Bullets
1989	230	1118	789	385	882	.706	2.90	Steele's Silver Bullets
1990	231	1044	760	408	899	.728	2.57	Steele's Silver Bullets (Overall)
1990	 77	389	279	162	316	.717	2.40	Steele's Silver Bullets (Tournaments)
1991		398	265	137	284	.666	2.91	Sunbelt/Worth
1992		495	320	168	318	.646	2.95	Steele's/Sunbelt
1993		434	302	147	315	.696	2.95	Steele's/Sunbelt
1994		298	198	114		.664	2.61	Ritch's-Superior
1995		345	218	97		.632	3.56	Ritch's-Superior
1996		274	182	88		.664	3.11	Steele's Hit Men
1997		328	236	109		.720	2.79	Steele's/Reda/Reebok
1999				16				R&D/Nike
2000								Craig's Hitmen and Budweiser
Total		12103	8850	5142		.725		INCOMPLETE (Missing early tournament info, Estimated to have over 6000 HRs)

Bruce Meade is probably the most recognized slow pitch player of his generation, He also has many homers in his career, but was known more for his high batting averages. According to reliable sources, he has led the nation in batting an unprecedented 5 times. He started out his career in Florida playing for Copher Brothers and Warren Motors before moving on to Nelson’s Painting. He then went to play for such renowned teams as Dave Carroll’s, Jerry’s Caterers, Elite Coatings, Smythe Sox, Steele’s Sports, Ritch’s-Kirk’s and Starpath. Finally he came back home to play for Vernon’s. Meade has won three MVP awards on the national championship level (2 ASA’s and a USSSA). He has also had some of the greatest single seasons in history. Here are some of the seasonal stats in Bruce Meade’s career. He led the nation in batting five of these years. Meade was named to 25 All-World teams in his long glorious career. This figure will rise each year as he is also piling up many all world honors on the senior circuit these days. Meade is also one of only two players in softball history elected to all four association’s Hall of Fames. He gained election into the USSSA Hall of Fame in 1989, the NSA Hall of Fame in 1992, the ASA Hall of Fame in 1999 and the ISA Hall of fame in 2003. Only one other person has elections into three of the Hall’s (Mike Macenko) and only six other players in the history of this game have even two elections under their belts (Dick Bartel, Don Arndt, Rick Scherr, Bill Gatti, Todd Joerling (3), Mike Shenk, Brett Helmer (3) and the late Dirk Androff).

Year  	ABs	Hits	HRs  	Avg.	Team
1972 					Al White Disposal
1973 					Manatee County Stars
1974 					Manatee County Stars
1975 			140	.641    Copher Brothers
1976  			131   	.711  	Warren Motors
1977  	622	475	225   	.764  	Nelson's Painting
1978  			175  	.720  	Nelson's Painting (110 gms)
1979  			135   	.693  	Nelson's Painting and Nelco Mfg. (85 games) 120
1980  			230   	.757  	Dave Carroll Sports (130 games)
1981  	636	488	247   	.767  	Dave Carroll's Skoal Bandits and Jerry's Caterers
1982  	308	214	102   	.695  	Jerry's Caterers
1983  			138   	.738  	Jerry's Caterers
1984  			229   	.705  	Jerry's Caterers
1985  			195   	.745  	Elite Coatings (110 games)
1986    		202	.725 	Smythe Sox
1987       		160	.720 	Smythe Sox
1988    110	71	33   	.645  	Steele's Sports
1989       		150	.710 	Ken Michael's
1990    185	124	52   	.670  	Ritch's/Kirks
1991  	357	241	131   	.675  	Starpath
1992    228	153	81   	.671  	Starpath
1993    227	142	79   	.638  	Vernon's
1994 			67 	.641 	Vernon's	(Semi-retired)
Totals	2673	1908	2805	.714	INCOMPLETE - (Estimated to have over 3000 HRs and a Batting Average of .735)

Craig Elliott is considered the greatest player in slow pitch softball history by a lot of people and they wouldn’t be far off by feeling that way. At the end of his career when all was said and done; Craig Elliott made the ASA all-american team from 1977-1987 (11 straight times), he made the USSSA all-world team 6 times between 1981 and 1988, the NSPC all-tournament team 4 times from 1979 through 1983. He was a member of the ISA and NSA national all-tournament team as well. He has also been named the MVP of the Smoky Mountain Classic on three occasions (playing for 3 different teams, 1980 for Jerry’s, 1982 for York-Sanders and 1983 for Elite). In the 1982 classic, Elliott was only 31-39, .795 average with 26 home runs and 48 RBIs. By the way, he did all that in only 6 games. That was the beauty of Craig Elliott, He compiled stats like this that just made people shake their head in amazement. He is a consensus all-time first team player in both the ASA and USSSA.

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1973			 35		Valley Merchants (7-16, .438, 5 HRs, 8 RBIs at ASA Nationals)
1974	 		117		Tom's Foods (75 games) and Valley Merchants (? games)
1975	 		125	.650	Tom's Foods (? games) and Ken Sander's Ford (80 games)
1976	 		131	.610	Tom's Foods (91 games)
1977			210	.675	Ken Sander's Ford
1978			197	.700	Ken Sander's Ford
1979			219	.718	Ken Sander's Ford
1980			190	.704	Jerry's Caterers
1981			226	.693	York Barbell/Ken Sander's
1982			193	.717	York Barbell/Ken Sander's
1983	753	576	390	.765	Elite Coatings (145 games)
1984	424 	300	217	.708	Elite Coatings
1985	830	554	310	.667	Steele's Sports
1986	810	561	337	.693	Steele's Sports
1987	1559	1101	661	.706	Steele's Sports
1988	1801	1287	751	.715	Steele's Sports
1989	1087	694	382	.633	Steele's Sports
1990	397	272	122	.685	TOTAL
	117	 62	 22	.533	Ritch's-Kirks
	280	210	100	.750	Stewart's Lounge (70 games)
1991	  				Neuse Sand & Gravel and Datom-Argus
1992	  				AJD/Wilson 
1993-94		RETIRED
1995	231	153	 76	.619	Steele's Hitmen
1996-99		RETIRED
2000	played locally			Craig's Hitmen/Nike
Totals	8289	5708	4913	.688	INCOMPLETE


Rick Scherr was named the player of the decade for the 1980’s. And if you look at these stats he compiled for that decade, you’ll see why. He is a USSSA and an ASA Hall of Fame inductee: Scherr was a 10-time ASA All-American, 8-time USSSA All-World Team selection and also won the ISA MVP in 1985. He was selected to the NSPC all tournament team from 1979 through and including 1983. He has won a total of 5 National MVP awards (ASA-1981, 82 and 84), USSSA in 1981 and the aforementioned ISA award in 1985.

Year  	Gms	AB	H	HR	RBI	Avg.	Ratio	Team	
1971  				 67		.619		Tom's Mobile
1972  	100			135		.650		Goetz Mobile and Copper Hearth
1973  	180			215		.652		Copper Hearth and Slinger Foundry
1974  	150			208		.678		Copper Hearth
1975  	120			170		.643		Taylor Brothers & (Copper Hearth- USSSA Worlds -4 HRs)
1976  	150			175		.680		Taylor Brothers
1977  	128	628	459	245    	390	.731	2.56	Howard's Furniture
1978  	137	570	378	165	356	.663	3.45	Howard's Furniture
1979	143	577	323	150	295	.560	3.85	Howard's Furniture 
1980  	155	697	488	248  	502	.700	2.81	Howard's Furniture
1981  	157	704	509	295   	583	.723	2.39	Howard's/Western Steer
1982  	167	809	573	356  	782	.708	2.27	Howard's/Western Steer
1983  	140	672	502	314	615	.747	2.14	Howard's/Western Steer
1984  	146	630	419	257	548	.665	2.45	Howard's/Western Steer
1985  	193	985	749	451	919	.760	2.18	Howard's/Western Steer
1986  	146	724	467	295	628	.645	2.45	Howard's/Western Steer
1987	134	603	421	293	523	.698	2.06	Howard's/Western Steer
1988	117	582	438	282	541	.753	2.06	Howard's/Western Steer
1989	 96	456	306	194	380	.671	2.35	Superior-Apollo
1990	  	207	127	 68		.614	3.04	Superior-Apollo
1991		234	144	 49		.615	4.78	Ritch's-Superior
1992								AJD/Wilson
		9078	6303	3549		.694		INCOMPLETE

Note – It is said that Rick Scherr hit a total of 4238 HRs and batted .722 in his career.

Dirk Androff is one player who had the same kind of stats and commanded the same kind of respect as these other greats. There is no telling how his numbers could have stacked up to these giants of the game, but his untimely death in 1997 did nothing but increase his already growing legend status. Androff was named to 23 All-World teams, winning national MVP honors 3 times (91-USSSA, 92-ASA and 95-NSA). He has been inducted to both the ISA and NSA Halls of Fame. Take a look at what he did in his short career:

Year  	ABs	Hits	HRs  	Avg.	OB%	Ratio	Team
1986  							Budweiser
1987  							St. Louis Merchants
1988  	339	232	108  	.705	-	3.139	Steele's Sports
1989  	1178	831	413  	.705	-	2.852	Steele's Sports
1990  	1007	716	390  	.729	-	2.562	Steele's Sports
1991	344	257	124   	.747  	-	2.774	Ritch's-Superior
1992	377	285	150   	.756  	-	2.513	Ritch's-Superior
1993  	427	320	175  	.749	-	2.440	Ritch's-Superior
1994  	400	293	166  	.733	-	2.409	Ritch's-Superior
1995  	425	331	154  	.779	-	2.756	Ritch's-Superior
1996  	378	284	134  	.751	.761	2.820	Ritch's-Superior
1997  	425	315	164  	.739	.764	2.591	Ritch's-Superior
1998	- passed away over in the off-season
Totals  5300	1864	1844	.730  	


Carl Rose is another legend, before all is said and done, this guy will be one of the best ever. Rose has 20 All-World selections and 2 national MVP honors (USSSA and ISA, both in 1998). The player of the decade for the 1990’s has also put together some amazing stats:

Year  	 ABs   	Hits    HRs   	Avg.	OB%	Ratio	Team			BB	PA	OB
1988			 80				Lighthouse		
1989			 75				Lighthouse		
1990	408	290	187	.711	-	2.180	Lighthouse/Worth		408	290
1991	506	380	230	.751	-	2.200	Sunbelt/Worth			506	380
1992	415	309	169	.745	-	2.456	Williams/Worth			415	309
1993	435	308	195	.708	-	2.230	Williams/Worth			435	308
1994	278	200	132	.719	-	2.106	Williams/Worth			278	200
1995	408	281	171	.689	-	2.386	Williams/Worth			408	281
1996	440	296	183	.672	.697	2.404	Lighthouse/Worth	35	475	331
1997	471	350	221	.743	.758	2.131	Lighthouse/Worth	23	494	373
1998	382	278	180	.718	.728	2.122	Lighthouse/Worth	14	396	292
1999	415	278	159	.660	.690	2.610	Dan Smith/Worth		27	442	305
2000	400	281	173	.703	.726	2.312	Dan Smith/Worth		35	435	316
2001	287	177	 90	.617	.641	3.189	Dan Smith/Easton	19	306	196
2002	100	 56	 31	.560	.633	3.290	Hague/Resmondo/Worth	20	120	76
2003	- retired	2155		.715						5118	3657

Here are some other legends of the game that compiled some incredible stats: There are even more guys that aren’t listed here only because stats for them are incomplete or unavailable.

Charles Wright

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1973					Valley Merchants (9-17, .529, 3 HRs, 8 RBIs at ASA Nationals)
1974					Valley Merchants
1975					Ken Sanders' Ford
1976			 89	.599	Tom's Foods
1977			223	.679	Ken Sanders' Ford
1978			164	.657	Ken Sanders' Ford
1979					Ken Sanders' Ford
1980					Ken Sanders and Jerry's Caterers
1981					Nationwide Advertising
1982			136	.675	York Barbell/Ken Sanders' Ford
1983			207	.690	Elite Coatings
1984			116	.656	Elite Coatings
1985			145	.662	Elite Coatings
1986	1114	803	503	.721	Steele's Sports (220 gms)
1987	 x	 x	 x	  x	DNP-Sat out season in dispute with Steele's
1988					Marlton Trucking
1989			140	.740	Ritch's Salvage
1990	263	173	94	.658	Ritch's-Kirks
1991	404	288	130	.713 	Ritch's-Superior
1992	395	290	182	.734	Ritch's-Superior
1993	326	240	157	.736	Ritch's-Superior
1994	366	251	141	.686	Ritch's-Superior
1995	332	237	129	.714	Ritch's-Superior
1996	399	297	125	.744	Sunbelt/Easton
1997	190	120	62	.632	Sunbelt/Easton & Memory Lane
Total	3789	2699	2733	.713	INCOMPLETE

Don Arndt

Year   	ABs	Runs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1961				 40	.500	Howard's Furniture	(played locally SP and FP)
1962				 90	.570	Howard's Furniture	(played locally SP and FP
1963				105	.600	Howard's Furniture	(played locally)
1964				100	.706	Howard's Furniture 	(played locally)
1965				 95	.650	Howard's Furniture	(played locally)
1966				 90	.650	Howard's Furniture	(played locally)
1967				119	.665	Howard's Furniture  	(played locally) -(72-13 85 gms)
1968				157	.650	Howard's Furniture	(played locally)
1969				138	.685	Howard's Furniture 	(103 gms)
1970	342		236	122	.690	Howard's Furniture	2.80 (91 gms)
1971	399	239	255	142	.639	Howard's Furniture	2.81
1972  	359	227	238	125	.663	Howard's Furniture	2.87
1973	542	306	338	193	.624	Howard's Furniture	2.81
1974	593	346	367	203	.619	Howard's Furniture	2.92
1975	540	304	335	165	.620	Howard's Furniture	3.27
1976	484	276	306	158	.632	Howard's Furniture	3.06
1977  	692		452	279	.653	Howard's Furniture	2.40
1978  	541		324	189	.599	Howard's Furniture	2.86
1979	552		325	200	.589	Howard's Furniture	2.76
1980  	627		399	244	.636	Howard's/Western Steer	2.57
1981  	756		451	244	.597	Howard's/Western Steer	3.01
1982  	752		466	253	.620	Howard's/Western Steer	2.97
1983	605		384	146	.635	Howard's/Western Steer	4.14
1984	550		327	162	.595	Howard's/Western Steer	3.39
1985  	858		549	309	.640	Howard's/Western Steer	2.78
1986  	296		199	107	.672	Howard's/Western Steer	2.84	(just played locally) (10 HRs in one game)
1987  	188 		121	 50	.644	Howard's/Western Steer 	3.21	(just played locally)
1988  	145 		 94	 39	.648	Howard's/Western Steer 	3.81	(just played locally)
Total  	9821 		6166	 3330	.627	
				 4264		INCOMPLETE
Composite stats for Howard's (1970-1988) - (6166-9821, .627 Avg., 3330 HRs) 
- also played in local leagues before 1961 - his All Time HR total is approx 5000.
Arndt was also a 19x All State Selection in North Carolina. He was State MVP in 1963, 1968 and 1969
Arndt was also a 12x All Region Selection. He was Regional MVP in 1976

Stan Harvey

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1964	 				Eclipse Lookout Boiler Shop
1965	 				Eclipse Lookout Boiler Shop
1966	 				VFW Rebels
1967  	 				Kobax
1968  	 		145	.615	Kobax
1969  	 		120 	.610	Kobax/Golden Gallons
1970  	 		113	.625	Golden Gallons
1971  			183 	.645	Kobax
1972  			150 	.640	Card's Carpets
1973	484	307	165	.634	Howard's Furniture
1974  	563	342	219  	.650	Howard's Furniture
1975  	580	340	203	.650	Howard's Furniture
1976  	523	335	198	.641	Howard's Furniture & (Little Caesars; 3-11, 1 HR in USSSA Worlds)
1977  	644	433	290	.672	Howard's Furniture
1978  			224	.667	Howard's Furniture
1979	479	303	150	.642	Howard's Furniture
1980  	598	431	282   	.721	Howard's/Western Steer
1981  	683	458	250 	.671	Howard's/Western Steer
1982			245	.667	Howard's/Western Steer
1983	 		127		Howard's/Western Steer
1984	 		152		Howard's/Western Steer
1985			320	.690	Howard's/Western Steer
1986	291 	190	105	.652	Howard's/Western Steer (just played locally)
1987  	 		 85		Howard's/Western Steer (just played locally)
Total	4845	3139	3070	.675	INCOMPLETE	missing some years, Estimated to have over 4000 HRs


Bill Gatti

Year	HR	RBI	Avg	Team
1971	138	266	.650	Jiffy Club
1972	169	306	.655	Jiffy Club
1973	180	320	.645	Jiffy Club
1974	DNP	(played professional football - WFL Forida Blazers)
1975	DNP	(played professional football - WFL San Antonio Wings)
1976	 73	138	.650	Jiffy Club
1977	 48	127 	.539	Kentucky Bourbons (Pro)
1978	 54	132	.584	Kentucky Bourbons (Pro)
1979	 20	 79	.533	Kentucky Bourbons (Pro)
1980	 21	 87	.483 	Kentucky Bourbons (Pro)
1981	 38	 99	.622 	Kentucky Bourbons (Pro)
1982	 56	122	.593	Kentucky Bourbons (Pro)
1983	152	308	.696	Elite Coatings
1984	195	355	.668	Elite Coatings
1985	186	369	.670	Elite Coatings
1986	200	442	.761	Smythe Sox
1987	168	342	.744	Smythe Sox
1988	114	298	.687	Marlton Trucking and Maroadi Transfer
1989	106	281	.702	Ritch's Salvage
1990	 19	 42	.622	Ritch's-Kirks
Total	 1937	4076
hit 520 HRs and 980 RBIs in 240 games for Jiffy

HT Waller

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team 
1966	 		 		Bondy's Ramblers
1967	 		108	.586	Bondy's Ramblers (33 in 29 gms) and News-Herald (75)
1968			117	.647	News-Herald (64 in 59 gms) Vernons (28 in 23 gms) Jo's Pizza (25 in 10 gms) Jo's 104-18
1969  			141	.641	Jo's Pizza House (117 gms) 96-22
1970  	489	386	195	.687	Jo's Pizza House
1971  	529	370	225	.699	Jo's Pizza House & Angelo's Steak Pit (Jo's 92-16)
1972  	297	195	136	.657	Indian Lakes Pile Drivers (63 HRs) & Angelo's Steak Pit (92-20), 73 HRs
1973  	384	263	176	.685	Howard's Furniture
1974  	329	203	135	.617	Howard's Furniture
1975			100	.625	Ken Sanders Ford (Part Time) *
1976   	299	172	 87	.575	Howard's Furniture
1977	526	337	212	.641	Howard's Furniture
1978			113		Howard's Furniture
1979	213	105	 49	.493	Howard's Furniture
1980	 		 11	.545	Howard's/Western Steer (Retired)
Total	3066	2031	1658	.662	INCOMPLETE - (Estimated to have 2500 HRs)
* (ruled ineligible for Howard's due to ASA residency rule, just played tournaments with Ken Sanders)

Bert Smith

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1963			30		Wall Street Johnnies
1964			45		Wall Street Johnnies & Twin Cities
1965			65		Wall Street Johnnies & Wantagh Hotel
1966			20		County Sports (part time, left for military)
1967			35		Tai-Chung Tigers (Military)
1968			85	.600	County Sports (72-4), hit 54 in 49 games with County, and 31 while he lived in Dover AFB, DE)
1969			50	.615	County Sports (missed 2 months, broken ankle, still traveled from Dover AFB)
1970			130	.625	County Sports & Wall Street Johnnies in several leagues (90 games total)
1971			113	.623	Virginia Beach Pile Drivers (100-22)
1972	400	261	161	.653	Indian Lakes Pile Drivers (92-20)
1973  	487  	338  	218	.694	Howard's Furniture
1974  	504  	324  	185	.643	Howard's Furniture
1975  	573  	382  	231	.667	Howard's Furniture
1976  	513  	334  	180	.651	Howard's Furniture  & (Little Caesars- USSSA Worlds;, 5-16, 3 HRs)
1977			58		Jerry's Caterers (Amateur, before going pro)
1977	201	103	53	.512	Detroit Caesars (Professional)
1978	172	91	42	.529	Detroit Caesars (Professional)
1979			 8	.341	Detroit Caesars (Professional) - Hurt
1980			58		Multi Flock
1981			90		No.1 Electric and Multi Flock
1982			125		SETA & Gastonia Heating and Air
1983			90		SETA & Gastonia Heating and Air
Totals	2477	1639	2072	.662	INCOMPLETE

Gene Fisher

Year   	ABs	Runs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1963  				 40		Howard's Furniture
1964  				 45		Howard's Furniture
1965  				 60		Howard's Furniture
1966  				 50		Howard's Furniture
1967  				 62		Howard's Furniture
1968  				 75?		Howard's Furniture
1969 				 80?		Howard's Furniture
1970 	325		168	 68	.517	Howard's Furniture
1971 	469 	213	243 	 98	.555	Howard's Furniture
1972 	369 	213	234 	110 	.634	Howard's Furniture
1973 	359 	175	208 	 88	.579	Howard's Furniture
1974 	516 	244	285 	132	.552	Howard's Furniture
1975 	532 	236	288 	126 	.541	Howard's Furniture
1976 	431 	218	245 	106 	.568	Howard's Furniture
1977  	554		301	169	.543	Howard's Furniture
1978  	492		292	144	.593	Howard's Furniture
1979  	333		166	 77	.498	Howard's Furniture
1980  	322		175	 96	.543	Howard's/Western Steer
1981  	378		205	 89	.542	Howard's/Western Steer
1982 	241		147	 70	.610	Howard's/Western Steer
1983  	247		135	 68	.547	Howard's/Western Steer
Total* 5537		3092	1439	.558	INCOMPLETE (missing 1963-1969) Estimated to have over 3000 HRs
* from 1970-83

Mike Nye

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1970			53	.718	Warren Motors
1971			71	.641	Warren Motors
1972			106	.651	Warren Motors
1973			103	.660	Warren Motors
1974			 	.680	Warren Motors
1975				.673	Nelson's Painting
1976	424	326	65	.769	Warren Motors  (scored 297 Runs, had 216 RBIs, 73 Doubles and 13 Triples)
1977					Nelson's Painting (Amateur, before going Pro)
1977	258	170	36	.659	Detroit Caesars (Pro)
1978	246	161	33	.654	Detroit Caesars (Pro)
1979	179	 90	 6	.503	Detroit Caesars (Pro)
1980					Jerry's Caterers
1981				.711	York Barbell/Ken Sander's
1982			32	.696	York Barbell/Ken Sander's
1983				.712	Jerry's Caterers
1984				.650	Jerry's Caterers
1985	393	266	17	.676	Steele's Sports
1986					Vernon's
1987				.678	Marlton Trucking			
1988					Marlton Trucking and Apollo East Side
1989					Ritch's Salvage
1990	 63	 89	 10	.708	Vernon's
1991					Vernon's & Florida Mulch 40+ (MVP ASA 40+ Nationals)
1992	109 	162 	 9	.673	Vernon's & Florida Mulch 40+
INCOMPLETE - Estimated to have a Career Batting Average of .725 with over 500 HRs.

Jim Fuller

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1983					Dave Carroll Sports
1984					?
1985					Smythe Sox
1986			155	.698	Shubin's
1987			100	.713	Marlton Trucking
1988			136	.761	Marlton Trucking, Lighthouse, Howard's and Broken Drum
1989			178	.700	Superior-Apollo
1990	309	237	123	.767	Superior-Apollo
1991	356	259	112	.728	Ritch's-Superior
1992	368	285	157	.775	Ritch's-Superior
1993	364	262	122	.720	Williams/Worth
1994	308	226	108	.734	Williams/Worth
1995	196	122	68	.622	RSH/Deep South/Worth
1996					Pace/TPS
Totals	1901	1391	1259	.732

Tom Beall

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1975  					Reed's Nuts
1976  					Reed's Nuts
1977  			144 	.660	Reed's Nuts
1978  			250 	.626	Howard & Carroll
1979	550	355	193	.645	Howard & Carroll and Howard's 
1980  			143 		Howard's/Western Steer
1981  	729	490	279  	.672	Howard's/Western Steer 
1982  	751	530	303  	.702	Howard's/Western Steer 
1983			165		Howard's/Western Steer
1984			105		Howard's/Western Steer
Composite stats for Howard's (1979-1984)
(1907-2879, .662 Avg., 995 HRs, 2065 RBIs)

Dick Bartel

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1976  					Harold's Plaster
1977  					Corpus Christi Brick & Lumber
1978  			164  	.670	Corpus Christi Brick & Lumber
1979  			155  	.608	Campbell's Carpets
1980  			200  	.690	Campbell's Carpets
1981  	587	403	229  	.687	Howard's/Western Steer
1982			117	.682	Howard's/Western Steer
1983			133		Howard's/Western Steer
1984			101		Howard's/Western Steer
1985			 85		Stone City Stars
Composite stats for Howard's (1981-1984) 
(.654 Avg., 580 HRs, 1090 RBIs)

Dan Schuck

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1981					New Harford JCs
1982					Dugout Lounge/Globe
1983					North Central BJs
1984					North Central BJs
1985					North Central BJs
1986	806	512	251	.635	Steele's Sports
1987					Marlton Trucking
1988					Marlton Trucking and Larry's Used Cars
1989					Starpath
1990	906	586	233	.647	Steele's Sports
1991	348	231	142	.664	Bell Corp, R&M Metals and Larry's Used Cars
1992	343	236	142	.688	Bell Corp
1993	463	325	199	.702	Bell Corp
1994	420	290	174	.690	Bell Corp
1995	426	299	154	.702	Bell Corp/Sunbelt
1996	421	281	137	.667	Sunbelt/Easton
1997	439	323	153	.736	Sunbelt/Easton
1998	363	239	113	.658	Sunbelt/Easton
1999	333	222	120	.667	Team Easton
2000	387	267	132	.690	Bell/Easton
2001	231	153	56	.662	Dan Smith/Easton
2002	- no info			Dan Smith/Easton
Totals	5886	3964	2006	.673

Todd Joerling

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1987			51		St. Louis Merchants
1988			50		St. Louis Merchants
1989	416	282	101	.678	Steele's Sports
1990	975	689	351	.707	Steele's Sports
1991	357	240	134	.672	Sunbelt/Worth	
1992	372	263	121	.707	Bell Corp
1993	480	318	131	.663	Bell Corp
1994	415	315	146	.759	Bell Corp
1995	413	297	123	.719	Bell Corp/Sunbelt
1996	415	291	130	.701	Sunbelt/Easton
1997	443	335	152	.756	Sunbelt/Easton
1998	396	278	111	.702	Sunbelt/Easton
1999	404	303	115	.750	Team Easton
2000	418 	304	118	.727	Bell/Easton
2001	294 	200	70	.680	Dan Smith/Easton
2002	344 	244	60	.709	Dan Smith/Easton
2003	357	232	43	.651	Dan Smith/Easton
2004	301	220	60	.731	Dan Smith/Easton
2005	209	137	40	.656	Bell Corp/Easton
2006	239	152	47	.636	Bell Corp/Easton
2007	261	179	40	.681	Bell Corp
2008 	221 	156   	34 	.706 	Jean Shoppe/Easton
2009 	235 	166   	47 	.706 	Jean Shoppe/Easton
2010 	109   	 76   	20 	.697 	Sinister/Line Drive
TOTALS	8074	5677	2214	.703

Johnny McCraw

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1995	199	135		.678	Harrison's Power Flite
1996 	378	280		.741	Sunbelt/Easton
1997 	310	217	97	.700	Sunbelt/Easton
1998 	390	272	92	.697	Sunbelt/Easton
1999 	300	210	103	.700	Team Easton
2000	360	272 	145 	.756 	Sunbelt Softball club
2001	289	192 	68 	.664 	Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse
2002	283	185 	62 	.654 	Backman/Dan Smith/Menosse
2003	201	268	50	.750 	US Vinyl/Community Access/Z-Wear/Miken
2004	241	184 	55 	.763 	US Vinyl/Meridian/Subway/Z-Wear
2005	232	177 	71 	.767 	Team Combat/Kluever Snap On
2006	179	140 	57 	.782 	Team Combat
2007	282	220 	77 	.780 	Combat/Benfield/Reece/Dalsanders
2008 					Dan Smith/Menosse/Combat
2009 					Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
2010 					Team Combat/Laservision
2011 					Team Combat/Laservision/D2E/Supreme
2012 					Team Combat/Pacific Headware
2013 					Team Combat/Derby Boys & Albicocco/Scene (A)
2014 					Team Combat/LBG/Derby Boys
2015 					- did not play
2016 					- did not play
2017 					Tradesmen/Elite (A)
2018 					Tradesmen/Lousville Slugger (A)
Total	3644	2752	844	.755	INCOMPLETE

Cecil Whitehead

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1981			100	.650	Elite Coatings (18-35, .514, 10 HRs, 21 RBIs - ASA Major)
1982			100	.736	Elite Coatings
1983			150	.680	Elite Coatings
1984			100	.630	Elite Coatings
1985			130	.669	Elite Coatings
1986			187	.720	Smythe Sox
1987			100	.694	Smythe Sox
1988			100	.700	Howard's and Lighthouse
1989	399	257	85	.640	Steele's Sports
1990	274	194	90	.708	Ritch's-Kirk's
1991	362	239	73	.660	Ritch's-Superior
1992	275	171	70	.622	Ritch's-Superior
1993	348	230	116	.661	Ritch's-Superior
1994	332	233	118	.702	Ritch's-Superior
1995	- retired			
1996					Thornton Logging (played in ASA Class-A)			
Totals	1324	1990	1519	.665			

Doug Roberson

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1985			215	.640	Zimlinghaus Electric
1986	1018	708	419	.695	Steele's Sports
1987	1773	1240	672	.699	Steele's Sports
1988	1466	1006	512	.686	Steele's Sports
1989	384	260	127	.677	Superior-Apollo
1990	299	208	95	.696	Superior-Apollo
1991	395	244	103	.618	Ritch's-Superior
1992	360	253	111	.703	Ritch's-Superior
1993	390	257	137	.659	Ritch's-Superior
1994	271	190	86	.701	Ritch's-Superior
1995	384	277	140	.721	Ritch's-Superior
1996	352	264	109	.750	Ritch's-Superior
1997	300	230	95	.767	Ritch's-Superior
1998	388	285	107	.735	Team TPS
1999	- retired
2000					Hague/Resmondo (played ASA Supers)
Totals	7780	5422	2926	.697	

Britt Hightower

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1985				.632	Smythe Sox
1986					Smythe Sox
1987					Smythe Sox
1988					Marlton Trucking and Broken Drum
1989					Ritch's Salvage
1990	261	184	91	.705	Ritch's-Kirks
1991	353	239	105	.677	Ritch's-Superior
1992	415	280	130	.672	Ritch's-Superior
1993	419	293	146	.699	Ritch's-Superior
1994	385	282	172	.732	Ritch's-Superior
1995	422	292	167	.692	Ritch's-Superior
1996	423	325	153	.768	Ritch's-Superior
1997	459	317	136	.691	Ritch's-Superior
1998	423	280	122	.662	Sunbelt/Easton
1999	- no info			R&D/Easton (20-27, 9 HRs, 20 RBIs - Smoky)  joined team midway
2000	331	245	105	.740	Sunbelt Plastics
2001	383	237	70	.619	Hague/Resmondo
2002	203	141	65	.695	Doc's/Muzuno 
2004	 15	  8	0	.533	Chappel & Sons
2005	- retired
Totals	4477	3115	1462	.696

Wendell Rickard

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1990					Lighthouse
1991					Datom-Argus
1992	384	266	169	.693	Datom-Argus
1993	411	281	140	.684	Williams/Worth
1994	237	170	87	.717	Lighthouse/Worth
1995	382	256	148	.670	Lighthouse/Worth
1996	444	349	209	.786	Lighthouse/Worth
1997	458	333	203	.727	Lighthouse/Worth
1998	331	257	151	.776	Lighthouse/Worth
1999	462	343	182	.742	Dan Smith/Worth
2000	425	298	161	.701	Dan Smith/Worth
2001	222	140	83	.631	Dan Smith/Easton
2002	156		79		Budweiser	
2003					Budweiser
2004	 88	 61	30	.693	Kluever Snap-On/BJ Logging
Totals	3656	2693	1533	.717
Larry Carter
Year 	ABs 	Hits 	HRs 	Avg 	Team
1992 	284 	190 	112 	.669 	DJ's Sports
1993 	465 	301	165 	.647	Bell Corp
1994 	271 		113 		Labtec/Demarini
1995 	246	167 		.679 	D&D/Demarini
1996 	371 	261 	118 	.704 	Dan Smith/Easton
1997 	330	225 		.682 	Sunbelt/Dan Smith
1998 					JWM/Herb's
1999 	357 	235 	132 	.658 	JWM/Herb's
2000 	434 	324 	198 	.759 	Sunnyvale V&F and Budweiser (ASA Supers)
2001 	354 	231 	125 	.653 	Hague/Resmoondo
2002 	233	146 	62 	.672 	Backman/Smith/Menosse
2003 	153 	160 	63 	.633 	Budweiser/Sunnyvale
2004 	7 	10 	3 	.700 	Pace Electronics
2005 	- 				Pace Electronics
2006 	- 				Pace Electronics
Totals	3053	2057	979	.674	INCOMPLETE

Dewayne Nevitt

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1991	- no info			Wildcat Fence
1992	448	304	154	.679	Starpath
1993	281	198	106	.705	Vernon's
1994	392	279	160	.712	Converters/Vernon's
1995	352	237	130	.673	Shen Valley/ Converters/TPS
1996	363	242	139	.663	Ritch's-Superior
1997	454	343	186	.756	Ritch's-Superior
1998	307	217	116	.708	Team TPS
1999	364	256	148	.703	Team TPS
2000	440	334	184	.759	Bell Corp/Easton
2001	287	214	89	.746	Dan Smith/Easton
2002	334	240	126	.719	Dan Smith/Easton
2003	- no info			Dan Smith/Easton / Sunnyvale/Worth
2004	- retired
Totals	4022	2864	1538	.712	INCOMPLETE

