Front Row, L-R: Doc Neubauer, Mickey Grbich, Jim Becker, Wayne Staplefort, Gus Kelepouris – batboy, Chuck Vento, Don Wagner, Tony Galecke, Jim Mortl
Back Row, L-R: John Korinek, Milt Held – manager, Dave Holz, Tom Kannenberg, Tom Sorcic, Fred “Duke” Maas, John Stone, Eugene Cupertino
Front Row, L-R: Tony Galecke, John Korinek, Gus Kelepouris – batboy, Milt Held – manager, Wayne Staplefort
Back Row, L-R: Robert Cooney, Mickey Grbich, Tom Sorcic, Jim Becker, Fred “Duke” Maas, Eugene Cupertino, Doc Neubauer, Tom Kannenberg
Milt Held, Manager of the Copper Hearth softball team, accepting the ASA Regional Championship trophy