Ricky Huggins

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1981			181		Elite Coatings
1982			100		York Barbell/Ken Sanders
1983			150		Elite Coatings
1984			184	.640	Howard's/Western Steer
1985	431	259	143	.600	Steele's Sports and Thompson's Sporting Goods
1986			157	.650	Vernon's and Ardis Roofing
1987	1423	994	565	.699	Steele's Sports
1988					Lighthouse
1989					Lighthouse
1990	375	263	144	.675	Lighthouse
1991	418	276	116	.660	Sunbelt/Worth
1992	401	265	154	.661	Vernon's
1993	280	195	90	.696	Vernon's
1994	329	215	118	.653	DJ's Sports/TPS
1995	331	220	69	.665	Lighthouse/Worth
1996	444	313	183	.705	Lighthouse/Worth
1997	472	309	147	.655	Lighthouse/Worth
1998	289	189	103	.654	Lighthouse/Worth
1999					JWM/Herb's
2000					Sunbelt (played ASA Supers)
TOTALS	5193	3498	2604	.675	INCOMPLETE - (Estimated to have over 3000 HRs)

Greg Fuhrman

Year	HRs	Avg.	Team
1976	 80	.625	York Barbell
1977	153	.758	Jerry's Caterers
1978	135	.690	York Barbell
1979	100	.675	Campbell Carpets
1980	135	.710	Campbell Carpets
1981		.727	Jerry's Caterers
1982		.735	Jerry's Caterers
1983		.659	Jerry's Caterers
1984		.636	Steele's Sports
1985	101	.629	Steele's Sports
1986	 98	.707	Steele's Sports
1987		.740	Superior Bombat
1988	 61	.720	Superior Spaulding
1989		.606	Superior/Apollo
1990			Superior/Apollo

Monty Tucker

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1979 					Poindexter Lumber
1980 					Williams Painting
1981 					Williams Painting
1982 					Williams Painting
1983 					Williams Painting and Apollo
1984 					Williams Painting and Joe Theisman's
1985 			92	.688	Zimlinghaus
1986			134	.677	Tire Centers
1987	1253	864	413	.690	Steele's Sports
1988	791	525	226	.663	Steele's Sports
1989	819	563	302	.687	Steele's Sports
1990	889	640	337	.720	Steele's Sports
1991	388	239	157	.616	Sunbelt/Worth
1992	260	160	 90	.615	Steele's/Sunbelt
1993	374	248	118	.663	Bell Corp
1994	- no info			Steele's/Sunbelt
Totals	3239	4774	1869	.678	INCOMPLETE - missing early years, well over 2500 HRs

Dewayne Frizzell

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1987					Pegram's Burger King
1988					Lighthouse
1989					Lighthouse
1990	205	113	61	.551	Lighthouse
1991					Sunbelt/Worth
1992	395	257	116	.650	Vernon's
1993	244	159	74	.652	Vernon's
1994	220	145	79	.659	Lighthouse/Worth
1995	380	264	153	.695	Superior/Southland
1996	363	253	144	.697	Shen Valley/TPS
1997	493	351	173	.712	Shen Valley/TPS
1998	363	264	143	.727	Lighthouse/Worth
1999	366	237	103	.648	Dan Smith/Worth
2000					Sunbelt (played ASA Supers)
2001					L&L Painting
2002	283	176	68	.622	Hague/Resmondo
2003					C&M Sporting Goods
Totals	3312	2219	1114	.670

Jason Kendrick

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1992	208	141	55	.678	Datum-Argus
1993	235	134	27	.570	Vernon's
1994	301	214	80	.711	DJ's Sports/TPS
1995	368	232	89	.630	Shen Valley/ Converters/TPS	4.14
1996	410	289	105	.705	Shen Valley/TPS			3.90
1997	446	320	100	.717	Shen Valley/TPS			4.46
1998	418	313	115	.749	Sierra/TPS			3.63
1999	319	223	79	.699	Team TPS
2000	402	282	100	.701	Team TPS			4.02
2001	337	232	81	.688	Long Haul/TPS
2002	318	207	61	.710	Dan Smith/Easton
2003	313	207	60	.661	Dan Smith/Easton
2004	278	202	48	.727	Dan Smith/Easton
2005	304	202	47	.664	Resmondo/Dan Smith
2006	262	183	37	.698	Resmondo-KME Softball
2007	242	189	55	.781	Resmondo Softball
2008- ??
Total	5161	3570	1139	.691	INCOMPLETE 

Rusty Bumgardner

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1992	89	 57	26	.640	Converters
1993	321	219	105	.682	Converters
1994	391	271	137	.693	Converters/Vernon's
1995	429	294	160	.685	Shen Valley/Converters/TPS
1996	470	347	167	.738	Shen Valley/TPS
1997	546	427	209	.792	Shen Valley/TPS
1998	436	330	161	.758	Team TPS
1999	439	326	144	.743	Team TPS
2000	501	384	203	.766	Team TPS
2001	371	270	117	.728	Long Haul/TPS
2002	422	322	146	.763	Long Haul/TPS
2003	437	320	106	.734	Hague/Resmondo
2004	262	205	80	.782	Resmondo/Taylor
2005	309	231	77	.748	Resmondo/Dan Smith
2006	283	215	70	.760	Resmondo-KME Softball
2007	264	185	73	.701	Resmondo Softball
2008 	279 	187 	71 	.670 	Dan Smith/Menosse
2009 	285 	205 	69 	.719 	Dan Smith/Menosse
2010 	232 	170 	49 	.733 	Team Combat/Laservision
2011 	392 	278 	75 	.709 	Team Combat/Laservision
2012 	322 	214 	55 	.665 	Team 454
2013 	201 	119 	22 	.592 	GTL/Doerflinger
2014 	169 	119 	20 	.704 	Team Combat
TOTAL	7761 	5638 	2342 	.726 

Jeff Wallace

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1993					Sporting Edge (Syracuse)
1994					Pace Electronics
1995					Pace Electronics
1996			127	.700	Steele's Hitmen (also New Construction)
1997	398	304	144	.764	SoJern/Specialty Tank/TPS
1998	408	316	149	.776	Team TPS
1999	443	348	156	.786	Team TPS
2000	481	376	195	.782	Team TPS
2001	359	275	129	.766	Long Haul/TPS
2002	410	316	152	.771	Long Haul/TPS
2003	424	315	128	.742	Hague/Resmondo
2004	303	229	98	.756	Resmondo/Taylor
2005	346	255	104	.737	Resmondo/Dan Smith
2006	286	216	97	.755	Resmondo-KME Softball
2007	268	218	81	.813	Resmondo Softball
2008 	338 	245 	73 	.725 	Resmondo Specialty Tank
2009 	308 	230 	85 	.747 	Resmondo Specialty Tank
2010 	322 	226 	77 	.702 	Resmondo Specialty Tank
2011 	187 	135 	44 	.722 	Resmondo and EWS
2012 	85 	54 	10 	.635 	TYJA-Suncoast Reebok
TOTAL	5386	4038	1849	.750

JC Phelps

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1992			 95	.718	New Construction
1993	403	293	142	.727	New Construction
1994	324	238	104	.735	DJ's Sports/TPS
1995	395	276	147	.699	Shen Valley/TPS
1996	457	364	137	.796	Shen Valley/TPS
1997	539	430	172	.798	Shen Valley/TPS
1998	306	232	82	.758	Team TPS
1999	283	218		.770	Team Easton
2000					DNP
2001					DNP
2002					New Construction
2003	366	264	61	.721	Hague/Resmondo
2004	207	151	69	.729	Kluever Snap-On/BJ Logging
2005	156	127	48	.814	McNair/New/TPS & Team Stucco/TPS
2006	222	177	81	.797	Specialty Tank/Stucco/Worth
2007	127	102	38	.803	BW3/Columbus Pipe & Aubrey's/Elite Sports
Total	3785	2872	1081	.759	INCOMPLETE

Jeff Hall

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1992					Jenkin's
1993	265	187	76	.706	Converters
1994	-  no info			Steele's/Sunbelt
1995	312	210	81	.673	Bell Corp/Sunbelt
1996	210	166		.790	Sunbelt/Easton
1997	393	321	118	.817	Sunbelt/Easton
1998	329	247	91	.751	Sunbelt/Easton
1999	334	251	118	.751	Team Easton
2000	417	326	148	.782	Dan Smith/Worth
2001	290	221	89	.762	Dan Smith/Easton
2002	366	287	119	.784	Dan Smith/Easton
2003	379	290	100	.765	Dan Smith/Easton
2004	315	254	122	.806	Dan Smith/Easton
2005	259	181	68	.699	Resmondo/Dan Smith
2006	237	178	82	.751	Specialty Tank/Stucco/Worth
2007	169	131	46	.775	Bell Corp
Total	4275	3250	1258	.760	INCOMPLETE

Hank Garris

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1991					Stottler Stagg
1992					Boys of Summer & Bunca Car Wash
1993	393	277	111	.705	Williams/Worth
1994	389	281	157	.722	Bell Corp
1995	384	263	128	.685	Bell Corp/Sunbelt
1996	426	315	145	.739	Sunbelt/Easton
1997	445	326	162	.733	Ritch's-Superior
1998	465	349	196	.752	Team TPS
1999	445	336	188	.755	Team TPS
2000	490	390	228	.796	Team TPS
2001	381	280	150	.735	Long Haul/TPS
2002	425	325	141	.762	Long Haul/TPS
2003	354 	246	107	.695	Dan Smith/Easton
2004	312	234	95	.750	Dan Smith/Easton
2005	106 	70 	25 	.660	Resmondo/Smith/Menosse
2006	148	110	33	.743	Specialty Tank/Stucco/Worth
2007	262	199	84	.760	Team Combat/Benfield
2008 	184 	129 	47 	.701 	Long Haul/Phonemasters
2009 	221 	178 	39 	.805 	Jean Shoppe/Chaneys
2010 	78 	54 	12 	.692 	Suncoast Reebok
2011 	64 	38 	4 	.594 	Suncoast Reebok
TOTAL	5972	4400	2052	.737	

Mike Shenk

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1991					Holiday Jack's/Farrell's
1992			35	.669	Taylor Brothers
1993	218	148	68	.679	Taylor Brothers
1994	294	200	89	.680	DJ's Sports/TPS
1995	362	250	121	.691	Lighthouse/Worth
1996	407	295	133	.725	Lighthouse/Worth
1997	383	269	93	.702	Ritch's-Superior
1998	390	286	106	.733	Team TPS
1999	339	235	122	.693	Team Easton
2000	437	323	144	.739	Team TPS
2001	340	239	99	.703	Long Haul/TPS
2002	360	247	88	.686	Long Haul/TPS
2003	- retired			Dan Smith/Easton
TOTAL	3530	2492	1063	.706	

Todd Martin

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1991	- no info			Neuse Sand & Gravel
1992	236	153	72	.648	Converters & Nanney's
1993	417	281	93	.674	Steele's/Sunbelt
1994	388	265	122	.683	Converters/Vernon's
1995	432	280	130	.648	Shen Valley/ Converters/TPS
1996	437	329	120	.753	Shen Valley/TPS
1997	552	409	183	.741	Shen Valley/TPS
1998	456	332	135	.728	Team TPS
1999	433	320	129	.739	Team TPS
2000	467	350	168	.749	Team TPS
2001	372	268	96	.720	Long Haul/TPS
2002	373	258	100	.692	Long Haul/TPS
2003	386	281	55	.702	Hague/Resmondo
2004	233	155	22	.665	Resmondo/Taylor
2005	257	180	35	.700	Bell Corp/Easton
2006	288	203	55	.705	Resmondo-KME Softball
2007	260	162	36	.623	Resmondo Softball
2008 - ???
Total	5987	4226	1551	.706	INCOMPLETE

Paul Drilling

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1987					Athletic Shop
1988					Bell Corp
1989					Ken Michael's
1990	217	136	22	.627	Ritch's-Kirk's
1991	306	185	31	.605	Ritch's-Superior
1992	294	194	41	.663	Ritch's-Superior
1993	348	238	49	.678	Ritch's-Superior
1994					Ritch's-Superior
1995	215	147		.684	Ritch's-Superior
1996					Ritch's-Superior
1997	349	234		.670	Sierra/TPS
1998	399	262	85	.657	Sierra/TPS
1999			25	.650	Dan Smith/Worth and JWM/Herb's
2000	478	290	43	.607	Long Haul/TPS
2001	246	136	14	.553	Hague/Resmondo
Total	2852	1822	310	.639	INCOMPLETE

Ron Parnell

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1983					Capitol Insulation
1984					Capitol Insulation
1985					Capitol Insulation
1986					Capitol Insulation
1987	1567	1060	528	.676	Steele's Sports
1988	1169	743	315	.635	Steele's Sports
1989	1060	737	287	.695	Steele's Sports
1990	329	214	103	.651	Superior-Apollo
1991	347	221	86	.637	Ritch's-Superior
1992	409	280	143	.685	Ritch's-Superior
1993	402	270	137	.672	Ritch's-Superior
1994	354	247	135	.698	Ritch's-Superior
1995	399	271	146	.679	Ritch's-Superior
1996	398	291	144	.731	Ritch's-Superior
1997	415	284	126	.684	Ritch's-Superior
1998	446	305	122	.684	Sierra/TPS
1999	-  no info			Team Easton	(12-18, 4 HRs, 12 RBIs, ISA Super)
2000					Hague/Resmondo (played ASA Supers)	
Total	7295	4923	2272	.675
Dave Steffen
Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1984					Steele's Sports
1985					Lilly Air Systems
1986			123	.689	Shubin's
1987					Marlton Trucking
1988					Marlton Trucking and Apollo East Side
1989			102	.611	Superior-Apollo
1990	299	188	100	.629	Superior-Apollo
1991	347	232	106	.669	Ritch's-Superior
1992	357	251	120	.703	Ritch's-Superior
1993	367	255	140	.695	Ritch's-Superior
1994	271	189	133	.697	Converters/Vernon's
1995	373	247	138	.662	Bell Corp/Sunbelt
1996	389	256	164	.658	Sunbelt/Easton
1997	149	95	41	.638	Sunbelt/Easton
Total	2552	1713	1046	.671

Darrell Beeler

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1985			98		CDI
1986			101		CDI
1987			108	.700	Athletic Shop
1988			139	.616	Marlton Trucking and Superior-Spalding
1989			119	.630	Superior-Apollo
1990	325	203	100	.625	Superior-Apollo
1991	353	235	82	.666	Ritch's-Superior
1992	390	254	136	.651	Ritch's-Superior
1993	405	303	163	.748	Ritch's-Superior
1994	375	254	138	.677	Ritch's-Superior
1995	410	283	141	.690	Ritch's-Superior
1996	416	312	144	.750	Ritch's-Superior
1997	408	280	127	.686	Ritch's-Superior
1998	452	324	180	.716	Sierra/TPS
1999	288	202	114	.701	Team Easton
2000	-  no info
Total	3822	2650	1789	.693	INCOMPLETE

Larry Fredieu

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1987			185	.675	Athletic Shop
1988	462	301	141	.652	Steele's Sports
1989	1107	701	320	.622	Steele's Sports
1990	476	320	166	.676	Steele's Sports and Superior-Apollo
1991	343	219	131	.638	Starpath
1992	335	226	130	.675	Bell Corp
1993	285	203	105	.712	Vernon's
1994	365	264	167	.723	Ritch's-Superior
1995	385	263	179	.683	Ritch's-Superior
1996	386	255	174	.661	Ritch's-Superior
1997	337	220	111	.653	Ritch's-Superior
1998	443	306	186	.690	Sierra/TPS
1999	-  no info			Team Easton
2000	331	243	127	.734	Sunbelt Plastics
2001	-  no info
Total	5255	3521	2122	.670	INCOMPLETE

Brett Helmer

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1988					Big Daddy's
1989					Big Daddy's
1990					Big Daddy's
1991					Anderson Builders
1992					Pierce Construction
1993					Pierce Construction/Bob Hall
1994					Pierce Construction/Bryan Oil
1995					Pierce Construction/Midas Touch
1996					Pierce Construction/Midas Touch
1997	337	249	90	.739	SoJern/Specialty Tank/TPS
1998	437	333	155	.763	Hague/Wessell/TPS
1999	413	326	128	.789*	Team Easton
2000	444	362	129	.815*	Bell Corp./Easton
2001	319	239	98	.749	Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton
2002	338	270	93	.799*	Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton
2003	350	305	112	.741	Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton
2004	311	243	99	.781	Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton
2005	293	232	91	.792*	Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton
2006	317	248	80	.782	Bell Corp/Taylor/Belcher/Easton & KME/Body Glove/Easton
2007	316	237	80	.750	Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/Specialty Tank/Easton
2008 - ???				Dan Smith/Menosse
2009					Dan Smith/Menosse
2010					Dan Smith/Menosse
Total	3875	3044	1155	.786	INCOMPLETE

Jimmy Powers

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1990					Neuse Sand & Gravel
1991					Neuse Sand & Gravel
1992	520	391	225	.752	Steele's/Sunbelt
1993	330	227	117	.688	Ritch's-Superior
1994	415	328	175	.790	Converters/Vernon's
1995	416	302	140	.726	Shen Valley/ Converters/TPS
1996	492	374	149	.760	Shen Valley/TPS
1997	551	409	157	.742	Shen Valley/TPS
1998	421	312	125	.741	Sunbelt/Easton
1999	282	212	93	.752	Paramount Builders/TPS
2000	325	249	122	.766	Sunbelt
2001	237	182	60	.768	Long Haul/TPS
2002	300	207	64	.690	Long Haul/TPS
2003					Sunbelt/Mizuno
Total	4289	3193	1427	.744

Dennis Graser

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1977	146	 71	18	.486	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1978	144	 66	19	.458	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1979	222	108	22	.486	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1980	273	131	30	.480	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1981	174	 87	26	.500	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1982			43		Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1983	374	242	105	.647	Steele's Sports
1984					Elite Coatings
1985	565	373	115	.660	Steele's Sports
1986	589	382	105	.649	Steele's Sports
1987	1147	797	230	.695	Steele's Sports
1988					Starpath
1989				.618	Superior-Apollo
1990	302	188	70	.623	Superior-Apollo
1991	355	229	53	.645	Ritch's-Superior
1992	223	155	50	.695	Ritch's-Superior
1993	223	138	33	.619	DJ's Sports/TPS
1994					Spectrum/Easton
1995	218	142		.651	Spectrum/Easton
1996					Spectrum/Easton
Total	3996	2646	761	.662	INCOMPLETE

Rick Weiterman

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1977	45	16	2	.356	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1978					DNP
1979	192	107	9	.557	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1980	259	132	13	.510	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1981					Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1982				.514	Milwaukee Schlitz (Pro)
1983	136	83	2	.610	Steele's Sports
1984				.612	Elite Coatings
1985	386	255	7	.660	Steele's Sports
1986	707	469	42	.663	Steele's Sports
1987	659	494	22	.750	Steele's Sports
1988	1099	808	30	.735	Steele's Sports
1989	919	698	24	.760	Steele's Sports
1990	759	565	31	.744	Steele's Sports
1991	117	71	0	.607	Ritch's-Superior
1992	313	229	12	.732	Ritch's-Superior
1993	238	150	15	.630	Ritch's-Superior
1994	273	198		.725	Ritch's-Superior
1995	300	196		.653	Ritch's-Superior
1996					Ritch's-Superior
1997			1	.583	Ritch's-Superior
1998					Team TPS
1999	- retired			
Total	5906	4216	185	.714	INCOMPLETE

Scott Elliott

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1992	450	301	145	.669	Steele's/Sunbelt
1993	298	217	98	.728	Vernon's
1994	398	283	161	.711	Converters/Vernon's
1995	371	243	130	.655	Shen Valley/ Converters/TPS
1996	379	261	164	.689	Shen Valley/TPS
1997	422	296	144	.701	Sunbelt/Easton
1998	338	240	115	.710	Lighthouse/Worth
1999	296	209	95	.706	Team Easton
Total	2952	2050	1052	.694

Tot Powers

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1990					Neuse Sand & Gravel
1991					Neuse Sand & Gravel
1992	360	251	142	.697	Steele's/Sunbelt
1993	361	245	146	.679	Ritch's-Superior
1994	405	291	165	.719	Converters/Vernon's
1995	426	284	133	.667	Shen Valley/ Converters/TPS
1996	406	292	158	.719	Shen Valley/TPS
1997	514	355	167	.691	Shen Valley/TPS
1998	378	273	147	.722	Sunbelt Softball
1999	281	204	91	.726	Paramount Builders/TPS
2000	294	213	86	.724	Sunbelt
2001	?
2002					Team Ah
Total	3425	2408	1235	.703	INCOMPLETE

Steve Craven

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1990	318	212	145	.667	Lighthouse
1991	435	306	193	.703	Sunbelt/Worth
1992	410	279	152	.681	Steele's/Sunbelt
1993	442	316	152	.715	Steele's/Sunbelt
1994	218	136	65	.624	Lighthouse/Worth
1995	385	256	113	.665	Lighthouse/Worth
1996	397	288	141	.725	Lighthouse/Worth
1997	368	243	133	.660	Lighthouse/Worth
1998	44	23	7	.523	Lighthouse/Worth
1999	-  no info
2000	305	227	131	.744	Sunbelt Plastics
2001	-  no info
2001	-  no info
2003					Sunbelt/Mizuno
Total	3322	2286	1232	.688	INCOMPLETE

Kenny Carver

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1990	281	197	114	.701	Lighthouse
1991	411	284	175	.691	Sunbelt/Worth
1992	370	241	126	.651	William's/Worth
1993	310	217	120	.700	Alford's/Worth
1994	238	160	90	.624	Lighthouse/Worth
1995	385	243	129	.631	Lighthouse/Worth
1996	352	230	116	.654	Sunbelt/Easton
1997	347	248	138	.715	Sunbelt/Easton
1998	316	218	119	.690	Chase/Easton
1999	-  no info
2000	253	153	81	.605	Sunbelt Plastics
Total	3263	2191	1208	.671	INCOMPLETE

Bill Blake

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1981			145		Stone City Stars
1982					Stone City Stars
1983					Cable TV 
1984					Morgan Boots 
1985			197	.668	Howard's/Western Steer
1986					Smythe Sox
1987				.704	Smythe Sox
1988	1571	1124	584	.715	Steele's Sports
1989	814	589	269	.717	Steele's Sports
1990	992	668	347	.673	Steele's Sports
1991	-  no info
1992	357	229	103	.641	Bell Corp
1993	-  no info
1994	-  no info
1995					Williams/Dudley
Total	3734	2610	1645	.699	INCOMPLETE

Mike Bolen

Year   	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1976			107		Duggan & Duggan
1977			153	.707	Burnette & Associates
1978			174	.695	Burnette & Associates
1979				.708	Dave Carroll Sports
1980			192	.650	Dave Carroll Sports
1981	784	595	333	.759	Dave Carroll Skoal Bandits
1982			68	.678	Jerry's Caterers
1983			122	.691	Jerry's Caterers
1984			145	.645	Jerry's Caterers
1985	690	480	269	.695	Steele's Sports
1986	1007	754	435	.749	Steele's Sports
1987	1429	1033	554	.723	Steele's Sports
1988				.657	Howard's/Western Steer
1989					?
1990					?
1991					?
1992	285	179	79	.628	Daton-Argus
Total	4195	3041	2531	.725	INCOMPLETE

James Boyett

Year	HRs	Avg.	Team
1974	 84		Tom's Foods
1975			Ken Sander's
1976	125	.600	Tom's Foods
1977	282	.664	Howard & Carroll
1978	303	.671	Howard & Carroll (521-776, 500+ RBIs)
1979	218	.655	Ken Sanders Ford
1980	154		Jerry's Caterers
1981	106		Jerry's Caterers
1982	127	.650	York Barbell/Ken Sanders
1983			Ray's Metal Works
Total	1414		INCOMPLETE

Joe Young

Year	HRs	Avg.	Team
1975	145	.639	Lou Ana's Foods
1976	153	.649	Lou Ana's Foods
1977	165	.670	Nelsons Painting
1978	150	.650	Nelsons Painting
1979	214	.714	Nelsons Painting and Nelco Mfg.
1980 	337	.716	Steele's Sports (763 RBIs)
1981	110	.655	Jerry's Caterers
1982	 38		Lima Steele's (Pro)
1983	104	.605	Garrett's Raiders
1984			Houston Budweiser
1985			Zimlinghaus
1986	294	.697	Steele's Sports
1987			Marlton Trucking
Total	1710		INCOMPLETE

Al White

Year	HRs	Avg.	Team
1971	120	.640	Kobax
1972	172	.648	Warren Motors
1973	140	.650	Warren Motors
1974	106	.693	Jerry's Caterers
1975	112	.643	Nelson's Painting
1976	 95	.676	Jerry's Caterers
1977	101	.695	Nelson Painting
1978	109	.653	Campbell Carpets
1979	105	.615	American Realty		
1980	270	.625	Steele's Sports and Softball City
1981	 97	.605	Steele's Sports
1982			?
1983			Philly Steak-Out, CA
Total	1062		INCOMPLETE

Mike Parrott

Year	HRs	Avg.	Team
1977	169	.655	Port City Ford
1978	136	.659	Port City Ford
1979	220		Port City Ford, Nelson's and Dave Carroll's
1980	206		Dave Carroll's Sports
1981	203	.685	Dave Carroll's Sports and Jerry's
1982			Jerry's Caterers
1983	101		Garrett's Raiders
Total	1035		INCOMPLETE

Ron Patterson

Year	HRs	Avg.	Team
1968 	185 	.680 	Kobax
1969 	 82 	.631 	Golden Gallons
1970 	140 	.660 	Golden Gallons
1971 	145 	.640 	Kobax
1972 	158 	.630 	Card's Carpets
1973 	156 	.670 	Thurman-Bryant
1974 	132 	.635 	Thurman-Bryant
1975 	141 	.610 	Thurman-Bryant
1976 	129 	.665 	Duggan & Duggan
1977 	132 	.671 	Burnett & Associates
1978 	130 	.698 	Burnett & Associates
1979 	?	?	Burnett & Carroll
Total	1448		INCOMPLETE - (Estimated to have over 2500 HRs)

Denny Hogan

Year	ABs	Hits	HRs	Avg.	Team
1968 					Linn-Corriher
1969 					Linn-Corriher
1970 					Linn-Corriher
1971 					Linn-Corriher
1972 					Linn-Corriher
1973 	422	218 	 60 	.516	Howard's Furniture
1974 	496	288 	 89 	.580	Howard's Furniture
1975 	564	351 	132 	.622	Howard's Furniture
1976 	549	326	131 	.604 	Howard's Furniture & Little Ceasars (USSSA Worlds; 9-16, 4 HRs)
1977 	646	408	165	.632	Howard's Furniture
1978 			116	.624	Howard's Furniture
1979 				.577	Howard's Furniture
Mike Cellura
1976 Capitol Insulation
1977 Capitol Insulation
1978 Campbell's Carpets
1979 Campbell's Carpets
1980 Campbell's Carpets
1981 Capitol Insulation
1982 Howard's/Western Steer
1983 Jerry's Caterers
1984 Jerry's Caterers
1985 Capitol Insulation
1986 Capitol Insulation
1987 Broken Drum Insulation

Detroit Major Metro League Stats

Mike Gouin (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1972	42	72	.583			ASSL 5 HRs 4 gms
1973	71	150	.473	25	80
1974			.630
1975			.633
1976	124	181	.685	38	118
Tex Collins (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	1972 ASSL 3 HRs 4 gms
1973	61	134	.435	23	64
1974			.585
1975			.566
1976	104	156	.667	37	112
Jim Puckett (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1972	33	49	.673			ASSL 5 HRs 4 gms
1973	69	121	.570	16	56
1974			.506
1975			.544
1976	71	131	.542	21	55
Bill Cole (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1972	40	62	.645
1973	27	61	.442	8	23
Bob Auten (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1972	32	55	.581			ASSL 2 HRs 4 gms
Joe Gauci (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1973	46	85	.541	0	33
Gary LaDue (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	1972 ASSL 5 HRs 4 gms
1973	78	120	.650	13	56
Mike Axelson (Little Caesars)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1973	50	74	.676	4	21
Cal Carmen (Dino's Pizza)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1972	44	84	.524	13	43
Doug Gerdes (Snyder's Softball)
Year	Hits	Abs	Avg	HRs	RBIs	
1976	103	145	.710	35	109

Top 100 All Time Greatest Slow Pitch Softball Players

If somebody were to ask you who the greatest player of all time was, who would you say?  Everybody has their own opinion. Stats and figures don’t lie. Here is a list of the top 100 players in terms of how many “Super-Major” All-World teams they have been selected to over the years along with their national MVP honors and Hall of Fame inductions. Obviously the older players have an edge because today’s great players are not in the Hall of Fame yet, but I’ll keep this updated each year and make changes as they happen. The criteria I used is based on the formula below: Here is the way it ended up and if you look at Jerome Earnest’s all-time team selections and the players he named as the greatest of the past century, this list is pretty close. The list has the player’s name listed along with his total All-World selections by association and MVPs are listed also, along with Player of the Year selections and Hall of Fame inductions:

  • All-World/All-American Selection = 1 point
  • MVP of a National Championship or Professional World Series = 3 points (Smoky Mountain Classic included)
  • National player of the Year selection from Softball Publications = 3 points
  • Rookie of the year selection from Softball Publications = 1 point
  • National All-Year selection from Softball Publications = 1 point
  • National player of the Decade selection from Softball Publications = 4 points
  • National All-Decade selection from Softball Publications = 3 points
  • National player of the Century selection from Softball Publications = 5 points
  • National All-Time All-Pro selection from Softball Publications = 3 points
  • National All-Time All-Pro Player from Softball Publications = 4 points
  • National All-Century selection from Softball Publications = 4 points
  • National All-Century Honorable Mention selection from Softball Publications = 3 points
  • National Conference (NSPC, WSL, USSSA) Softball regular Season MVP (player of the whole year) = 3 points
  • Professional Softball regular Season MVP (player of the whole year) = 3 points
  • National Hall of Fame Induction = 5 points

Note: The All world selections are basically Super/Major selections, Some of these players have even more added to their totals if you count the Class-AA and Class-A Programs. The only reason I couldn’t count them all is because these past lists are so hard to come by. If some information is not listed, please help out by informing me, don’t criticize.



1. Mike Macenko (97 points)

(22) ASA – Hillcrest (77), Steele’s (84, 85, 86, 87-MVP, 88, 90-MVP, 93),Sunbelt/Worth (91), Ritch’s-Superior (94, 95), HOF-07
(7) USSSA – Steele’s (89), Ritch’s-Superior (94), HOF-99
(17) ISA – Steele’s (85, 87-MVP, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97),Ritch’s-Superior (95), HOF-97
(18) NSA – Steele’s (86-MVP, 87, 88, 90-MVP, 93, 97), Ritch’s-Superior (94), HOF-98
(2) NSPC – Nationwide Advertising (81), Nationwide Advertising (81- Regular Season All Star)
(1) Pro – Cleveland Competitors (82)
(4) Smoky – Steele’s Sports (86-MVP, 87-MVP)
(1) Southern Softball All Year (81)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 93, 94, 97)
(6) Jerome Earnest POY (87, 88)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s, 90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(5) Jerome Earnest Player of the Century
(30 All Worlds, 7 MVPs, 2 POYs, 1 POC, 4 HOFs)

2. Bruce Meade (87 points)

(22) ASA – Warren’s (76), Nelson’s (77-MVP, 78), Nelco (79), Jerry’s (81, 82-MVP, 83, 84), Elite Coatings (85), Steele’s (88), Vernon’s (93), HOF-99
(17) USSSA – Nelson’s Painting (79), DCS (80), Jerry’s Caterers (82, 83-MVP, 84), Elite Coatings (85), Smythe Sox (86, 87), Starpath (91), HOF-89
(12) ISA – Elite Coatings (1985), Steele’s (88), (5 other times All-World), HOF-2003
(7) NSA – Smythe Sox (87), ( Steele’s (88), HOF-92
(4) NSPC – Nelson’s (79), Jerry’s (82, 83), Smythe Sox (87)
(3) Smoky – Elite Coatings (85-MVP)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(6) Southern Softball All Year (82-POY, 84-POY)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(5) Jerome Earnest Player of the Century
(28 All Worlds, 4 MVPs, 2 POYs, 1 POC, 4 HOFs)

3. Rick Scherr (85 points)

(24) ASA – Howard’s/Western Steer (77, 78, 81-MVP, 82, 83-MVP, 84-MVP, 85, 88-Major), Sup./Apollo (89-Super and 89- Major), HOF-2001
(16) USSSA – Copper Hearth (74-Central), Howard’s (81-MVP, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88), Superior-Apollo (89), HOF-94
(5) ISA – Howard’s/Western Steer (84-MVP, 88)
(6) NSPC – Howard’s (79, 80, 81-Regular Season All Star, 81, 82, 83)
(3) Smoky – Superior-Apollo (89-MVP)
(12) USA Softball POY (81), Southern Softball POY (81, 84), National Slo-Pitch POY (85)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest POD (80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(5) Jerome Earnest Player of the Century
(25 All Worlds, 6 MVPs, 4 POYs, 1 POD, 1 POC, 2 HOFs)

4. Jeff Wallace (82 points)

(11) ASA – SoJern (97), Team TPS (98, 99, 00), Long Haul (01, 02-MVP), Resmondo (03), Benfield (04-M)
(18) USSSA – Long Haul (01), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP, 04), Resmondo/Dan Smith (05), Resmondo (06, 06-Conference Championships, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star – MVP/POY), HOF-2007
(5) ISA – Long Haul (02), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP)
(13) NSA – Steele’s (96), Team TPS (98-MVP, 99, 00), Long Haul (01-MVP), Resmondo/Hague (03, 04),
Resmondo/Dan Smith (05), HOF-2004
(3) WSL – Long Haul/TPS (02-All Star), Resmondo/Hague (03-All Star), Blue Martini (06-A)
(6) Smoky – Team TPS  (00-MVP), Long Haul/TPS (01-MVP), Resmondo (06-MVP)
(10) Jerome Earnest All Year (96, 97, 98-POY, 99-POY)
(10) Old Scout All Year (00, 01, 02, 03-POY, 04, 05, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(25 All Worlds, 8 MVPs, 4 POYs, 2 HOFs)

5. Charles Wright (80 points)

(18) ASA – Ken Sanders (77), York/Sanders (82), Elite Coatings (83, 84, 85), Steele’s Sports (86), Ritch’s Salvage (89-Super-MVP and 89-Major), Ritch’s/Kirk’s (90), Ritch’s-Superior (92, 93-MVP), Sunbelt/Easton (96)
(6) USSSA – York/Sanders (82), Elite (83, 84), Steele’s (86), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 92)
(20) ISA – Elite (84, 85), Steele’s (88), Ritch’s (89), Ritch’s/Kirk’s (90), Ritch’s-Superior (91-MVP, 92-MVP, 93, 94), HOF-99
(4) NSA – Steele’s (86), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 93, 95)
(3) NSPC – Nationwide Advertising (81- Regular Season All Star), Ken Sander’s (82), Elite (83)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(1) Southern Softball All Year (82)
(9) National Slo-Pitch POY (86), Softball USA POY (93), Slo-Pitch News POY (93)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 93, 95)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s, 90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(5) Jerome Earnest Player of the Century
(33 All Worlds, 4 MVPs, 3 POYs, 1 POC,  1 HOF)

6. Craig Elliott (79 points)

(20) ASA – KSF (77-MVP, 78, 79), Jerry’s (80), York-Sanders (81, 82), Elite (83, 84), Steele’s (85-MVP, 86-MVP, 87)
(10) USSSA – York-Sanders (81, 82), Elite (84-MVP), Steele’s (86, 87, 88)
(1) ISA – Steele’s (87)
(2) NSA – Steele’s (86), Stewart’s (90)
(13) NSPC – Sander’s (79, 81, 82-West MVP, 82-MVP), Elite (83-MVP)
(9) Smoky – Jerry’s (80-MVP), York-Sanders (81-MVP), Elite Coatings (83-MVP)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(7) Southern Softball All-Year (79-POY, 81, 82, 83-POY)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (90)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(5) Jerome Earnest Player of the Century
(24 All Worlds, 10 MVPs, 2 POYs)

7. Dirk Androff (76 points)

(11) ASA – Steele’s (89, 90), Ritch’s-Superior (92-MVP, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97)
(7) USSSA – Ritch’s-Superior (91-MVP, 94, 96, 97)
(11) ISA – Steele’s (89, 90), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 92, 93, 95), HOF-2001
(13) NSA – Steele’s (89, 90), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 92, 95-MVP), HOF-98
(3) Smoky – Ritch-Superior (95-MVP)
(9) Jerome Earnest All-Year (90, 93, 94, 95-POY, 96, 97)
(6) Jerome Earnest POY (89), Slo-Pitch News POY (92)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest POD (80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All-Century
(5) Jerome Earnest Player of the Century
(23All Worlds, 4 MVPs, 3 POYs, 2 HOFs)

8. Rusty Bumgardner (74 points)

(8) ASA – Converters/Vernon’s (94), Shen Valley (95, 96), Shen Valley (97), Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01, 02), Resmondo (03)
(18) USSSA – Converters/TPS (93), Converters/Vernon’s (94), Team TPS (98, 99), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP), Resmondo (06-MVP, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star), HOF-2006
(4) ISA – Shen Valley (97), Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01, 02)
(13) NSA – Converters/Vernon’s (94), Shen Valley (97-MVP), Team TPS (98, 00), Resmondo (03, 04-MVP), Resmondo/Dan Smith (05)
(6) WSL – Long Haul (02-All Star Team), Long Haul (02-All Star MVP), Resmondo/Hague (03-All Star Team)
Resmondo/Hague (2004-All Star MVP)
(3) Smoky – Shen Valley (97-MVP)
(8) Jerome Earnest All Year (95, 96, 97-POY, 98, 99)
(7) Old Scout All Year (00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(25 All Worlds, 5 MVPs, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

9t. Todd Joerling (73 points)

(11) ASA – Steele’s (90), Bell (94, 95), Sunbelt/Easton (96, 98), Team Easton (99-MVP), Dan Smith (02, 03)
(13) USSSA – Bell Corp (93, 94), Sunbelt (97), Dan Smith (01, 02, 03), Bell Corp (06, 06-Conference Championships)  HOF-2005
(20) ISA – Steele’s (89, 90), Bell/Sunbelt/Easton (91, 94, 95, 97-MVP), Team Easton (99), Dan Smith (02-MVP, 03), HOF-2006
(10) NSA – Steele’s (90), Bell/Sunbelt/Easton (93, 94, 00, 04), HOF-2001
(2) WSL – Dan Smith/Easton (03), Dan Smith/Easton (03-All Star)
(7) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99)
(3) Old Scout All Year (02, 03, 04)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(31 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 3 HOFs)

9t. Hank Garris (73 points)

(15) ASA – Williams/Worth (93), Bell (94-MVP, 95), Ritch’s-Superior (97), Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (99, 00-MVP), Long Haul/TPS (01, 02), Dan Smith (03)
(9) USSSA – Williams/Worth (93), Bell Corp (94), Ritch’s-Superior (97) Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01, 02), Dan Smith (04), Specialty Tank (06-Conference Championships)
(7) ISA – Sunbelt (96), Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01, 02), Dan Smith/Easton (03), Specialty Tank (06-A)
(4) NSA – Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01), Dan Smith/Easton (03), Specialty Tank (06-AA)
(3) WSL – Long Haul (02-All Star), Dan Smith/Easton (03-All Star), Dan Smith/Easton (03)
(11) Jerome Earnest All Year (94, 96, 97, 98-POY, 99-POY)
(8) Old Scout All Year (00-POY, 01, 02, 03, 04)
(9) Softball Today POY (98, 99, 00)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(31 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 6 POYs)

10. Jeff Hall (61 points)

(5) ASA – Bell/Sunbelt (95), Team Easton (99), Dan Smith/Worth (00) Dan Smith/Easton (02, 03)
(21) USSSA – Sunbelt (96, 97, 98), Team Easton (99), Dan Smith (00-MVP, 01, 02, 03, 04), Resmondo/Smith (05), Specialty Tank (06, 06-Conference Championships, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star), HOF-2005
(8) ISA – Bell/Sunbelt/Easton (96-MVP, 97, 98), Dan Smith/Easton (02, 03)
(2) NSA – Sunbelt (98, 04)
(2) WSL – Dan Smith/Easton (02-All Star, 03-All Star)
(7) Jerome Earnest All Year (96, 97-POY, 98, 99)
(10) Old Scout All Year (00, 01, 02, 03, 04-POY, 05, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(24 All  Worlds, 2 MVPs, 2 POYs, 1 HOF)

11. Bill Gatti (59 points)

(14) ASA – Jiffy Club (71, 72), Elite (84, 85), Ritch’s Salvage (89-Major-MVP, 89), HOF-2000
(8) USSSA – Elite Coatings (83), Smythe Sox (86, 87), HOF-2001
(1) NSPC – Smythe Sox (87)
(10) Pro – Kentucky Bourbons (77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 81-MVP Playoffs, 82)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(4) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Player
(9) National Softball POY (72), Pro-APSPL MVP/POY (80), Pro-UPSL MVP/POY (81)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(10 All Worlds, 6 All-Pros, 2 MVP, 3 POYs, 2 HOFs)

12t. Doug Roberson (57 points)

(10) ASA – Zimlinghaus (85-Major), Steele’s (86, 87, 88), Superior/Apollo (89-Super and 89-Major, 90), Ritch’s-Superior (93, 95, 96)
(10) USSSA – Apollo Parking (83-A), Steele’s (87, 88), Superior/Apollo (89), Ritch’s-Superior (96), HOF-2007
(14) ISA – Steele’s (87, 88), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 93, 94, 95-MVP), HOF-2001
(8) NSA – Steele’s (86, 88-MVP), Superior/Apollo (89), Ritch’s-Superior (92), Team TPS (98)
(5) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 93, 95, 96, 97)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s, 90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(26 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 2 HOFs)

12t. Ron Parnell (57 points)

(9) ASA – Capitol Insulation (86-Major), Steele’s (87, 88), Ritch’s-Superior (92, 93, 94, 95, 96), Team Easton (99)
(12) USSSA – Capitol (85), Steele’s (87), Ritch’s-Superior (92, 95, 96, 97), Sierra/TPS (98), HOF-2000
(10) ISA – Steele’s (87, 89), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 94-MVP, 95, 96), Team Easton (99)
(9) NSA – Steele’s (88, 89), Ritch’s-Superior (93, 94-MVP, 95), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
(3) Smoky – Sierra/TPS  (98-MVP)
(5) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 93, 94, 95, 96)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s, 90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(29 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 1 HOF)

15t. Brett Helmer (56 points)

(7) ASA – SoJern (97), Team Easton (99), Bell Corp (00), Dan Smith (02, 03), AM Las Vegas (05-M), KME/Chaney  (06-A)
(11) USSSA – Dan Smith/Easton (01, 02, 03, 04), Bell Corp (05, 06, 06-Conference Championships-MVP, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star), HOF-2007
(6) ISA – So Jern (97), Team Easton (99-MVP), Dan Smith (03)
(4) NSA – Bell Corp/Easton (00), Dan Smith/Easton (01, 04), Bell Corp (05)
(1) WSL – Backman/Dan Smith (03-All Star)
(3) Smoky – Dan Smith  (02-MVP)
(6) Jerome Earnest All Year (97, 98, 99-POY)
(7) Old Scout All Year (00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(21 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

15t. Cecil Whitehead (56 points)

(8) ASA – Elite (81-Major, 82, 83, 85), Lighthouse (88), Ritch’s-Kirks (90), Ritch’s-Superior (93, 94)
(7) USSSA – Smythe Sox (86, 87), Ritch’s-Kirks (90-MVP), Ritch’s-Superior (92)
(13) ISA – Howard’s/WS (88-MVP), Steele’s (89), Ritch’s/Kirk’s (90), Ritch’s Superior (92, 93), HOF-2007
(11) NSA – Smythe Sox (87-MVP), Sup./Apollo (90), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 92, 93),
(3) NSPC – Elite Coatings (82, 83), Smythe Sox (87)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Year (90-POY)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s, 90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(25 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

17. Jason Kendrick (55 points)

(10) ASA – Datum-Argus (92-M), Vernon’s (93), DJ’s/Shen Valley (94), Shen Valley (95, 96, 97), Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (99, 00), Long Haul (01)
(11) USSSA – Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (99), Long Haul (01-MVP), Dan Smith (02, 04), Resmondo/Dan Smith (05), Resmondo (06, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(5) ISA – DJ’s/Shen Valley (94), Shen Valley (96), Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01)
(5) NSA – DJ’s/Shen Valley (94), Shen Valley (97), Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01), Dan Smith (03)
(6) WSL – Dan Smith/Easton (02-All Star, 03-All Star), Dan Smith (03-MVP Defensive POY)
(3) Softball Today POY (97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (94, 97, 98)
(6) Old Scout All Year (00, 01, 02, 04, 05, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(27 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 2 POYs)

18. Todd Martin (51 points)

(7) ASA – Steeles (93), Sierra (97), Team TPS (99, 00), Long Haul (01, 02), Resmondo (03)
(9) USSSA – Converter’s (94), Shen Valley (95, 97), Team TPS (98, 00), Long Haul (01), Resmondo/Hague (03), Resmondo (06, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(8) ISA – Steele’s (93), Shen Valley (96-MVP, 97), Long Haul (01, 02)
(8) NSA – Shen Valley (97), Team TPS (00-MVP, Long Haul (01), Resmondo (03), Resmondo/Dan Smith (05)
(1) WSL – Resmondo/Hague (03-All Star)
(3) Smoky – Resmondo/Hague  (03-MVP)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Year (96, 97, 98, 99)
(5) Old Scout All Year (00, 01, 02, 03, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(26 All Worlds, 3 MVPs)

19. Ricky Huggins (50 points)

(23) ASA – Elite (81-Major-MVP, 83), Howard’s/Western Steer (84), Thompson’s (85-Class-A-MVP), Lighthouse/Worth (90, 95,
96, 98-MVP), Vernon’s (92-Major-MVP), Shen Valley (94), JWM/Herb’s (99-Major)
(4) USSSA – Howard’s (84), Steeles (87), Vernons (93), Lighthouse (96)
(12) ISA – Vernons (93), Lighthouse (95), HOF-2005
(1) NSA – Lighthouse (95)
(1) Southern Softball All Year (81)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (95, 96)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(18 All Worlds, 4 MVPs, 1 HOF)

20t. Don Arndt (48 points)

(21) ASA – Howard’s Furniture/Western Steer (70, 71, 72-MVP, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84), HOF-93
(9) USSSA – Howard’s Furniture (78, 79, 82, 83), HOF-87
(4) ISA – Howard’s/Western Steer (85-MVP)
(3) National Softball POY (72)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(18 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 POY, 2 HOFs)

20t. Bert Smith (48 points)

(18) ASA – County Sports (68-MVP, 69), VA Beach Piledrivers (71-MVP), Howard’s Furniture (73-MVP), HOF-94
(5) Pro – Detroit Caesars (77, 78-MVP playoffs)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(3) Smoky – Howard’s Furniture (75-MVP)
(9) National Softball POY (72, 73), Slo-Pitch News POY (75)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s, 70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(4 All Worlds, 2 All Pros, 5 MVPs, 3 POYs, 1 HOF)

20t. Ron Ford (48 points)

(18) ASA – Warren Motors (76-MVP), Elite (82, 83, 84), Vernon’s (86-Class-A, 88-Class-A, 90-Class-A-MVP), HOF-2002
(2) USSSA – York/Sanders (81), Elite (84)
(3) Pro – Detroit Caesars (77, 78, 79)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(3) Smoky – Elite Coatings (84-MVP)
(5) Southern Southern Softball POY (76), Pro-APSPL MVP/POY (78)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest POD (70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(9 All Worlds, 3 All Pros, 3 MVP, 2 POYs, 1 POD, 1 HOF)

20t. Carl Rose (48 points)

(9) ASA – Lighthouse (89-Super and Major, 90, 96, 98), Sunbelt/Worth (91), Williams (93), Dan Smith/Worth (00), Hague/Resmondo (01)
(8) USSSA – Sunbelt (91), Williams/Worth (92, 93), Lighthouse/Worth (97-MVP, 98)
(6) ISA – Lighthouse (89, 98-MVP), Dan Smith/Worth (00)
(3) NSA – Lighthouse (95, 96), Dan Smith/Easton (01)
(14) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 91-POY, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98-POY, 99)
(1) Old Scout All Year (01)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(20 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 2 POYs)

24t. Britt Hightower (47 points)

(8) ASA – Smythe Sox (85-A), Ritch’s Salvage (89), Ritch’s/Kirk’s (90), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 93, 94, 95, 96)
(10) USSSA – Smythe Sox (86), Ritch’s/Kirk’s (90), Ritch’s-Superior  (92, 97), R&D (99), HOF-2003
(8) ISA – Howard’s (88), Ritch’s Salvage (89), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 93, 94, 95), Sunbelt (00), Hague/Resmondo (01)
(5) NSA – Houston Sweepers (89), Ritch’s-Superior (92, 92, 94, 95)
(3) Smoky – Ritch-Superior (94-MVP)
(6) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(26 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 HOF)

24t. Rick Weiterman (47 points)

(5) ASA – Elite Coatings (84, 85), Steele’s Sports (87), Ritch’s-Superior (92, 93)
(8) USSSA – Steele’s (83, 87, 88-MVP), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 94)
(2) ISA – Steele’s (90), Ritch’s-Superior (94)
(7) NSA – Ritch’s-Superior (92, 94), HOF-98
(7) Pro – Milwaukee Schlitz (79, 79-MVP playoffs, 80, 82)
(3) Pro -APSPL MVP/POY (79)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 94)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s, 90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(15 All Worlds, 3 All Pros, 2 MVPs, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

24t. Mike Nye (47 points)

(11) ASA – Warren Motors (76-MVP), York-Sanders (81, 82), Jerry’s (83), Vernon’s (86-A), Marlton (87-M), Ritch’s (89-M, 89)
(1) USSSA – York/Sanders (82)
(1) ISA – Ritch’s Salvage (89)
(3) NSPC – Ken Sander’s (81- Regular Season All Star), Ken Sander’s (81,), Jerry’s (82)
(7) Pro – Detroit Caesars (77, 77-MVP playoffs, 78, 79)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(6) Slo-Pitch News POY (75), Southern Softball POY (76)
(1) Southern Softball All-Year (82)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest Player of the Decade (70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(13 All Worlds, 3 All Pros, 2 MVPs, 2 POYs, 1 POD)

27. Jimmy Powers (44 points)

(6) ASA – Steele’s/Sunbelt (92), Ritch’s-Superior (93), Converters/Vernon’s (94), Shen Valley (96), Paramount (99-Major), Long Haul/TPS (01)
(7) USSSA – Converter’s (94-MVP), Shen Valley (95, 96), Long Haul (01)
(7) ISA – Steele’s (1992), Ritch’s-Superior (93), Shen Valley (96), Long Haul (01-MVP)
(8) NSA – Neuse Sand & Gravel (91-Class-AA-MVP), Shen Valley (97), Sunbelt (98, 00), Long Haul (01)
(9) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94-POY, 95, 97, 98, 99)
(1) Old Scout All Year (01)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(19 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 1 POY, 0 HOFs)

28. Wendell Rickard (43 points)

(11) ASA – Lighthouse (90, 94, 95-MVP, 96, 98), Williams/Worth (93), Dan Smith/Worth (00), BJ Logging (04-M)
(8) USSSA – Williams/Worth (93), Lighthouse/Worth (96, 97), Dan Smith (99-MVP, 00)
(3) ISA – Lighthouse (95, 98), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
(3) NSA – Lighthouse (95, 96), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
(1) WSL – Budweiser/Sunnyvale (03-All Star)
(10) Jerome Earnest All Year (94, 95, 96-POY, 97, 98, 99)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(20 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 POY)

29t. Dick Bartel (41 points)

(11) ASA – Ray Carpenter’s (76), Howard’s (80, 81, 82, 83, 84), HOF-90
(13) USSSA – C.C. Brick (78-Central-MVP and 78 World Series), Campbell’s (80), Howard’s/WS (81, 82), HOF-85
(6) NSPC – Howard’s/WS (81- Regular Season All Star), Howard’s/WS (81-MVP, 83)
(1) Southern Softball All-Year (82)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(14 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 2 HOFs)

29t. Stan Harvey (41 points)

(14) ASA – Golden Gallons (70), Howard’s Furniture/Western Steer (73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84), HOF-95
(5) USSSA – Howard’s/Western Steer (78, 79, 81, 85, 87)
(1) ISA – Howard’s/WS (1988)
(3) NSPC –  Howard’s/WS (80, 81), Howard’s/WS (81- Regular Season All Star)
(3) Smoky – Howard’s Furniture (76-MVP)
(3) National Softball POY (74)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(1) Southern Softball All-Year (81)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(18 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

29t. Dave Steffan (41 points)

(9) ASA – Steele’s (84-Major), Lilly Air (85), Shubin’s (86-Major), Superior/Apollo (89-Super and 89-Major, 90), Ritch’s-Superior
(91, 92, 93)
(7) USSSA – Marlton Trucking (87), Superior-Apollo (89, 90), Ritch’s-Superior (92-MVP)
(14) ISA – Ritch’s-Superior (91, 92, 93-MVP), Sunbelt/Easton (95), (2 other times All-World), HOF-2004
(2) NSA – Superior-Apollo (90), Ritch’s-Superior (91)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(19 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 HOF)

32. J.C. Phelps (40 points)

(5) ASA – New Construction (92-M, 02), Shen Valley (96, 97), BJ Logging (04-M)
(5) USSSA – Shen Valley (96, 97), Team Stucco (05-A), Specialty Tank (06, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(6) ISA – Shen Valley (95, 96), New Construction (02-AA, 02), Hague/Resmondo (03), Specialty Tank (06-A)
(7) NSA – Shen Valley (95, 96, 97, Hague/Resmondo (02), BJ Logging (04-AA), Team Stucco (05-AA, 05-A)
(3) WSL – New Construction (02-All Star), Hague/Resmondo (03-All Star), Kleuver/Snap on (04)
(5) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 95, 96, 97)
(3) Old Scout All Year (04, 05, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(22 All Worlds)

33t. Mike Shenk (39 points)

(9) ASA – Taylor Bros. (92-Major, 93-Major), Shen Valley (94), Lighthouse (95, 96), Ritch’s-Superior (97), Team TPS (00), Long Haul/TPS (01, 02)
(6) USSSA – Team TPS (98-MVP, 00), Team Easton (99)
(1) ISA – Team Easton (99)
(10) NSA – Shen Valley (94), Lighthouse (96-MVP), Ritch’s-Superior (97), Team TPS (98, 00), Team Easton (99), Long Haul (01)
(2) WSL – Long Haul/TPS (02-All Star), Backman/Dan Smith (03-All Star)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (96, 97, 98)
(2) Old Scout All Year (00, 01)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(20 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

33t. Paul Drilling (39 points)

(5) ASA – Ritch’s-Superior (92, 93, 96), Team TPS (00), Hague/Resmondo (01)
(6) USSSA – Ken Michael’s (89), Ritch’s-Kirks (90), Ritch’s-Superior (91, 92), Sierra/TPS (97), Long Haul (00)
(5) ISA – Howard’s (88), Ritch’s-Superior (92, 93, 95), Sierra/TPS (98)
(11) NSA – Athletic Shop (87), Ritch’s-Superior (92-MVP, 93-MVP, 95), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
(5) Jerome Earnest All Year (90, 93, 97, 98, 99)
(1) Old Scout All Year (00)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(21 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

35. Dewayne Nevitt (38 points)

(13) ASA – Wildcat Fence (91-M), Starpath (92), Vernon’s (93), Converter’s/Vernon’s (94), Shen Valley (95), Ritch’s-Superior (96, 97-MVP), Team TPS (99), Bell Corp/Easton (2000), Dan Smith (02)
(4) USSSA – Vernon’s (93), Converter’s (94), Shen Valley (95), Sunnyvale (03)
(3) ISA – Converters/Vernon’s (94), Dan Smith/Easton (01, 02)
(4) NSA – Shen Valley (95), Ritch’s-Superior (97), Bell Corp/Easton (00, Dan Smith/Easton (01, 02)
(3) Smoky – Ritch-Superior (97-MVP)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (94, 95, 99)
(2) Old Scout All Year (01, 02)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(21 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

36t. Jim Galloway (37 points)

(14) ASA – Musicaro (63, 64), County Sports (66, 67, 68, 69) Empire County Astros (72, 73, 75), HOF-84
(9) National Softball POY (63, 66, 67)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s, 70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest Player of the Decade (60’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(9 All Worlds, 3 POYs, 1 HOF)

36t. Andy Purcell (37 points)

(4) ASA – Long Haul (01, 02), Resmondo/Hague (03), KME/Chaney (06-A)
(12) USSSA – Sunnyvale (98-A-MVP), Long Haul (01), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP), Resmondo/Taylor (04), Resmondo/Smith (05)
Resmondo (06)
(1) ISA – Resmondo/Hague (03)
(2) NSA – Long Haul (01), Resmondo/Taylor (04)
(3) WSL – Long Haul/TPS (02-All Star), Resmondo/Hague (03-All Star), Blue Martini (06-A)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (99)
(14) Old Scout All Year (01-POY, 03-POY, 04, 05-POY, 06)
(14 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 3 POYs)

36t. Dan Schuck (37 points)

(5) ASA – Steele’s (86), Starpath (89), Bell (94), Sunbelt/Easton (98), Team Easton (99)
(7) USSSA – Marlton (87), Larry’s Used Cars (91), Bell Corp (93-MVP, 94)
(10) ISA – Steele’s (86) Bell Corp. (92, 94, 95), Sunbelt (97), HOF-2002
(2) NSA – Bell Corp. (95), Sunbelt (97)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 95, 97)
(3) Slo-Pitch News POY (94)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(16 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

36t. Darrell Beeler (37 points)

(9) ASA – Athletic Shop (87-Major), Superior/Apollo (89-Major), Ritch’s-Superior (92, 94, 96-MVP), Sierra/TPS (98)
(7) USSSA – Superior-Apollo (89), Ritch’s-Superior (91). HOF-2004
(3) ISA – Ritch’s-Superior (93), Sierra/TPS (98), Team Easton (99)
(5) NSA – Ritch’s-Superior (91-MVP, 94)
(3) Smoky – Ritch-Superior (93-MVP)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 95, 96, 98)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(13 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 1 HOF)

40t. Myron Reinhardt (35 points)

(13) ASA – Shield’s (54), Yorkshire Restaurant (59), Gatliff’s Auto Sales (56, 57, 63-MVP), HOF-73
(9) National Softball POY (53, 54, 57)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (50’s, 60’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest Player of the Decade (50’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(5 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 3 POYs, 1 POD, 1 HOF)

40t. Dal Beggs (35 points)

(6) ASA – Southland (96-M), Lighthouse (97-M), Hague/Resmondo (02, 03), Team Synergy (04-M, 04-AE)
(6) USSSA – Dan Smith (99), Hague/Resmondo (02, 03), Bell Corp (05), Resmondo (06, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(9) ISA – Dan Smith (00-MVP), Hague/Resmondo (02), Team Synergy (04-A-MVP)
(1) NSA – Hague/Resmondo (02)
(6) WSL – Hague/Resmondo (02-All Star), Hague/Resmondo (02-MVP), Hague/Resmondo (03-All Star)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (97)
(6) Old Scout All Year (02-POY, 05, 06)
(16 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 1 POY)

42t. Buddy Slater (34 points)

(4) ASA – Campbell’s (80-MVP)
(18) USSSA – C.C. Brick (78-Central), Nelson’s (79), Campbell’s (80-MVP), Howard’s (81), Elite (85), Smythe (86-87-Mgr), Ritch’s/Kirk’s (90-Mgr), Ritch’s-Superior (91-Mgr, 92-Mgr), HOF-1993
(1) ISA – Ritch’s-Superior (93-Mgr.)
(1) National Slo-Pitch POY (80)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(12 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

42t. Dennis Graser (34 points)

(13) ASA – Elite (84), Steele’s (85, 86, 87), Starpath (88), Superior/Apollo (89-Major, 90), Ritch’s-Superior (91), HOF-2000
(6) USSSA- Steele’s (83), Elite Coatings (84), Superior-Apollo (90), Ritch’s-Superior (92), Spectrum/Easton (94, 95)
(1) NSA – Steele’s (86)
(4) Pro – Milwaukee Schlitz (79, 80, 81, 82)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (90)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(15 All Worlds, 4 All Pros, 1 HOF)

42t. Curtis Williams (34 points)

(11) ASA – Jerry’s (77), York-Sanders (82), Howard’s (83, 84, 85, 88-Major), Lighthouse (90-Major), Vernon’s (92-Major), Williams/Dudley (95-Super and Major), Sunbelt Plastics (2000)
(4) USSSA – Howard’s (84, 86, 88), Vernon’s (91)
(1) ISA – Sunbelt (2000)
(1) NSA – Vernon’s (93)
(1) NSPC – York-Sanders (82)
(3) Smoky- York-Sanders (82-MVP)
(9) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s, 90’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(18 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

42t. Greg Fuhrman (34 points)

(9) ASA – York Barbell’s (76, 78), Jerry’s Caterers (77, 82, 83, 84), Campbell’s (79), Steele’s (85), Superior/Apollo (88-M)
(8) USSSA – Campbell’s Carpets (80), Jerry’s (81, 82-MVP, 84), Superior-Apollo (89)
(4) NSPC – Campbell’s Carpets (80), Jerry’s (81- Regular Season All Star), Jerry’s (82, 83)
(3) Smoky – Campbell’s Carpets (79-MVP)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(18 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

46. Dewayne Frizzell (33 points)

(10) ASA – Lighthouse (88, 89-Super and 89-Major, 98), Vernon’s (92-Major, 93), Shen Valley (96), Dan Smith/Worth (99), Sunbelt (00), Hague/Resmondo (02)
(6) USSSA – Shen Valley (96-MVP, 97), Hague/Resmondo (02)
(3) ISA – Shen Valley (96), Dan Smith/Worth (99), Sunbelt (00)
(5) NSA – Superior-Southland (97-AA-MVP), Shen Valley (97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (95, 96, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(18 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

47t. H.T. Waller (32 points)

(12) ASA – Jo’s Pizza (68, 69-MVP), Howard’s (73, 78), HOF-97
(9) National Softball POY (68, 69, 71)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s, 70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(4 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 3 POYs, 1 HOF)

47t. Denny Jones (32 points)

(8) ASA – Campbell’s (78-MVP, 79), Steele’s (81), Jerry’s, (83, 84)
(10) USSSA – Campbell’s (79), York/Sanders (82), Jerry’s (83), Capitol (85), Sox (90-A), HOF-2005
(2) NSPC – Campbell’s (80), Jerry’s (83)
(3) Smoky – Howard & Carroll (77-MVP)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century
(12 All  Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 HOF)

49t. Mike Cellura (30 points)

(4) ASA – Campbell’s (78, 79), Jerry’s (82, 83)
(13) USSSA – Capitol (77-West-MVP and 77), Campbell’s (80), Jerry’s (83), D’s (95-Class-AA), HOF-88
(7) NSPC – Campbell’s (79, 80-MVP), Howard’s (81), Capitol (87)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(13 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 HOF)

49t. Clyde Guy (30 points)

(5) ASA – Howard’s (82, 83, 84, 85), Superior/Apollo (89-Major)
(12) USSSA – Poindexter (79), Howard’s/Western Steer (84,85), Superior/Apollo (89-MVP), HOF-98
(2) ISA – Howard’s (84, 85)
(1) NSPC – York-Sanders (82)
(3) Jerome Earnest POY (89)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(12 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

51t. Mike Gouin (29 points)

(12) ASA – Michael’s (66, 67), Caesar’s (70-MVP, 73), HOF-89
(3) National Softball POY (70)
(2) Pro – Detroit Caesars (77, 78)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s, 70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(4 All Worlds, 2 All Pros, 1 MVP, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

52t. Paul Tomasovich (28 points)

(13) ASA – Skip Hogan (60, 62, 63, 64-MVP, 65), HOF-92
(5) USSSA – Jim’s Sport Shop (68, 69-MVP)
(3) National Softball POY (64)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(7 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

53t. Scott Brown (27 points)

(2) ASA – Dan Smith (02, 03)
(8) USSSA – Long Haul/Hendu’s (99), POVs (01-MVP-AA), Dan Smith (03), Resmondo/Dan Smith (05), Team Combat (06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(1) ISA – Dan Smith (02)
(2) NSA – Dan Smith (02), Resmondo/Dan Smith (05)
(5) WSL – Dan Smith (03-All Star), Dan Smith (03-MVP-M)
(3) Smoky – Bell Corp  (05-MVP)
(6) Old Scout All Year (01, 02-ROY, 03, 05, 06)
(11 All Worlds, 3 MVPs)

53t. Scott Striebel (26 points)

(2) ASA – Hague/Resmodo (01), Resmondo/Hague (03)
(8) USSSA – Hague/Resmodo (01), Resmondo/Taylor (04), Resmondo/Smith/Menosse (05-MVP), Resmondo (06, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(2) ISA – Lighthouse (98), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
(2) NSA – Dan Smith/Worth (99), Resmondo/Hague (03)
(1) WSL – Hague/Resmodo (02)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (96, 99)
(6) Old Scout All Year (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(11 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

55t. Larry Fredieu (25 points)

(5) ASA – Starpath (91), Vernon’s (93), Ritch’s-Superior (94, 96), Team Easton (99)
(3) USSSA – Starpath (91), Vernon’s (93), Sunbelt (00)
(3) ISA – Vernon’s (93), Ritch’s-Superior (95), Sierra/TPS (98)
(3) NSA – Athletic Shop (87), Ritch’s-Superior (95), Sierra/TPS (98)
(5) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 95, 96, 98)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(14 All Worlds)

55t. Jim Fuller (25 points)

(3) ASA – Shubin’s (86-M), Superior-Apollo (89), Ritch’s-Superior (91)
(3) USSSA – Marlton Trucking (87), Superior-Apollo (90), Ritch’s-Superior (91)
(1) ISA – Ritch’s-Superior (92)
(3) NSA – Superior-Apollo (89, 90), Ritch’s-Superior (91)
(6) Jerome Earnest All Year (92-POY, 93, 94)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s, 90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(10 All Worlds, 1 POY)

55t. Doug Brown (25 points)

(2) ASA – Jerry’s (83, 84)
(12) USSSA – Jerry’s, Elite (85), Smythe Sox (86-MVP, 87),  AJD (90-AA), HOF-96
(3) ISA – Elite (85), Starpath (90), AJ’s/Worth (97)
(1) NSA – Smythe Sox (87)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(10 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 HOF)

55t. “Mighty” Joe Young (25 points)

(6) ASA – Nelco (79-MVP), Jerry’s (81), Steele’s (86)
(2) USSSA – Nelson’s (79), Garrett’s Raiders (83-A)
(4) NSPC – Nelson’s (79-MVP)
(1) Pro- Lima Steele’s (82)
(1) USA Softball POY (80)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(6 All Worlds, 1 All Pro, 2 MVPs, 1 POY)

59t. Lou DelMastro (24 points)

(12) ASA – Skip Hogan A.C. (62, 63, 64, 65-MVP), HOF-92
(2) USSSA – Jim’s Sport Shop (68, 69)
(3) National Softball POY (65)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(6 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

59t. Bill Blake (24 points)

(2) ASA – Steele’s (88), Williams/Worth (95)
(5) USSSA – Smythe Sox (87-MVP), Steele’s (88)
(4) ISA – Howard’s/WS (85), Smythe (87), Steele’s (88, 90)
(3) NSA – Smythe Sox (87), Steele’s (88, 89)
(4) NSPC – Smythe Sox (87-MVP)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(12 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

59t. Steve Loya (24 points)

(12) ASA – Swing Inn (66), Gene’s Sohio (69), Gene-Angelos (71), Pyramid Cafe (75-MVP), HOF-93
(3) National Softball POY (71)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s, 70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(4 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

59t. Randall Boone (24 points)

(4) ASA – Team TPS (00), Long Haul/TPS (01, 02), Dan Smith (03)
(3) USSSA – Shen Valley (97), Team TPS (00), Resmondo (04)
(1) ISA – Shen Valley (94)
(2) NSA – Team TPS (98), Resmondo (2004)
(2) WSL – Long Haul/TPS (02-All Star), Hague/Resmondo (03-All Star)
(3) Smoky- Team TPS  (99-MVP)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (97, 99)
(1) Old Scout All Year (02)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(10 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

59t. Doug Kissane (24 points)

(6) ASA – Taylor Bros (92-Major), Steele’s (96), Ritch’s-Superior (97), Team TPS (98, 99), Dan Smith (00)
(4) USSSA – Steele’s (95, 96), Team TPS (98), Dan Smith (00)
(1) ISA – Dan Smith (00)
(2) NSA – Ritch’s-Superior (97), Team TPS (98)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Year (95, 96, 97, 98)
(1) Old Scout All Year (00)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(13 All Worlds)

59t. Randy Kortokrax (24 points)

(4) ASA – Steele’s (96), R&D/Easton (99), Hague/Resmondo (01), Resmondo/Hague (03)
(2) USSSA – R&D/Grover (97), Hague/Resmondo (02)
(2) ISA – Steele’s (93), Hague/Resmondo (01)
(6) NSA – Steele’s (93, 97, 98), R&D/Easton (99), Hague/Resmondo (01, 02)
(1) WSL – Hague/Resmondo (02)
(5) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 97, 98, 99)
(1) Old Scout All Year (02)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(15 All Worlds)

65t. Rick Wheeler (23 points)

(1) ASA – Jerry’s Caterers (84)
(14) USSSA – Capitol (82-Class-A, 83), Elite (85-MVP), Smythe (87), Ken Michaels (89), Ritch’s-Kirk’s (90), HOF-95
(2) ISA – Elite (85), Howard’s (88)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(9 All Worlds, 1 MVP,1 HOF)

65t. Dennis Rulli (23 points)

(5) ASA – JWM/Herb’s (99), Hague/Resmondo (02), Chase/Reece (M-02), Dan Smith/Backman (03), KME/Chaney (06-A)
(5) USSSA – Chase/Reece (02), Dan Smith/Backman (03), Bell Corp (06, 06-Conference Championships, 06- Regular Season Conference All Star)
(4) NSA – Chase/Reece (AA-02-MVP)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (97, 99)
(7) Old Scout All Year (00, 02, 05, 06-POY)
(10 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY)

65t. Greg Whitlock (23 points)

(5) ASA – Steele’s (85, 86), Starpath (88, 91), Ritch’s Salvage (89-Major)
(2) USSSA – Ritch’s-Kirks (90), Starpath (91)
(2) ISA – Ritch’s (89), Ritch’s-Kirks (90)
(1) NSPC – Smythe Sox (87)
(3) Pro – Kentucky Bourbons (81, 81, 82)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (90)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(10 All Worlds, 3 All Pros)

65t. Johnny McCraw (23 points)

(3) ASA – Sunbelt (96), Backman/Dan Smith (02), U.S. Vinyl (03)
(4) USSSA – Team Easton (99), Backman/Dan Smith (02), U.S. Vinyl (04), Team Combat (06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(6) ISA – Sunbelt (96, 97, 98), Dan Smith/Backman (01), Backman/Dan Smith (02), U.S. Vinyl (ISA-AA-03)
(4) NSA – Sunbelt (97, 98), U.S. Vinyl (03, 04)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (96)
(2) Old Scout All Year (00, 06)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(16 All Worlds)

65t. Monty Tucker (23 points)

(6) ASA – Zimglinghaus (85-Major), Steele’s (90-MVP, 92)
(1) USSSA – Tirecenters (86)
(2) ISA – Steele’s (90), Sunbelt/Worth (91)
(4) NSA – Steele’s (89-MVP)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (90)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80;s 90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(7 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

70t. Tex Collins (22 points)

(9) ASA – Michael’s (67, 69), Caesar’s (71, 73), HOF-87
(3) National Softball POY (67)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s, 70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(4 All Worlds, 0 MVPs, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

70t. Richard Wilborn (22 points)

(12) ASA – Ray Carpenter’s (77), Campbell’s Carpets (80), Howard’s (82, 83, 84, 86), Broken Drum (88), HOF-94
(3) USSSA – Nelson’s (79), Howard’s (81), Hinson Capitols (90)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(10 All Worlds, 1 HOF)

70t. Shane Dubose (22 points)

(1) ASA – Dan Smith/Backman (03)
(5) USSSA – Dan Smith (96), Sunbelt (98), Hague/Resmondo (99), Backman/Dan Smith (02), Dan Smith/Backman (03)
(6) ISA – Sunbelt (97), Budweiser/Summerlein (AA-01), Backman/Dan Smith (02-MVP)
(1) NSA – Backman/Dan Smith (02)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Year (95, 96, 97, 99)
(2) Old Scout All Year (01, 02)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(10 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

70t. Greg Cannedy (22 points)

(6) ASA – DJ’s (92), Bell Corp (93, 94, 95), Ritch’s-Superior (97), Sierra/TPS (98)
(5) USSSA – America Realty (87-A), Budweiser (89-AA), Bell Corp (93), Dan Smith (96), Ritch’s-Superior (97)
(2) NSA – Bell Corp (93), Ritch’s-Superior (97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (95, 96, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(13 All Worlds)

74t. Bill Cole (21 points)

(12) ASA – East Side (62-MVP), Caesar’s (69, 70, 71), HOF-82
(3) National Softball POY (62)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(4 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

74t. Tot Powers (21 points)

(4) ASA – Ritch’s-Superior (93), Shen Valley (96), Sunbelt (98, 00)
(1) USSSA – Shen Valley (96)
(2) ISA – Shen Valley (95, 96)
(2) NSA – Converters/Vernon’s (94), Shen Valley (96)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Year (93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(9 All Worlds)

74t. Bryson Baker (21 points)

(1) ASA- Resmondo/Hague (03)
(6) USSSA- Pov’s/Walser (AA-01), Resmondo/Hague (03), Resmondo/Taylor (04), , Resmondo (06, 06- Conference Championships, 06-Regular Season Conference All Star)
(6) NSA- POV’s (01-AA), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP), Resmondo/Smith/Menosse (05)
(1) WSL- Hague/Resmondo (02)
(3) Smoky- Resmondo/Taylor (04-MVP)
(4) Old Scout All Year (02, 03, 05, 06)
(9 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

77t. Tom Beall (20 points)

(11) ASA – Reed’s Nuts (76-A), Howard’s (79, 80, 81, 82, 83), HOF-90
(2) USSSA- Howard’s (81, 82)
(2) NSPC – Howard’s (79, 80)
(2) Southern Softball All Year (81, 82)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(10 All Worlds, 1 HOF)

77t. Russell Bradley (20 points)

(6) ASA – Carolina A’s (76-A), Campbell’s (78, 79), Howard’s (81, 83, 84)
(2) USSSA – Campbell’s (79), Howard’s (81)
(2) NSPC – Howard’s (81-Regular Season All-Star, 83)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s, 80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(9 All Worlds)

77t. Steve Craven (20 points)

(11) ASA – Lighthouse (89, 89-M, 95, 96), Sunbelt/Worth (91-MVP), Steele’s (92, 93), Sunbelt (00)
(1) USSSA – Lighthouse (97)
(2) ISA – Steele’s/Sunbelt (92), Lighthouse/Worth (96)
(1) NSA – Steele’s (93)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(12 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 0 POYs, 0 HOFs)

77t. Don DeDonatis Jr. (20 points)

(1) ASA – Mountain Top (A-W-02)
(13) USSSA – Mountain Top (02), Mountain Top (03), Dan Smith/Backman (04-MVP, 05), Bell Corp (06, 06-Conference Championships, 06- Regular Season Conference All Star-Def POY)
(2) NSA – Mountain Top (AA-03), Dan Smith/Backman (05)
(4) Old Scout All Year (03, 04, 05, 06)
(8 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 POY)

81t. Walt Wherry (19 points)

(7) ASA – Keeneland (54), Lang’s (55), Boone’s Bar (58), Yorkshire (59-MVP)
(6) National Softball POY (55, 59)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (50’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(4 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 2 POY)

81t. Mike Parrott (19 points)

(2) ASA – Port City Ford (77), Jerry’s Caterers (82)
(3) USSSA – Dave Carroll Sports (81), Jerry’s Caterers (82), Garrett’s Raiders (83)
(7) NSPC – Nelson’s (79), Jerry’s (82, 82-Atlantic-MVP), Smythe Sox (87)
(1) Southern Softball All-Year (82)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(9 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

81t. Phil Higgins (19 points)

(1) ASA – Lilly Air Systems (84-Major)
(3) USSSA – Copper Hearth (75), Snyder’s (76), Joe Blacks (90-AA)
(5) Pro – Milwaukee Sclitz (77, 78, 79, 80, 82)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(4 All Worlds, 5 All-Pros)

83t. Mike Bolen (18 points)

(5) ASA – Jerry’s (82, 83, 84), Steele’s (86), Howard’s, (88-Major)
(4) USSSA – DCS (80), Jerry’s (83), Steeles (87), Howard’s (88)
(1) NSA – Steele’s (86)
(2) NSPC – Jerry’s (82, 83)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(11 All Worlds)

83t. Howie Krause (18 points)

(5) ASA – Hague/Resmondo (01), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP)
(4) USSSA – Hague/R&D (95), Wessell (98), Hague/Resmondo (99), Resmondo/Smith/Menosse (05)
(2) ISA – Hague/Resmondo (02), Resmondo/Hague (03)
(3) NSA – Hague/Resmondo (02), Resmondo/Taylor (04), Resmondo/Smith/Menosse (05)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (98)
(3) Old Scout All Year (00, 03, 06)
(11 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

83t. John Mello (18 points)

(5) ASA – Riverside/RAM (95), Shen Valley (96), Team TPS (99), Long Haul (01, 02)
(1) USSSA – Shen Valley (96)
(5) ISA – Shen Valley (96), Long Haul (01-MVP)
(1) NSA – Long Haul (01)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (98, 99)
(1) Old Scout All Year (01)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(9 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

83t. Scott Elliott (18 points)

(2) ASA – Steele’s/Sunbelt (92), Shen Valley (96)
(3) USSSA – Converters/Vernon’s (94), Shen Valley (95), Sunbelt/Easton (97)
(2) ISA – Shen Valley (95), Sunbelt/Easton (97)
(2) NSA – Shen Valley (95, 96)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(9 All Worlds)

83t. Greg Harding (18 points)

(5) ASA – Taylor Brothers (93-Major), Bell (94), Sunbelt (98), Team Easton (99), Team Mizuno (01)
(1) USSSA – Sunbelt (98)
(2) ISA – Sunbelt/Easton (97), Team Easton (99)
(1) NSA – Sunbelt (98)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (95, 96, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(9 All Worlds)

83t. Albert Davis (18 points)

(4) ASA – Shen Valley (96, 97), Hague/Resmondo (01, 02)
(1) ISA – Team Easton (99)
(3) NSA – Shen Valley (96), Team Easton (99), Hague/Resmondo (01)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (97, 98, 99)
(1) Old Scout All Year (01)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(8 All Worlds)

83t. Chic Downing (18 points)

(3) ASA – Fliteline (77), Steele’s (81), Atkins-Coors (90-Major)
(4) USSSA – Nelson’s (79-MVP)
(1) NSPC – Nelson’s (79)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s 80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(5 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

91t. Hal Wiggins (17 points)

(8) ASA – Lang’s  (56), Gatliff’s (61, 63), HOF-86
(3) National Softball POY (56)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (50’s, 60’s)
(3 All Worlds, 1 POY, 1 HOF)

91t. Rick Pinto (17 points)

(11) USSSA – Snyder’s Softball (75, 76-MVP, 77), 97-HOF
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(3 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 HOF)

91t. Herman Rathman (17 points)

(4) ASA- Nelson’s (77, 78), Steele’s (81), TMI (82-Major)
(1) NSPC- Steele’s (80)
(3) Wirt Gammon All Year (77-POY)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s 80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(5 All Worlds, 1 POY)

91t. James Washington (17 points)

(5) ASA- Jerry’s (74, 77, 81, 82, 83)
(1) USSSA- Jerry’s (82)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(1) Southern Softball All-Year (82)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s 80’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(6 All Worlds)

91t. Steve Williams (17 points)

(5) ASA- American Reality (79), Campbell’s (80), Howard’s (83), Elite (84, 85)
(3) USSSA- Campbell’s (80), Howard’s/Western Steer (86, 88)
(1) NSPC- Elite (83)
(1) Southern Softball All-Year (82)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (80’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(9 All Worlds)

96. Don Clatterbough (16 points)

(11) ASA- Bradley’s (84-Major), Blanton’s (86-Major, 87-Major), Kirk’s-Ritch’s (88-Major), Starpath (89-Major, 89), HOF-2001
(2) USSSA- Wiliams Painting (83-A), Blanton’s (86)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(8 All Worlds, 1 HOF)

97t. Jim Mortl (15 points)

(12) USSSA- Milw. Elec, (69), Accurate (70-East, 71-East, 71-World Series-MVP), HOF-80
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s)
(4 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 HOF)

97t. Gene Fisher (15 points)

(9) ASA- Howard’s Furniture (73, 74, 75, 78), HOF-88
(3) Smoky – Howard’s Furniture (74-MVP)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(4 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 HOF)

97t. Bill Pollack (15 points)

(6) ASA- York-Sanders (82), Elite Coatings (83, 84, 85), Imlay Real Estate (86-Major), DeBacco Brothers (90-Major)
(3) USSSA- York-Sanders (82), Elite Coatings (83, 84)
(1) ISA- Elite (85)
(5) NSPC- York-Sanders (82-East-MVP, 82)
(11 All Worlds, 1 MVPs)

97t. Rick Baker (15 points)

(4) ASA- Mercer’s/K&G (M-01-MVP)
(3) USSSA- Dan Smith/Backman (03, 04), Bell Corp (06-Conference Championships)
(6) NSA- Mercer’s/K&G (01, A-01-MVP), Dan Smith/Backman (03)
(2) Old Scout All Year (04, 05)
(7 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)


101. Cal Carmen (14 points)
(11) USSSA- Dino’s (72-East-MVP, 73-East), Mazzola (77), HOF-94
(3 All Worlds, 1 MVPs, 0 POYs, 1 HOF)

101. Al White (14 points)
(4) ASA- Warren’s (72), Jerry’s (74), Nelson’s (77), Steele’s (81)
(1) USSSA- Steele’s (80)
(1) NSPC- Steele’s (80)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(6 All Worlds)

101. Phil White (14 points)
(2) ASA- Bell (94), Sunbelt (96)
(2) USSSA- Bell (93, 95)
(2) ISA – Bell (93, 95)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 95)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(6 All Worlds)

104. Dennis Hogan (13 points)
(1) ASA- Howard’s (79)
(5) USSSA- Little Caesar’s (76), Howard’s (78-MVP)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(3 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

104. Doug Gerdes (13 points)
(8) USSSA- Snyder’s (73-E, 75-MVP, 76), Ford-Industrial (76, 88)
(2) Pro- Detroit Caesars (77, 78)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(5 All Worlds, 2 All Pros, 1 MVP)

104. Charles Pierce (13 points)
(1) ASA- Campbell’s (79)
(9) USSSA- BAM (72-W, 73-MVP, 75-W-MVP)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(4 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

104. Rick Trudeau (13 points)
(2) USSSA- Snyder’s (76, 77)
(1) NSPC- Snyder’s (81-Regular Season All Star)
(1) Pro- Detroit Caesars (79)
(3) Robert Brown’s All-Time Pro Team
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(3 All Worlds, 1 All Pro)

104. Ken Carver (13 points)
(5) ASA- Lighthouse (88, 88-Major, 89-Major, 90, 95)
(2) ISA – Lighthouse (92, 94)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(7 All Worlds)

104. Derek Oliver (13 points)
(4) ASA- Steele’s (93), Convertors/Vernon’s (94), Paramount (99, 01-A-E)
(2) ISA- Steele’s (93), Paramount (01-A)
(1) NSA – Shen Valley (95)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Year (93, 94, 97)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(7 All Worlds)

104. Ron Patterson (12 points)
(2) ASA- Golden Gallons (70), Thurman Bryant (74)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s, 70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(2 All Worlds)

111. Tom White (12 points)
(4) ASA- DeBacco Brothers (90-Major), Tri-Gems (94), So Jern’s (96), Gas Heaven (97-Major)
(2) Jerome Earnest All Year (97, 98)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (90’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(4 All Worlds)

111. Dennis Pierce (12 points)
(11) ASA- Riverside (93-Major, 94-Major-MVP, 95-Major-MVP), Southland (96), Long Haul (2000-Major)
(1) Jerome Earnest All Year (97)
(5 All Worlds, 2 MVPs)

111. Rich Plante (12 points)
(6) ASA- Capital (86-Major), Marlton (87-Major), Superior-Spalding (88-Major), Superior/Apollo (89-Major, 90), Starpath (92)
(4) USSSA- Price Ent. (84-A), Marlton (87), Superior/Apollo (89), Williams/Finke (91)
(2) NSA- Superior/Apollo (89, 90)
(12 All Worlds)

114. Ray Fleetwood (11 points)
(4) ASA- Warren’s (76, 77), Howard’s (79, 80)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(3) Southern Softball All Year (76-POY)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(11 All Worlds)

114. Harold Kelley (11 points)
(5) ASA- Dave Carroll Sports (79), Jerry’s (80, 81, 82), Zimlinghaus (85-Major)
(3) USSSA- Nelson’s (79), Jerry’s (81, 83)
(2) NSPC- Jerry’s (81, 81-Regular Season All Star)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(9 All Worlds)

116. James Boyette (10 points)
(2) ASA- Jerry’s (80), Steele’s (81)
(1) USSSA- Howard & Carroll (78)
(1) Wirt Gammon All Year (77)
(3) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(3 All Worlds)

116. Dennis Myers (10 points)
(2) ASA- Howard’s (82), Cable TV (84)
(6) USSSA- Capitol Insulation (78-W-MVP, 80), JR Roofing (83-A)
(2) NSPC- Campbell’s (80), Shimer’s (81-Regular Season All Star)
(6 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

118. Braxton Speller (9 points)
(9) USSSA- Snyder’s (77), Fisher Brody (80-Indistrial), Miller (83-Class-A, 84), HOF-92
(4 All Worlds, 1 HOF)

Some ASA Industrial Softball guys with decent point totals are listed here:

Mark Trembley (29 points)
(28) ASA Industrial – Sikorsky (82-MVP, 84, 85, 88, 90-MVP, 94-MVP, 95-MVP, 98, 99, 2000, 02-MVP, 03, 04, 07)
(14 All Worlds, 5 MVPs)

Ed Finnegan (28 points)
(19) ASA Industrial – AVCO-Lycoming (64, 65, 68-MVP, 69, 71-MVP, 86-A, 88-A), NE Sports – (Open -74), HOF-93
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (60’s 70’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(8 All Worlds, 2 MVPs, 1 HOF)

Don Rardin (25 points)
(12) ASA Industrial – Gatliff’s Auto Sales (Open -56, 59), Yorshire Rest. (Open-60), IBM (66-MVP), HOF-75
(3) National Softball POY (58)
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (50’s, 60’s)
(4) Jerome Earnest All Century
(4 All Worlds, 1 MVP, 1 HOF)

J.D. McDonald (24 points)
(15) ASA Industrial – McAdenville -(Open -56, 57); Pharr Yarn (61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 72, 74). HOF-84
(6) Jerome Earnest All-Decade (50’s, 60’s)
(3) Jerome Earnest All Century Honorable Mention
(10 All Worlds, 1 HOF)

Jeff Toni (22 points)
(22) ASA Industrial – Ray’s (Open-94), Sikorsky (97-MVP, 98-MVP, 99, 2000-MVP, 01, 02, 03, 04-MVP, 05)
(10 All Worlds, 4 MVPs)

Bob Kownacki (21 points)
(21) ASA Industrial – Sikorsky (84, 85, 86, 87-MVP, 88, 93-MVP, 95, 96-MVP, 98, 99, 01, 04)
(12 All Worlds, 3 MVPs)

Tom DeBernardo (19 points)
(19) ASA Industrial – Sikorsky (92-MVP, 93-MVP, 97, 98, 99, 2000-MVP, 01, 03, 04, 05)
(10 All Worlds, 3 MVPs)

Bob Hurd (13 points)
(13) ASA Industrial – Sikorsky (67, 68, 70-MVP, 73, 74, ??, ??, 79, ??, 82)
(10 All Worlds, 1 MVP)

Ken Clark (8 points)
(8) ASA Industrial – Sikorsky (68, 69, 70), HOF-90
(3 All Worlds, 1 HOF)

Frank DeLuca (7 points)
(7) ASA Industrial – AVCO-Lycoming (68, 69), HOF-74
(2 All Worlds, 1 HOF)

Some ASA Sixteen Softball guys with decent point totals are listed here:

Ed Zolna (25 points)
(25) ASA 16 Inch Softball – Dr. Carlucci’s Bobcats (11 All America selections, 69-MVP, 71-MVP, 73, MVP),  HOF-89
(11 All Worlds, 3 MVPs, 1 HOF)

Note: If I missed anybody or left out a year or two, it was purely accidental, please just correct me – thanks, Steve

National Softball Teams of Honor

  • ASA All Decade Teams
  • ASA All-Time Teams
  • USSSA All Decade Teams
  • USSSA All-Time Team
  • Jerome Earnest team of the Decade – 1950’s
  • Jerome Earnest team of the Decade – 1960’s
  • Slo-Pitch News (Jerome Earnest) team of the Decade – 1970’s
  • Softball USA (Jerome Earnest) team of the Decade – 1980’s
  • Supreme Softball (Jerome Earnest) team of the Decade – 1990’s
  • Jerome Earnest Team of the Century
  • NSPC All-Time Team
  • ISA All-Time Team
  • NSA All-Time Team
  • ASA Industrial All-Time Team
  • Softball Report’s All time top 25 players (1969)
  • Metro Softball’s All-Time Team (1973)
  • Buckeye Softball’s Team for the Ages (1979)
  • Robert Brown’s All-Time Best from the 1970’s and 1980’s
  • Annual All Star Teams as selected by various publications

Amateur Softball Association (ASA) All Decade Teams

Teams listed where gained All-America Selections, MVP, and HOF induction

1950’s ASA Team of Decade  – ASA Player of the Decade – Myron Reinhardt

 P -Tom Imfeld		Lang's Pet Shop (55), Gatliff's (57)
 P -Chuck Jacobs	Sheffield Bronze (58, 59)
 P -Vern Roberts	Gatliff's Auto Sales (56-MVP)
 C -John Drees		Waldeck's Tavern (54)
1B -Don Heilman		Shield's Contractors (54)
1B -Frank Panski	East Side Sports (58)
2B -Don Rardin		Gatliff's  (56, 59), Yorshire (60), IBM-Industrial (66-MVP), HOF-75
2B -Bo Stuntebeck	Shields Contractors (54), Lang's Pet Shop (55)
SS -Bob Trainor		Waldeck's Tavern (54, 55)
SS -Andy Massetta	Sheffield Bronze (59)
3B -Whitey Brown	Lang (56), Yorkshire (59), Gatliff (64), HOF-89
OF -Myron Reinhardt	Shield's (54), Yorkshire (59), Gatliff's (56, 57, 63-MVP), HOF-73
OF -Walt Wherry		Keeneland (54), Lang's (55), Boone's Bar (58), Yorkshire (59-MVP)
OF -Hal Wiggins		Lang's  (56), Gatliff's (61, 63), HOF-86
OF -Ron Annotico	Sheffield Bronze (58, 60, 61)
OF -Joe Gauci		East Side Sports (58-MVP) 
OF -Jack Carmichael	Tresler Comets (55-MVP)
Util -Gene Dittoe	Lang's Pet Shop (55)
Util -John Henry	Gatliff's Auto Sales (58)

1960’s ASA Team of Decade  – ASA Player of the Decade – Jim Galloway

 P -Lou DelMastro	Skip Hogan A.C. (62, 63, 64, 65-MVP), HOF-92
 P -Bob Auten		Monroe Bombers (65), Little Caesar's (70, 71, 72)
 P -Sam Minniti		Hamilton Tailoring (60-MVP, 61)
 C -Tex Collins		Michael's (67, 69), Caesar's (71, 73), HOF-87
 C -Bill Molloy		County Sports (68, 69), Empire Co. Astros (72, 73)
1B -Mike Axelson	Michael's Lounge (66-MVP), Little Caesar's (69, 73)
1B -John Stone		Enterprise Bar (62), Copper Hearth (67)
2B -Jim Galloway	Musicaro (63, 64), County Sports (66, 67, 68, 69),  
			Empire County Astros (72, 73, 75), HOF-84
2B -Ray Kruel		Jim's Sport Shop (67), BYM Club (75)
SS -Mike Kovack		Skip Hogan A.C. (62, 64)
SS -George Caloia	East Side Sporting Goods (63)
3B -Paul Tomasovich	Skip Hogan AC (60, 62, 63, 64-MVP, 65), HOF-92
3B -Bill Cole		East Side (62-MVP), Caesar's (69,70,71), HOF-82
OF -Mike Gouin		Michael's (66, 67), Caesar's (70-MVP, 73), HOF-89	
OF -Jim Puckett		East Side Sports (62), Little Caesar's (71, 73)
OF -Duke Maas		Copper Hearth (66, 69, 70)
OF -Mort Weinberg	Plateau A.C. (61, 62), Titans (66)
OF -Bob Malicki		Michael's Lounge (67), Little Caesar's (70, 71)
Util -Bill Brown	County Sports (66, 67)
Util -Steve Sherina	County Sports (67, 72)
Util -Jim Becker	Copper Hearth (69,70)
Util -Luther Ates	Jo's Pizza (68, 69)
Util -Joe Konicki	Hicksville Astros (69), Empire County Astros (73)
Util -Carl Neubauer	Copper Hearth (69, 70)
Util -Bob Bier		Plateau A.C. (61, 62)
Util -Lou Russo		Musicaro's (63), County Sports (68)
Util -Bob Harrison	Gatliff's Auto (64), Wilsman Trucking (66)
Util -Hudson Knock	Gatliff's Auto (64, 65)
Util -Wally Galba	East Side Sports (62), Swing Inn (66)
Util -Gerry Martello	Jo's Pizza (68, 69)

1970’s ASA Team of Decade  – ASA Player of the Decade – Don Arndt

 P -Don Arndt		Howard's (70, 71, 72-MVP, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84), HOF-93
 C -Steve Loya		Swing Inn (66), Gene's (69, 71), Pyramid (75-MVP), HOF-93
 C -Gene Fisher		Howard's Furniture (73, 74, 75, 78), HOF-88
 C -Herman Rathman	Nelson's (77, 78), Steele's (81), TMI (82-Major)	
1B -Al White		Warren (72), Jerry's (74), Nelson (77), Steele's (81)
1B -James Washington	Jerry's Caterers (74, 77, 81, 82, 83)
2B -H.T. Waller		Jo's Pizza (68, 69-MVP), Howard's  (73, 78), HOF-97
SS -Russell Bradley	Car. A's (76-Class-A), Campbell's (78,79), Howard's (81, 83, 84)
3B -Jerry King		DuBoise (76), Campbell's (79, 80), Steele's (81),  Danny's (82-Major)
3B -Dave Jakubs		Pyramid Café (74, 75), Teamsters 293 (82-Major)
OF -Bert Smith		County Sports (68-MVP, 69), Piledrivers (71-MVP), Howard's (73-MVP), HOF-94
OF -Stan Harvey		Golden Gallons (70), Howard's (73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84), HOF-95
OF -Ronnie Ford		Warren's (76-MVP), Elite (82, 83, 84), Vernon's (86-A, 88-A, 90-A-MVP), HOF-02
OF -Mike Nye		Warren's (76-MVP), York-Sanders (81, 82), Jerry's (83), Vernon's (86-A)
			Marlton (87-Major), Ritch's Salvage (89-Super and 89-Major) 
OF -Ray Fleetwood	Warren Motors (76, 77), Howard's (79, 80)
OF -Joe Young		Nelco (79-MVP), Jerry's (81), Steele's (86)	
OF -Mike Foley		Empire County Astros (73, 74, 75, 76)
OF -Chic Downing	Fliteline (77), Steele's (81), Atkins (90-Major)
Util -Frank Sorrells	Jo's-Smith's (72), Smith Plumb. (73), Jerry's (77)
Util -Terry Perryman	Nelson's Painting (77, 78), Nelco (79)
Util -Ron Patterson	Golden Gallons (70), Thurman Bryant (74)
Util -Cobbie Harrison	Jiffy Club (72, 73)
Util -Roger Brown	Howard's Furniture (74-MVP, 75)	
Util -John Davide	Empire County Astros (73, 74)
Util -Ken Carlton	Green Machine (76, 81)
Util -Denny Hogan	Howard's Furniture (76, 79)
Util -Mike Parrott	Port City Ford (77), Jerry's Caterers (82)

1980’s ASA Team of Decade  – ASA Player of the Decade – Craig Elliott

 P -Craig Elliott	Ken Sanders Ford (77-MVP, 78, 79), Jerry's (80), York-Sanders (81, 82), 
			Elite (83, 84), Steele's (85-MVP, 86-MVP, 87)
 P -Greg Fuhrman	York Barbell (76, 78), Jerry's (77, 82, 83, 84), Campbell's (79)
			Steele's (85), Sup./Apollo (88-Major)
 C -Bill Gatti		Jiffy (71, 72), Elite (84, 85), Ritch's (89-Major-MVP, 89-Super), HOF-2000
 C -Dave Steffen	Steels's (84-Major), Lilly Air (85), Shubin's (86-Major),  
			Sup./Apollo (89-Super & 89-Major, 90), Ritch's-Sup. (91, 92, 93)
1B -Rick Scherr		Howard's/Western Steer (77, 78, 81-MVP, 82, 83-MVP, 84-MVP, 85, 88-Major)
			Superior/Apollo (89-Super and 89-Major), HOF-2001
1B -Dennis Graser	Elite (84), Steele's (85, 86, 87), Starpath (88), Superior/
			Apollo (89-Major, 90), Ritch's-Superior (91), HOF-2000
2B -Mike Macenko	Hillcrest (77), Steele's (84, 85, 86, 87-MVP, 88, 90-MVP, 93),
 			Sunbelt/Worth (91), Ritch's-Superior (94,95), HOF-2006
SS -Steve Williams	American Reality (79), Campbell's (80), Howard's (83), Elite (84, 85)
SS -Greg Whitlock	Steele's (85, 86), Starpath (88, 91-ODPA), Ritch's (89-Major)
3B -Charles Wright	Ken Sanders (77), York/Sanders (82), Elite (83, 84, 85), Steele's (86),
			Ritch's (89-Super-MVP and 89-Major), Ritch's/Kirk's (90), 
			Ritch's-Superior (92, 93-MVP), Sunbelt/Easton (96)
OF -Bruce Meade		Warren's (76), Nelson's (77-MVP, 78), Nelco (79), Jerry's (81, 82-MVP,
			83, 84), Elite Coatings (85), Steele's (88), Vernon's (93), HOF-99
OF -Dick Bartel		Ray Carpenter's (76), Howard's (80, 81, 82, 83, 84), HOF-90
OF -Richard Wilborn	Ray Carpenter's (77), Campbell's (80), Howard's (82, 83, 84, 86),
			Broken Drum (88), HOF-94
OF -Curtis Williams	Jerry's (77), York-Sanders (82), Howard's (83, 84, 85, 88-Major),
			Lighthouse (90-Major), Vernon's (92-Major), Williams/Dudley 
			(95-Super and 95-Major), Sunbelt Plastics Softball (2000)
OF -Tom Beall		Reed's Nuts (76-A), Howard's (79, 80, 81, 82, 83), HOF-90
OF -Don Clatterbough	Bradley's (81-Major), Blanton's (86-Major, 87-Major), Kirk's/
			Ritch's (88-Major), Starpath (89-Super and Major), HOF-2001
OF -Cecil Whitehead	Elite (81-Major, 82, 83, 85), Lighthouse (88), Ritch's-Kirks (90), 
			Ritch's-Superior (93, 94)
Util -Rich Plante	Capitol (86-Major), Marlton (87-Major), Superior (88), 
			Superior/Apollo (89-Major, 90), Starpath (92)
Util -Bill Pollock	York-Sanders (82), Elite (83, 84, 85), Imlay (86-Major), DeBacco (90-Major)
Util -Denny Jones	Campbell's (78-MVP, 79), Steele's (81), Jerry's, (83, 84)
Util -Harold Kelley	DCS (79), Jerry's (80, 81, 82), Zimlinghaus (85-Major)
Util -Mike Bolen	Jerry's (82, 83, 84), Steele's (86), Howard's, (88-Major)
Util -Monty Tucker	Zimlinghaus (85-Major), Steele's (90-MVP, 92, 94)
Util -Mike Cellura	Campbell's Carpets (78, 79), Jerry's (82, 83)
Util -Ed Roth		Howard's/Western Steer (79, 80, 81, 83)

1990’s ASA Team of Decade  – ASA Player of the Decade – Ricky Huggins

 P -Ricky Huggins	Elite (81-Major-MVP, 83), Howard's (84), Thompson's (85--A-MVP),
			Lighthouse/Worth (90, 95, 96, 98-MVP), Vernon's (92-Major-MVP),
			Shen Valley (94), JWM/Herb's (99-Major)
 P -Greg Cannedy	DJ's (92), Bell/Easton (93, 94, 95), Ritch's-Sup. (97), Sierra/TPS (98)
 C -Dewayne Nevitt	Wildcat Fence (91-Major), Starpath (92), Vernon's (93), Converter's (94),
 			Shen (95), Ritch's-Sup. (96, 97-MVP), Team TPS (99), Bell/Easton (2000), 
			Dan Smith (2002)
 C -Hank Garris		Williams/Worth (93), Bell (94-MVP, 95), Ritch's-Sup., (97), Sierra/TPS (98),
			Team TPS (99, 2000-MVP), Long Haul/TPS (2001, 2002), Dan Smith (2003)
1B -Dirk Androff	Steele's (89,90), Ritch's-Sup. (92-MVP, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97)
2B -Darrell Beeler	Athletic Shop (87-Major), Sup./Apollo (89-Major), Ritch's-
			Superior (92, 94, 96-MVP), Sierra/TPS (98)
SS -Ron Parnell		Capitol (86-Major), Steele's (87, 88), Ritch's-Sup. (92, 93, 94, 95, 96),
 			Team Easton (99)
SS -Todd Joerling	Steele's (90), Bell (94, 95), Sunbelt/Easton (96, 98), Team Easton (99-MVP),
			Dan Smith (2002, 2003)
3B -Mike Shenk		Taylor Bros. (92-Major, 93-Major), Shen (94), Lighthouse (95, 96),
			Ritch's-Sup. (97), Team TPS (2000), Long Haul (2001, 2002)
OF -Doug Roberson	Zimlinghaus (85-Major), Steele's (86, 87, 88), Superior/Apollo 
			(89-Super and 89-Major, 90), Ritch's-Superior (93, 95, 96)
OF -Steve Craven	Lighthouse (89-Super and Major, 95, 96), Sunbelt/Worth (91-MVP), 
 			Steele's/Sunbelt (92, 93), Sunbelt (2000)
OF -Dewayne Frizzell	Lighthouse(88, 89-Super and Major, 98), Vernon's (92-Major, 93), Shen
			Valley (96), Dan Smith/Worth (99), Sunbelt (2000), Hague/Resmondo (2002)
OF -Britt Hightower	Smyth (85-A), Ritch's (89), Ritch's/Kirk's (90), Ritch's-Sup. (91, 93, 94, 95, 96)
OF -Larry Fredieu	Athletic Shop (87-Major), Starpath (91), Vernon's (93), Ritch's-Superior
			(94, 96), Team Easton (99)
OF -Jason Kendrick	Datum-Argus (92-M), Vernon's (93), DJ's/Shen Valley (94), Shen Valley (95, 96, 97), 
			Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (99, 00), Long Haul (01)
EH -Wendell Rickard	Lighthouse (90, 94, 95-MVP, 96, 98), Williams (93), Dan Smith (2000), Benfield (04-M)
EH -Carl Rose		Lighthouse(89-Super and Major, 90, 96, 98), Sunbelt/Worth (91), Williams (93)
 			Dan Smith/Worth (2000), Hague/Resmondo/TPS (2001)
Util -Dennis Pierce	Riverside (93-Major, 94-Major-MVP, 95-Major-MVP), Southland (96),
			Long Haul (2000-Major)
Util -Rick Weiterman	Elite Coatings (84, 85), Steele's (87), Ritch's-Superior (92, 93) 
Util -Jimmy Powers	Steele's(92), Ritch's-Superior (93), Converters (94), Shen Valley (96),
			Paramount/TPS (99-Major), Long Haul/TPS (2001)
Util -Tot Powers	Ritch's-Sup. (93), Converters (94), Shen Valley (96), Team TPS (98), 
			Paramount(99-Major), Sunbelt (2000)
Util -Doug  Kissane	Taylor Bro. (92-Major), Steele's (96), Ritch's-Sup. (97), Team TPS (98, 99),
			Dan Smith/Worth (2000)
Util -Dan Schuck	Steele's (86), Starpath (89), Bell (94), Sunbelt/Easton (98), Team Easton (99)
Util -Jeff Wallace	SoJern (97), Team TPS (98, 99, 00), Long Haul (01, 02-MVP), 
			Resmondo (03), Benfield (04-Major)
Util -Rusty Bumgardner	Converters (94), Shen Valley (95, 96), Sierra/TPS (97), 
			Team TPS (00), Long Haul (01, 02), Resmondo (03)
Util -Todd Martin	Steeles (93), Sierra (97), Team TPS (99, 00), Long Haul (01, 02), 
			Resmondo (03)
Util -Brett Helmer	Team Easton (99), Bell Corp (00), Dan Smith (02, 03), AM Las Vegas (05-Major),
			KME/Chaney (06-A)

Amateur Softball Association (ASA) All-Time Teams

ASA All Time First Team  – ASA All Time MVPs  – Craig Elliott, Rick Scherr, Don Arndt, Mike Macenko, Charles Wright

 P -Craig Elliott	Ken Sanders Ford (77-MVP, 78, 79), Jerry's (80), York-Sanders (81, 82), 
			Elite (83, 84), Steele's (85-MVP, 86-MVP, 87)
 P -Don Arndt		Howard's (70, 71, 72-MVP, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84), HOF-93
 C -Hank Garris		Williams/Worth (93), Bell (94-MVP, 95), Ritch's-Sup., (97), Sierra/TPS (98),
			Team TPS (99, 2000-MVP), Long Haul/TPS (2001, 2002), Dan Smith (2003)
 C -Bill Gatti		Jiffy (71, 72), Elite (84, 85), Ritch's (89-Major-MVP, 89-Super), HOF-2000
1B -Rick Scherr		Howard's/Western Steer (77, 78, 81-MVP, 82, 83-MVP, 84-MVP, 85, 88-Major)
			Superior/Apollo (89-Super and 89-Major), HOF-2001
2B -Mike Macenko	Hillcrest (77), Steele's (84, 85, 86, 87-MVP, 88, 90-MVP, 93),
 			Sunbelt/Worth (91), Ritch's-Superior (94,95), HOF-2006
2B -Jim Galloway	Musicaro (63, 64), County Sports (66, 67, 68, 69),  
			Empire County Astros (72, 73, 75), HOF-84
SS -Ron Parnell		Capitol (86-Major), Steele's (87, 88), Ritch's-Sup. (92, 93, 94, 95, 96),
 			Team Easton (99)
3B -Charles Wright	Ken Sanders (77), York/Sanders (82), Elite (83, 84, 85), Steele's (86),
			Ritch's (89-Super-MVP and 89-Major), Ritch's/Kirk's (90), 
			Ritch's-Superior (92, 93-MVP), Sunbelt/Easton (96)
3B -Paul Tomasovich	Skip Hogan A.C. (60, 62, 63, 64-MVP, 65), HOF-92		
OF -Bruce Meade		Warren's (76), Nelson's (77-MVP, 78), Nelco (79), Jerry's (81, 82-MVP,
			83, 84), Elite Coatings (85), Steele's (88), Vernon's (93), HOF-99
OF -Bert Smith		County Sports (68-MVP, 69), Piledrivers (71-MVP), Howard's (73-MVP), HOF-94
OF -Stan Harvey		Golden Gallons (70), Howard's (73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84), HOF-95
OF -Ronnie Ford		Warren's (76-MVP), Elite (82, 83, 84), Vernon's (86-A, 88-A, 90-A-MVP), HOF-02
OF -Mike Nye		Warren's (76-MVP), York-Sanders (81, 82), Jerry's (83), Vernon's (86-A)
			Marlton (87-Major), Ritch's Salvage (89-Super and 89-Major)		
OF -Myron Reinhardt	Shield's (54), Yorkshire (59), Gatliff's (56, 57, 63-MVP), HOF-73
Util -Ricky Huggins	Elite (81-Major-MVP, 83), Howard's (84), Thompson's (85--A-MVP),
			Lighthouse/Worth (90, 95, 96, 98-MVP), Vernon's (92-Major-MVP),
			Shen Valley (94), JWM/Herb's (99-Major)

ASA All Time Second Team

 P -Lou DelMastro	Skip Hogan A.C. (62, 63, 64, 65-MVP),  HOF-92
 P -Greg Fuhrman	York Barbell (76, 78), Jerry's (77, 82, 83, 84), Campbell's (79)
			Steele's (85), Sup./Apollo (88-Major)
 C -Dewayne Nevitt	Wildcat Fence (91-Major), Starpath (92), Vernon's (93), Converter's (94),
 			Shen (95), Ritch's-Sup. (96, 97-MVP), Team TPS (99), Bell/Easton (2000), 
			Dan Smith (2002)
 C -Steve Loya		Swing Inn (66), Gene's (69, 71), Pyramid (75-MVP), HOF-93
 C -Tex Collins		Michael's Lounge (67, 69), Little Caesar's (71, 73), HOF-87
1B -Dirk Androff	Steele's (89,90), Ritch's-Superior (92-MVP, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97)
1B -Dennis Graser	Elite (84), Steele's (85, 86, 87), Starpath (88), Superior/
			Apollo (89-Major, 90), Ritch's-Superior (91), HOF-2000
2B -H.T. Waller		Jo's Pizza (68, 69-MVP), Howard's  (73, 78), HOF-97
SS -Todd Joerling	Steele's (90), Bell (94, 95), Sunbelt/Easton (96, 98), Team Easton (99-MVP),
			Dan Smith (2002, 2003)
3B -Mike Shenk		Taylor Bros. (92-Major, 93-Major), Shen (94), Lighthouse (95, 96),
			Ritch's-Sup. (97), Team TPS (2000), Long Haul (2001, 2002)
3B -Bill Cole		East Side Sports (62-MVP), Caesar's (69,70,71), HOF-82
OF -Richard Wilborn	Ray Carpenter's (77), Campbell's (80), Howard's (82, 83, 84, 86),
			Broken Drum (88), HOF-94
OF -Curtis Williams	Jerry's (77), York-Sanders (82), Howard's (83, 84, 85, 88-Major),
			Lighthouse (90-Major), Vernon's (92-Major), Williams/Dudley 
			(95-Super and 95-Major), Sunbelt Plastics Softball (2000)
OF -Dick Bartel		Ray Carpenter's (76), Howard's (80, 81, 82, 83, 84), HOF-90
OF -Tom Beall		Reed's Nuts (76-A), Howard's (79, 80, 81, 82, 83), HOF-90
OF -Don Clatterbaugh	Bradley's (81-Major), Blanton's (86-Major, 87-Major), Kirk's/
			Ritch's (88-Major), Starpath (89-Super and Major), HOF-2001
OF -Mike Gouin		Michael's (66, 67), Little Caesar's (70-MVP, 73), HOF-89	
OF -Doug Roberson	Zimlinghaus (85-Major), Steele's (86, 87, 88), Superior/Apollo 
			(89-Super and 89-Major, 90), Ritch's-Superior (93, 95, 96)
EH -Wendell Rickard	Lighthouse (90, 94, 95-MVP, 96, 98), Williams (93), Dan Smith (2000), BJ (2004-M)
EH -Carl Rose		Lighthouse(89-Super and Major, 90, 96, 98), Sunbelt/Worth (91), Williams (93)
 			Dan Smith/Worth (2000), Hague/Resmondo/TPS (2001)
Util -Steve Craven	Lighthouse (89-Super and Major, 95, 96), Sunbelt/Worth (91-MVP), 
 			Steele's/Sunbelt (92, 93), Sunbelt (2000)
Util -Dewayne Frizzell	Lighthouse(88, 89-Super and Major, 98), Vernon's (92-Major, 93), Shen
			Valley (96), Dan Smith/Worth (99), Sunbelt (2000), Hague/Resmondo (2002)
Util -Gene Fisher	Howard's Furniture (73, 74, 75, 78), HOF-88
Util -Don Rardin	Gatliff's  (56, 59), Yorshire (60), IBM-Industrial (66-MVP), HOF-75
Util -Whitey Brown	Lang's  (56), Yorkshire (59), Gatliff's (64), HOF-89
Util -Hal Wiggins	Lang's Pet Shop (56), Gatliff's (61, 63), HOF-86
Util -J.D. McDonald	McAdenville (56, 57); Pharr Yarn (Ind.-61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 72, 74), HOF-84
Util -Ed Finnegan	Lycoming (Ind.-64, 65, 68-MVP, 69, 71-MVP, 86-A, 88-A), NE Sports (74), HOF-93
ASA All-Time Team Basis of Selection
Member of ASA All-America Team		= 1 point
MVP of ASA Nationals			= 2 points
Outstanding offensive/defensive award	= 1 point
ASA Hall of Fame Induction		= 3 points

United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) All Decade Teams

Teams listed where gained All-World Selections, MVP, and HOF induction, prior to the first USSSA All World tournament team being named in 1975, the “All World” status attained in the separate East, Central and West “Worlds” along with those MVP selections are listed.

1970’s USSSA Team of Decade  – USSSA Player of the Decade – Rick Pinto

 P -Rick Pinto		Snyder's Softball (75, 76-MVP, 77), 97-HOF 
 C -Jerry Lasponera	Mazzola Castle (77-East-MVP and 77 World Series MVP)
 C -Chick Downing	Nelson's Painting (79-MVP)
1B -Cal Carmen		Dino's (72-East-MVP, 73-East), Mazzola (77), HOF-94
2B -Jim Mortl		Milw. Elec, (69), Accurate (70-East, 71-East, 71-World Series-MVP), HOF-80
3B -Doug Gerdes		Snyder's (73-East, 75-MVP, 76), Ford E & C (76-Ind.), Ford Adray (88-Ind.)
SS -Andy Santillo	Mazzola (77), HOF-91
SS -Rick Trudeau	Snyder's Softball Club (76, 77)
OF -Charlie Pierce	BAM (72-West, 73-MVP), Capitol (75-West-MVP)
OF -Glen Eichelberger	Pace Electronics (73-East), HOF-83
OF -Phil Higgins	Copper Hearth (75), Snyder's Softball Club (76), Joe Blacks (89-AA)
OF -Dick Polgar		Accurate (70-East), Mueller's (70-Ind,-MVP), Marasco's VF (72-MVP)
OF -Denny Hogan		Little Caesar's (76), Howard's Furniture (78-MVP, 79)
Util -Elby Bushong	M&M (70-West), Kerr's (71-West), KClub (77-16"), J&R Roofing (83-A), Capitol (78), 82-HOF
Util -Joe Patti		Dino's Pizza  (74-MVP)
Util -Don Arndt		Howard's Furniture  (78, 79, 82, 83), HOF-87

1980’s USSSA Team of Decade  – USSSA Player of the Decade – Bruce Meade

 P -Craig Elliott	York-Sanders (81,82), Elite (84-MVP), Steele's (86, 87, 88)
 P -Buddy Slater	C.C. Brick (78-Central), Nelson's (79), Campbell's (80-MVP), Howard's (81),
			Elite (85), Smythe (86-87-Mgr), Ritch's (90-Mgr), R-S (91-92-Mgr), HOF-93
 P -Bob Louria		SW Fabricators (1984), People's Choice (89-AA), Sunset (90-AA) HOF-2006
 C -Cruz Martinez	Capitol Insulation (80,81, 82-Class-A)
 C -Braxton Speller	Snyder's (77), Fisher Brody (80-Indistrial), Miller (83-Class-A, 84) HOF-92
1B -Rick Scherr		Copper Hearth (74-Central), Howard's (81-MVP, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88),
			Superior-Apollo (89), HOF-94
2B -Bill Gatti		Elite Coatings (83), Smythe Sox (86,87), HOF-2001
2B -Dennis Myers	Capitol (78-West-MVP), Campbell's Carpets (80), J&R Roofing (83)
3B -Doug Brown		Jerry's, Elite (85), Smythe Sox (86-MVP, 87), AJD (90-AA) HOF-96
SS -Steve Williams	Campbell's (80), Howard's/Western Steer (86, 88)
OF -Bruce Meade		Nelson's (79), DCS (80), Jerry's (82, 83-MVP,84),  Elite Coatings (85),
			Smythe Sox (86, 87), Starpath (91), HOF-89
OF -Dick Bartel		C.C. Brick (78-Cent.-MVP, 78-MVP), Campbell's (80), Howard's (81,82), HOF-85
OF -Rick Wheeler	Capitol (82-A, 83), Elite (85-MVP), Smythe (87), Ken Michaels (89), 
			Ritch's-Kirk's (90), HOF-95
OF -Clyde Guy		Poindexter (79), Howard's (84, 85), Sup./Apollo (89-MVP), HOF-98
Util -Charles Wright	York/Sanders (82), Elite (83, 84), Steele's (86), Ritch's-Sup. (91, 92)
Util -Mike Bolen	DCS (80), Jerry's (83), Steeles (87), Howard's (88)
Util -Stan Harvey	Howard's/Western Steer (78, 79, 81, 85, 87)

1990’s USSSA Team of Decade  – USSSA Player of the Decade – Carl Rose

 P - Paul Drilling	Ritch's-Kirks (1990), Ritch-Sup. (1991, 92),  Sierra (97), Long Haul (00)
 C - Hank Garris	Williams/Worth (1993), Bell Corp.(1994), R-S (1997), Sierra/TPS (1998),
			Team TPS (2000-OOPA), Long Haul (01, 02), Specialty Tank (06-Conf)
 C - Dave Steffen	Marlton (87), Superior-Apollo (89, 90), Ritch's-Superior (92-MVP)
1B - Dirk Androff	Ritch's-Superior (91-MVP, 94, 96, 97)
1B - Dennis Graser	Steele's (83), Elite (84), Sup.-Apollo (90), R-S (92), Spectrum (94, 95)
2B - Carl Rose		Sunbelt (91), Williams(92-ODPA, 93), Lighthouse (97-MVP, 98)
2B - Rusty Bumgardner	Converter's (1993, 94), Team TPS (1998, 99), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP),
			Resmondo (06-MVP, 06-Regular Season), HOF-2006
3B - Mike Shenk		Team TPS (1998-MVP, 2000), Team Easton (1999)
3B - Dewayne Nevitt	Vernon's (1993), Converter's (1994), Shen Valley (1995), Sunnyvale (03)
SS - Ron Parnell	Capitol (85), Steele's (87-ODPA), Ritch's-Superior (92, 95, 96, 97), 
			Sierra/TPS (98), HOF-2000
SS - Todd Joerling	Bell Corp (1993, 94), Sunbelt (1997), Dan Smith (01, 02, 03),
			Bell Corp (06, 06-Conf), HOF-2005
OF - Dan Schuck		Larry's Used Cars (1991), Bell Corp (1993-MVP, 1994)
OF - Todd Martin	Converter's (94), Shen (95, 97), Team TPS (98-ODPA, 00), Long Haul (01),
			Resmondo/Hague (03), Resmondo (06, 06-Conf)
OF - Jeff Hall		Sunbelt (1996, 97, 98), Team Easton (99), Dan Smith (2000-MVP, 01, 02, 03, 04)
			Resmondo/Smith (05), Specialty Tank (06, 06-Conf, 06-Regular Season), HOF-2006
OF - Doug Berfeldt	Spectrum (1992), Hague/R&D (1995-MVP)
OF - Cecil Whitehead	Ritch's-Kirks (1990-MVP), Ritch's-Superior (1992)
OF - Shane Dubose	Dan Smith (1996-ODPA), Sunbelt (1998), Hague/Resmondo (1999)
OF - Dewayne Frizzell	Shen Valley (1996-MVP, 1997), Hague/Resmondo (2002)
OF - Jason Kendrick	Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (99), Long Haul (01-MVP), Dan Smith (02, 04), 
			Resmondo/Dan Smith (05), Resmondo (06-Conf, 06-Regular Season)
OF - Britt Hightower	Smythe (86),  Ritch's (90), Ritch's-Sup. (92, 97), R&D (99), HOF-2003
EH - Wendell Rickard	Williams(93), Lighthouse(96, 97), Dan Smith (99-MVP, 00)
Util -Jimmy Powers	Converter's (1994-MVP), Shen Valley (1995, 96), Long Haul (01) 
Util -Ted Larsen	Spectrum (1992, 95), Long Haul/Hendu (1999)
Util -Robbie Ergle	Lighthouse/Worth (1996, 97), Dan Smith (1999), Hague/Resmondo (01)
Util -Howie Krause	Hague/R&D (1995), Wessell (1998), Hague/Resmondo (1999, 2000), Remondo/Smith (05)
Util -Scott Elliott	Converter's (1994), Shen Valley (1995), Sunbelt (1997)
Util -Darrell Beeler	Superior-Apollo (1989), Ritch's-Superior (1991), HOF-2004

United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) All-Time Team

USSSA All Time Team  – USSSA All Time MVPs – Rick Scherr and Jeff Hall

 P -Craig Elliott	York-Sanders (81,82), Elite (84-MVP), Steele's (86, 87, 88)
 P -Buddy Slater	C.C. Brick (78-Central), Nelson's (79), Campbell's (80-MVP), Howard's (81),
			Elite (85), Smythe (86-87-Mgr), Ritch's (90-Mgr), R-S (91-92-Mgr), HOF-93
 C -Dave Steffen	Marlton (87), Superior-Apollo (89, 90), Ritch's-Superior (92-MVP)
1B -Dirk Androff	Ritch's-Superior (91-MVP, 94, 96, 97)
2B -Mike Macenko	Steele's (89), Ritch's-Superior (94), HOF-99
3B -Charles Wright	York/Sanders (82), Elite (83, 84), Steele's (86), Ritch's-Sup. (91, 92)
SS -Ron Parnell		Capitol (85), Steele's (87-ODPA), Ritch's-Superior (92, 95, 96, 97), 
			Sierra/TPS (98), HOF-2000
OF -Bruce Meade		Nelson's (79), DCS (80), Jerry's (82, 83-MVP,84),  Elite Coatings (85),
			Smythe Sox (86, 87), Starpath (91), HOF-89
OF -Dick Bartel		C.C. Brick (78-Cent.-MVP, 78-MVP), Campbell's (80), Howard's (81,82), HOF-85
OF -Rick Wheeler	Capitol (82-A, 83), Elite (85-MVP), Smythe (87), Ken Michaels (89), 
			Ritch's-Kirk's (90), HOF-95
OF -Mike Cellura	Capitol (77-West-MVP, 77), Campbell's (80), Jerrys (83), D's (95-AA), HOF-88
OF -Clyde Guy		Poindexter (79), Howard's (84, 85), Sup./Apollo (89-MVP), HOF-98
Util -Rick Scherr	Copper Hearth (74-Central), Howard's (81-MVP, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88),
			Superior-Apollo (89), HOF-94
Util -Rick Weiterman	Steele's (83, 88-MVP), Ritch's-Superior (92, 94), HOF-2008
Util -Carl Rose		Sunbelt (91), Williams(92-ODPA, 93), Lighthouse (97-MVP, 98)
Util -Dennis Graser	Steele's (83), Elite (84), Sup.-Apollo (90), R-S (92), Spectrum (94, 95)
Util -Greg Fuhrman	Campbell's (80), Jerry's (81, 82-MVP, 84), Superior-Apollo (89)
Util -Denny Jones	Campbell's (79), York/Sanders (82), Jerry's (83-ODPA), Capitol (85-ODPA),
			Sox (90-A), HOF-05
Util -Bob Louria	SW Fabricators (1984), People's Choice (89-AA), Sunset (90-AA) HOF-2006
Util -Chuck Maiorana 	Miller High Life (84), Coors Light (89-A), Sunset (90-AA), HOF-2002
Util -Doug Roberson 	Apollo (83-A), Steele's (87, 88), Sup./Apollo (89), Ritch's-Sup. (96), HOF-2007
Util -Britt Hightower	Smythe (86),  Ritch's (90), Ritch's-Sup. (92, 97), R&D (99), HOF-2003
Util -Jeff Hall		Sunbelt (1996, 97, 98), Team Easton (99), Dan Smith (2000-MVP, 01, 02, 03, 04)
			Resmondo/Smith (05), Specialty Tank (06, 06-Conf, 06-Regular Season), HOF-2006
Util -Todd Joerling	Bell Corp (1993, 94), Sunbelt (1997), Dan Smith (01, 02, 03),
			Bell Corp (06, 06-Conf), HOF-2005
Util -Rusty Bumgardner	Converter's (1993, 94), Team TPS (1998, 99), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP),
			Resmondo (06-MVP, 06-Regular Season), HOF-2006
Util -Jeff Wallace	Long Haul (01), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP, 04), Resmondo/Smith (05), Resmondo
  			(06, (06-Conference Championships, 06-Reg Season Conference 
  			All Star - MVP/POY), HOF-07
Util -Brett Helmer	Dan Smith/Easton (01, 02, 03, 04), Bell Corp (05, 06, 06-Conf Championship MVP,
			06-Reg Season Conference All Star), HOF-2007
Util -Todd Martin	Converter's (94), Shen (95, 97), Team TPS (98-ODPA, 00), Long Haul (01),
			Resmondo/Hague (03), Resmondo (06, 06-Conf), HOF-2008
Util -Jason Kendrick	Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (99), Long Haul (01-MVP), Dan Smith (02, 04), 
			Resmondo/Dan Smith (05), Resmondo (06-Conf, 06-Regular Season), HOF-2008
Util -Hank Garris	Williams/Worth (1993), Bell Corp.(1994), R-S (1997), Sierra/TPS (1998),
			Team TPS (2000-OOPA), Long Haul (01, 02), Specialty Tank (06-Conf)
Mgr. -Dave Neale	Steele's Sports (88), HOF-1997

USSSA All-Time Team Basis of Selection
Member of USSSA All-World Team		= 1 point
MVP of USSSA World Series		= 2 points
Outstanding offensive/defensive award	= 1 point
USSSA Hall of Fame Induction		= 3 points

Jerome Earnest Team of the Decade – 1950’s

1950’s Player of the Decade – Myron Reinhardt

1950’s Team of Decade  – Gatliff Auto of 1957 won the ASA title.

First Team
1B- 	Frank Panski
2B- 	Don Rardin
3B- 	Whitey Brown
SS- 	JD MacDonald
OF- 	Myron Reinhardt
OF- 	Hal Wiggins
OF- 	Ron Annotico
OF- 	Jack Carmichael
 C-  	John Drees
 P-  	Walt Wherry
Util- 	Joe Gauci
Util-	Andy Massetta
Util-	Gene Dittoe
Honorable Mention
Bob Trainor		Chuck Jacobs
Vern Roberts   		Don Heilman
Bo Stuntebeck  		Denny Braun
Tom Infeld		Dick Luken

Jerome Earnest Team of the Decade – 1960’s

1960’s Player of the Decade – Jim Galloway

1960’s Team of Decade  – Skip Hogan AC of 1964 with an 69-11 record won the ASA title.

First Team
1B- 	Mike Axelson
2B- 	HT Waller
3B- 	Paul Tomasovich
SS- 	Mike Kovack
OF- 	Mike Gouin
OF- 	Hal Wiggins
OF- 	Luther Ates
OF- 	Mort Weinberg
EH- 	Ron Patterson
EH-	Steve Loya
 C-  	Tex Collins
 P-  	Lou DelMastro
Util- 	Jim Galloway
Util-	Bill Cole
Util-	Ed Finnegan
Second Team
1B- 	Jim Stone
2B- 	Don Rardin
3B- 	Whitey Brown
SS- 	George Caloia
OF- 	Myron Rheinhardt
OF- 	Jim Puckett
OF- 	Miller Adams
OF- 	Bert Smith
EH- 	Ron Annotico
EH-	Dick Polgar
 C-  	Chester Dungan
 P-  	Sam Minniti
Util- 	Steve Massong
Util-	Tom Taylor
Util-	Don Arndt
Honorable Mention
Bob Auten		Jim Becker
Oscar Steadman   	James Washington
JD McDonald  		Jim Mortl
George Siford  		Gene Gedeon
Joe Gauci  		Bob Harrison
Bob Bier		Bill Malloy
Lou Russo  		Hudson Knock
Bob Malicki 		Chet Forte
George Caloia 		Steve Shurina

Slo-Pitch News Team of the Decade – 1970’s

Jerome Earnest, editor of Slo-Pitch News selects his team of the decade

1970’s Co-Players of the Decade – Mike Nye and Ron Ford

1970’s Team of Decade  – Nelson’s Painting/Nelco Mfg. of 1979 with an 80-10 record won the USSSA, NSPC and ASA titles.

First Team
1B- 	Stan Harvey 
2B- 	HT Waller
3B- 	Rick Scherr
SS- 	Russell Bradley
LF- 	Ron Ford
LC- 	Mike Nye
RC- 	Bert Smith
RF- 	Bruce Meade
EH- 	Tex Collins
EH-	Steve Loya
 C-  	Herman Rathman
 P-  	Buddy Slater
Util- 	Bill Gatti
Util-	Craig Elliott
Util-	Denny Hogan
Second Team
1B- 	Al White
2B- 	Jorge Millan
3B- 	Bill Ferguson
SS- 	Rick Trudeau
OF- 	Richard Wilborn
OF- 	Phil Higgins
OF- 	Joe Young
OF- 	Denny Jones
EH- 	Mike Parrott
EH-	Ron Patterson
C-  	Elby Bushong
P-  	Don Arndt
Util-	James Boyett
Util-	Roger Brown
Util-	Curtis Williams
Honorable Mention
Chic Downing		Mike Cellura
Clyde Guy   		James Washington
Dick Bartel  		Charles Pierce
Rick Pinto  		James Abercrombie
Ed Finnegan  		Mike Gouin
Mike Axelson 		Joel Todd
Frank Sorrells  	Jerry King
Greg Fuhrman 		Jim Galloway

Softball USA Team of the Decade – 1980’s

Jerome Earnest, editor of Softball USA selects his team of the decade

1980’s Player of the Decade – Rick Scherr

1980’s Team of Decade  – Howard’s/Western Steer of 1981 with an 160-15 record won the ASA, USSSA and NSPC titles.

First Team
1B- 	Rick Scherr
2B- 	Mike Macenko
3B- 	Charles Wright 
SS- 	Steve Williams
LF- 	Doug Roberson
LC- 	Cecil Whitehead
RC- 	Clyde Guy
RF- 	Bruce Meade
EH- 	Billy Blake
 C-  	Craig Elliott
 P-  	Buddy Slater
Util- 	Bill Gatti
Second Team
1B- 	Dennis Graser
2B- 	Doug Brown
3B- 	Mike Bolen
SS- 	Ron Parnell
OF- 	Ron Ford
OF- 	Dick Bartel
OF- 	Mike Nye
OF- 	Rick Wheeler
EH- 	Stan Harvey
 C-  	Greg Fuhrman
 P-  	Rick Weiterman
Util-	Greg Whitlock
Honorable Mention
Don Arndt
Herman Rathman	
Joe Young
Chic Downing
Denny Jones
Jim Fuller
Monty Tucker
Curtis Williams
Russell Bradley
James Washington

Supreme Softball Team of the Decade – 1990’s

Jerome Earnest, editor of Supreme Softball selects his team of the decade

1990’s Player of the Decade – Dirk Androff

1990’s Team of Decade  – Steele’s Silver Bullets of 1990 with an 226-9 record won the ASA, ISA and NSA  titles.

First Team
1B- 	Dirk Androff
2B- 	Rusty Bumgardner
3B- 	Charles Wright
SS- 	Todd Joerling
OF- 	Doug Roberson
OF- 	Cecil Whitehead
OF- 	Britt Hightower
OF- 	Jason Kendrick
EH- 	Wendell Rickard
 C-  	Hank Garris
 P-  	Paul Drilling
Util- 	Carl Rose
Util-	Jeff Hall
Util- 	Todd Martin
Util- 	Ron Parnell
Util- 	Dan Schuck
Util- 	Jimmy Powers
Util- 	Tot Powers
Util- 	Derek Oliver
Util-	Randy Kortokrax
Second Team
1B- 	Jeff Wallace
2B- 	Darrell Beeler
3B- 	Mike Shenk
SS- 	John Mello
OF- 	Sterlin Ibrom
OF- 	Dewayne Frizzell
OF- 	Steve Craven
OF- 	Scott Striebel
EH- 	JC Phelps
 C-  	Dave Steffen
 P-  	Phil Jobe
Util-	Robbie Ergle
Util-	Randall Boone
Util-	Doug Kissane
Util-	Ricky Huggins
Util-	Scott Elliott
Util-	Dennis Mendoza
Util-	Albert Davis
Util-	Dewayne Nevitt
Util-	Larry Fredieu
Util-	Robin Higginbotham
Util-	Tom White
Util-	Roy Eppley
Honorable Mention
Rick Weiterman 		Andy Alvis		Curtis Williams		Jose Santiago
Mike Macenko 		Derrick Williams	Lamar Echols		Mike Stanley
Monty Tucker 		Johnny McCraw		Joe Foley		Rob Darhower
Jim Fuller 		Bobby Gilbert		Mark Cobb		Phil White
Doug Berfeldt 		Brett Helmer		Jim Burbrink		Kim Seaman
Larry Sauceman 		Greg Cannedy		John Keigley		Jeff Arnold
Ernie Montgomery 	Larry Carter		Greg Harding		Rod Hughes
Jacques Millier 	Kenny Carver		Ted Larson		Steve Helewicz
Mike McColman 		Brian Greer		Todd Volkers		Jeff Ott
Tim Williamson 		Jon Meyers		Shane Dubose		Kerry Everett
Mark Martin 		Brian Ellinghausen	Mike Jackson		David Crawley
Marty Lanoux		Russ Earnest

Jerome Earnest’s Team of the Century

Jerome Earnest, editor of Slo-Pitch News, Softball USA and Supreme Softball selects his all time team for the 20th century.

Players of the Century – Craig Elliott, Mike Macenko, Rick Scherr, Bruce Meade, Charles Wright and Dirk Androff

First Team
Pitcher -- 		Buddy Slater (Texas) 
Pitcher -- 		Craig Elliott (Alabama) 
Catcher -- 		Tex Collins (Michigan) 
First Base -- 		Rick Scherr (Wisconsin) 
Second Base -- 		H.T. Waller (Florida) 
Third Base -- 		Charles Wright (Georgia) 
Shortstop -- 		Steve Williams (Florida) 
Outfield -- 		Ron Ford (Florida) 
Outfield -- 		Mike Nye (Florida) 
Outfield -- 		Bert Smith (New York) 
Outfield -- 		Bruce Meade (Florida) 
Extra hitter -- 	Dirk Androff (Missouri) 
Extra hitter -- 	Don Arndt (North Carolina) 
Utility -- 		Jim Galloway (New York) 
Utility -- 		Mike Macenko (Ohio) 
Utility -- 		Dick Bartel (Texas) 
Utility -- 		Bill Gatti (Kentucky) 
Utility -- 		Stan Harvey (Tennessee)
Utility -- 		Joe Young (Louisiana)
Utility -- 		Todd Joerling (Missouri)
Utility -- 		Curtis Williams (Florida)
Second Team
Pitcher -- 		Lou DelMastro (Pennsylvania) 
Pitcher -- 		Rick Weiterman (Wisconsin) 
Catcher -- 		Hank Garris (Florida) 
First Base -- 		Al White (Tennessee) 
Second Base -- 		Don Rardin (Kentucky) 
Third Base -- 		Paul Tomasovich (Pennsylvania) 
Shortstop -- 		Russell Bradley (North Carolina) 
Outfield -- 		Doug Roberson (Florida) 
Outfield -- 		Richard Willborn (Texas) 
Outfield -- 		Britt Hightower (Texas)
Outfield -- 		Cecil Whitehead (Georgia) 
Extra hitter -- 	Wendell Rickard (California) 
Utility -- 		Denny Hogan (North Carolina)
Utility -- 		Carl Rose (Georgia)
Utility -- 		Ricky Huggins (Georgia)
Utility -- 		Phil Higgins (Wisconsin)
Utility -- 		Clyde Guy (North Carolina)
Honorable Mention
P -- 	Paul Drilling (Texas)			Rick Pinto (Michigan)
	Mike Parrott (Texas) 			Greg Cannedy (Florida)
	Dave Carroll (Tennessee)		Ted Larson (Minnesota)
	Walt Wherry (Kentucky)			Phil Jobe (Florida)
	Mike Jacobs (Florida)			Jim Burbrink (Ohio)
	Phil Shroerer (Indiana)			John Keigley (California)
C -- 	Steve Loya (Ohio)			Harold Kelley (Alabama)
	Gene Fisher (North Carolina)		Don Clatterbaugh (Virginia)
	James Abercrombie (Alabama)		Freddie Trice (Georgia)
	Dewayne Nevitt (Kentucky)		Jimmy Powers (North Carolina)
	Herman Rathman (Kansas) 		Ron Patterson (Tennessee)
	Chic Downing (Kansas)			Dave Steffen (Michigan)
EH -- 	Jim Fuller (Texas)			Greg Fuhrman (Pennsylvania)
	Monty Tucker (Virginia)			Elby Bushong (Arizona)
	J.C. Phelps (Kentucky)			Jeff Arnold (Alabama)
	Billy Blake (Texas)
1B -- 	James Washington (Florida)		Jeff Wallace (New York)
	Dennis Graser (Wisconsin)		Tom White (New Jersey)
	Tot Powers (North Carolina)		Brett Helmer (New York)
	Robbie Ergle (Georgia)
2B -- 	James Boyett (Alabama)			Doug Brown (South Carolina)
	Frank Sorrells (Florida) 		Greg Harding (Virginia)
	Mike Bolen (Tennessee) 			Darrell Beeler (Oklahoma)
	Don Rardin, Jr. (Kentucky)		Rusty Bumgardner (North Carolina)
	Mark Baker (Florida)
3B -- 	Bill Cole (Michigan)			Mike Shenk (Pennsylvania)
	Bill Ferguson (Texas)			Albert Davis (Florida)
	Jerry King (Ohio)
SS -- 	Greg Whitlock (Kentucky)		Richie Aliotti (California)
	Danny Basso (Texas)			J.D. McDonald (North Carolina)
	Ron Parnell (California)		J.C. Batista (Florida)
	Rick Trudeau (Michigan)			Ed Finnegan (Connecticut)
OF -- 	Scott Elliott (Alabama)			Mike Gouin (Michigan)
	Joey Raby (North Carolina)		Myron Rheinhardt (Kentucky)
	Roger Brown (North Carolina)		Phil White (Alabama)
	Luther Ates (Florida)			Kim Seaman (Mississippi)
	Roy Eppley (Florida) 			Dan Schuck (Iowa)
	Cliff Carpenter (Ohio) 			Mike Cellura (California)
	Robin Higginbotham (Mississippi)	Denny Jones (California)
	Dewayne Frizzell (Florida)		Todd Martin (North Carolina)
	Doc Crismond (Virginia)			Jeff Hall (North Carolina)
	Jason Kendrick (Georgia)		Joel Todd (Alabama)
	Tom Beall (Georgia)			Doug Kissane (New Jersey)
	Ray Fleetwood (Florida)			Randall Boone (Georgia)
	Rick Wheeler (California)		Larry Fredieu (Louisiana)

Jerome Earnest's "TOP 25" Teams of the 20th Century 
1. 	Steele's Silver Bullets of Ohio (90)
2. 	Ritch's/Superior/TPS of Connecticut (93) 
3. 	Nelson's Painting of Oklahoma (79) 
4. 	Elite of Georgia (85) 
5. 	Team TPS of Kentucky (99) 
6. 	Howard's of North Carolina (81) 
7. 	Campbell's of California (80) 
8. 	Warren Motors of Florida (76) 
9. 	Little Caesar's of Michigan (70) 
10. 	Nelson's of Oklahoma (75) 
11. 	Smythe Sox of Texas (87) 
12. 	Steele's of Ohio (87) 
13. 	Team TPS of Kentucky (98) 
14. 	Shen Valley/TPS of Virginia (97) 
15. 	Ritch's/Superior/TPS of Connecticut (92) 
16. 	Ritch's/Superior/TPS of Connecticut (91) 
17. 	Ritch's/Superior/TPS of Connecticut (94) 
18. 	Lighthouse/Worth of Georgia (97) 
19. 	Bell Corp./Easton of Florida (93) 
20. 	Sierra/TPS of Nevada (97) 
21. 	Shen Valley/TPS of Virginia (96) 
22. 	Smythe Sox of Texas (86) 
23. 	Steele's of Ohio (86) 
24. 	Nelson's of Oklahoma (77) 
25. (tie) Ken Sanders of Alabama (77) 
25. (tie) Jerry's of Florida (82) 
25. (tie) Jerry's of Florida (83)
Honorable Mention
Ken Sanders of Georgia (75)		Marlton Trucking of Oregon (87)
Tom's of Georgia (76)			Dave Carroll of North Carolina (79)
Ken Sanders of Alabama (78)		Campbell's of California (78)
Jiffy Club of Kentucky (72)		Snyder's of Michigan (75-76)
Elite of Georgia (83-84)		Warren Motors of Florida (72)
Valley Merchants of Alabama (66)	Kobax of Tennessee (67)
Jo's Pizza of Florida (68-69) 		County Sports of New York (66, 68) 
Gatliff of Kentucky (56-57, 63)		Hamilton Tailoring of Ohio (60-61) 
Copper Hearth of Wisconsin (69-70)	Michael's Lounge of Michigan (66-67)
Virginia Beach Piledrivers (71-72)	Ritch's/Superior of Connecticut (96)
Howard's of North Carolina (73-74)	Converters/Vernon's of North Carolina (94)
Ritch's of North Carolina (89-90)	Howard's of North Carolina (78)
Nationwide Advertising of Ohio (81)	Superior/Apollo of Connecticut (89-90)
Howard's of N.C. (83-84)		Williams/Worth of Texas (92-93)
Dave Carroll of North Carolina (80)	Howard & Carroll of North Carolina (78)
Spectrum of Minnesota (mid 90's)	Long Haul of Minnesota (late 90's) 
Hague of Ohio (mid and late 90's) 	Bunca of Michigan (early and mid 90's)
Skip Hogan of Pennsylvania (62, 64-65)
Jim's Sport Shop of Pennsylvania (67, 69)

National Slo-Pitch Conference (NSPC) All-Time Team

Teams listed where gained All-World Selections and MVP

NSPC All Time Team  – NSPC All Time MVPs – Craig Elliott and Rick Scherr

Craig Elliott		Sander's (79, 81, 82-MVP), Elite (83-MVP)
Rick Scherr		Howard's (79, 80, 81-Reg. Season, 81, 82, 83)
Mike Cellura		Campbell's (79, 80-MVP), Howard's (81), Capitol (87)
Bruce Meade		Nelson's (79), Jerry's (83), Smythe Sox (87)
Denny Jones		Campbell's (80), Jerry's Caterers (83-ODPA)
Dick Bartel		Howard's/WS (81- Regular Season, 81-MVP, 83)
Ed Roth			Howard's/WS (79, 81, 83)
Charles Wright		NAS (81- Regular Season), Sander's (82), Elite (83)
Bill Ferguson		Nelson's (79), Howard's/WS (81-RS)
Stan Harvey		Howard's/WS (80, 81- Regular Season, 81)
Tom Beall		Howard's Furniture (79, 80)
Mike Nye		Ken Sander's (81- Regular Season, 81-ODPA)
Mike Macenko		NAS (81- Regular Season, 81)
Greg Fuhrman		Campbell's Carpets (80), Jerry's (83)
Cecil Whitehead		Elite Coatings (83), Smythe Sox (87)
Mike Parrott		Nelson's Painting (79), Smythe Sox (87)
Bill Blake		Smythe Sox (87-MVP)
Joe Young		Nelson's Painting (79-MVP)
Harold Kelley		Jerry's Caterers (81)

NSPC All-Time Team Basis of Selection
Member of NSPC All-Tourny Team		= 2 points
MVP of NSPC National Championship	= 3 points
Outstanding offensive/defensive award	= 1 point
Incomplete All-World teams for the 82 National Championships

Independent Softball Association (ISA) All-Time Team

Teams listed where gained All-World Selections, MVP, and HOF induction

ISA All Time Team  – ISA All Time MVPs – Mike Macenko and Charles Wright

P -Paul Drilling 	Howard's (88), Ritch's-Superior (92, 93, 95), Sierra/TPS (98)
P -Ricky Huggins	Steele's Sports, Vernon's (1993), Lighthouse/Worth (95), HOF-2005
P -Brian Arnold		Florida Heat (2002-AA MVP, 2002-A MVP, HOF-2007
C -Hank Garris		Sunbelt (1996), Sierra/TPS (1998), Team TPS (2000), 
			Long Haul (2001, 2002), Dan Smith/Easton (2003), Specialty Tank (06-A)
C -Dave Steffen 	Ritch's-Superior (91, 92, 93-MVP), Sunbelt/Easton (95), HOF-2004
C -Jimmy Powers 	Steele's (1992), Ritch's-Superior (1993), Shen Valley (1996),
			Long Haul (2001-MVP)
1B -Dirk Androff	Steele's (89, 90), R-S. (91, 92, 93, 95), HOF-2001
2B -Mike Macenko	Steele's (85, 87-MVP, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97), Ritch's-Sup (95), HOF-97
3B -Charles Wright 	Elite (84, 85), Steele's (88), Ritch's (89), Ritch's/Kirk's (90), 
			Ritch's-Superior (91-MVP, 92-MVP, 93), HOF-99
SS -Ron Parnell 	Steele's (87, 89), Ritch's-Superior (91, 94-MVP, 95, 96), Team Easton (99)
SS -Todd Joerling	Steele's (89, 90), Bell/Sunbelt/Easton (91, 94, 95, 97-MVP), 
			Team Easton (99), Dan Smith (2002-MVP, 2003), HOF-2006
MI -Jeff Hall 		Bell/Sunbelt/Easton (96-MVP, 97, 98), Dan Smith/Easton (02, 03)
			Specialty Tank (06-A)
OF -Cecil Whitehead 	Howard's/Western Steer (88-MVP), Steele's (89), Ritch's/Kirk's (90), 
			Ritch's-Superior (92, 93), HOF-2007
OF -Doug Roberson 	Steele's (87-ODPA, 88), R-S (91, 93, 94, 95-MVP), HOF-2001
OF -Todd Martin 	Steele's (93), Shen Valley (96-MVP, 97), Long Haul (2001, 2002)
OF -Britt Hightower 	Howard's (88), Ritch's Salvage (89), Ritch's-Superior (91, 93, 94, 95), 
			Sunbelt (2000-ODPA), Hague/Resmondo (2001-ODPA)
OF -Dan Schuck		Steele's (1986) Bell Corp. (1992, 94, 95), Sunbelt (1997),  HOF-2002
OF -Jason Kendrick 	DJ's/Shen Valley (94), Shen Valley (96), Sierra/TPS (98), Team TPS (00)
EH- JC Phelps 		Shen Valley (95, 96), New Construction (02), Hague/Resmondo (03)
EH -Bill Blake 		Howard's/WS (85), Smythe (87), Steele's (88, 90)
Util -Rusty Bumgardner 	Shen Valley (97), Team TPS (2000), Long Haul (01, 02)
Util -Carl Rose 	Lighthouse (89, 98-MVP), Dan Smith/Worth (2000)
Util -Brett Helmer	So Jern (1997), Team Easton (1999-MVP), Dan Smith (2003)
Util -Jeff Wallace 	Long Haul (02), Resmondo/Hague (03-MVP)
Util -Dal Beggs		Dan Smith/Worth (2000-MVP), Hague/Resmondo (2002), Team Synergy (04-MVP-A)
Util -John Mello 	Shen Valley (1996), Long Haul (2001-MVP)
Util -Bruce Meade 	Elite Coatings (1985),  HOF-2003
Util -Monty Tucker 	Steele's (90, 93), Sunbelt/Worth (91)
Util -Wendell Rickard 	Lighthouse (95, 98), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
Util -Dewayne Frizzell 	Shen Valley (96), Dan Smith/Worth (99), Sunbelt (2000)
Util -Darrell Beeler 	Ritch's-Superior (93), Sierra/TPS (98), Team Easton (99)
Util -Dewayne Nevitt 	Converters (94), Dan Smith/Easton (2001, 02)
Util -Larry Fredieu 	Vernon's (93), Ritch's-Superior (95), Sierra/TPS (98)
Incomplete All-World teams for the 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 91 ISA World Series

National Softball Association (NSA) All-Time Team

Teams listed where gained All-World Selections, MVP, and HOF induction

NSA All Time Team  – NSA All Time MVPs – Mike Macenko and Jeff Wallace

 P -Paul Drilling	Athletic Shop (87), Ritch's-Sup. (92-MVP, 93-MVP, 95), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
 P -Rick Weiterman	Ritch's-Superior (92, 94), HOF-98
 C -Dewayne Nevitt	Shen Valley (95), Ritch's-Sup. (97), Bell Corp (00), Dan Smith/Easton (01, 02)
1B -Dirk Androff	Steele's (89, 90), R-S (91, 92, 95-MVP), HOF-98
1B -Jeff Wallace 	Steele's (1996), Team TPS (1998-MVP, 99, 2000), Long Haul (2001-MVP)
			Resmondo (2003, 04), Resmondo/Smith (05), HOF-2004
2B -Mike Macenko	Steele's (86-MVP, 87, 88, 90-MVP, 93, 97), Ritch's-Sup.(94), HOF-98
2B -Rusty Bumgardner	Converters (94), Shen Valley (97-MVP), Team TPS (98, 00), Resmondo (03, 04-MVP)
3B -Mike Shenk 		Shen Valley (94), Lighthouse (96-MVP), Ritch's-Sup. (97-ODPA),
			Team TPS (98, 2000), Team Easton (99), Long Haul (01)
SS -Ron Parnell 	Steele's (88, 89), Ritch's-Superior (93, 94-MVP, 95), Dan Smith/Worth (99)
SS -Todd Joerling	Steele's (90), Bell/Sunbelt/Easton (93, 94, 2000, 04), HOF-2001
OF -Doug Roberson 	Steele's (86, 88-MVP), Sup./Apollo (89), Ritch's-Sup.(92), Team TPS (98)
OF -Cecil Whitehead 	Smythe Sox (87-MVP), Sup./Apollo (90), Ritch's-Sup.(91, 92, 93)
OF -Britt Hightower 	Houston Sweepers (89), Ritch's-Sup. (92, 92, 94, 95)
OF -Jason Kendrick 	Shen Valley (94, 97), Team TPS (00), Dan Smith (03)
OF -Bruce Meade 	Steele's (88), HOF-92
EH -Jimmy Powers 	Shen Valley (97), Sunbelt (98, 00), Long Haul (01)
EH -J.C. Phelps 	Shen Valley (94, 95, 97), Hague/Resmondo (02)
Util -Todd Martin 	Shen Valley (97), Team TPS (00-MVP, Long Haul (01), Resmondo (03), Bell Corp (05)
Util -Charles Wright 	Steele's (86), Ritch's-Superior (91, 93, 95)
Util -Carl Rose 	Lighthouse (95, 96), Dan Smith/Easton (2001)
Util -Jim Fuller 	Superior/Apollo (89, 90), Ritch's-Superior (91)
Util -Bill Blake 	Smythe Sox (87), Steele's (88, 89)
Util -Hank Garris	Team TPS (2000), Long Haul (2001), Dan Smith/Easton (2003), Special Tank (06-A)
Util -Larry Fredieu 	Athletic Shop (87), Ritch's-Superior (95), Sierra/TPS (98)
Util -David Hood 	Steele's (98), R&D/Easton (99-MVP)
Util -Darrell Beeler 	Ritch's-Superior (91-MVP, 94)
Incomplete All-World teams for the 86, 87, 88, 91 and 92 NSA World Series

ASA Industrial All-Time Softball Team

Teams listed where gained All-World Selections, MVP, and HOF induction

J.D. McDonald		McAdenville (Open-56, 57); Pharr Yarn (61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 72, 74), HOF-84
Ed Finnegan		Lycoming (64, 65, 68-MVP, 69, 71-MVP, 86-A, 88-A), NE Sports (Open-74), HOF-93
Mark Trembley		Sikorsky (82-MVP, 84, 85, 88, 90-MVP, 94-MVP, 95-MVP, 98, 99, 00, 02-MVP, 03, 04, 07)
Jeff Toni		Ray's (Open-94), Sikorsky (97-MVP, 98-MVP, 99, 00-MVP, 01, 02, 03, 04-MVP, 05), Heritage Carpentry (35+-08)
Don Rardin		Gatliff's (Open-56, 59), Yorshire (Open-60), IBM (66-MVP), HOF-75
Bob Kownacki		Sikorsky (84, 85, 86, 87-MVP, 88, 93-MVP, 95, 96-MVP, 98, 99, 01, 04)
Tom DeBernardo		Sikorsky (92-MVP, 93-MVP, 97, 98, 99, 2000-MVP, 01, 03, 04, 05)
Bob Hurd		Sikorsky (67, 68, 70-MVP, 73, 74, ??, ??, 79, ??, 82)
Ken Clark		Sikorsky (68, 69, 70), HOF-90
Tony Bohannon		Landrum and Son/Delta (86-MVP, 87, 89-MVP)
Yogi Hunter		Russell Southern (83-MVP, 86, 87, 90, 91)
Frank DeLuca		AVCO-Lycoming (68, 69), HOF-74
Jim Vertaramo		Grumman (64, 67-MVP, 69, 85)
Jeff Woodard		Publix (88-MVP, 89, 92, 98)
Chris Cammack		Aetna (72, 74-MVP, 77, 78)
Larry Spahn		Pabst (69, 72, 73-MVP)
Mark Berrito		Sikorsky (88, 93, 98, 2000, 02, 04)
Tom Follo		Sikorsky (84-MVP, 85, 87)
Mac Richardson		Pharr Yarn (70, 71), Aetna (74), Howard (Open -72)
Thad Malinowski		Pharr Yarn (61, 65, 66), Howard's (Open -70)
Special Note: Sikorsky has won 15 National titles.

Softball Report’s All-Time Top-25 Players (1969)

All-Time Player- Jim Galloway, County Sports
 P-	Lou DelMastro, Skip Hogan		Sam Minniti, Hamilton Tailors
 C-	Tex Collins, Michael's Lounge		Steve Loya, Gene's Sohio
1B-	Mike Axelson, Michael's Lounge		John Stone, Copper Hearth
2B-	Jim Galloway, County Sports		HT Waller, Jo's Pizza
SS-	Mike Kovack, Skip Hogan			George Caloia, Michael's Lounge
3B-	Paul Tomasovich, Skip Hogan		Bill Cole, Michael's Lounge
OF-	Myron Rheinhardt, Gatliff's		Bert Smith, County Sports
	Mike Gouin, Michael's Lounge		Ron Annotico, Sheffield Bronze
	Hal Wiggins, Gatliff's Auto		Miller Adams, Jim's Sports
	Dick Polgar, Mueller's			Luther Ates, Jo's Pizza
Util-	Walt Wherry, Yorkshire			Don Rardin, IBM
	Ron Patterson, Golden Gallons		Bill Malloy, County Sports

Metro Softball’s All-Time Team (1973)

All-Time Player- Jim Galloway, New York
 P-	Lou DelMastro, Pittsburgh	Bob Auten, Detroit
 C-	Tex Collins, Detroit		George Corona, Detroit
1B-	Mike Axelson, Detroit		R. Lucas, Cincinnati & Frank Panski, Detroit
2B-	Jim Galloway, New York		R. Hess, Louisville
SS-	Mike Kovack, Pittsburgh		Andy Massetta, Cleveland & George Caloia, Detroit
3B-	Bill Cole, Detroit		D. Brunner, Springfield
OF-	Paul Tomasovich, Pittsburgh	Mike Gouin, Detroit
	Myron Rheinhardt, Kentucky	Gene Gedeon, Cleveland
	Jimmy Watts, Pittsburgh		Jim Puckett, Detroit
	Bernie Roeckers, Cincinnati	Tom Taylor, Cincinnati
	Gary LaDue, Detroit		Nancek, New Kensington
Util-	Steve Shurina, New York		Joe Gauci, Detroit

Buckeye Softball’s Team for the Ages (1979)

All-Time Player- Bruce Meade
 P-	Don Arndt		Craig Elliott
 C-	Steve Loya		Tex Collins
1B-	Al White		James Washington
2B-	HT Waller		Jim Galloway	
SS-	Rick Trudeau		Steve Williams
3B-	Paul Tomasovich		Doug Gerdes
OF-	Mike Nye		Ron Ford
	Stan Harvey		Bert Smith
	Joe Young		Phil Higgins
	Bruce Meade		Denny Jones
Uti-	Bill Gatti		Benny Holt
	Denny Hogan 		Rick Scherr

Robert Brown’s 1970’s and 1980’s All-Time Best

Pitcher - 	Buddy Slater
		Rick Weiterman
		Craig Elliot
Catcher -	Bill Gatti
		Tex Collins
		Gene Fisher
First Base - 	Don Arndt
		Mike Axelson
		Dennis Graser
		James Washington
Second Base - 	Mike Macenko
		H.T. Waller
Third Base -	Bill Cole
		Rick Scherr
		Jim Galloway
Shortstop - 	Charles Wright
		Rick Trudeau
Outfield - 	Bert Smith
		Mike Gouin
		Stan Harvey
		Richard Wilborn
		Clyde Guy
		Ronnie Ford
		Mike Nye
		Bruce Meade  
Manager - 	Gary Vitto
		Dave Neale
		Bob Lutz
		Roy Lombardo
		Doc Linnehan
Sponsor - 	Richard Howard
		Mike Ilitch
		Dave Neale
		Jim Snyder
		Ken Sanders

 1. Howard's/Western Steer (1981)
 2. Detroit Caesars (1978)
 3. Howard's Furniture (1973-74)
 4. Jerry's Caterers (1982-83)
 5. Nelson's Painting (1979)
 6. Little Caesar's (1970)
 7. Steele's Sports (1988)
 8. Elite Coatings (1984-85)
 9. Campbell's Carpets (1978)
10. Campbell's Carpets (1980)
11. Milwaukee Schlitz (1979-80)
12. Snyder's Softball (1976)

1975 Slo-Pitch News All-Star Team 

Co-Player of the Year - Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture, OF (231 HRs, .667)
Co-Player of the Year - Mike Nye, Nelson's Painting, OF (.673, also had 7 straight tournament MVPs)
No team was named

1976 Southern Softball All-Star Team 

Tri-Player of the Year - Mike Nye, Warren Motors, OF (.769, 65 HRs)
Tri-Player of the Year - Ron Ford, Warren Motors, OF (160 HRs, .707)
Tri-Player of the Year - Ray Fleetwood, Warren Motors, OF (177 HRs, .683)
No team was named - (Warren Motors of Jacksonville, FL was 94-2 on the year)

Wirt Gammon’s – 1977 All-Star team 

Player of the Year 	Herman Rathman, Nelson's Painting (244 HRs, .642)
Player of the Year Finalist: 	Charles Wright, Ken Sander's and Bruce Meade, Nelson's
Manager of the Year	Dave Carroll, Howard & Carroll (133-29 record)
First Team Selections:
Herman Rathman, Nelson's, Oklahoma City, OK  		.642	244
Charles Wright, Ken Sander's, Phoenix City, AL		.688	223
Bruce Meade, Nelson's, Oklahoma City, OK		.764	225
Stan Harvey, Howard's, Denver, NC			.680	290
James Boyett, Howard & Carroll, Sherrill's Ford, NC	.655	282
Don Arndt, Howard's, Denver, NC				.664	279
Rick Scherr, Howard's, Denver, NC			.731	245
H.T. Waller, Howard's, Denver, NC			.652	212
Craig Elliott, Ken Sander's, Phoenix City, AL		.675	210
Denny Jones, Howard & Carroll, Sherrill's Ford, NC
Al White, Nelson's, Oklahoma City, OK			
Henry Koper, Nelson's, Oklahoma City, OK				
Roger Mayo, Ken Sander's, Phoenix City, AL
Ray Fleetwood, Warren's, Jacksonville, FL			
James Washington, Jerry's, Miami, FL
Greg Fuhrman, Jerry's, Miami, FL
Second Team Selections:
Dave Frost, Fliteline, Fort Smith, AR
Chic Downing, Fliteline, Fort Smith, AR
Doug Hommell, Pepsico/County Sports, Levittown, NY
John Davide, Pepsico/County Sports, Levittown, NY
John Tercheria, Campbell's B.A.M., Richmond, CA
Larry Franklin, Mid-State Oil, Springfield, MO
Bob Birdsey, Gartenhaus Cafe, Plainville, CT
John Hopp, Walthers, Akron, OH
Raney Bright, Paul Johnson, Indianapolis, IN
John Jontony, Holy Name of Lakewood, OH
Harold Kelley, Buddy's, Tallahasse, FL
Rick Collier, Southern Fastener, Mobile, AL
Billy Davis, Jay's Fried Chicken, Biloxi, MS
Rick Brown, Teamsters, Cleveland, OH

1977 Southern Softball All-Star Team 

Player of the Year 	Herman Rathman, Nelson's Painting, C (244 HRs, .642)
No team was named

1978 Southern Softball All-Star Team 

Player of the Year 	James Boyett, Howard & Carroll, 2B (303 HRs, .671)
No team was named

1979 Southern Softball All-Star Team 

Co-Player of the Year 	Craig Elliot, Ken Sander's Ford, P (219 HRs, .718)
Co-Player of the Year - Mike Parrott, Port City Ford, P (220 HRs)
No team was named

1980 Southern Softball All-Star Team 

Player of the Year 	Joe Young, Steele's Sports, OF (337 HRs, .716)
No team was named

1981 National Slo-Pitch Conference All-Star Team

 P -- Dana Andry, Nationwide Advertising
 C -- Jim Bizzell, Nationwide Advertising
1B -- Steve Blanchette, Nationwide Advertising
2B -- Mike Macenko, Nationwide Advertising
3B -- Bill Ferguson, Howard's/Western Steer
SS -- Charles Wright, Nationwide Advertising
OF -- Dick Bartel, Howard's/Western Steer
OF -- Rick Petrunyak, Snyders/Stroh's
OF -- Mike Nye, York Barbell/Ken Sanders
OF -- Braxton Speller, Snyders/Stroh's
Ut.-- Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer
Ut.-- Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer
Second Team Honorable Mention
 P -- Buddy Slater, Howard's/Western Steer
 C -- Greg Fuhrman, Jerry's Caterers
1B -- John Geckle, Steele's Sports
2B -- Dennis Myers, Shimers
3B -- Curtis Williams, York Barbell/Ken Sanders
SS -- Rick Trudeau, Snyders/Stroh's
OF -- Ron Ford, York Barbell/Ken Sanders
OF -- Harold Kelley, Jerry's Caterers
OF -- John Gendron, Snyders/Stroh's
OF -- Larry Garrard, Steele's Sports
Ut.-- Russell Bradley, Howard's/Western Steer
Ut.-- Chuck Drewicz, Snyders/Stroh's

1981 Southern Softball Player of the Year Award 

Player of the Year 	Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer (295 HRs, .723)
Other Finalist:
Craig Elliott, York Barbell/Ken Sanders
Tom Beall, Howard's/Western Steer
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer
Ricky Huggins, Elite Coatings
Mike Macenko, Nationwide Advertising

1982 Southern Softball All-Star Team 

Player of the Year 	Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers, OF (102 HRs, .695)
Greg Fuhrman, Jerry's Caters			- P
Craig Elliott, York Barbell/Ken Sanders		- C
James Washington, Jerry's Caters		-1B
Charles Wright, York Barbell/Ken Sanders	-2B
Steve Williams, York Barbell/Ken Sanders	-SS
Rich Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer		-3B
Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers			-OF
Mike Nye, York Barbell/Ken Sanders		-OF
Dick Bartel, Howard's/Western Steer		-OF
Tom Beall, Howard's/Western Steer		-OF
Mike Parrott, Jerry's Caterers			-Utility

1983 Southern Softball All-Star Team 

Player of the Year 	Craig Elliot, Elite Coatings, P (390 HRs, .765)
No team was named

1984 – 1989 National Slo-Pitch/Softball USA All-Star Team

No Team selections were made from 1984-1989.
Jerome Earnest only named the Slo-Pitch News and Softball USA players of the Year:
1984 Co-Player of the Year - Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers, OF (229 HRs, .705)
     Co-Player of the Year - Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer, 1B (257 HRs, .665)
1985 Player of the Year - Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer, 1B (451 HRs, .760)
1986 Player of the Year - Charles Wright, Steele's Sports, 3B (503 HRs, .721)
1987 Player of the Year - Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports, 2B (844 HRs, .744)
1988 Player of the Year - Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports, 2B (830 HRs, .745)
1989 Co-Player of the Year - Clyde Guy, Superior-Apollo, OF (.709)
     Co-Player of the Year - Dirk Androff, Steele's Silver Bullets, 1B (413 HRs, .705)

1990 Softball USA All-Star Team

Player of the Year 	Cecil Whitehead, Ritch's/Kirk's
 P -- Rick Weiterman, Steele's Silver Bullets, .683 BA, 7 HRs
 P -- Paul Drilling, Ritch's/Kirk's, .627 BA, 22 HRs
 C -- Mike Macenko, Steele's Silver Bullets, .717 BA, 162 HRs
1B -- Dirk Androff, Steele's Silver Bullets, .717 BA, 155 HRs
2B -- Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Sunbelt, .711 BA, 187 HRs
3B -- Charles Wright, Ritch's/Kirk's, .658 BA, 94 HRs
SS -- Todd Joerling, Steele's Silver Bullets, .664 BA, 119 HRs
OF -- Cecil Whitehead, Ritch's/Kirk's, .708 BA, 90 HRs
OF -- Doug Roberson, Superior/Apollo, .696 BA, 95 HRs
OF -- Britt Hightower, Ritch's/Kirk's, .705 BA, 91 HRs
OF -- Scott Virkus, Steele's Silver Bullets, .684 BA, 98 HRs
DH -- Jim Fuller, Superior/Apollo, .767 BA, 123 HRs
Ut.-- Monty Tucker, Steele's Silver Bullets, .714 BA, 113 HRs
Ut.-- Kerry Everett, Bell Corp., .667 BA, 117 HRs
Ut.-- Dave Johnson, Starpath., .658 BA, 117 HRs
Honorable Mention 
Ron Parnell, Superior/Apollo
Greg Whitlock, Ritch's/Kirk's
Mark Hierlmeier, Ritch's/Kirk's
Ernie Montgomery, Steele's Silver Bullets
Greg Schulte, Steele's Silver Bullets
Dennis Graser, Superior/Apollo
Brian Ward, Sunset Technologies
Ted Larson, Sports Hero's Athletics
Craig Elliott, Stewart's Lounge
Cliff Carpenter, Bell Corp.

1991 – 1992 Softball USA All-Star Team

No Team selections were made in 1991 or 1992.
Jerome Earnest only named the Softball USA players of the Year:
1991 Player of the Year - Carl Rose, Sunbelt/Worth, 2B (230 HRs, .751)
1992 Player of the Year - Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior, C (157 HRs, .774)

1993 Softball USA All-Star Team

Player of the Year 	Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS
 P -- Paul Drilling, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .681 BA, 49 HRs
 C -- Dave Steffen, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .695 BA, 140 HRs
1B -- Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .749 BA, 175 HRs
2B -- Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .748 BA, 163 HRs
3B -- Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .736 BA, 157 HRs
SS -- Todd Joerling, Bell Corp./Easton, .663 BA, 131 HRs
OF -- Dan Schuck, Bell Corp./Easton, .702 BA, 199 HRs
OF -- Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .702 BA, 146 HRs
OF -- Larry Fredieu, Vernon's/TPS, .712 BA, 105 HRs
OF -- Steve Craven, Steele's/Sunbelt, .715 BA, 152 HRs
DH -- Carl Rose, Williams/Worth, .708 BA, 195 HRs
Ut.-- Phil White, Bell Corp./Easton, .721 BA, 113 HRs
Honorable Mention 
Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/TPS
Jimmy Powers, Ritch's-Superior/TPS
Tot Powers, Ritch's-Superior/TPS
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior/TPS
Greg Cannedy, Bell Corp./Easton
Kim Seaman, Bell Corp./Easton
Scott Elliott, Vernon's
Mike Macenko, Steele's/Sunbelt
Randy Kortokrax, Steele's/Sunbelt
Derek Oliver, Steele's/Sunbelt
Jim Fuller, Williams/Worth
Kenny Carver, Alford's/Worth
J.C. Phelps, New Construction
Monty McCory, Worth Astros

1994 Softball USA All-Star Team

Player of the Year 	Jimmy Powers, Converters/Vernon's/TPS
 P -- Rick Weiterman, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .725, 31 HRs
 C -- J.C. Phelps, Shen Valley/DJ's/TPS, .735 BA, 104 HRs
1B -- Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .733 BA, 166 HRs
2B -- Dewayne Nevitt, Converters/Vernon's/TPS, .712 BA, 160 HRs
3B -- Jon Meyers, Williams/Worth, .705 BA, 115 HRs
SS -- Todd Joerling, Bell Corp./Easton, .759 BA, 146 HRs
OF -- Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .732 BA, 172 HRs
OF -- Hank Garris, Bell Corp./Easton, .722 BA, 157 HRs
OF -- Jimmy Powers, Converters/Vernon's/TPS, .790 BA, 175 HRs
OF -- Dan Schuck, Bell Corp./Easton, .690 BA, 174 HRs
Ut.-- Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .723 BA, 167 HRs
Ut.-- Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .682 BA, 138 HRs
Second Team Honorable Mention
 C -- Jim Fuller, Williams/Worth, .734 BA, 108 HRs
OF -- Scott Elliott, Converters/Vernons, .711 BA, 161 HRs
1B -- Tot Powers, Converters/Vernons, .719 BA, 165 HRs
OF -- Derek Oliver, Converters/Vernons, .736 BA, 142 HRs
 C -- Dave Steffen, Converters/Vernons, .697 BA, 133 HRs
1B -- Carl Rose, Williams/Worth, .719 BA, 132 HRs
OF -- Sterlin Ibrom, Williams/Worth, .730 BA, 82 HRs
OF -- Robbie Ergle, Shen Valley/DJ's/TPS, .726, 101 HRs
OF -- Jason Kendrick, Shen Valley/DJ's/TPS, .711, 71 HRs
 C -- Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth, .7171 BA, 87 HRs
 P -- Kenny Carver, Lighthouse/Worth, .672 BA, 90 HRs
OF -- Randy Kortokrax, Steele's/Sunbelt, .655 BA, 123 HRs

1995 Supreme Softball All-Star Team

Player of the Year 	Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS
 P -- Butch Ovens, Shen Valley/TPS, .673 BA, 55 HRs
 C -- Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth, .670, 148 HRs
1B -- Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .779, 154 HRs
2B -- Greg Harding, Bell/Sunbelt/Easton, .688, 118 HRs
3B -- Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/TPS, .685, 160 HRs
SS -- Todd Joerling, Bell/Sunbelt/Easton, .719, 123 HRs
OF -- Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .692, 167 HRs
OF -- Dewayne Frizzell, Superior/Southland/TPS, .695, 153 HRs
OF -- Jimmy Powers, Shen Valley/TPS, .726, 140 HRs
OF -- Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .683, 179 HRs
OF -- Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .721, 140 HRs
OF -- Shane Dubose, Tri-Gems/Easton., .776, 35 HRs
Honorable Mention 
1B -- Mark Martin, RSH/Deep South/Worth, .719 BA, 54 HRs
2B -- Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .714 BA, 129 HRs
OF -- Brad Stiles, Lighthouse/Worth, .726 BA, 57 HRs
1B -- Tot Powers, Shen Valley/TPS, .719 BA, 133 HRs
OF -- Phil White, Bell/Sunbelt/Easton, .682 BA, 93 HRs
OF -- Dan Schuck, Bell/Sunbelt/Easton, .702 BA, 154 HRs
DH -- Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth, .689 BA, 171 HRs
OF -- Sterlin Ibrom, Lighthouse/Worth, .710, 124 HRs
OF -- Steve Helewicz, Harrison/Power-Flite, .672, 64 HRs
3B -- Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .690, 141 HRs
OF -- Dale Walters, D&D Thoroughbreds, .693, 109 HRs
OF -- Derek Oliver, Shen Valley/TPS, .677, 137 HRs
2B -- Dewayne Nevitt, Shen Valley/TPS, .673, 130 HRs
OF -- Doug Kissane, Steele's Hit Men, ..673, 52 HRs
 C -- Bob Fisher, Tri-Gems/Easton, .716 BA, 84 HRs
 C -- J.C. Phelps, Shen Valley/TPS, .699 BA, 147 HRs
 P -- Ricky Huggins, Lighthouse/Worth, .665 BA, 69 HRs
SS -- Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/TPS, .679 BA, 146 HRs

1996 Supreme Softball All-Star Team

Player of the Year 	Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth
 P -- Phil Jobe, Shen Valley/Superior/Taylor/TPS
 C -- J.C. Phelps, Shen Valley/Superior/Taylor/TPS, .767 BA, .796 OBA
1B -- Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS
2B -- Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/Superior/Taylor/TPS, 167 HRs
3B -- Albert Davis, Shen Valley/Superior/Taylor/TPS, 155 HRs
SS -- Todd Joerling, Sunbelt/Easton
OF -- Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS, 153 HRs
OF -- Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS
OF -- Todd Martin, Shen Valley/Superior/Taylor/TPS
OF -- Doug Kissane, Steele's
DH -- Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth, .759 BA, .786 OBA, 209 HRs
Ut.-- Ricky Huggins, Lighthouse/Worth, 183 HRs
Ut.-- Mike Shenk, Lighthouse/Worth
Ut.-- Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS
Ut.-- Johnny McCraw, Sunbelt/Easton
Honorable Mention 
Dewayne Frizzell, Shen Valley/Superior/Taylor/TPS		
Tot Powers, Shen Valley/Superior/Taylor/TPS
Hank Garris, Sunbelt/Easton				
Greg Harding, Sunbelt/Easton
Jeff Hall, Sunbelt/Easton					
Dave Steffen, Sunbelt/Easton
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS		
Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS
Brad Stiles, Lighthouse/Worth				
Larry Sauceman, Lighthouse/Worth
Roy Eppley, Herrin/Dudley				
Jason Fleming, Herrin/Dudley
Robin Higginbotham, Bell II/Easton			
Kim Seaman, Bell II/Easton
Jeff Wallace, Steele's, Sonny's, New Construction		
Jeff Vargo, Whips/Instant Landscape/TPS
Greg Cannedy, Dan Smith/Easton				
Andy Alvis, Dan Smith/Easton
Dennis Mendoza, Dan Smith/Easton			
Shane Dubose, Dan Smith/Easton
Todd Volkers, Spectrum/Easton				
Scott Striebel, Spectrum/Easton
Tim Linson, Hague/TPS					
Jim Burbrink, Hague/TPS

1997 Supreme Softball All-Star Team

Co-Players of the Year	Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/Taylor/TPS
			Jeff Hall, Sunbelt/Dan Smith/Easton
 P -- Greg Cannedy, R-S/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS, .717 BA, .736 OBA, 50 HRs 
 C -- Dewayne Nevitt, R-S/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS,  .740 BA, .756 OBA, 186 HRs 
1B -- Dirk Androff, R-S/Tri-Gems/Beloli,  .739 BA, .764 OBA, 164 HRs
2B -- Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/Taylor,  .763 BA, .782 OBA, 209 HRs
3B -- Jeff Wallace, SoJern/Specialty/TPS, .777 BA, .787 OBA, 165 HRs
SS -- Todd Joerling, Sunbelt/Dan Smith/Easton,  .743 BA, .756 OBA, 152 HRs
SF -- Jeff Hall, Sunbelt/Dan Smith/Easton,  .807 BA, .817 OBA, 118 HRs
OF -- Todd Martin, Shen Valley/Taylor/TPS,  .729 BA, .741 OBA, 183 HRs 
OF -- Brad Stiles, Lighthouse/Worth,  .782 BA, .790 OBA, 123 HRs 
OF -- Randell Boone, Shen Valley/Taylor/TPS,  .730 BA, .742 OBA, 170 HRs 
OF -- Doug Kissane, R-S/Tri-Gems/Beloli/TPS, .683 BA, .729 OBA, 129 HRs 
OF -- Jason Kendrick, Shen Valley/Taylor/TPS,  .703 BA, .717 OBA, 100 HRs 
DH -- J.C. Phelps, Shen Valley/Taylor/TPS,  .764 BA, .798 OBA, 172 HRs 
DH -- Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth,  .711 BA, .727 OBA, 203 HRs 
Ut.-- Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth,  .743 BA, .758 OBA, 221 HRs 
Ut.-- Shane Dubose, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton,  .736 BA, .772 OBA, 103 HRs
Honorable Mention 
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior		Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior
Hank Garris, Ritch's-Superior		Mike Shenk, Ritch's-Superior
Al Davis, Shen Valley/Taylor		Dewayne Frizzell, Shen Valley/Taylor
Phil Jobe, Shen Valley/Taylor		Jimmy Powers, Shen Valley/Taylor
Tot Powers, Shen Valley/Taylor		Robbie Ergle, Lighthouse/Worth
Dennis Mendoza, Lighthouse/Worth	Larry Sauceman, Lighthouse/Worth
Steve Craven, Lighthouse/Worth		Robin Higginbotham, Lighthouse/Worth
Bobby Gilbert, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton	Dan Schuck, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton
Scott Elliott, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton	Kenny Carver, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton
Greg Harding, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton	Mike Rodriguez, Sierra/TPS
Mark Creson, Sierra/TPS			Dale Walters, Sierra/TPS
Paul Drilling, Sierra/TPS		John Keigley, Sierra/TPS
Tom White, SoJern/Specialty		Jon Meyers, SoJern/Specialty
Kirk Strafford, SoJern/Specialty	Brett Helmer, SoJern/Specialty
Dal Beggs, Long Haul/TPS		Dennis Pierce, Long Haul/TPS
Jason Fleming, Long Haul/TPS		Rob Darhower, Long Haul/TPS
Mike Macenko, Steele's/Reda		Jacques Millier, Steele's/Reda
Rod Hughes, Hague/Oh Tran./Wessell	Joe Foley, Hague/Oh Tran./Wessell
Jeff Ott, Hague/Oh Tran./Wessell	Tim Cocco, Hague/Oh Tran./Wessell
Bob Van Erem, R&D/Grover		Brian Ellinghausen, R&D/Grover
Randy Kortokrax, Lovill/Easton		Scott Holt, Spectrum/POV's/Easton
Ted Larson, Spectrum/POV's/Easton	Brian Greer, D's/JWM/Easton
Larry Carter, D's/JWM/Easton		Dennis Rulli, D's/JWM/Easton
Doug Brown, AJ's/Worth			David Hood, Sports World/Worth
P.J. Jones, Sports World/Worth		Cecil Hicks, Sports World/Worth
Mark Martin, Roberts/Easton		Ross Urshan, Roberts/Easton
Jeff Ross, Martin/Mizuno/Bike

1998 Supreme Softball All-Star Team

Tri-Players of the Year 	Hank Garris, Sierra/TPS
				Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth
				Jeff Wallace, Team TPS
 P -- Phil Jobe, Team TPS,  6-4, 230, age 30, .732 OBA-64 HRs 
 P -- Paul Drilling, Sierra/TPS, 5-11, 220, 34, .657-85 
1B -- Jeff Wallace, Team TPS,  6-2, 275, 29, .776-151 
2B -- Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS, 6-6, 275, 29, .758-161 
3B -- Mike Shenk, Team TPS,  6-2, 265, 32, .733-106 
SS -- John Mello, Team TPS, 6-2, 225, 32, .695-81 
MI -- Jeff Hall, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton,  6-3, 235, 28, .751-91 
OF -- Todd Martin, Team TPS,  6-2, 215, 26, .728-135 
OF -- Doug Kissane, Team TPS,  6-5, 255, 31, .689-150 
OF -- Jason Kendrick, Sierra/TPS,  6-2, 220, 31, .749-115 
OF -- Robin Higginbotham, Lighthouse/Worth,  6-1, 210, 27, .698-73 
OF -- Larry Fredieu, Sierra/TPS,  6-0, 220, 39, .690-186 
OF -- Dewayne Frizzell, Lighthouse/Worth,  6-1, 235, 31, .727-143 
 C -- Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth,  6-5, 290, 32, .776-151 
 C -- Jimmy Powers, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton, 6-2, 250, 36, .741-125 
EH -- Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth,  6-2, 250, 32, .728-180 
EH -- Hank Garris, Sierra/TPS,  6-2, 270, 34, .751-196
Ut.-- Tot Powers, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton,  6-1, 260, 37, .722-147 
Ut.-- Greg Harding, Sunbelt/D.Smith/Easton,  6-1, 245, 30, .703-104 
Ut.-- Darrell Beeler, Sierra/TPS,  6-3, 240, 38, .716-180 
Ut.-- Albert Davis, Lighthouse/Worth,  6-0, 245, 30, .725-123 
Ut.-- Dennis Mendoza, Lighthouse/Worth,  5-11, 220, 32, .707-82 
Ut.-- Randy Kortokrax, Steele's/R&D/Reda,  6-6, 280, 33, .699-134 
Ut.-- Rod Hughes, Steele's/R&D/Reda,  6-0, 235, 30, .705-124 
Ut.-- Tom White, Wessel/Hague/SoJern,  6-3, 270, 36, .773-163 
Ut.-- Brett Helmer, Wessel/Hague/SoJern,  6-0, 270, 27, .763-155 
Ut.-- Howie Krause, Wessel/Hague/SoJern,  6-1, 230, 31, .705-147

1999 Supreme Softball All-Star Team

Co-Players of the Year	Jeff Wallace, Team TPS
			Brett Helmer, Team Easton
 P -- Phil Jobe, Team TPS, Miami, Fl., .692 OBA, 58 HRs 
 P -- Paul Drilling, Dan Smith/Worth, Houston, Tx, .650 OBA, 25 HRs 
 C -- Hank Garris, Team TPS, Naples, Fl., .755 OBA, 188 HRs
 C -- Wendell Rickard, Dan Smith/Worth, Hot Springs, Ak., .742 OBA, 182 HRs 
1B -- Jeff Wallace, Team TPS, Phoenix, NY,.786 OBA, 156 HRs
2B -- Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS, Kings Mt., NC,.743 OBA, 144 HRs
3B -- Mike Shenk, Team Easton, Ephrata, Pa., .693 OBA, 122 HRs
SS -- Todd Joerling, Team Easton, New Melle, Mo., .750 OBA, 115 HRs
MI -- Todd Martin, Team TPS, Eden, NC, .739 OBA, 129 HRs 
OF -- Mark Creson, Dan Smith/Worth, Phoenix, Az., .669 OBA, 113 HRs 
OF -- Scott Striebel, Dan Smith/Worth, Minneapolis, Mn., .705 OBA, 73 HRs 
OF -- Derek Oliver, Paramount/TPS, Goldsboro, NC, .769 OBA, 72 HRs 
Ut.-- Jeff Hall, Team Easton, Gastonia, NC, .751 OBA, 118 HRs
Ut.-- Randell Boone, Team TPS, Pembroke, Ga., .753 OBA, 136 HRs
Ut.-- Jim Devine, R&D/Easton, Hamilton, NJ, .756 OBA, 144 HRs 
Ut.-- Keith Brockman, R&D/Easton, Greer, SC,  .755 OBA, 104 HRs 
Ut.-- Rod Hughes, R&D/Easton, Connersville, In., .745 OBA, 141 HRs 
Ut.-- Brett Helmer, Team Easton, Syracuse, NY, .789 OBA, 128 HRs 
Ut.-- John Mello, Team TPS, Johnston, R.I.,.715 OBA, 128 HRs 
Ut.-- Dewayne Nevitt, Team TPS, Brandenburg, Ky., .703 OBA, 148 HRs 
Ut.-- Carl Rose, Dan Smith/Worth, Jesup, Ga., .690 OBA, 159 HRs
Honorable Mention 
Greg Cannedy, Dan Smith/Worth, Concord, Ca., 
Al Davis, Dan Smith/Worth, Okeechobee, Fl., .704 OBA 
Randy Kortokrax, R&D/Easton, Columbus, Oh., .729 OBA, 139 HRs 
David Hood, R&D/Easton, Nashville, Tn., .701 OBA, 129 HRs 
Lonnie Fox, R&D/Easton, Knoxville, Tn., .719 OBA, 148 HRs 
Jeff Smith, JWM/Herb's/TPS, Ruther Glen, Va., .766 OBA, 100 HRs
Larry Carter, JWM/Herb's/TPS, Oklahoma City, Ok., .658 OBA, 132 HRs
Tim Cocco, Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Erlanger, Ky., .711 OBA, 73 HRs 
Tim Linson, Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Columbus, Oh., .681 OBA, 92 HRs 
Shane Dubose, Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Houston, Tx., .718 OBA, 56 HRs 
Jim Burbrink, Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Cincinnati, Oh., .604 OBA, 3 HRs 
John Keigley, Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Bakersfield, Ca., .602 OBA, 1 HR 
Alex Lavorico, Hendu's/Long Haul/TPS, Woodland, Ca., .695 OBA, 103 HRs 
Ted Larson, Hendu's/Long Haul/TPS, Minneapolis, Mn., .563 OBA, 0 HRs 
Lance Peterson, Hendu's/Long Haul/TPS, Minneapolis, Mn., .709 OBA, 77 HRs 
Paul Brannon, Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Kings Mt., NC, .678 OBA, 98 HRs 
Judson Jackson, Hague/Resmondo/TPS, Starke, Fl., .675 OBA, 90 HRs 
Jeff Ott, Sunnyvale/TPS, Waterloo, Ia, .686 OBA, 120 HRs, #1-HR freq.2.158 
Derrick Williams, Sunnyvale Valve/TPS, Oakland, Ca., .672 OBA, 97 HRs 
Dennis Rulli, JWM/Herb's/TPS, Los Angeles, Ca., .687 OBA, 60 HRs 
Andy Purcell, Sunnyvale Valve/TPS, San Jose, Ca.,  .636 OBA, 36 HRs 
Jimmy Powers, Paramount/TPS, Roanoke Rapids, NC,  .752 OBA, 93 HRs 
Tot Powers, Paramount/TPS, Roanoke Rapids, NC, .726 OBA, 91 HRs 
Jerald Smith, Paramount/TPS, Ruther Glen, Va., .634 OBA, 61 HRs 
Larry Sauceman, Team Reece, Greenville, Tn. 
Ernie Montgomery, Team Reece, Knoxville, Tn.

The Old Scout’s 2000 All-Star Team

Player of the Year 	Hank Garris, Team TPS
 P -- Paul Drilling, Long Haul Trucking/TPS (43 HRs, .607 OB%)
 C -- Hank Garris, Team TPS (228 HRs, .796 OB%)
EH -- Carl Rose, Dan Smith/Worth (173 HRs, .726 OB%)
1B -- Jeff Wallace, Team TPS (195 HRs, .782 OB%)
2B -- Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS (203 HRs, .766 OB%)
3B -- Mike Shenk, Team TPS (144 HRs, .739 OB%)
SS -- Dennis Rulli, Long Haul Trucking/TPS (54 HRs, .759 OB%)
OF -- Jason Kendrick, Team TPS (100 HRs, .701 OB%)
OF -- Doug Kissane, Dan Smith/Worth (112 HRs, .683 OB%)
OF -- John McCraw, Sunbelt Softball (145 HRs, .756 OB%)
OF -- Rob Sleede, Bell Corp/Easton (98 HRs, .737 OB%)
Ut -- Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Worth (148 HRs, .782 OB%)
Ut -- Todd Martin, Team TPS (168 HRs, .749 OB%)
Ut -- Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Easton (129 HRs, .815 OB%)
Ut -- Dewayne Nevitt, Bell Corp/Easton (184 HRs, .759 OB%)
Ut -- Dennis Mendoza, Sunbelt Softball (131 HRs, .742 OB%)
Ut -- Larry Carter, Sunnyvale Valve/TPS (198 HRs, .747 OB%)
Mgr. - Gary Jost, Long Haul Trucking/TPS (73-25 record; ASA-Major, USSSA-AA
         and ISA-AA Champs;  NSA-AA, NSA-Super and USSSA-Major Runner-ups; 
         ISA-Super 5th place)

The Old Scout’s 2001 All-Star Team

Player of the Year 	Andy Purcell, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS
P-	Andy Purcell, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (43 HRs, .659 OB%)
P-	Shane Dubose, Budweiser/Summerlin/ITT/MG (65 HRs, .756 OB%)
P-	Scott Brown, Pov's/Walser/Reebok/TPS (89 HRs, .725 OB%)
C/EH-   Hank Garris, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (150 HRs, .735 OB%)
C/EH-   Dewayne Nevitt, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton (89 HRs, .746 OB%)
C/EH-   Ray Cowart, Aftershock/Easton (68 HRs, .775 OB%)
IF-	Rusty Bumgarner, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (117 HRs, .728 OB%)
IF-	Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (129 HRs, .766 OB%)
IF-	Todd Martin, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (96 HRs, .720 OB%)
IF-	John Mello, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (48 HRs, .667 OB%)
IF-	Demond Thomas, Hague/Resmondo/Specialty/TPS (67 HRs, .676 OB%)
IF-	Mike Shenk, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (99 HRs, .703 OB%)
IF-	Albert Davis, Hague/Resmondo/Specialty/TPS (60 HRs, .718 OB%)
IF-	Howie Krause, Hague/Resmondo/Specialty/TPS (84 HRs, .727 OB%)
IF-	Todd Volkers, Pov's/Walser/Reebok/TPS (74 HRs, .770 OB%)
IF-	Jerold Smith, Budweiser/Summerlin/ITT/MG (96 HRs, .744 OB%)
OF-	Scott King, Budweiser/Summerlin/ITT/MG (94 HRs, .695 OB%)
OF-	Scott Striebel, Budweiser/Summerlin/ITT/MG (78 HRs, .693 OB%)
OF-	Jason Kendrick, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (81 HRs, .688 OB%)
OF-	Larry Carter, Hague/Resmondo/Specialty/TPS (125 HRs, .653 OB%)
OF-	Chaun DeMars, Pov's/Walser/Reebok/TPS (54 HRs, .710 OB%)
Ut-	Jimmy Powers, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (60 HRs, .768 OB%)
Ut-	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton (89 HRs, .762 OB%)
Ut-	Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton (98 HRs, .749 OB%)
Ut-	Paul Brannon, Hague/Resmondo/Specialty/TPS (112 HRs, .644 OB%)
Mgr.-	Gary Jost, Long Haul/Taylor/Shen/TPS (70-6 record;
            ISA-Super, NSA-Super, USSSA-Super, ASA-Super champs; Grand Slam winners)

The Old Scout’s 2002 All-Star Team

Player of the Year - Dal Beggs, Hague/Resmondo/Walser/Worth
P-	Pat Wayne, Florida Heat/Worth (24 HRs, .603 OB%)
P- 	Shane Dubose, Backman/Dan Smith/Menosse/Easton (45 HRs, .696 OB%)
C/EH-	Hank Garris, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS (141 HRs, .762 OB%)
C/EH-	DeWayne Nevitt, Backman/Dan Smith/Menosse/Easton (126 HRs, .719 OB%)
C/EH-	Randy Kortokrax, Hague/Resmondo/Walser/Worth (111 HRs, .686 OB%)
C/EH-	Derrick Williams, Budweiser/Summerlin/Worth (116 HRs, .683 OB%)
IF-	Jeff Hall, Backman/Smith/Menosse/Easton (119 HRs, .784 OB%)
IF-	Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS (152 HRs, .771 OB%)
IF-	Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS (146 HRs, .763 OB%)
IF-	Todd Martin, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS (100 HRs, .692 OB%)
IF-	Brett Helmer, Backman/Dan Smith/Menosse/Easton (93 HRs, .799 OB%)
IF-	Jeff Ott, Mid South/Mizuno (83 HRs, .722 OB%)
IF-	Dennis Rulli, Chase/Reece/Rooster/Easton (27 HRs, .711 OB%)
IF-	Dal Beggs, Hague/Resmondo/Walser/Worth (102 HRs, .696 OB%)
IF-	DeMond Thomas, Backman/Dan Dmith/Menosse/Easton (38 HRs, .698 OB%)
IF-	Todd Joerling, Backman/Smith/Menosse/Easton (60 HRs, .709 OB%)
IF-	Jeff Smith, Budweiser/Summerlin/Worth (88 HRs, .765 OB%)
IF-	John Glidewell, Mountain Top/Cash/Advance/TPS (75 HRs, .779 OB%)
IF-	Brian Arnold, Florida Heat/Worth (79 HRs, .697 OB%)
OF-	Bryson Baker, Hague/Resmondo/Walser/Worth (86 HRs, .704 OB%)
OF-	Scott Streibel, Hague Resmondo/Walser/Worth (89 HRs, .683 OB%)
OF-	Jason Kendrick, Backman/Smith/Menosse/Easton (61 HRs, .710 OB%)
OF-	Robin Higgonbotham, Backman/Smith/Menosse/Easton (42 HRs, .639 OB%)
OF-	Bobby Hughes, Chase/Reece/Rooster/Easton (51 HRs, .669 OB%)
OF-	Shane McCullough, Budweiser/Summerlin/Worth (79 HRs, .697 OB%)
OF-	Randall Boone, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS (86 HRs, .712 OB%)
OF-	Scott King, Long Haul/Taylor Bros/Shen Corp/TPS (90 HRs, .642 OB%)
Mgr.-	Roger Tabor, Florida Heat/Nave Plumbing/Joe Blacks/Worth
            (USSSA Class-A, ISA Class-AA, ISA Class-A champs)
Rookie of the Year - Scott Brown, Backman/Smith/Menosse/Easton (76 HRs, .712 OB%)

The Old Scout’s 2003 All-Star Team

Co-Players of the Year - Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
			 Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
P- 	Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
P- 	Pat Wayne, Benfield Electric/Worth
C- 	Hank Garris, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton
C- 	Steve Roder, B&J Logging/Kluevers Snap-On-Tools/Worth
EH- 	Ronnie James, US Vinyl/Community Access/Z-Wear/Miken
EH- 	BJ Faulk, Alesium/Reece/Hinson/Shade/Easton
IF- 	Dennis Shrum, US Vinyl/Community Access/Z-Wear/Miken
IF- 	Todd Joerling, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton
IF- 	Todd Martin, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
IF- 	Don Dedonatis ,Jr., Mountain Top/USA Cash/TPS
IF- 	Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
IF- 	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton
IF- 	Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
IF- 	Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton
IF- 	Howie Krause, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
IF- 	Robert Hawkins, B&J Logging/Kluevers Snap-On-Tools/Worth
OF- 	Johnny McCraw, US Vinyl/Community Access/Z-Wear/Miken
OF- 	Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
OF- 	Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
OF- 	Scott Streibel, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
OF- 	Bobby Hughes, Alesium/Reece/Hinson/Shade/Easton
Ut- 	Scott Brown, Dan Smith/Backman/Mennose/Easton
Ut- 	RJ Howerton, US Vinyl/Community Access/Z-Wear/Miken
Ut- 	Tim Cocoa, Budweiser/Sunnyvale/Fairweather/Worth
Ut- 	Bob Woldyk, US Vinyl/Community Access/Z-Wear/Miken
MGR- 	Jeff Hague, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt
            (ISA-Super, NSA-Super, USSSA-Super, ASA-Super champs; Grand Slam winners)
Rookie of the Year - Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Hague/Taylor/Sunbelt

The Old Scout’s 2004 All-Star Team

Player of the Year - Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton
1B- 	Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.806 OB%, 122 HRs)
2B- 	Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Taylor Bros/K&H Investments (.782 OB%, 80 HRs)
SS- 	Don Dedonatis Jr., Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.705 OB%, 17 HRs)
3B- 	JD Genter, US Vinyl/Meridian/Subway/Z-Wear (.730 OB%, 64 HRs)
C- 	Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Taylor Bros/K&H Investments (.756 OB%, 98 HRs)
DH- 	Hank Garris, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.750 OB%, 95 HRs)
LF- 	John McCraw, US Vinyl/Meridian/Subway/Z-Wear (.763 OB%, 55 HRs)
RCF- 	Rick Baker, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.692 OB%, 27 HRs)
LCF- 	Scott Striebel, Resmondo/Taylor Bros/K&H Investments (.667 OB%, 48 HRs)
RF- 	Jason Kendrick, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.727 OB%, 48 HRs)
Ut- 	Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.781 OB%, 99 HRs)
Ut- 	RJ Howerton, US Vinyl/Meridian/Subway/Z-Wear (.702 OB%, 80 HRs)
Ut- 	Todd Joerling, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.731%, 60 HRs)
Ut- 	Bob Woldyk, US Vinyl/Meridian/Subway/Z-Wear (.744 OB%, 113 HRs)
Ut- 	JC Phelps, Kluever Snap On/B&J Logging/Mizuno (.729 OB%, 69 HRs)
Ut- 	Kenny Briggs, Benfield/Alesium/Reece/Shade/Easton (.718 OB%, 79 HRs)
P- 	Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Taylor Bros/K&H Investments (.678 OB%, 41 HRs)
P- 	Scott Nastally, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton (.599 OB%, 14 HRs)
Mgr.- 	Gary Jost, Dan Smith/Backman/Menosse/Holland/Easton
            (#1 Team, 53-7 Record, USSSA Super Champs, NSA Super Runner-ups)

The Old Scout’s 2005 All-Star Team

Player of the Year - Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse
1B-	Jeff Hall, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.699, 68 HRs)
1B-	BJ Fulk, AM/Las Vegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton
2B- 	Brett Helmer, BellCorp/Backman/Taylor/Easton (.792, 91 HRs)
2B- 	Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.748, 77 HRs)
3B- 	Denny Crine, AM/LasVegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton
3B- 	JD Genter, Team Stucco/TPS (.660, 33 HRs)
SS- 	Don Dedonatis Jr., Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.706, 35 HRs)
SS- 	Dal Beggs, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton (.708, 74 HRs)
MI- 	Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.693, 80 HRs)
MI- 	Dennis Rulli, AM/Las Vegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton
LF- 	Jason Kendrick, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.664, 47 HRs)
LF- 	Brian Wegman, AM/Las Vegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton
CF-	Rick Baker, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton (.657, 31 HRs)
CF- 	Scott Striebel, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.648, 59 HRs)
RF- 	Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.661, 59 HRs)
RF- 	Wayne Hammermell, AM/Las Vegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton
Util- 	Chris O'Hara, AM/Las Vegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton
Util- 	Tim Mattox, Team Stucco/TPS (.728, 69 HRs)
P- 	Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.679, 49 HRs)
P- 	Scott Nastally, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton (.582, 15 HRs)
C- 	Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse (.737, 104 HRs)
C- 	Scott Brown, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton (.704, 63 HRs)
EH- 	JC Phelps, Team Stucco/TPS (.814, 48 HRs)
EH- 	Tim Cocco, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton (.712, 86 HRs)
Mgr- 	Randy Cropper, AM/Las Vegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton
            (NSA Super, NSA Class-AA, ASA Major Champs)
Coach- 	Gary Jost, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton
Coach- 	Frank Webb, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse
Sponsor of the year- All of AM Las Vegas/Benfield/Reece/Belcher/Shade/Easton- 
            (Tony, Benfield, Mike, Roger, Mel, Rooster, Roger & Kevin)
Defensive Player of the Year- Don Dedonatis Jr., Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse
Co-Offensive Player of the Year- Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Backman/Taylor/Easton
Co-Offensive Player of the Year- Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Dan Smith/Menosse

The Old Scout's 2006 All-Star Team - Gordie Heagle
Old Scout Player of the Year - Dennis Rulli, Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Belcher/Easton (.751, 36 HRs)
First Team
P - Andy Purcell, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.615, 18 HRs)
P - Scott Nastally, Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Belcher/Easton (.710, 30 HRs)
P - Justin Mucciarelli, Jean Shoppe/Worth (.620, 8 HRs)
C - Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.755, 97 HRs)
C - Scott Brown, Team Combat (.804, 51 HRs)
EH - JC Phelps, Specialty Tank/Creative Stucco/K&G Sports/Worth (.797, 81 HRs)
EH - BJ Fulk, Specialty Tank/Creative Stucco/K&G Sports/Worth (.684, 64 HRs)
1B - Jeff Hall, Specialty Tank/Creative Stucco/K&G Sports/Worth (.751, 82 HRs)
1B - Howie Krause, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.702, 64 HRs)
2B - Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Belcher/Easton (.782, 80 HRs)
2B - Todd Martin, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.705, 55 HRs)
3B - Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.760, 70 HRs)
3B - Greg Connell, Specialty Tank/Creative Stucco/K&G Sports/Worth (.688, 69 HRs)
SS - Don Dedonatis III, Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Belcher/Easton (.692, 36 HRs)
SS - Dal Beggs, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.689, 63 HRs)
MI - Dennis Rulli, Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Belcher/Easton (.751, 36 HRs)
MI - Bryson Baker, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.701, 63 HRs)
OF - Brian Wegman, Benfield/Reece/Shade on the Canal/Easton/AM Las Vegas (.760, 59 HRs)
OF - Scott Kirby, Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Belcher/Easton (.683, 74 HRs)
OF - Scott Striebel, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.667, 53 HRs)
OF - Scott Janick, Northwest Pipe/Bud Light/3N2/Easton (.710, 31 HRs)
OF - Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.670, 46 HRs)
OF - Bobby Hughes, Bell Corp/Taylor Bros/Belcher/Easton (.699, 48 HRs)
OF - John McCraw, Team Combat (.782, 57 HRs)
OF - Jason Kendrick, Resmondo/KME Softball Club (.698, 37 HRs)
UT - JD Genter, Benfield/Reece/Shade on the Canal/Easton/AM Las Vegas (.711, 36 HRs)
UT - Dale Roe, Northwest Pipe/Bud Light/3N2/Easton (.737, 52 HRs)
Manager - Frank Webb, Resmondo - KME Softball Club
Coaches - Ed Cagle, Greg Blackburn, Chuck Hester - Jean Shoppe/Worth
Sponsor - Larry Quartuccio, Northwest Pipe/Bud Light/3N2/Easton

The Old Scout’s 2007 All-Star Team – Gordie Heagle

Old Scout Player of the Year – Jason Kendrick – Resmondo Softball (.781, 55 HRs, 130 RBIs)
Old Scout Offensive Player of the Year – Jeff Wallace – Resmondo Softball (.813, 81 HRs, 202 RBIs)
Old Scout Defensive Player of the Year – Don Dedonatis III – Resmondo Softball (.715, 20 HRs, 75 RBIs)

First Team
P – Andy Purcell, Resmondo Softball (.655, 28 HRs, 89 RBIs)
P – Justin Mucciaelli, Jean Shoppe/Tanel/Worth (.591, 13 HRs, 59 RBIs)
C – Jeff Wallace, Resmondo Softball (.813, 81 HRs, 202 RBIs)
C – Hank Garris, Team Combat/Benfield/Dalsanders (.760, 84 HRs, 204 RBIs)
EH – Scott Brown, Team Combat/Benfield/Dalsanders (.723, 69 HRs, 178 RBIs)
EH – BJ Fulk, Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/Backman (.732, 92 HRs, 221 RBIs)
EH – Tim Cocco, Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/Backman (.642, 65 HRs, 179 RBIs)
IF – Howie Krause, Resmondo Softball (.701, 61 HRs, 139 RBIs)
IF – Bryson Baker, Resmondo Softball (.727, 78 HRs, 198 RBIs)
IF – Dal Beggs, Resmondo Softball (.687, 42 HRs, 114 RBIs)
IF – Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo Softball (.701, 73 HRs, 167 RBIs)
IF – Don Dedonatis III, Resmondo Softball (.715, 20 HRs, 75 RBIs)
IF – Brian Wegman, Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/Backman (.766, 66 HRs, 164 RBIs)
IF – Dennis Rulli, Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/Backman (.719, 11 HRs, 81 RBIs)
IF – Wes Campbell, Laser Vision/Easton (.719, 32 HRs, 95 RBIs)
IF – Denny Crine, KME/Chaney’s/Easton (.712, 35 HRs, 86 RBIs)
OF – Jason Kendrick, Resmondo Softball (.781, 55 HRs, 130 RBIs)
OF – Brian Rainwater, Resmondo Softball (.677, 59 HRs, 149 RBIs)
OF – John McCraw, Team Combat/Benfield/Dalsanders (.780, 77 HRs, 179 RBIs)
OF- John Bailey, KME/Chaney’s/Easton (.723, 37 HRs, 95 RBIs)
OF – Scott Janack, KME/Chaney’s/Easton (.711, 37 HRs, 77 RBIs)
OF – Rick Sedlacek, Jean Shoppe/Tanel/Worth (.715, 32 HRs, 72 RBIs)
OF – Ryan Robbins, Jean Shoppe/Tanel/Worth (.699, 27 HRs, 91 RBIs)
UT – Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Belcher/TAI/Backman (.750, 80 HRs, 190 RBIs)
UT – Jamie Gordon, Jean Shoppe/Tanel/Worth (.680, 66 HRs, 153 RBIs)
UT – Kris O’Hara, KME/Chaney’s/Easton (.757, 34 HRs, 65 RBIs)
UT – Kevin Filby, Jean Shoppe/Tanel/Worth (.699, 39 HRs, 90 RBIs)
UT – JD Genter, Team Combat/Benfield/Dalsanders (.744, 48 HRs, 145 RBIs)
Co Manager – Frank Webb, Resmondo Softball (60-3 Record)
Co Manager – John Rector, Resmondo Softball (60-3 Record)

The Old Scout’s 2008 All-Star Team – Gordie Heagle

Old Scout Player of the Year – Don Dedonatis III, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
Old Scout Offensive Player of the Year – JC Phelps, GTL/Creative Stucco/Worth
Old Scout 
Defensive Player of the Year – Jeff McGavin, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat

First Team
P – Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
P – Scott Nastally, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
C – Scott Brown, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
C – Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
EH – JC Phelps, GTL/Creative Stucco/Worth
EH – BJ Fulk, Long Haul/PhoneMasters/Miken
IF – Jeff Hall, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
IF – Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
IF – Bryson Baker, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
IF – Dal Beggs, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
IF – Greg Connell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
IF – Dennis Rulli, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
IF – Jeff McGavin, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
IF – Don Dedonatis III, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
IF – Todd Martin, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
IF – JD Genter, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
OF – Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
OF – Rick Baker, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
OF – Bobby Hughes, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
OF – Scott Kirby, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
OF – Brian Wegman, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
OF – Jason Kendrick, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
UT – Denny Crine, Long Haul/PhoneMasters/Miken
UT – Robert Blackburn, Jean Shoppe/Easton
UT – Jamie Gordon, Jean Shoppe/Easton
UT – Vince Bisbee, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
UT – Brian Justice, Dan Smith/Benfield/Menosse/Combat
UT – Kevin Filby, GTL/Creative Stucco/Worth
Manager  – Scotty O’Neil, Taylor Made/Floyd Environmental/Mizuno
Sponsor – Greg Blackburn, Jean Shoppe/Easton

The Old Scout’s 2009 All-Star Team – Gordie Heagle

Old Scout Player of the Year – Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
Old Scout Defensive Player of the Year – Don Dedonatis III, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
Old Scout Offensive Player of the Year – Hank Garris, Jean Shoppe/Chaneys/Easton/Sports55

First Team
P – Andy Purcell – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
P – Scott Nastally – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
P – Kevin Filby – GTL Cartel/Stucco/Worth/Elite
C – Scott Brown – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
C – Jeff Wallace – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
EH – JC Phelps – Long Haul/Miken/PhoneMasters
EH – Hank Garris – Jean Shoppe/Chaneys/Easton/Sports55
IF – Rusty Bumgardner – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
IF – Todd Joerling – Jean Shoppe/Chaneys/Easton/Sports55
IF – Bryson Baker – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
IF – Jeremy Isenhower – Long Haul/Miken/PhoneMasters
IF – Dennis Rulli – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
IF – Don Dedonatis III – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
IF – Brett McCullom – Long Haul/Miken/PhoneMasters
IF – JD Genter – Long Haul/Miken/PhoneMasters
OF – Brian Rainwater – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
OF – Rick Baker – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
OF – Robert Blackburn – Long Haul/Miken/PhoneMasters
OF – Bobby Hughes – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
OF – Ryan Robbins – Long Haul/Miken/PhoneMasters
OF – Jason Kendrick – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
OF – Mike Bowlin – GTL Cartel/Stucco/Worth/Elite
UT – Brett Helmer – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
UT – Greg Connell – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
UT – Vince Bisbee – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
UT – Brian Wegman – Dan Smith/Menosse/Benfield/Combat
UT – BJ Fulk – Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
Manager – “Tiny” Tim Taylor – T&R Stucco/Bass/Worth
Coach – Jackie Hayes – T&R Stucco/Bass/Worth
Sponsor – Troy Nance – T&R Stucco/Bass/Worth

The Old Scout’s 2010 All-Star Team – Gordie Heagle

Old Scout Player of the Year – Greg Connell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters  (.799, 95 HRs, 302 RBIs)

First Team
P – Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters
C – Tim Cocco, Jean Shoppe/Easton
EH – Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Menosse
1B – Ryan Thiede, Dan Smith/Menosse
2B – Greg Connell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters
3B – JD Genter, Dan Smith/Menosse
SS – Don DeDonatis III, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters
MI – Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters
OF – Rick Baker, Dan Smith/Menosse
OF – Bobby Hughes, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters
OF – Brian Wegman, Dan Smith/Menosse
UT – Dennis Rulli, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters
UT – Geno Buck, Dan Smith/Menosse
UT – Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters
UT – BJ Fulk, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/PhoneMasters

The Old Scout/Softball Center 2011 All-Star Team – Dale Weiser

Old Scout/Softball Center Player of the Year – Greg Connell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth

First Team
P- Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
C – Brett Helmer, Team Combat/Laservision/D2E/Supreme
EH – Tim Cocco, Shoppe/Team TPS/D2E/Elite
1B – Rusty Bumgardner, Team Combat/Laservision/D2E/Supreme
2B – Greg Connell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
3B – Dennis Rulli, Team Combat/Laservision/D2E/Supreme
SS – Don Dedonatis III, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
MI – Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
OF – Rick Baker, Team Combat/Laservision/D2E/Supreme
OF – Brian Wegman, Team Combat/Laservision/D2E/Supreme
OF – Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
UT – Geno Buck, GTL Cartel/Demarini
UT – Jeremy Isenhower, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
UT – Tim Howard, GTL Cartel/Demarini
UT – Bobby Hughes, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth

The Old Scout/Softball Center 2012 All-Star Team – Dale Weiser

Old Scout/Softball Center Player of the Year – Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialy Tank/Worth
Old Scout/Softball Center Defensive Player of the Year – Jimmy Salas, Resmondo/Specialy Tank/Worth
Old Scout/Softball Center Offensive Player of the Year – Tim Cocco, Shoppe/Team TPS/Elite

First Team
P – Andy Purcell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
C – Tim Cocco, Shoppe/Team TPS/Elite
1B – Jeff Hall, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
2B – Greg Connell, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
3B – Dennis Rulli, TYJA/Suncoast Reebok
SS – Bryson Baker, Laservision/ANNI/Supr/D2/Easton
MI – Bubba Mack, Resmondo/Specialty Tank/Worth
LF – Robert Blackburn, Shoppe/Team TPS/Elite
CF – Jason Branch, Team 454/Emerald/Worth
RF – Brian Wegman, Laservision/ANNI/Supr/D2/Easton
EH – Kyle Moyer, Team 454/Emerald/Worth
UT – Kevin Filby, Nordkap/Desert Falls/Easton
UT – Lee Powers, Shoppe/Team TPS/Elite
UT – Brett McCollum, Nordkap/Desert Falls/Easton
UT – Adam Rockoff, Demarini/Dirty/3n2/AtwlDesigns
UT – Scott Kirby, Laservision/ANNI/Supr/D2/Easton
UT – Chad Durick, Team 454/Emerald/Worth

The Old Scout/Softball Center 2013 All-Star Team

Not Selected, Softball Center uses the USSSA All Conference Teams as the annual All Star Teams.

National Slow Pitch Softball Hall of Fames

Players of Slow Pitch Teams and their Hall of Fame information


1973 *	Myron Reinhardt, Alexandria, KY  Catcher-Outfielder
		(Shield's Contractors, Yorkshire Restaurant, Gatliff Auto MVP-1963)
1974 *	Frank DeLuca, Stratford, CT  Pitcher
		(Industrial Softball - Avco-Lycoming-Textron)
1975	Donald Rardin, Lexington, KY  Pitcher-Infielder
		(Gatliff Auto, Yorkshire Restaurant, IBM Industrial MVP-1966)
1982	Bill Cole, Sterling Heights, MI  Third Base
		(East Side Sports MVP-1962, Michael's Lounge, Little Caesars)
1984 *	J.D. McDonald, McAdenville, NC  Shortstop
		(McAdenville, Pharr Yarn Industrial )
1985	James Galloway, Westbury, NY  Infielder
		(Musicaro Foods, County Sports, Empire County Astros)
1986 *	Hal Wiggins, Fort Thomas, KY  Outfielder
		(Shield's Contractors, Lang's Pet Shop, Gatliff Auto Sales)
1987 *	Carl (Tex) Collins, Detroit, MI  Catcher
		(Michael's Lounge, Little Caesars)
1988	Eugene Fisher, Denver, NC  Catcher
		(Howard's Furniture/Western Steer)
1989 *	Raymond (Whitey) Brown, Covington, KY  Third Base
		(Lang's Pet Shop, Yorkshire Restaurant, Gatliff Auto Sales)
1989	Mike Gouin, Detroit, MI  Outfielder
		(Michael's Lounge, Little Caesars MVP-1970)
1989 *	Eddie Zolna, Chicago, IL  Pitcher
		(Dr. Carlucci's Bobcats 16-inch MVP-1969, 1971, 1973)
1990	Dick Bartel, San Antonio, TX  Outfielder
		(Ray Carpenter's, Campbell's Carpets, Howard's/Western Steer)
1990 *	Tom Beall, Monticello, GA  Outfielder
		(Reed's Nuts, Howard's/Western Steer)
1990 *	Ken Clark, Stratford, CT  Pitcher
		(Industrial Softball - Sikorsky Aircraft)
1992	Lou Del Mastro, Pittsburgh, PA  Pitcher
		(Skip Hogan A.C. MVP-1965, Jim's Sport Shop)
1992	Paul Tomasovich, Pittsburgh, PA  Third Base
		(Skip Hogan A.C. MVP-1964, Jim's Sport Shop)
1993 *	Don Arndt, Sherrills Ford, NC  Pitcher
		(TWUA, Howard's Furniture/Western Steer MVP-1972)
1993	Eddie Finnegan, Stratford, CT  Shortstop
		(Avco/Lycoming/Textron Industrial MVP-1968, 1971)
1993 *	Steve Loya, Cleveland, OH  Catcher
		(Swing Inn, Gene's Sohio, Pyramid Cafe MVP-1975)
1994 *	Bert Smith, Charlotte, NC  Outfielder
		(County Sports MVP-1968, Pile Drivers MVP-1971, Howard's MVP-1973)
1994	Richard Willborn, San Antonio, TX   Outfielder
		(Ray Carpenter's, Nelson's, Campbell's,Howard's/Western Steer)
1996 *	Stan Harvey, Gastonia, NC  Outfielder-First Base
		(Golden Gallons, Howard's Furniture/Western Steer)
1997	H.T. Waller, Chipley, FL  Second Base
		(Jo's Pizza House MVP-1969, Howard's Furniture)
1999	Bruce Meade, Bradenton, FL  Outfielder-Catcher
		(Warren's, Nelson's MVP-1977, Jerry's MVP-1982, Elite, Steele's, Vernon's)
2000	Bill Gatti, Louisville, KY  Catcher  
		(Jiffy Club, Elite, Marlton Trucking, Ritch's Major MVP-1989) 
2000	Dennis Graser, Waukesha, WI  First Base 
		(Elite, Steele's, Starpath, Ritch's-Superior, Spectrum) 
2001	Rick Scherr, Sherrills Ford, NC, Third Base-First Base
		(Howard's MVP-1981, 1983, 1984, Superior-Apollo, Ritch's-Superior)
2001	Don Clatterbough, Mechanicsville, VA, Outfield
		(Bradley's, Blanton's, Kirk's/Ritch's, Starpath) 
2002	Ronnie Ford, Jacksonville, FL Outfielder	
		(Warren Motors MVP-1976, Elite Coating, Jerry's, Vernon's ASA Class-A MVP-1990)
2007	Mike Macenko, Brooke Park, OH  Second Base
		(Hillcrest Tavern, Steele's Sports MVP-1987, 1990, Sunbelt/Worth, Ritch's-Superior)
2010	Mike Shenk, Ephrata, PA  Third Base
		(Taylor Brothers, Shen Valley, Lighthouse, Team TPS, Ritch's-Superior, Long Haul/TPS)
2012	Jerry King, Maysville, KY  Third Base
		(DuBoise Chemical, Campbell's Carpets, Steele's Sports, Danny's Drilling)
2014 *	Craig Elliott, Wadley, AL  Pitcher
		(Tom's Foods, Ken Sanders MVP-1978, Elite Coatings, Steele's Sports MVP-1985, MVP-1986, Stewarts)
2015	John Davide, Centereach, NY  Short Stop
		(Empire County Sports, Pepsico)
2017	Mark Martin, FL
2017	Willie Simpson, Chicago, IL
2018	Charles Wright, Georgia
2018	Ricky Huggins, Georgia
2018	Todd Joerling, Missouri

Click here to go to the Official ASA Hall of Fame Web Site and read about all it’s members


1980	Jim Mortl, Milwaukee, WS  Second Base
		(Milwaukee Electric, Accurate Welding MVP-1971, Marasco's, Transport Oil)
1981	Frank Taccone, Rochester, NY  Pitcher
		(Pace Electronics, Mazzola Castle)
1982 *	Elby Bushong, Phoenix, AZ  Utility
		(BAM, Kerr-Copperstate, J&R Roofing, Capitol Insulation)
1983	Glenn Eichelberger, Rochester, NY  Outfielder-Catcher
		(Pace Electronics, Mazzola Castle)
1984	Cal Carmen, Detroit, MI   First Base
		(Dino's Pizza East MVP-1972, Uniroyal, Mazzola Castle)
1985	Dick Bartel, San Antonio, TX  Outfielder
		(C.C. Brick Central MVP-1978, Campbell's, Howard's)
1985	Ron Whittleton, North Hollywood, CA  Manager-Pitcher
		(Capitol Insulatio West MVP-1980)
1986	Joe Seymour, Roanoke Rapids, NC  Infielder
		(Poindexter Lumber, Candyman Bombers, Lenoir Tire)
1987 *	Don Arndt, Sherrills Ford, NC  Pitcher
		(Howard's Furniture/Western Steer)
1988	Mike Cellura, Panorama City, CA  Outfielder
		(Capitol West MVP-1977, Campbell's, Howard's, Jerry's)
1989	Bruce Meade, Bradenton, FL  Outfielder-Catcher
		(Nelson's, Dave Carroll, Jerry's MVP-1983, Elite, Smythe Sox, Starpath)
1990	Dennis (Tippy) Larsen, Action, MA  Pitcher
		(Played Class-C Softball in Massachusetts)
1991	Andy Santillo, Rochester, NY  Shortstop
		(Mazzola Castle)
1992	Braxton Speller, Sharpsburg, NC  Catcher
		(Snyder's Softball Club, Miller High Life)
1993	Buddy Slater, Bulverde, TX  Pitcher-Manager
		(Nelson's, Campbell's MVP-1980, Howard's, Elite, Smythe, Ritch's-Superior)
1994	Rick Scherr, Denver, NC  First Base
		(Slinger, Taylor Brothers, Howard's MVP-1981, Superior/Apollo, Ritch's-Superior)
1995	Rick Wheeler, Ontario, CA  Outfielder
		(Capitol, Elite MVP-1985, Smythe Sox, Ken Michael's, Ritch's)
1996	Doug Brown, Greer, SC  Infielder
		(Dave Carroll's, Jerry's, Elite, Smythe Sox MVP-1986)
1997	Rick Pinto, Dearborn, MI  Pitcher
		(Snyder's Softball Club MVP-1976) 
1998	Clyde Guy, North Carolina  Outfielder
		(Poindexter, Howard's, Superior-Apollo MVP-1989) 
1999	Mike Macenko, Brooke Park, OH  Second Base
		(Steele's Sports, Ritch's-Superior)
2000	Ron Parnell, Highland, CA  Shortstop
		(Capitol Insulation, Steele's Sports Def-MVP-1987, Ritch's-Superior)
2001	Bill Gatti, Louisville, KY  Catcher  
		(Elite Coatings, Smythe Sox) 
2002	Chuck Maiorana, Macomb, MI  Shortstop
		(Nikki's Lounge, Miller, Coors Light, Sunset, Bunca, Nothdurft, Mountain Top)
2003	Britt Hightower, Katy, TX  Outfield
		(Smythe Sox, Ritch's, Ritch's-Superior, Sunbelt, Long Haul)
2004	Darrell Beeler, Tulsa, OK  Second Base
		(Superior/Apollo, Ritch's-Superior, Sierra/TPS)
2005	Todd Joerling, Defiance, MO Shortstop
		(Bell Corp, Sunbelt, Dan Smith, Jean Shoppe)
2005	Denny Jones, Clayton, CA Outfield
		(Campbell's Carpets, York Barbell/Ken Sanders, Jerry's, Capitol Insulation)
2006	Jeff Hall, Gastonia, NC  Infield
		(Bell/Easton, Sunbelt, Dan Smith/Menosse/Backman MVP-2000)
2006	Rusty Bumgardner, Kings Mountain, NC  Second Base
		(Converter's, Team TPS, Long Haul/TPS, Resmondo Off-MVP-2006, MVP-2006)
2006	Bob Louria, Dearborn, MI  Pitcher
		(Southwest Fabricators, Bunca, People's Choice TV-Glass, Sunset Technologies)
2007	Doug Roberson, West Palm Beach, FL  Outfielder
		(Steele's Sports, Superior/Apollo, Ritch's-Superior)
2007	Jeff Wallace, Phoenix, NY First Base
		(Steele's, Team TPS, Long Haul, Resmondo MVP-2003)
2007	Brett Helmer, Cicero, NY First Base
		(Wessell, Team Easton, Dan Smith, Bell Corp Off-MVP-2006, Smash It Off-MVP-2016)
2008	Todd Martin, Stoneville, NC  Infielder
		(Converters, Shen Valley, Team TPS, Resmondo)
2008	Jason Kendrick, Naples, FL Outfielder
		(Sierra, Team TPS, Long Haul MVP-2001, Dan Smith Off-MVP-2002, Resmondo)
2008	Rick Weiterman, West Bend, WI Pitcher
		(Steele's Sports MVP-1988, Ritch's-Superior)
2009	Don Clatterbough, Mechanicsville, VA Outfielder
		(Bradley's, Blanton's, Kirk's/Ritch's, Starpath)
2009	Andy Purcell, Naples, FL Pitcher
		(Sunnyvale Valve, Long Haul/TPS, Resmondo MVP-2003, 2009, 2012, 2014, Def-MVP-2011)
2009	Dennis Rulli, Moor Park, CA Shortstop
		(Long Haul Def-MVP-2000, Chase/Reece Def-MVP-2002, Bell Corp, Resmondo MVP-2009)
2010	Hank Garris, Naples, FL Catcher
		(Bell Corp, Ritch’s/Superior, Team TPS Off-MVP-2000, Dan Smith Off-MVP-2004)
2010	Howie Krause, Concord, OH First Base
		(Hague, Wessell/Hague, Hague/Resmondo, Resmondo/Smith, Resmondo)
2010	Johnny McCraw, Lake Wylie, SC Outfielder
		(Team Easton, Dan Smith MVP-2008, U.S. Vinyl, Team Combat)
2010 *	JC Phelps, Russell Springs, KY Catcher
		(Shen Valley, Kluever, Team Stucco, New Construction, Specialty Tank)
2011 *	Craig Elliott, Wadley, AL Pitcher
		(Ken Sanders Ford, York Barbell-Ken Sanders, Elite Coatings MVP-1984, Steele's, Stewarts)
2011 	Dal Beggs, Haines City, FL Infielder
		(Dan Smith, Long Haul, Hague/Resmondo, Bell Corp, Resmondo)
2011 	Jimmy Powers, Gaston, NC Pitcher
		(Converter's MVP-1994, Steele's, Shen Valley, Sunbelt, Ritch's-Superior, Long Haul, Resmondo)
2012 *	Charles Wright, Columbus, GA Third Base
		(Ken Sanders, York-Sanders, Elite, Steele's, Ritch's, Ritch's/Kirk's, Ritch's-Superior, Sunbelt)
2012 	Mike Shenk, Ephrata, PA Third Base
		(Shen Valley, Lighthouse, Ritch’s-Superior, Team TPS MVP-1998, Team Easton, Long Haul)
2012 	Dave Steffen, Flat Rock, MI Catcher
		(Steels's, Shubin's, Superior/Apollo, Ritch’s-Superior MVP-1992, Sunbelt)
2012 	Billy Messina, Simi Valley, CA, Pitcher
		(Dan Smith, Chase, US Vinyl, AM/Las Vegas, Benfield, KME/Chaney's, Long Haul, Combat, Laservision)
2013 	Larry Carter, Oklahoma City, OK Outfielder
		(D's Alliance, JMW, Labtec/Demarini, Sunnyvale Valve, Hague/Resmondo, Dan Smith)
2013 	Tim Cocco, Cincinnati, OH Outfielder
		(Bell Corp Off-MVP-2005, Hague/Resmondo, Chase/Reece MVP-2002, Sunnyvale, Jean Shoppe, Reds, Combat)
2013 	Scott Striebel, Brooklyn Park, MN Outfielder
		(Resmondo Def-MVP-2004, MVP-2005, Long Haul)
2014 *	Dirk Androff, Naples, FL First Base
		(Steele's, Ritch's-Superior MVP-1991)
2014 	Bob Hughes, Jonesboro, AR Outfielder
		(Chase, Sunbelt, Alesium, Benfield, Bell Corp, Resmondo)
2014 	Carl Rose, Valdosta, GA Second Base
		(Lighthouse MVP-1997, Sunbelt, Williams/Worth Def-MVP-1992, Dan Smith, Hague/Resmondo)
2015 	Bryson Baker, Woodland, CA Infielder
		(Resmondo -Conference MVP-2011, Laservision -Conference Championship Off MVP-2014, Smash It)
2015 	Wendell Rickard, Baton Rouge, LA Catcher
		(Williams/Worth, Lighthouse, Dan Smith MVP-1999)
2016 	Don Dedonatis III, Kissimmee, FL Shortstop
		(Mountain Top, Dan Smith MVP-2004, Resmondo MVP-2010, Def-MVP-2005, Def-MVP-2007, Def-MVP-2012)
2016 	Billy Joe "BJ" Fulk, King, NC Outfielder
		(AM/Las Vegas, Specialty Tank, Bell Corp, Long Haul, Resmondo MVP-2011, Off-MVP-2012)
2017	Scott Nastaly, Canton, MI Pitcher
		(Maroadi "A" MVP-2000, Dan Smith)
2017	Scott Brown, Coon Rapids, MN Catcher
		(Pov's/Walser Chevy "AA" MVP-2001, Dan Smith, Bell Corp. Team Combat Off-MVP-2007)
2017	Scott Kirby, Destin, FL Outfielder
		(Bell Corp, Laservision MVP-2012, Smash It MVP-2015)
2018	Victor Cordova, CA
		(Pov's/Walser Chevy "AA" MVP-2001, Dan Smith, Bell Corp. Team Combat Off-MVP-2007)
2018	John Keigley Pitcher
		(Bell Corp, Laservision MVP-2012, Smash It MVP-2015)

Click here to go to the Official USSSA Hall of Fame Web Site and read about all it’s members


1992	Bruce Meade, Bradenton, FL  Outfielder-Catcher
		(Smythe Sox, Starpath/LeAlCo)
1998 *	Dirk Androff,  Naples, FL  First Base
		(Steele's, Ritch's-Superior MVP-1995)
1998	Mike Macenko, Brooke Park, OH  Second Base
		(Steele's MVP-1986, 1990, Ritch's-Superior)
1998	Rick Weiterman, West Bend, WI  Pitcher
		(Steele's, Ritch's-Superior)
2001	Todd Joerling, Defiance, MO  Shortstop
		(Steele's, Bell Corp., Sunbelt, Dan Smith)
2002	Jay Huffstickler, Charlotte, NC
		(Played Class-C Softball in North Carolina)
2004	Jeff Wallace, Phoenix, NY First Base
		(Steele's, Team TPS MVP-1998, Long Haul MVP-2001, Resmondo/Taylor Brothers)
2010	Mike Jackson, Gadsden, AL
		(Played Class-C Softball in Alabama and also Senior Softball)
2011	Brett Helmer, Cicero, NY Second Base
		(Bell Corp, Dan Smith, Sports PT, Bubba's)
2012	Charles Smith, Rochester, NY Pitcher
		(Fast Pitch Softball)
2015	Jerry Jones, Atlanta, GA
		(Senior Softball)
2016	Mike Shenk, Ephrata, PA Third Base 
		(Shen Valley, Lighthouse MVP 1996, Ritch's-Superior, Team TPS, Team Easton, Long Haul)
2016	Phil Hardy, KY

Click here to go to the Official NSA Hall of Fame page and read about all it’s members


1998	Mike Macenko, Brooke Park, OH  Second Base
		(Steele's Sports MVP-1987, Ritch's-Superior, 9x ISA All World)
1999 *	Charles Wright, Columbus, GA  Third Base
		(Elite ODPA-88, Steele's, Ritch's-Superior MVP-1991, MVP-1992, ODPA-93, 10x ISA All-World)
2000 *	Jerome Earnest, Panama City, FL  Softball Writer
		(First writer to cover Slow Pitch Softball on the National Level)
2001 *	Dirk Androff, Naples, FL  First Base
		(Steele's Sports, Ritch's-Superior, 6x ISA All-World)
2001	Doug Roberson, West Palm Beach, FL  Outfielder
		(Steele's Sports ODPA-1987, Superior/Apollo, Ritch's-Superior MVP-1995, 6x ISA All World)
2002	Dan Schuck, Sioux City, IA  Outfielder
		(Steele's Sports, Bell Corp., Sunbelt, Team Easton, 5x ISA All World)
2003	Bruce Meade, Bradenton, FL  Outfielder-Catcher
		(Elite Coatings, Smythe Sox, Steele's, Starpath/LeAlCo, 7x ISA All World)
2004	Dave Steffan, Flat Rock, MI  Catcher
		(Ritch's-Superior MVP-1993, Sunbelt/Easton, 7x All World)
2005	Ricky Huggins, Savannah, GA  Pitcher/Infielder
		(Lighthouse MVP-1990-AA, Steele's Sports, Vernon's, 7x All World)
2006	Todd Joerling, Defiance, MO  Shortstop
		(Steele's ODPA-90, Bell Corp., Sunbelt MVP-97, Team Easton (OOPA-99), Dan Smith MVP-02, 10x ISA All World)
2007	Cecil Whitehead, Valdosta, GA  Outfield
		(Smythe Sox, Howard's MVP-1988, Steele's, Ritch's-Kirk's, Ritch's-Superior, 6x ISA All World)
2008	Brian Arnold, Auburndale, FL  Pitcher (see note below)
		(Doc's, Florida Heat 02-MVP-AA, 02-MVP-A, Suncoast, Aubrey's, Specialty Tank, 10x ISA All World)
		(has won 1 Major, 3-AAA, 5-A, 3-B, 2-Winter, and 4 Masters titles in his career)
2009  *	Craig Elliott, Wadley, AL Pitcher
		(Steele's Sports, 1x ISA All World)
2010	Rick Scherr, Denver, NC First Base
		(Howard's/Western Steer MVP-1984, Superior/Apollo, 2x ISA All World)
2011	Dal Beggs, Haines City, FL Infielder
		(Dan Smith MVP-2000, Hague/Resmondo, Team Synergy MVP-A-2004, 6x ISA All World)
2012	Brett Helmer, Cicero, NY Second Base
		(SoJern, Team Easton MVP-1999, Dan Smith/Backman OOPA-02, 4x ISA All World)
2013	Billy Messina, Simi Valley, CA Pitcher
		(Dan Smith, Chase/Reece, ISA Class-A/AA teams, 4x ISA All World)
2014	Curtis Nave, Sanibel, FL 
		(Florida Heat, ISA Class-A/AA teams, 3x ISA All World)
2014	Bobby Davis, Tampa, FL 
		(Played all over the country and world - has won 54 National titles and - 3x ISA All World)
2015	Bill Blake, San Antonio, TX Catcher
		(Howard's/Western Steer, Smythe Sox, Steele's Sports, 4x ISA All World)
2015	Rusty Bumgardner, Kings Mountain, NC  Second Base
		(Converters, Shen Valley, Team TPS, Long Haul, , 4x ISA All World)
2016 *	Dewayne Nevitt
2016	Monty Tucker

Click here to go to the Official ISA Hall of Fame Web Site and read about all it’s members


2015	Rusty Bumgardner, Kings Mountain, NC  Second Base
		(Converters, Shen Valley, Team TPS, Long Haul)
2016	Dal Beggs
2017	Jason Kendrick

3 or more Hall of Fame Inductions (Organization-Year Inducted)

Bruce Meade		USSSA-1989	NSA-1992	ASA-1999	ISA-2003
Mike Macenko		ISA-1997	NSA-1998	USSSA-1999	ASA-2007
Todd Joerling		NSA-2001	USSSA-2005	ISA-2006	ASA-2016
Rick Scherr		USSSA-1994	ASA-2001	ISA-2009
Brett Helmer		USSSA-2007	ISA-2010	NSA-2011
Dirk Androff *		NSA-1998	ISA-2001	USSSA-2014
Craig Elliott *		USSSA-2009	ISA-2011	ASA-2015
Mike Shenk		ASA-2010	USSSA-2012	NSA-2016
Rusty Bumgardner	USSSA-2016	WSL-2015	ISA-2015	
Charles Wright *	ISA-1999	USSSA-2012	ASA-2018
Dal Beggs		USSSA-2011	ISA-2011	WSL-2016
* Deceased

Managers, Coaches, Sponsors of Slow Pitch Teams and their Hall of Fame information


	ASA Managers
1977 *	George (Doc) Linnehan, Levittown, NY
		County Sports and Empire County Astros
1977	Bud Gagel, Louisville, KY
		Jiffy Club
1977	Bobby Lutz, Denver, NC
		Howard’s Furniture
1984	Al Brausch, Newport, KY
		Gatliff Auto Sales 
1984	Bill Caye,  Pittsburgh, PA
		Skip Hogan AC, Jim’s Sport Shop
1988	William (Red) Jenkins, McAdenville, NC
		Pharr Yarn Reds
1988	Roy Lombardo, Detroit, MI
		East Side Sporting Goods, Michael’s Lounge and Little Caesars
1998	Dave Neale Sr., Brook Park, OH
		Hillcrest Tavern, Nationwide Advertising and Steele’s Sports Silver Bullets
2003	Eugene Kwalek, Shelton, CT
		Sikorsky Aircraft (Industrial)
2007	David "Hank" Bassett, Monticello, KY
		T&K/Bassett Products, Starpath, Starpath/LeAlCo
	ASA Meritorious Service Category
1977 *	Bob Hoffman, York, PA
		York Barbell (Owner and Sponsor)
1983 *	Percy Hedgecock, Dayton, OR
		Satellite Beach Comets (Manager)
1989	Tom Beck, Tidewater, VA
		Virginia Beach Piledrivers (Manager)
1990 *	Bill Svochak, Detroit, MI
		Dee’s Sports Shop/Parks n Recreation (Industrial)
1999	Bill Plummer III, Syracuse, NY
		ASA National Softball Hall of Fame and Museum Manager
	ASA Sponsor Category
1976	William J. Pharr, McAdenville, NC
		Pharr Yarn Reds
1982 *	Richard Howard, Denver, NC
		Howard’s Furniture/Western Steer
1992	Fred and Carl Nothdurft, Detroit, MI
		Nothdurft Tool & Die (Masters)
1992	Jerry Pendergast, Miami, FL
		Jerry’s Caterers
1993	Harry (Robbie) Robinson, Portland, OR
		Many teams in the Metro Portland Area
1994	Woody and Pat Bell, Tampa, FL
		Bell Corp.
1999	Immor Clyte Franklin Jr., Baltimore, MD
		Angle Inn


	USSSA Managers
1979 *	Jim Snyder, Novi, MI
		Snyder's Softball Club
1981	Gary Vitto, Warren, MI
		Dino's Pizza, Uniroyal
1985	Ron Whittleton, North Hollywood, CA
		Capitol Insulation
1988	Joe Nucci, Rochester, NY
		Pace Electronics, Mazzola-Castle
1991 *	Leroy (Dick) Hoover, Louisville, KY
		Knights of St. John (3B Coach)
1997	Dave Neale Sr., Brook Park, OH
		Nationwide Advertising, Steele's Sports Silver Bullets
2000	Dan Smith, San Jose, CA
		Dan Smith Plastering, Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton
2000	Randy Gorrell Jr., Canyon Lake, TX
		Campbell's Carpets, Howard's Western Steer, Ritch's-Superior 
2002	Ed Menosse, El Cerrito, CA 
		Bay Area Merchants (BAM), Campbell's Carpets and Smith/Backman/Menosse/Easton
2004	Jackie Hayes, Milword, VA
		Lighthouse/Worth, Dan Smith/Worth
2005	Frank Lateano, Windsor-Locks, CT
		Superior/Apollo, Ritch's-Superior/TPS
2007	Tom Formosa, San Jose, CA
		Classic Glass
2008	Lou Calvisi, Warren, MI
		Sunset Technologies
2008	Eugene Williams, Rochester, NY
		Pace Electronics
2009 - Jeff Miller, Atlanta, GA (Manager) Action Awards/TPS Mixed
2009 - John Rector, Kissimmee, FL (Manager) Resmondo Softball
2010 - Chuck Drewicz, Canton, MI (Manager) Women Softball- Lady Blue, UPI and UPI-Kinder
2011 - Frank Webb (Manager) - Resmondo Softball
2011 - Larry Quartuccio (Manager)
2011 - Jeff Hague (Manager)
2013 - Cecil Alford (NC) manager
	USSSA Special Category
1988 *	Richard Howard, Denver, NC
		Howard’s Furniture/Western Steer (Sponsor)
1994	Donald Webster, Chatsworth, CA
		Capitol Insulation and Broken Drum (Sponsor)
2004	Andy Joel, Richmond, VA
		AJD (Sponsor) 
2005	Woody Bell, Tampa, FL
		Bell Corp. (Sponsor)
2006	Tom Kehoe, Rochester, NY
		Pace Electronics (Sponsor)
2006	David "Hank" Basset, Monticello, KY
		T&K/Basset Products, Starpath, Starpath/LeAlCo (Sponsor and Manager)
2007	Dennis Helmig, Grafton, OH
		Steele's Sports (Founder, Player and Manager)
	USSSA Sponsor Category
2007 *	Bill Taylor, Providence, RI
		Riverside/Taylor, Shen Valley/Taylor, Resmondo/Taylor, Bell Corp./Taylor
2008 	Travis Resmondo, Auburndale, FL
		Resmondo Softball
2010 - Greg Blackburn, McKenzie, TN (Sponsor) Jean Shoppe
2011 - Don Cooper (Sponsor) - Combat
2013 - Robert Parrish (MO) sponsor
2014 - Coy Honeycut, SC (Sponsor)
2014 - Chris Walker, AK (Sponsor)


	ISA Managers
2000	Cecil Alford, Stone Mountain, GA
		Lighthouse Softball
2003	N.C. Ryals, Gainesville, FL
		W.W. Gay
2006	Dave Neale Sr., Brook Park, OH
		Steele's Sports Silver Bullets


	NSA Managers
1995	Dave Neale Sr., Brook Park, OH
		Steele's Sports Silver Bullets
1997	Gerald Parrish, Frankfort, KY
		Manager, Parrish Lumber (Class-B)
2007	John Dobernick, Lansing, MI
		Manager, Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #333 (Industrial)
2008	Robert "Red" Moore, Duckworth, KY
		Manager, Reds Boys
	NSA Meritorious Service Category
2007	David "Hank" Basset, Monticello, KY
		T&K/Basset Products, Starpath, Starpath/LeAlCo (Sponsor and Manager)

Multiple Hall of Fame Inductions (Organization-Year Inducted)

Dave Neale Sr. *		NSA-1995	USSSA-1997	ASA-1998	ISA-2006
David "Hank" Bassett	USSSA-2006	ASA-2007	NSA-2007
Richard Howard *	ASA-1982	USSSA-1988
Woody Bell		ASA-1994	USSSA-2005